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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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10:30 / 22.05.06
art deco was the movement they were looking for...
Mourne Kransky
11:25 / 22.05.06
I can only assume that all that stuff about Mrs Moore's real name and family is leading somewhere

Good point, Flowers. What's the money on her being the big boss at Torchwood when that comes to pass? They could have asked Dame Judi Dench but she would have cost too much.
12:13 / 22.05.06
There is an element though i notice in both BSG and the new who that 45 minutes is often not enough time to fit all the narrative in and leave enough room for nuanced characterisation...

Don't believe that for a second. Any decent writer will be able to write for the medium knowing how much time they have to play with. If a decent anime show can balance character and plot in twenty three minutes then Who certainly can do it in twice that time.
13:15 / 22.05.06
If written well, narrative and characterisation should be inseperable. You should learn about the characters through the situations they're placed in and how they resolve them. They need to exist together, because the minute you seperate them from one another they both become redundant.

Whenever Who's been firing on all cylinders, this is exactly what's been happening.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:15 / 22.05.06
Just occurred to me--as I am watching series one and series two simultaneously--the difference between Doctors Nine and Ten. Series one seems a bit darker in tone, and the feeling I'm getting from series two is more light-hearted. Maybe it's just me. I keep thinking if the writers would have written the scripts the same way had Eccleston decided to stay in the part. I don't think so. Tennant's Doctor is very much like a giggly child around Rose, yeah, but at the same time, easily able to destroy everything around him. Like a child.

Sorry. Just my two cents.
14:20 / 22.05.06
Don't believe that for a second. Any decent writer will be able to write for the medium knowing how much time they have to play with. If a decent anime show can balance character and plot in twenty three minutes then Who certainly can do it in twice that time.

Oh, don't get me wrong - I don't think it an impossible task, I just don't think the writers on both these shows are managing to pull it off successfully and satisfyingly all the time... to my mind the Dr Who writers have got a better batting average than those on BSG...

But yes, it is the nature of these shows that more is created than actually appears on screen and the plans are scaled back progressively to fit. Sometimes the fit is perfect, othertimes the fit is a bit snug in a few areas -
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:30 / 22.05.06
I can see that. It also seems to me--without having seen "Age of Steel", mind you--that the Cybermen storyline looked like it was going to run too short, rather than too long and therefore they had to pad it a bit for part two.
Spatula Clarke
15:52 / 22.05.06
How about you take yourself over to ain't it cool, add up the number of stars for each episode, divide by the number of reviews and only watch the ones that are worth your valuable time?

Yeah, thanks Seth. Glad I put so much time into those fucking posts now. Clearly I haven't bothered putting any thought into my criticism of the episode.

Good of you to disagree with me in such an intelligent, considered manner. Well done.
20:58 / 22.05.06
And it's never made me cry.

You're a better man than me then Fly. I've been manly fighting back the tears pretty much every episode.

Ok, no Zepplin/Barrage balloon joke but she did make the connection with the disembodied head from "Dalek".

Again I liked the episode and didn't notice that much wrong with it (either cheering or booing at characters or hiding behind my girlfriend). I figured Lumois was hesitant to under-go the change because he felt himself important, an individual and the Cybermen were all the same, parts of a whole. The ego (or super-ego, Ganesh would be able to tell us the name for the structure) of Lumois not wanting to let go of its self.

And was Mickey's line of "let's go liberate Paris" a line from somewhere else or just a punchline to him running around in a blue van saving the world and therefore being a low-tech, home grown version of the Doctor in his blue box?
11:30 / 23.05.06
Xoc: "Good point, Flowers. What's the money on her being the big boss at Torchwood when that comes to pass? They could have asked Dame Judi Dench but she would have cost too much."

Anyone got a copy of The Christmas Invasion about? Cos I spent most of the first episode trying desperately to remember who the actress was, then had a spark of inspiration in the second that she appears in the 'bunker' in the Xmas Ep.

Could be just my imagination though.
Tryphena Absent
11:41 / 23.05.06
to my mind the Dr Who writers have got a better batting average than those on BSG...

I agree with that, BSG can be a very good show sometimes but the writer's never lose that sanctimonius edge. It's very prescriptive and most people who watch it will come away thinking the same thing. The varied reactions to Who at least tell us that it's not prescribing emotion in the same way.

I'm completely obsessed with the idea that they're not directing Tennant right. I think he's doing quickly what he should do slowly and vice versa. Tell me if I'm wrong.
Evil Scientist
11:47 / 23.05.06
Paragraph deleted. Possible spoiler.

This week's Tardisode doesn't look much (but then neither did the one for "Girl In The Fireplace"). However, Maureen Lipman as evil television lady looks good. Possibly yet more riffing on the fan's love of Doctor Who as he saves us from the monsters coming out of the telly.

Upcoming double-header The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit sounds nasty-scary.
11:54 / 23.05.06
I must admit comedy mishearings raised the rather Who-unfriendly spectre of Loomis taking over the world. Lovely bloke and everything, but I wouldn't want him as a dictator.
16:15 / 23.05.06
Good of you to disagree with me in such an intelligent, considered manner. Well done.

Not disagreement as much as seeing a brother in pain and wanting to ease his torment. My heart aches reading your Who-sadness.
Mourne Kransky
17:02 / 23.05.06
Is Randy being punished for being insufficiently Whodolatrous or something? I've been watching the show since the first episode but I too found the last two episodes lacklustre. Some great ideas and major plot developments were poorly handled, although the scene with Noel Clarke stripped and tied to a chair was fun.

