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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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15:41 / 13.01.06
Join us Cameron, joooiiiiin uuuuusssssss...
15:57 / 13.01.06
Just finished watching last night's episode.

My jaw hung open at George's pussycat impression. Stunning and repulsive.

Pete's sociopathic narcissism is pretty repellent too.
19:44 / 13.01.06
Jodie Marsh out! Yeeeeeeeeeessssss!

Aaaaand giving an interview now and showing that she couldn't even find Selfawaria on a map.

'All mah whole loife oi've nevah stah-ted an ah-gument wiv ennybo'y, innit?'

Jodie? Your face, my ass - a perfect match.
19:46 / 13.01.06
I retract my earlier statement.

My arse is better looking.
19:53 / 13.01.06
Well, I wasn't expecting Jodie to be evicted. I thought the demographic would have wanted George out (being the oldest of the three). But she got 41% of the vote. I am surprised.
19:57 / 13.01.06
Shit. Saville.
20:10 / 13.01.06
Jimmy Saville vs Michael Barrymore. Hope there's subtitles.
00:15 / 14.01.06
Jodie to Davina: "The only thing that surprised me was after the nominations when Rula came across and put her arms around me and hugged me. Like a snake."

One of those huggy armsnakes, presumably.
00:23 / 14.01.06
It's not big, it's not clever, it's not nice. In fact, it's completely gratuitous given that I've already posted it elsewhere on Barbelith.

I just love Sex Kitten Georgie.




00:33 / 14.01.06
George-as-crazed-sex-cat is all over the papers today.

Not just the tabloids. The Guardian has a full page. He even made it into the International Herald Tribune.
01:11 / 14.01.06
Indeed, from today's Guardian, that sphincter-tightening dialogue in full:

Cat's whiskers: George and Rula at play

Rula is with George in the living area. He is on the sofa and she is on the rug. Big Brother has suggested they try some animal role play exercises to warm up for the tasks ahead.

George: "Would you like me to be the cat?"

Rula: "Yes please."

[George proceeds to clamber down on to the rug beside Rula, and purrs throughout the exchange.]

Rula: "Here pussy, pussy, pussy, yes ... more tickles it's OK ... Oooh little pussy cat, there there pussy cat ..."

[George slowly licks his lips.]

Rula: "You stay there, I'll get you some milk, you like that don't you ..."

[Rula pretends to get some milk. George is now on all fours, lapping pretend cream from Rula's cupped hands.]

Rula: "Yes, good pussy cat ... that's right, delicious! Good girl, good girl ..."

[George licks his lips and moustache.]

Rula: "You've got cream all over your whiskers."

[She rubs his sideburns and says: "Good pussy cat." George nuzzles into her lap and starts purring. Rula strokes his head and behind his ears.]

Rula: "Oooh yes, has it been a trying day with all those people coming into the house, has it? You just like being alone with your mummy, don't you?"
01:21 / 14.01.06
Spray him blue and he could've usurped Kelsey in X3.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:29 / 14.01.06
George-as-crazed-sex-cat is all over the papers today.

Mr Stoat, are you at work? Is that today's papers as in 14/01/06 or 13/01/06? I only ask because part of me is concerned if the press are still typing about this two days after it happened (and also, as I'm still up at 04.22a.m, it's likely that when I wake up later today my paper-shop will have run out of Saturday's newspapers, so...)
02:43 / 14.01.06
14th. They're always behind, because the highlights show doesn't go out until the evening, and the front pages (where the tabs put all this stuff) are usually planned before then, unless there's a major outbreak of REAL news.
paranoidwriter waves hello
02:46 / 14.01.06
To make my last post clear (I'm a little fluffed): I'm not being facetious, I swear; I just realised that (owing to his job) Stoatie often reads "today's papers" before the rest of us do, and I'm a little confused about the chronology of his last post. Sincerely!...

*p.w goes to bed*
paranoidwriter waves hello
03:06 / 14.01.06
14th. They're always behind, because the highlights show doesn't go out until the evening, and the front pages (where the tabs put all this stuff) are usually planned before then, unless there's a major outbreak of REAL news.

Aha! I get it! Cheers Stoatie. That explains why they'd be talking about Thursday night on Saturday's newspapers: a mis-match of timetables, I suppose (*p.w gets all confused about time, again*).

Hmmm.... Still, they do seem to be stretching the "Let's talk about George's odd behaviour" stance, don't you think?. Is his "behaviour" on the front pages? i.e. does the coverage of George's story eclipse (say) the international "concern" about Iran?

