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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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modern maenad
07:28 / 18.01.06
George last night, with his nice morality tale about Mandela advising his ANC colleagues to quit smoking when they were imprisoned. Suddenly I really hate Galloway - its the way he casually syphoned off a bit of the moral credability and cultural capital of that incident all for himself, as if he was somehow involved. vomit.
08:17 / 18.01.06
I suppose the question for velvetvandal is, if you were in this position, having held a party in a large building, would you accept the responsibility for someone's death to the point of potentially going to prison for it, simply because it was your party?

If it was a party in my home, then yes. If I'm hosting a party then it's my responsibility to make sure that the guests (a) have a good time and (b)enjoy themselves safely. That would include limiting access to obvious risk factors like drugs and a pool, probably on a 'one or the other' basis. My house, my party, my responsibility. Not to be facetious, but I think nobody dying is kind of a benchmark for a party's success...

If, however, I was hosting the party in some other kind of large building (i.e. a pub, club, whatever), I would assume the management to be responsible for the safety of myself and my guests.

It comes down to personal responsibility in the end. I would consider myself personally negligent if someone died during a party I gave at my house in the same circumstances as Lubbock, and would be willing to co-operate with the law in any way necessary.

On the other hand, I'm not a prominent gay entertainer who may or may not have psychological issues of some sort and who doesn't want the tabloids (who, pace Moss et al, have never shown themselves to be massively forgiving over the issue) to find out about my cocaine abuse. So I can see how Barrymore's feeling of how much he should co-operate would be circumscribed. But, if it was my party, I'd feel responsible.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:21 / 18.01.06
I'm disturbed by the extent to which I fancied Fariah in that wig.

GG on Rodman and Traci: "He's like a caged lion, and she's poking him with sticks through the bars" - classic in so many ways - the obvious sexism, the dubiously reverential and exoticising attitude towards black masculinity, the CAT REFERENCES.

Pete to go.
09:48 / 18.01.06
I'm disturbed by the extent to which I fancied Fariah in that wig.

WRT the wigs and Faria- didn't really have the same reaction, but the last 24 hours has seen my inner geek taking a dislike to Maggot and warming to Faria- Maggot displayed a ridiculous lack of comics knowledge while talking about films he'd seen recently- "the- what was it called? Magnificent 5?" whereas when Traci put her JS wig on, Faria was totally "you look like Storm from the X-Men".

I'm sad on SO many levels right now.
Tryphena Absent
10:14 / 18.01.06
and would be willing to co-operate with the law in any way necessary

That wasn't anything to do with my question. We already know that Barrymore co-operated with the Police. I asked if you would be willing to go to prison because someone died at your party, if you would take legal responsibility for the death ie. a manslaughter sentence.

If that is not what you mean by moral responsibility than I'm unclear as to what you mean. Please define moral responsibility.
10:14 / 18.01.06
fucking maggott, fucking old man's welsh-face, why don't you fuck off?

fucking preston. that feeling? they call it guilt, prick. (loved the way they gave chantel the best possible mod girl oufit)

chantel - he's in a band love.

fucking barrymore, he's even older than maggott, if you can believe that. talks to people under thirty like his 'old dears', down in the front row on my kinda people would. him and pete taking a pop at traci last night, while she was in bed? you're both in your fucking forties fellers, time you grew some dignity and empathy i'd say.

galloway - just loving the ease with which political scheming comes to him. carefuuly carefully keeping pete around like a human shield, saddam style.

rula - put em away. is she really on the verge like they all seem to think, or is it just galloway stirring? compared to the jodies and barrymores she seems utterly solid, more 'kind' editing perhaps?

traci - ah bless. she's right to pick up on the anti american vibe, and squirm a bit under the fact that they're the only black folk in the house too. gallobarryburnsmore are playing up to the them and us thing way overmuch.

pete - sorry mate, probaby the best (watchablest) bloke in the house, but you have to leave. there is romance now, it is more interesting than you.

faria - dennis likes you. good enough for me.

dennis - you rule the house. you are the tallest and the best thing on telly. you dance better than apollo creed. you are finally gonna get-sum. you are awesome.
10:24 / 18.01.06
compared to the jodies and barrymores she seems utterly solid, more 'kind' editing perhaps?

I'd say so. Watching the live feed yesterday, she was definitely the prime shit-stirrer in the whole "race row". I've gone right off her now.
Alex's Grandma
10:34 / 18.01.06

I'm guessing Maggot was being just a little disingenuous there. I mean look at him, the bloodshot eyes, the pallid complexion, the dead musk rat hair and 'ironic' street gear - if that's not a dyed-in-the-wool comics fan, I don't know what is.

Not really seeing what everyone's problem with him is though (apart from his band, obviously,) - has he actually said anything all that irritating? Or do we just not like the cut of his jib?
Tryphena Absent
10:38 / 18.01.06
she was definitely the prime shit-stirrer in the whole "race row".

