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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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22:56 / 21.01.06
She's just been sat with Maggot talking about George and his tendency to make himself leader. Funny, cos Maggot and George were being bestest mates the other night slagging everyone else off...

Traci comes out a winner on the "Stoatie pint test"- I WOULD go for a pint with Traci. However, I think I'd also go for a pint with Maggot, and I really don't trust him. I think the test needs recalibrating.

(Incidentally, I'd also go for a pint with Chantelle, Dennis- who has really leapt in my estimation this last couple of days- and Preston, though I imagine P would piss me off a bit by trying to drag all my mates to a shit indie club!)
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:03 / 21.01.06
Sorry, to explain: Maggot and Tracy were talking privately and Tracy asked whether Maggot thought their conversation was being played in bedroom to the other house-mates. And she was serious. As the conversation went on it became apparent she hadn't understood that the reason Preston and George's Diary Room nominations had been aired to the other house-mates was for punishment for discussing nominations. How did that one pass her by? Then, once she understood this she became worried as she had previous been warned by Big Bubba for discussing nominations and Maggot had to reassure her.

Can't really do the scene justice, but her behaviour seems odd, confused, like someone having a spliff for the first time in the company of strangers. Are Endemol lacing the cigarettes?
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:08 / 21.01.06
Sorry Stoatie, didn't see your post. I'm with you on not trusting Maggot. Mind you, I don't get Traci, so...
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:32 / 21.01.06
Also, I was thinking earlier what the odds might be that any of the housemates smuggled drugs inside. After all, there's no body search on the way in and the toilet isn't filmed, is it?

Nah, what am I typing? None of the would do that, would they? Hmm....
23:49 / 21.01.06
It's been done on some of the civilian Big Brothers, I think, and that was without the camera free zone.
paranoidwriter waves hello
23:54 / 21.01.06
Really? Was that in the news/tabloids (and I missed it) or is it some kind of media rumour?
00:00 / 22.01.06
Can't really remember so it's pretty unsubstantiated.
Dean smoking dope Big Bro 2/3? Was it all just a crazy rumour?
09:00 / 22.01.06
They definitely had plenty of skinning-up gear and baggy cigarettes on the first couple of series, I recall.
11:11 / 23.01.06
Cool! Maggot and Dennis were just talking about Rammstein!!!
modern maenad
20:18 / 23.01.06
Preston just described Pete as relentlessly truculent

Go Preston
20:24 / 23.01.06
Well the last day or so have really seen George proving once and for all that he's an utter cock- he's now saying he'll hold grudges against those who have wronged him and will get them back, whether in the house or out.
Whisky Priestess
22:07 / 23.01.06
Ha! Fightin' words for a self-style leader of the anti-war movement and defender of the peace ...
modern maenad
07:32 / 24.01.06
Yep - I've been trying to calculate just how much damage George has done to his career......don't normally like to revel in others misery, but he really is, in Chantelle's words, shifty.....
08:16 / 24.01.06
On BB's Big Mouth last night, they aired one of their exclusive clips, and it featured George arguing with Barrymore. Barrymore wasn't having it, and perceptively pointed out that George was going after him because he was a soft target. George's considered and well-thought-out reply to this was:

'Oh, poor me, poor me, pour me a drink.'

What. A. Cock.

All credit to Preston for coming back with possibly the only response one can really give in those circumstances: 'fucking wanker!'

George to go now, definitely.
10:00 / 24.01.06
In my dreams, George exits the house with the crowd miaow-ing at him. It's amazing how 20 minutes can kill a political career, innit?

And it's a double eviction too! Goodbye Catman, goodbye Maggot, you suspicious looking Welshman you (a modern day fagin, indeed!). btw, is the eviction tonight ot tommorow? I'm out tonight and really don't wanna miss it...
10:24 / 24.01.06
And it's a double eviction too! Goodbye Catman, goodbye Maggot

Nope, it can't be. Maggot isn't nominated, see: Chantelle, Dennis, George
Jack The Bodiless
10:34 / 24.01.06
I doubt anything on CBB has killed Galloway's political career... he's not up for re-election for a while, and I think his constituents probably have more important issues to consider.

