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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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17:48 / 30.04.06
Well, I guess that is the question is at what point does subtext become text? Cause to my mind nothing was overtly stated in the episode...
18:03 / 30.04.06
I thought it was the worst episode of both seasons so far

Deva, you have a robot heart.
Cat Chant
18:44 / 30.04.06
Well, but a robot dog heart?

Sleaze - you're right that nothing was stated overtly in the episode, for which I'm grateful. I guess what I meant was that the serial monogamy or boyfriend/girlfriend model was used too heavy-handedly, not that it became literally, canonically true.

PS: Does it help if I say that by 'worst' I mean 'the only one not to make me cry'?
18:49 / 30.04.06

20:06 / 30.04.06
Rose is the first time I've seen a romantic dimension to the Doctor companion relationship (paul mcgann kiss aside which in my head NEVER HAPPENED deny deny deny)
all sarah jane's comments were about the intensity of the relationship (in broadest sense of that word) the wonders of the universe opened up. that's why she didn't have a proper bloke since, because it was part of her part of her always being absent...knowing she was in her future, her past, bajillion light years away all the time she was stuck on earth...(Rose in 'Parting...' about Dalek war 'it's happening now')
i didn't get that it was about SJ and Tom Baker getting it on in a way pharell williams could do a tune about...
the Doctor's line to Rose about how he wouldn't dump her...she could spend the rest of her life with him (while obviously wrestling with the pain of her aging)
it's different. he's just too emotionally stunted in many ways to deal with it. instant reaction is not to say 'goodbye' to SJ at the end because he fears the word.
this isn't the most thought out thing i've ever written.
repeat 1000 times 'it's just a kids show dan'
Poke it with a stick
20:14 / 30.04.06
Damn... I'll need to watch the BBC3 repeat later this week to check for absolutely certain if my girlfriend was right and there really was a message on a blackboard this week saying "Relocate to Sunnydale".
Anyone notice it?

And what's with the determination of RTD to promote healthy foods? A banana last season (The Empty Child) and now the implication that chips are not of this earth and to be avoided.
some guy
21:41 / 30.04.06
RTD can't stop plotting the series, it;s a contractual thing with the beeb that he originates the stories.

This isn't actually true. The full extent of his plotting involvement in School Reunion was "write whatever you want as long as Sarah Jane and K9 are in it" and he literally had zero input into next week's Moffat episode. And the vast majority of his "origination" for the remaining episodes consists of two or three sentences suggesting a setting rather than a plot.
22:30 / 30.04.06
there really was a message on a blackboard this week saying "Relocate to Sunnydale".

Oh, you bastard. You know I'll have to watch it again, now, and I'm way past my bedtime...
22:46 / 30.04.06
That didn't take too long. It also reminded me of the great line: "Get the shooty dog thing."
No, no such message anywhere.
07:10 / 01.05.06
Well I'm annoyed that the repeat of Dr Who Confidential on Sunday was replaced by a crappy collection of BBC3 outtakes for no descernablwe reason.
The Falcon
12:50 / 01.05.06
Was it not 'Forget the shooty dog thing'? And then they chased the Doctor &c. That was my fave, regardless.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
12:56 / 01.05.06
Watched the Father's Day episode again last night. Much more emotional impact than the first time--probably because I wasn't pissed--and went to bed crying. I really like the Doctor's angry bit: "I went and picked another stupid ape. It's never about seeing the wonders of the universe; it's about what the universe can do for you." And d'you know, he's right. I mean, I know I would do the same thing Rose did, but still...there's a whole universe out there!

Um. Sorry to derail.
10:05 / 02.05.06
Completely wonderful. Did anyone else enjoy the idea that Liz Sladen felt as choked about being back in the series one more time as her character felt about seeing the Doctor? That's the impression I got from the few moments she had on 'DW Confidential', but I'm probably projecting.

Has she done any acting between then and now, btw?
10:23 / 02.05.06
For "choked" read "stoked", or maybe "choked up".
Our Lady Has Left the Building
11:53 / 02.05.06
She's not done a huge amount, but I heard (It might have been on 'Thirty Years in the TARDIS') that after Doctor Who she took some time off to have children and then spent most of her time being Mum and didn't really look for a full time return to acting.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
12:51 / 03.05.06
The way the Radio Times promotes next Saturday's episode gives me the fear. Especially as writer Stephen The Empty Child Moffat starts talking about how the Doctor isn't really asexual and the reviewer says it's a hankies episode for the ladies. So, how often does the Doctor sleep with the main woman do you think?
Evil Scientist
13:59 / 03.05.06
One of the finest bits of last week was Mickey asking to come along. I knew he was supposed to become an assistant this year, but I really like the way it was handled. Especially Rose's obvious dislike of the idea. I get the feeling though that it isn't about Rose anymore for Mickey, although she doesn't seem to get that (hence her thinking his "Bat-Signal" was just to bring her home).

He seems much more at ease with the new Doctor. All the jokes at both the Doctor and Rose about their "couple" status.

I'm hoping they aren't throwing him in for comedy falling over antics, I want to see him become the greatest assistant EVAH!
Lama glama
14:14 / 03.05.06
This might be somewhat spoilerish, but as far as I know, Noel Clarke is only going to be appearing in "..Fireplace" and the Cybermen two-parter. After that, he'll be out of the picture until the finalé, so he only has three episodes or so to become the best companion ever.

Ooh, here's wild speculation on my part: Maybe he gets left behind on the alternative version of earth at the end of "The Age of Steel," and can only find his way back when the Cybermen come to Rose's earth.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:32 / 03.05.06
Let's not tell everyone what happens in the rest of the series AGAIN please. Some people ticked the 'keep their child-like sense of wonder' box remember?