During the period this afternoon when the Evil Squirrels ate the Lith and I was faced with a choice of doing some work or doing aimless surfing, I was shocked to see this report on the sudden death of a Who Director from thrombosis. Imagine my relief.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
19:52 / 23.05.06
Just downloaded "Age of Steel." Will post utterly worthless opinions later.
Lama glama
21:57 / 23.05.06
I watched Age of Steel again today and I have to say that I was more affected by Mickey and Rose's tearful goodbye than on my first viewing. The first time, I think I was in a state of shock at how ineffectual the cybermen were and wasn't really paying attention to what is admittedly an excellent scene.

Also, just being incredibly anal here, but how did the Cyberman that electrocuted Mrs Moore actually sneak up on the Doctor and her? Wouldn't there have been the rather loud THUNK THUNK THUNK noise?

I've finally decided that the reason the episode didn't work, was because the writer was obviously terribly unimpressed by the Cyberman, seeing them more as a burden to work into the script, than a gift.
23:39 / 23.05.06
I didn't think it was that bad, but did anyone else get a distinctly Genesis P. Oriidge vibe from Mrs. Moore?
Or perhaps too much pop culture has soiled my skull..
Our Lady Has Left the Building
05:56 / 24.05.06
Shooty Llama and Evil Cybermen- What do I have to do to the pair of you to stop you posting spoilers?
07:22 / 24.05.06
Mod hat. Do we want spoilers deleted? I, for one, would rather people kept Mr.Winky at home with Captain Trousers, but is it something we want to edit for?
Mourne Kransky
07:27 / 24.05.06
The bad karma they generate thereby will smack them in the face soon enough. Or we could ask Stoatie to send Sheena round to chew through their cables.
Evil Scientist
07:43 / 24.05.06
Shooty Llama and Evil Cybermen- What do I have to do to the pair of you to stop you posting spoilers?

So we're not speculating on future episodes at all? Gotcha.
Evil Scientist
07:50 / 24.05.06
I've asked to edit the two spolier posts and replaced them with words to the effect that they were removed due to being spoilers.

Sorry everyone.
08:34 / 24.05.06
EC: As far as I can tell, people have different standards. Rampant speculation, of the "OMG! What if Anthony Stuart Head gets dalek DNA and totally kills everyone in the final episode?" variety, is allowable, but if that speculation is based on any privileged source of information - BBC preview tapes, overheating Rusell T Davies in the pub, the Radio Times in extremity - then it's out of play.
Evil Scientist
08:42 / 24.05.06
Fair enough Haus. I'll restrict my contributions to already seen stuff though, in order to avoid aggravating people.
10:02 / 24.05.06

"overheating Rusell T Davies in the pub"

Please God let that be a deliberate typo. Brilliant.
11:36 / 24.05.06
Or we could ask Stoatie to send Sheena round to chew through their cables.

She'd do it, you know.
Evil Scientist
11:43 / 24.05.06
Or we could ask Stoatie to send Sheena round to chew through their cables.

She'd do it, you know.

I'm not scared, I've got a dirty big spider (possibly from Metebelis 3). Marla'll guard me from all cable-nibbling intruders.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:52 / 24.05.06
Evil Cyberman So we're not speculating on future episodes at all? Gotcha.

Well, if you're going to speculate on future episodes (which seems of little point because, at the moment, we're not getting much to speculate on, just running themes of the Doctor being lonely, Rose feeling alienated and selfish and Torchwood getting namedropped throughout the multiverse) that's fine, but not if you're basing it on any known information about the rest of the season. Speculation is okay, informed speculation and spoilers aren't.

I'm not asking you not to do it at all, but if you want to go nuts, start a new thread and call it something like 'Doctor Who- Season 2 spoilerago-go!' for your discussion. That way those of us who want to keep their childlike sense of wonder intact can do so.
Tryphena Absent
12:20 / 24.05.06
Flowers, you're totally right, the Doctor and Rose have been taken over by parasites that crawled out of the cat's EARS!
12:46 / 24.05.06
Rampant and uninformed speculation here: what are the chances that the shooting star at the end of Age of Steel is that universe's Dalek falling to earth?
I have little to add about the Cyber episodes (I was never a huge cyber-fan, anyway), other than I really enjoyed them when they were on and swiftly forgot about them. I have to agree that the 45-minute format is beginning to get annoying.
The cyberwoman getting her mind back and the Jackie bits were pretty nicely horrible, but the rest? Hmm.
I did blub a little at the end, though.
Evil Scientist
13:04 / 24.05.06
Rampant and uninformed speculation here: what are the chances that the shooting star at the end of Age of Steel is that universe's Dalek falling to earth?

Hadn't the Dalek been passed around from collector to collector for a few decades before Van Statten got his mitts on it?

It's not impossible though. Despite looking fairly similar on the surface there were some obvious and largescale differences between the parallel and the "home" reality. The most prominent being the Cybermen originating on Earth in the 22nd century rather than on Mondas in the distant past.

Although, channelling my rpg-geek soul, if the Daleks had advanced enough to rise up and challenge the Timelords it's possible that they, like the Timelords, existed in one timestream rather than as multiple versions across realities. So the surviving soldier from Dalek fell through the multiverse as well.
Lama glama
15:30 / 24.05.06
Apologies to anybody irritated by my spoiler. I've put the spoiler content forward for moderation so that it will be removed.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
16:39 / 24.05.06
I was thinking that the shooting star was that realities Doctor showing up just too late to save the earth.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:10 / 24.05.06
Hmmm, Daleks in a season finale? Even alternate-universe Daleks? I'm sure that they can come up with something a bit more original than that.

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