What it does seem to have done is killed his credibility as a political hardman. He's always had more than a whiff of controversy about him - it's interesting that I've almost always heard him start off any definitive declarations of innocence with some phrase similar to "you can't prove a thing" - but this is the first time he's been more famous for being ridiculous and a total wanker than for his political views or his alleged misdeeds. And the thing I love the most is that he did it to himself. Gorgeous George ain't bullet-proof no more. Classic.
11:00 / 24.01.06
And the thing I love the most is that he did it to himself. Gorgeous George ain't bullet-proof no more. Classic.

It's almost Shakespearean, isn't it?
11:59 / 24.01.06
Neukolin - D'oh! Replace Mags with Den then (at least that might stop my gf perving over Rodders), as I'm for Chantelle to win.

Go Essex girl!

Evictions are on Wednesday btw. Gonna be a packed final, from the amount of housemates left in.
Fist Fun
14:30 / 24.01.06
When George first went in I found him very personable and charming. A brave thing to do and potentially a great advert for your political party.

He has come across very badly. Petty, unpleasant, unable to rise above anything, suspicious and, yeah, shifty. He has done some ridiculous stuff too but doesn't seem to have any sense of fun. I dislike him.
Fist Fun
14:32 / 24.01.06
I also love Chantelle's championing of please and thankyou.
14:45 / 24.01.06
>>>I also love Chantelle's championing of please and thankyou.<<<

I think Chantelle misinterpreted what Dennis was saying about saying "thanks." To me it sounded like Dennis said "When I get out of here I'm gonna be saying 'fanx'" -a reference to Chantelle's Essex accent and how it would influence his pronunciation of the word "thanks." (He said "fanx" back to her a few times in a mocking way.) She instead took it to mean that he was going to start thanking people for things. That's how I saw it, anyway, and I was irritated that Chantelle didn't understand Dennis' point.

Still, yes, nice to know it's important to her.
15:06 / 24.01.06
Yeah, I absolutely want Chantelle to win. And I liked her please and thank-you thing too. “It’s a small thing to say but a big thing to hear”. I bet her mum’s dead proud of her, and quite rightly.

It’s funny how my opinions of people have changed over the course of the show. For the first few days I really liked Pete, but now I find him so repellent it almost makes the show unwatchable. This has coincided with a nagging feeling of familiarity that I can’t quite put my finger on. Someone in the public eye maybe, or more likely someone I once knew. Whoever it is, I must have fucking despised them.
15:10 / 24.01.06
>>He said "fanx" back to her a few times in a mocking way.) She instead took it to mean that he was going to start thanking people for things.<<<

Sorry, I should clarify, what I mean to say is that Chantelle thought Dennis was mocking her for merely saying thank you at all, when I think she was being mocked for her accent.
19:17 / 24.01.06
It's Chantelle or Traci for me. George was utterly hideous to Barrymore (who I don't even like much) last night- should be on tonight's highlights), even mentioning his drinking problem- at which point Preston (I think- it was all a bit hectic) did exactly what George claims to do but doesn't, and launched in to tell him he was being out of order. Barrymore came across surprisingly well after that, rather than being the utter cock he's been in many previous arguments.

Pete is vile, and hasn't even said anything particularly funy the last few days. Preston's okay, I suppose, but there's something I don't quite get about him (I feel bad for his girlfriend, but she's not on the show so that's none of my business, and I've remained friends with people who have done worse). Dennis has moments of sheer magnificence, but can be a dick sometimes. Maggot I could go for a beer with, but don't trust at all. Although the night he stayed up drinking and talking with Traci was utterly heartwarming, although it doesn't seem to have made it to any of the highlights shows.
Tryphena Absent
20:04 / 24.01.06
I want Maggot to win. He has been so pleasant and nice to everyone and has really not behved particularly appallingly.

The older people in this house have behaved atrociously. If anything would make you want to stay young forever it's this series of Big Brother.