Well she is a fake Countess dahlink. Got to keep up the them and us appearance.
17:42 / 18.01.06
I'm curious about Pete's self portrait. Is there a pic of it anywhere?
19:17 / 18.01.06
"Behaviour you would never get from a white man"

Holy fuck, George! Kiss goodbye to re-election.
19:52 / 18.01.06
FUUUUCK!!! Forgot tonight was eviction night.

Clearly it was Faria. I never trusted her, but I do feel a bit sorry for her, cos she never seemed actively eeeevil. Just overly cynical.

Interesting to see what Dennis is like now.
20:14 / 18.01.06
cube- I've missed this evening's. When did he say that? In what context? Dish the dirt, cube!

(Sorry. Just come back from a GG-bashing sesh on Digital Spy about his comments yesterday that were there racism in the house, "I'd be the first to notice it". You arrogant prick, catboy).
20:25 / 18.01.06
It was in the middle of the big row when he was denying he was in any way racist. He tried to claim that it was Den's boorish behaviour that was the problem, then he came up with that gem to describe it. Fuck GG. He may have given the Senate an ear-bashing it deserved, but he's an utter twat the rest of the time.
20:30 / 18.01.06
Nina - I'm confused by your idea of what constitutes manslaughter. As I said above, I believe - having looked at the evidence - that Barrymore has been guilty at most of negligence. He didn't actively do anything that lead to Lubbock's death, rather it was his failure to control other factors which led to the death of Lubbock, or rather facilitated the conditions in which he died. As I understand it, Lubbock would have to have been killed directly by something Michael Barrymore did for it to constitute manslaughter, rather than to die as a result of inaction on Barrymore's part.

Now, if I had been negligent to the point that someone died, and if the decreed punishment for that was some kind of custodial sentence then I would, in fact, be willing to undergo it. Anything less, from my personal point of view, would be cowardice and hypocrisy.

When I talk about moral responsibility and Barrymore, though, I don't mean prison. I don't actually want Barrymore to go to prison. I did - I admit - when I thought he was a murderer. However, as a reasonable individual, having looked at the evidence, I've changed my mind. What I would like him to do is just stand up and admit that Lubbock probably wouldn't have died that night if he hadn't been unsupervised at the pool, which was Barrymore's responsibility. And that's it. Don't want to see him in jail, don't want to see him burst into tears, just want to see that. And I'm quite happy to be told that he already has done this and leave it at that. As some of you may surmise I'm not one of the most well-informed people concerning what happens in Michael Barrymore's life.
20:39 / 18.01.06
cube- I've now read a few people on DS posting what GG said.

Whoah. I'd come to the conclusion he was an utter cock a few days ago. But my God!!! he still manages to push the envelope of cockishness. A new frontier of cock, that's where George lives.

What a cock.
The Falcon
21:03 / 18.01.06
Mmm, very disappointed in George's performance around the whole issue; all that 'Rodman gets away with stuff no white man would' (really, now? I think it depends on a lotta factors like charisma an' 'at) guff only compounds it. Old-fashioned idiocy.

Course, I don't want him to go, oh no. He adds an element of the fantastical and ludicrous with every utterance, and his mere presence.

"The goldfish's real name is Barry."

"Would you like me to be the cat?"


[element of partisanship here too, obvs. for the Dundee boy and I must confess a constant softspot for/pleasure at the antics of the alpha/beta, priapic male contestants in most incarnations: Victor, Science, even (shamefully in retrospect, given what a turd he turned out to be) Federico.]
21:14 / 18.01.06
You know that whole "posting while drunk" thing? I generally get away with it on Barbelith. But something tells me that my rant about the word "chav" isn't gonna go down so well on the DS forum.

Curse my social conscience!
21:53 / 18.01.06
You think DS is bad? I occasionally still drop in on B3ta. [Shiver]
22:10 / 18.01.06
I've not been watching tonight, what did he say?
22:35 / 18.01.06
Who, George? He denied that there was any racist motivation behind the nominations. The house was so far from racist, he protested, that they let Dennis get away with things they would never accept from a white man (ie. sexual predatoriness, foul language, lack of self-control, talking about his cock).

Remind me, who did Rula call a 'lying Arab' shortly after?
22:58 / 18.01.06
Faria, I think. But I missed that part.

Anyhoo- Preston and George got called to the DR, and had to make three nominations between them- they chose Rula, Maggot and Traci. George suggested Rula.

What they didn't realise was that everyone else was watching them doing it.

Now they're fighting. Again, Traci is about the only reasonable one there.