I was disappointed by the 'where did that come from?' nature of Mickey's decision. The reason he gave in 'World War Three' last year for not coming, though I think he was being hard on himself, clashes with the 'I'm the tin dog' this time round. It needed a bit more work I think.
15:33 / 03.05.06
So, how often does the Doctor sleep with the main woman do you think?

Oh, come now, it's Steven Moffat, remember. He doesn't sleep with them, he dances with them [wink, wink, nudge,nudge].

(And no, I've not seen it yet.)
Lama glama
15:50 / 03.05.06
Lady of the Flowers, sorry, but I was just speculating on what might happen, due to casting reports. I obviously don't know what will happen, like somebody who was receiving preview tapes on last year's thread did.
17:08 / 03.05.06
Let's not get into that. I'm being very good this year.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:45 / 04.05.06
Thanks to raggedman. The DVDs came in today.

Now I must lock myself in my apartment with Season One. When I come out perhaps I'll have regenerated.
Lama glama
15:55 / 06.05.06
Don't forget that this on at 7:00pm instead of the usual later time tonight. I hope it's as good as the Empty Child/Doctor Dances.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:21 / 06.05.06
Snogging! And the mind-melding. But looking beyond that awfullness...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:44 / 06.05.06
Okay, so why not take Reinette with you straight away through the fireplace at the end? Why not travel directly to her rooms with the TARDIS at the end instead of running back to the fireplace? Is it because that episode was a bit wank?

Strange how Rose was more miffed about Mickey coming with them than the Doctor hanging out with a beautiful lady...
17:49 / 06.05.06
I thought everything about that episode was great! Like, massively great.

Moffat has a real thing about bananas, right?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:58 / 06.05.06
And dancing.

Call me a bitter old fart, but some reason for Reinette and the Doctor to be attracted to one another would have been nice.
Alex's Grandma
18:23 / 06.05.06
Stephen 'Coupling' Moffat wrote that, did he?

I find his work problematic insofar as I know him vaguely from back before he was not quite so famous as what he is now, and his every success is like another chunk sliced off the end of my ever-diminishing soul.
Shiny: Well Over Thirty
19:46 / 06.05.06
In theory according to my personal definition of what make good Doctor Who I should have despised this episode, for precisely reasons Flowers has described. However I really enjoyed it and I’m not quite sure why – perhaps I have a thing for time travelling clockwork killer robots, perhaps I liked the slight Red Dwarfishness of the episode or perhaps I’m finally starting to be able to appreciate new Doctor Who without expecting it to be more than a little bit like the old stuff, but somehow it just worked for me.

Also while it certainly doesn’t explain why I can pardon the pretty heinous sins of the episode I think that Moffat seems to have a grasp of how to make a single 45 minute story flow properly with a beginning a middle and an end in a way that RTD and even the guy that wrote last week’s episode just don’t and I think that probably helped.
Lama glama
19:49 / 06.05.06
A touch too much intertextual reference to Moffat's earlier episodes and I didn't enjoy how he insisted on crowbarring in a reference to the Daleks but other than that a very different episode to what has preceeded it this season.

I was expecting another corridor darting romp, but was pleasantly surprised by this thoughtful, wonderfully acted and beautifully directed episode. Euros Lyn really knows how to work with grand sets like the Versailles Palace (and season one's Platform 1) that have been augmented by some CG element.

I loved how the Doctor reacted to Rose's protestations that the horse couldn't come on the TARDIS: "But I let you have Mickey!"

Fireplace Man grows on me more with each passing episode and the pained look on his face as he read Madame de Pompadour's letter made me watery-eyed (although nowhere near as watery-eyed as last week). Second best ep of the season.
19:57 / 06.05.06
This may be somewhat of an ignorant question but does the Doctor always have to be a man and his sidekick always have to be a woman? I've only seen four or five episodes from the past two seasons but unless I'm mistaken all the previous doctors have been men. Has this ever been explained? And wouldn't it be interesting if the next doctor was female and had a male sidekick?
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:22 / 06.05.06
It has not been explicitely stated that Gallifreyans can't regenerate across racial, sexual or even speciesal bounds. However from a story point-of-view, if the Doctor could regenerate into a woman or an iguana then he would have done it by now, especially as it's been implied that the Doctor's regenerations are unnecessarily violent and shocking to his body (see Destiny of the Daleks ep 1, IIRC) so it's not like he has great control over them.
Lama glama
20:58 / 06.05.06
I've always thought that Timelords were born a specific sex and could only regenerate into forms of the same sex. Slim, the Doctor once travelled with a female Timelord, who regenerated once into a woman again. The Doctor has travelled with male companions before, too. The First Doctor had male companions, as did the second and the third, if you count the Brigadier and his chums. The fourth Doctor had Harry and Adric. The fifth had the latter travelling with him and later on, a schoolboy alien called Turlough. The sixth and seventh only ever travelled with women, however.
Cat Chant
22:08 / 06.05.06
why not take Reinette with you straight away through the fireplace at the end? Why not travel directly to her rooms with the TARDIS at the end instead of running back to the fireplace? Is it because that episode was a bit wank?

Au contraire, my cynical friend! It is because the Doctor is a bit wank! (That is, it's because although he's terribly enthusiastic about humans in general and his companions in particular, as the overall arc of New Who has shown - especially the last episode - he is just a bit rubbish at actually remembering to meet them on time. Or, quite often, ever again.)

Splendid episode. Getting a bit annoyed by how overt the het is being - I liked the last season for being equal-opportunity subtextual (and really, isn't that how you tell British sci-fi from American sci-fi - the hero doesn't snog a different woman every other week? Two snogs in the first four episodes? Tsk tsk) - but the clockwork dandies were the best thing ever.

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