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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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20:05 / 11.01.06
The assumed 'nobility' of the 'I want Barrymore to win and come back to Britain' meme is slightly bleurghsome too.
20:16 / 11.01.06
And assuming this is what he really wants doesn't he realise he's ruining the magic a little by openly discussing it?
And Barrymore of course does want to come back but clearly not as the martyred figure George insists on painting him as. Discomfort lights his face like a beacon everytime his baggage is mentioned, I'd have thought people'd immediately notice his change in temperament.
20:27 / 11.01.06
Also, will they be putting in a suprise guest this year a la last year's programme?
I think I passed Shane McGowan on the street the other day and wondered if it would be him is all.
(could've been a look-a-like though)
Jack Vincennes
20:59 / 11.01.06
But.. but... why didn't you ask him about it?
21:48 / 11.01.06
It didn't occur to me at the time and let's face it he's not exactly Rolf Harris on the approachability level is he? He was carrying a Bag for Life though and I did like his coat, all missed opportunities for conversation I guess. *Damn*
yawn - thing's buddy
08:06 / 12.01.06
wasn't sure whether to watch paxman crying or barrymore crying last night.

went for a bit of both in the end.


Mourne Kransky
09:38 / 12.01.06
Oh God no. Now you've put the image of Barrymore rubbing lotion all over George's bethonged, orange buttocks into my head.

Paxman tearing up was worth seeing, though!
10:15 / 12.01.06
Isn't George's record for helping people not that great, though? I mean, the last guy he tried to encourage as much as Barrymore is currently on trial in Iraq and looking down the business end of a death sentence...If I was Michael, I'd be avoiding him like the plague.

As to Jodie Marsh, I could engage in a long rant about her, but actions speak louder than words. Particularly my actions in, despite never having voted on any big bruv show in my life, now having voted Jodie off three times and counting...
yawn - thing's buddy
10:38 / 12.01.06
george kissing barrymore's head.

what the fuck next?
11:00 / 12.01.06
Rimming, it's very obviously heading for a rimming.
14:34 / 12.01.06
Presumably they're each other's kind of people.
15:48 / 12.01.06
what the fuck next?

Jimmy Saville. That's what I've just heard. Just for a couple of days though.
Mourne Kransky
16:19 / 12.01.06
More bethonged orange buttocks then.
18:07 / 12.01.06
That's certainly a persistent DigitalSpy rumour.
19:38 / 12.01.06
George Galloway = Rula's Pussy: this man's political career is over.
Tryphena Absent
19:39 / 12.01.06
That was easily one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen and as such GEORGE GALLOWAY GET BACK TO YOUR CONSTITUENCY. My mind has been maimed.
19:48 / 12.01.06
That was really pretty disturbing. It reminded me of grandparents (not necessarily mine, could be yours) indulging in a bit of roleplay bestiality. Not nice. Need to wash brain.
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:14 / 12.01.06
I only left the room for five minutes to make a bowl of pasta, and came back and saw... that. Did I imagine it or did he rub his face up against her thigh?

Down George.
The Falcon
20:18 / 12.01.06
I was trying to finish my tea.
20:30 / 12.01.06
I can't find any mention on the Channel 4 website as to when the first eviction happens? Is it Friday night?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:32 / 12.01.06
I almost walked back out the room, as though I'd interrupted something... er... private. I even changed channels briefly, but had to flip back to be certain I'd actually seen what I'd seen. Still not sure why they doing it though. What scientific experiment were they doing? That is what they were doing,.. right?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:34 / 12.01.06
Sorry, neukoln. Yep, I think it's tomorrow night.
Regrettable Juvenilia
20:47 / 12.01.06
Most MPs do that in private, and pay for the privilege.

He can never go back, Nina.
20:52 / 12.01.06
Right after this aired, I had my mother phoning me up saying "Did you see that?! I felt like being sick, turning the TV off and having a bath!" And this is coming from a woman that works in a women's refuge in her spare hours, and has read more books about rape and spousal abuse than I have PKD.

See? Some things are too much even for counsellors!
07:06 / 13.01.06
What's this now?
07:29 / 13.01.06
Georgie-boy playing kittie with Rula. Not nice. Purring, miowing, 'eating' from her hands. It got worse though, Rula's impression of a monkey was also very weird. Awesome telly.
08:47 / 13.01.06
Well, that's just George's finely-honed political instincts coming to the fore, innit? He knows that people are less likely to eliminate someone if they seem to be involved in a romance with one of the other housemates. Clever man.

I still want Jodie to go. I voted for her again yesterday. I think if I had a crane I'd drive it down there and pull her out of the garden myself...Then drop her in a river...
11:50 / 13.01.06
I'm not watching this, and I'm starting to regret it. It sounds like truly spectacular television.

-boy playing kittie with Rula. Not nice. Purring, miowing, 'eating' from her hands. It got worse though, Rula's impression of a monkey was also very weird.

Crikey on a bikey!
yawn - thing's buddy
12:13 / 13.01.06
first time celebro has been better than prolebro.
12:23 / 13.01.06
I unfortunately missed the whole cat thing, but as one of my work colleagues said, it apparently looked like this was something he'd done before... probably at financial cost, too.
12:41 / 13.01.06
I'm only watching Celeb BB through this thread, but admit I've not picked up on why Jodie is so disliked in the house. Looking at the nomination history she was nominated by 8 of her 10 housemates (only Chantelle and Preston didn't nominate her). That's a pretty clear indictment. Indeed George says here:

"wishes it was Jodie [facing eviction on Friday], who he describes as: "A terrifically malign influence in the house ... Maybe even I'm imagining malignance where none yet exists. I'm so distrustful of her every move and utterance. I think it would be a much happier ship if she wasn't here."

Why is she so disliked?
yawn - thing's buddy
13:19 / 13.01.06
well it a well known fact that George loves Jordan, so maybe that it.
Char Aina
13:50 / 13.01.06
i think she's one of those folks who is a drain to be around.
in the big brother house those people who suck the energy out of a room must be especially unwelcome.

it'd do my tits in if i was locked in a house with her constant whining and permanent self obsession.

she's a whinger.
folks hate whingers.
14:27 / 13.01.06
But she'll make more compelling tv than, say Maggot or Traci, who are basically non-personalities.

I don't have to live with her, so I'm sure they're far more bothered by Jodie than I am, but I hope she stays around just for the car wreck factor.

I can't believe *I* got sucked into this show too.
14:29 / 13.01.06
But then again, all three of the evictees are people I'd like to keep around for the car wreck factor, so bang goes that.

I think I'd get rid of George.

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