Barrymore has proved himself an ugly human being over the past two weeks, utterly incapable of perceiving things outside his shell. Galloway has destroyed any iota of respect I had for him. Rula Lenska failed to step up for anyone, Pete Burns... what's the point.

Traci and Dennis have seemed quite nice. At first I thought Dennis was kind of gross but he's ended up treating it like the game it is which I appreciate. Traci can be a bit over the top but you'd have to be really out of it to assume her heart wasn't in the right place. Her comments on race were quite accurate I thought.

Chantelle and Preston seem okay, just hanging around really, Preston always seems genuine in what he says, he doesn't watch his words and yet he never says anything really off. Both of them show that they care but it doesn't descend into spirals of angst or cheeriness. Standard really. Plus Chantelle excited about rollerskates... so nice.

I'd be happy if Traci, Maggot or Dennis won.

George Galloway: "Michael and Maggot have both cried. What kind of men are they?" Well that's the end of any shade of liking I had for him. I will never be able to stand in a room where he's talking without yelling again. I very much doubt that Salma Yaqoob was impressed by that being a psychotherapist and all. I might have to write to her quoting it.
20:19 / 24.01.06
You're spot on with Traci and Chantelle and the "being nice" thing. I'd like to see that rewarded, to be honest.

Barrymore I've hated until last night's fight (tonight's highlights)- seemed his meds were wearing off. I think he should kick them- he's a much better person without.

And George's whole "what kind of men are they?" thing- sorry, George- in the past I've always said I was in two minds about you. On the strength of the last 72 hours, I'll now replace that sentiment with the phrase "prize cunt".
Tryphena Absent
21:10 / 24.01.06
Tonight someone said to me that the thing about Galloway was you always got the impression that he might be a bit better than the average politician- he said things sometimes that might be a bit dodgy but generally he was so active against so many terrible things. Then he entered a micro-fascist state and complied with everything he was told to do and you realised he really fundamentally believed all those little mistakes he uttered over the years.

Galloway is a man that time has passed by. He behaves as if the world stopped in the 70s when men and women were different creatures and had to follow certain behavioural patterns. He's exposed himself as a sexist (towards men and women), racist, traditionalist who fights for the wrong reasons and not the right ones. He's as bad as Tony Blair who he had the gall to criticise so viciously. I am so angry at him for doing this. I despise him and eventually he's going to know it because I am certain that our paths will cross again.
22:16 / 24.01.06
Pete was particularly awful tonight. I may be reading into this far too much but the Norma Desmond comment seemed pretty contemptable and circuitously sly on his part.
22:18 / 24.01.06
Oh and Maggot's face throughout the argument was a picture. Full juxtaposition of "What the Fuck?" and "What the Fuck am I doing here?".
22:44 / 24.01.06
Just discovered something amusing - a couple of days ago, when the group was gathered and set to the task of voting whether George should be barred from nominating evictees, Preston was reading aloud a message from Big Brother. The concluding sentence of the message was "Big Brother salutes your strength, your courage, your indefatigability." There was a cut to George, who had a small smirk on his face - I thought it was because he was amused at Preston struggling to pronounce the word "indefatigability," but I've just found out that George said those words to Saddam Hussein in 1994...
23:05 / 24.01.06
Actually on second thought, that joke may not be as sly and subtle as I thought. I hadn't heard the quote before, though.

23:16 / 24.01.06
It didn't seem to register with Preston (or anyone else for that matter) either. His 'What's Saddam Hussein's phone number?!' response to GG's rant about his integrity was the closest we've had to a jibe at his politics.

I wondered initially whether Grogeous George would have been recognisable to Traci and Dennis. I was under the impression that he was reasonably notorious in the US following the Senate Committee hearings, but as far as I know Den and Trace have said nothing.
23:19 / 24.01.06
It was/is quite often requoted in the UK by his critics.

Whose number I am proud to whole-heartedly join.

And yes, the "courage/strength/indefatigability" thing was genius. As was BB asking Pete if he thought he was acting like a "real banker".
23:20 / 24.01.06
Speaking of which...

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