(I'm having wonderful Battle Royale- the novel, rather than the movie- fantasies in which Chantelle and Traci get to the final, kill Peter Bazalgette, then fuck off somewhere to start a terrorist assault against Channel 4. DON'T FUCK WITH NICE PEOPLE, YOU CUNTS).
23:05 / 18.01.06
Preston's being an utter penis. Chantelle, bless her, doesn't care.
23:23 / 18.01.06
Yeppers, George, thanks Smoothly.
I haven't watched it but presumably it'll all be shown on the highlights tomorrow but from what I've just read all I can manage to say is "Fuck!".
The Falcon
23:41 / 18.01.06
Rula called George 'a lying arab', actually, but then hugged Faria in apology. (Is Faria Arabic? She took it rather better than she needed to, at any rate.) I'm beginning to dislike Rula quite intensely after a week or so's equanimity.

George said it was 'the wrong room/crowd for that kind of racial slur.'
07:22 / 19.01.06
Is Faria Arabic?

Well she's part Persian, I think. Never very sure if that counts (I think it's a self-identifying thing in Iran, didn't one of the Shahs declare they were Aryan at one point?), but the link is strong enough to make it a really stupid thing to say.
07:23 / 19.01.06
Which would suggest there was a right one?

Agree on the George 'we wouldn't accept it from a white man' thing, was pretty much gobsmacked when I saw it.

Oddly Dennis is fast becoming my favourite housemate, purely by virtue of how much he loses his control of the English language when he's having a rant, as evidenced yesterday. It's like some kind of potty-mouthed glossolalia when Rodzilla gets angry, a kind of weird, filth-laden poetry. They should get him to do voiceovers on the next series of ordinary BB, instead of the Geordie bloke:

'It's day three in the Big Brutha house. Some kinda...I don' know what kinda shit is goin' on. I don't give a shit about this muthafucka. You wanna watch this muthafucka? Watch this muthafucka, I don't give a shit. I ain't watchin' this muthafucka. You watch it, I don't give a shit.'
Haus of Mystery
10:50 / 19.01.06
Glad to see the 'Lith picked up on that prick Galloway's comment. Seeing his screwed up little face as he suddenly back peddled was hilarious. What a pompous cretin. The fact that the rest of those dunderheads see him as some kind of 'elder statesman' and father is testament to their inate awfulness. I know that editing will have played a part, but the race debate was insane. No-one could formulate anything approaching a reasonable response. No-one came out looking anything other than stupid.

Release the starved and abused lions into the house NOW.
Tryphena Absent
11:40 / 19.01.06
Galloway may have been trying to gain some respect by going on to Big Brother but he has lost every iota of support I once gave him.

Mostly though I feel sorry for China Mieville who is so nice and must be crying himself to sleep as Galloway crumbles the Unity Coalition beneath his brazen, arrogant feet. And the constituents of course who will probably have to contend with a giant hole in the middle of East London because of his arrogance.
12:15 / 19.01.06
a really stupid thing to say

As opposed to just a common-or-garden stupid thing to say. Ok, badly phrased.
It would be offensive any time, but I think it's one of those phrases that dippy grannies get away with because they've never actually thought about what it means or been in contact with an Arab.
(As an aside, I remember my dad being mortified about 20 years ago that he had actually used the expression "play the white man" to a black bloke, as until it left his lips he had never thought about what it really meant. Never used it since, as I'm sure Rula never will that one. I still cringe.)
12:22 / 19.01.06
But!! George can't be a racist, because he's a hero to billions (his words) of muslims! [am I going to have to use irony tags here?] I don't blame him for not telling Rodzilla where to get off, he'd stand about 10 seconds under a torrent of 'fuck this', 'fuck that shit', 'mutha-fuckers'. You can't win against that kind of pristine logic (actually, most of what Dennis says makes sense, he seems to have his head screwed on straight most of the time). There's a debate I would pay to see!

btw, I loved Dennis' speech last night on the highlights show, but why do they bleep the "fucker" in motherfucker, when surely "mother" is what's offensive in that phrase? They let fuck stand as-is, but bleep it when joined with mother. What the fuck's up with that?
13:20 / 19.01.06
Is it just me or doesn’t 'bleep' sound ruder than swears these days? I feel more of a frisson from the bleeps in Arrested Development, say, than I do from the fucks in everything else.
14:31 / 19.01.06
True whenever I hear a bleep, or see £&$% in a comic, my brain fills in with the c-word, which kinda fun for a while, but annoying. Especially post 9-pm, it boils my blood. There's a watershed for a reason motherfuckers!!!
Haus of Mystery
14:32 / 19.01.06
Another thing that really grated about the racist 'debate', was Faria's comment about it being impossible for a black or asian person to win BB in this country. It's a statement that has a certain amount of validity, but coming from someone who was sulking for being nominated it rang hollow. No Faria, the reason you won't win is because
a)you're a sour puss
b)you're 'famous' for shagging the England manager.
15:02 / 19.01.06
Another eviction.


Keep missing this but it's handy having the thread for catch-ups.

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