(Again, I'm not being facetious: I'm being lazy and milking Stoatie for information, and I know all the newspapers will have been sold before I wake up and get to to the shop.)

*p.w looks at how long it's taken for him to type this post and goes to bed [for real this time!]*
03:40 / 14.01.06
In the tabloids, CBB is front page, and pretty much will be until it finishes. The other papers bung it a few pages in.
10:10 / 14.01.06
Personal favourite Jodie quote from last night:

Davina: So, have you learnt anything about yourself since going in, Jodie?

Jodie: I've learnt that I don't get on wiv people who claim not to be transvestites but look like they totally are...

So, that would be a 'no', then...

If nothing else, the fact that she apparently has an IQ of 136 will be another nail in the coffin for IQ tests...Daniel Goldman must be chuckling into his smoothie.
10:39 / 14.01.06
The planet rolls beneath her heel, and Selfawaria recedes into the blue distance.
modern maenad
11:58 / 14.01.06
Whilst I'm not an official Jodie Marsh Fan (had hardly heard of her before CBB and largely unaware of her past/story) from what I watched she just seems very confused and uncertain. I get the impression she's used her looks and sexually provocative behaviour to gain celebrity status and in the process has got a bit lost over what she wants and who she is. After a few drinks she turns up the flirting and innuendo, appearing to have a good time, but it doesn't take much for the veneer to crumble. I may be over-interpreting but it almost seemed as if she couldn't help but slip into this provocative role as its one she's learnt gets her attention. Yes she was annoying, but nothing she did came close to the aggressive bullying of Barrymore and Burns. Barrymore's another fucked up insecure housemate, but in his case it comes out as brutal, nasty and spitefull. Jodie seemed to spend a lot of time on the defensive, taking the shit rather than dishing it out. Would have liked to see how Barrymore would have coped had Jodie and Chantelle ganged up on him, shouting abuse, gesticulating in his face, talking over him etc. I also have an instant soft spot for anyone who, on leaving the house, asks Davina if her dogs are there.....
12:12 / 14.01.06
Yeah, the dogs thing was quite cute... but it reminds me of-

-on another note-

did anyone hear Faria right at the end of the highlights show on eviction night? Her cynicism really is appalling. Someone (I can't remember who) said something to the effect of "I hope she's alright; I hope there are people there to meet her", and Faria replied "yeah, there'll be loads of people- they'll have her family, her friends, her dogs; it'll be really nice, there'll be everyone- her agent..."
modern maenad
12:35 / 14.01.06
Yep - Faria seems to be one of those unfortunate people who's mannerisms/intonation etc. seem to scream 'self obsessed twat' whenever they open their mouth, and I just can't work out why. Its not like I have any kind of problem with her, and hardly knew who she was at start of CBB. Its a bona fide mystery....
14:52 / 14.01.06
I get the impression she's used her looks and sexually provocative behaviour to gain celebrity status and in the process has got a bit lost over what she wants and who she is.

I think we got a hint of what she wants to be during a conversation about integrating with the rest of the house:

"I can't pretend to like people I don't. I'm not an actress. *glance to camera* Although I could be an actress."
14:57 / 14.01.06
Model, actress...whatever, as they say in Hollywood.
15:14 / 14.01.06
I think my basic problem with Jodie was that she seemed to consistently provoke arguments with people and then couldn't bloody argue properly. Like the fur soon as it became apparent she had no way of refuting the points made by George etc it was suddenly a case of 'everyone hates Jodie'. She seemed unable to muster the basic understanding that you can disagree with someone and not be attacking them. And equally unable to understand that it's not polite to interrupt people when you talk to them. It just seems to me to be a very stupid and uncivilised way to behave, especially in someone with an IQ of 136, and while it may not objectively be as bad as not helping the police out when a young man has been found fisted to death in your pool, subjectively it irritates the ever-living fuck out of me.

I tend to apply the 'drinking principle' to things like this. I could go out for a drink with Pete. I could go out for a drink with George. I could go out for a drink with Rula, or Maggot, or Faria, or Traci. I could go out for a drink with Preston, though I'd punch him after the third beer for looking so smug. I could go out for a drink with Rodman, though he'd punch me halfway through the first beer for constantly mocking his laughable stint as Hulk Hogan's tag-team partner in WCW. I would refuse to go out for a drink with Barrymore, on principle. But as soon as Jodie opened her mouth...

'Y'know, right, for fifteen years, right, I was bullied...' court in the land would convict me.
15:23 / 14.01.06
I would refuse to go out for a drink with Barrymore, on principle.

Which principle?
15:36 / 14.01.06
I'd go out for a drink with Barrymore, although I'd feel a bit dodgy about taking a recovering alcoholic down the pub. If he started doing impressions, I guess it would all depend how drunk I was whether I walked or egged him on.
15:38 / 14.01.06
And another thing- does anyone have the feed so they know what's going on with Jimmy Saville? In one of the papers the other night he promised he'd be entertaining the housemates with his "special thing"... I'm intrigued, and also a little scared.
Tom Paine's Bones
16:27 / 14.01.06
According to the Daily Mirror today, Jimmy will be going into the house, "fixing it" for a housemate by granting a wish for them, and then leaving again.
16:28 / 14.01.06
it may not objectively be as bad as not helping the police out when a young man has been found fisted to death in your pool

velvetvandal, with respect, I think you'd be well advised to acquaint yourself with the case a little better before throwing statements like that about. I'd suggest starting with the Mark Simpson article that Ganesh has repeatedly linked to for more on Lubbock being 'fisted to death', and maybe this thread for some perspective on Barrymore 'not helping the police out'.
Tom Coates
18:58 / 14.01.06
I started off very much unimpressed with Jodie, but as time has passed, and as I've seen how Barrymore's just turned into a vile monster around her she's got a hell of a lot of my sympathy. She's clearly a confused woman with some issues, and she complains too much, but she's far from the ogre that the rest of them thought she was. That thing Barrymore did yesterday in response to the Quorn incident of freaking out around her like a totally self-important sociopath made me very angry.

I'm also quite suspicious of his accusations that she's continually playing for attention and for the cameras. Whether or not that's true is irrelevant - because he's quite comfortable bursting into tears in the diary room, exposing himself completely in private conversation with the public, getting upset and wrapping George and Rula around his little finger and wandering off to sit by himself in the garden to sob where only - say - several million British people can see him. If you wanted to do that actually away from the public eye, presumably you'd do it in the shower or the loo where there aren't any cameras.

And he's so entitled all the time - acts as if the most stupid and aggressive 50-year old is just entitled to respect and obedience from people younger than him. Which is extraordinary given that he has none of the maturity that you'd expect someone of his age to manifest.

Quick summary: Very down on Barrymore right about now, feel sorry for Jodie a bit, George creeps me out like he always has, Pete is overly aggressive and unhelpful (even if he is occasionally entertaining), Maggot seems on the edge of being right-wing reactionary, Rula seems okay if a bit conservative. Chantelle actually seems pretty stable and decent, even if she's not the brightest tool in the box. Dennis and Tracy seem like they're totally confused by the culture of the people around them. Of the two, Tracy seems the most pleasant, but slightly puritanical. Faria I have mixed opinions of.

Current favourite - for a whole range of reasons including the fact that he's pretty shiny and foxy and seems pretty smart - is the lovely Preston. Preston to win! Rest of em can be mostly turned into mulch for all I care.
22:47 / 14.01.06
I’m both surprised at and disappointed by the seemingly unanimous feeling within the house that Galloway is a wise and venerable father-figure. I don’t see how they can square that with, for example, his bitchy little run about Jodie’s morals and the Hunchback of Notre Dame that they showed tonight. He’s a sexist and a bully and I see very little evidence of the maturity and - no pun intended - respect that we keep hearing about.
15:53 / 15.01.06
Looks like Pete may be leaving...

A shame, really- his watchableness was starting to win me over after the gorilla thing- not that it ever could completely, but if he goes now my impressions are gonna be 70% fur-wearing cunt, 30% watchable bitch. Whereas the balance was shifting...
16:12 / 15.01.06
Smoothly - well, if nothing else I feel a little bit better about hating Jodie more than Barrymore by now. The thread here on the silence thing was very interesting, though I must confess I've looked at the other article twice now and got godawfully bored by about the second paragraph - I'd be very pleased if someone could just precis the thing for me.

And Ganesh - the principle in question would, of course, be the principle of not going out for a drink with someone who spent the better part of a decade presenting the kind of 'light entertainment' programs that make me want to stove the TV in...
16:18 / 15.01.06
Apparently Pete's not leaving after all. Good.

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