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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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yawn - thing's buddy
13:10 / 10.01.06
I see you've registered.
13:16 / 10.01.06
Smoothly- yes, that was what I meant. WHY didn't it happen a night earlier? Bloody celebs. Never think about the little guy.

Well, apart from Dennis, obviously.
Alex's Grandma
17:15 / 10.01.06
They must have started that literally ten minutes after I went to bed... It's so unfair
Tom Paine's Bones
19:58 / 10.01.06
Having spoken to a friend who's active in Respect yesterday, it looks like Gorgeous George didn't mention his upcoming appearance to his comrades. They're not particularly impressed apparently.

Did anyone else get reminded of a particularly cringeworthy episode of Extras with Barrymore's Frank Spencer/Hitler impression?
The Falcon
21:40 / 10.01.06
Well, no-one was really allowed to mention that they'd be on it, were they? The contestants were pretty secret this year. Respect is, I think, unfortunately, (as was the SSP) reliant on a singular figurehead, so they'll probably have to live with it.
Char Aina
21:49 / 10.01.06
or die of it, possibly...
The Falcon
22:22 / 10.01.06
Or that. The SSP still kind've limps along.
00:32 / 11.01.06
I was a bit disappointed by Pete and Michael's hectoring of Jodie. I think it was probably motivated by kindness (in the diary room, MB seemed genuinely concerned about the fate Jodie is making for herself), but his approach went rapidly awry. Maybe frustration was clouding his judgement. I also fear that it did Pete no favours with respect to the eviction.
Still, George likely to go first by the look of things.
Char Aina
01:02 / 11.01.06
yeah. they almsot had something sensible going on, but micheal was too insistent.

did you notice that jodie cried for about tirty seconds, stopping just after pete had told her it was clearly for show?

i have never cried tears that stopped so easily.
The Falcon
01:12 / 11.01.06
Yeah, it was quite difficult to watch that; initially, I was like 'oh, this is a bit much' but when they basically -to my viewing - figured her out (and it wasn't even that good of a ploy anyway) I got it. Can't help but feel a little sorry for her, despite the constant waterworks I think, as she's on a trip to make herself even more reviled.

p.s. is it true she wanted to be a Page 3 model at the age of 5? That's mental, if so.
Alex's Grandma
06:30 / 11.01.06
Geoerge likely to go first by the looks of things.

I don't know. Admittedly, George's alleged, and often-mentioned, dislike of the young people probably hasn't done him any favours, (Preston in particular seems to have brought that up a lot - does he have one of those things that we don't talk about here?!) but la Marsh's performance this evening (souring the atmosphere at the end of the table, pointedly refusing to even 'cross the room' and in particular, visibly pissing off Charmaine, who presumably a few years ago would have been one of her natural consituents,) is one she'll be lucky to recover from, I fear. Unless she really has got an army of devoted fans out there rooting for her, that is.
modern maenad
07:27 / 11.01.06
Anyone else watch the Barrymore-Burns attack on Jodie Marsh last night? I'm in no way a fan of Jodie but from what I say the two guys' behaviour towards her was abusive and bullying. It made me feel pretty sick watching it, and I could happily have done some very nasty things to either of the two guys afterwards.
yawn - thing's buddy
09:39 / 11.01.06
yeah barrymore was shameful.
09:52 / 11.01.06
Was that live, or on the highlights show. I missed the highlights, most unfortunately. I was waitng for Jodie to get her comeuppance, but from what I've heard, it was rather harch. Great Telly though.

Channel 4 needs a +1 Variant, like E4... it's so handy.
10:09 / 11.01.06
Damn, I didn't see that, being engrossed in my own psychodrama (mother visiting).
Tryphena Absent
10:18 / 11.01.06
I thought they were completely justified in talking to her like that. Since she walked in she's bitched, whined and cried far more than once a day. Someone asked why Barrymore isn't ashamed of weeping so much but at least he tries not to upset his housemates by crying in front of them. Jodie does it constantly, she uses her tears, probably doesn't even realise that she's doing it and has so little sense of perspective that she moans on about the press in front of Barrymore who has been utterly hounded, not since someone died in his swimming pool but since he came out. I thought he was justified in his response to her, which frankly stamps all over his experiences.
10:55 / 11.01.06
I don't think anyone came out of it particularly well, except maybe Pete, but it wasn't hard to see why Michael ended up behaving like that. Yeah, he could have handled it better, but really, I don't think I'd have managed to remain calm after a few days of her shit either.
10:56 / 11.01.06
Yeah, I don’t think it was unjustified, I just thought it was an approach destined for failure, and one which has probably scuppered any chance of Jodie listening to either Michael or Pete in the future. MB might have decided that some tough love was needed, but I think a slightly gentler, disinterested approach would have been more effective. The really valuable, well informed, expert advice from MB was buried under an argument about the fame task that had nothing to do with anything. MB even started talking like Jodie – “Do you think I give a shit what you think of me?!” – which was only going to undermine his point. There’s a flaw in the ‘Don’t slag off other people in the industry, you dumb manipulative slut’ gambit that I’d have expected Barrymore to have forseen.
yawn - thing's buddy
11:15 / 11.01.06
surely the reason for watching was the funny bits with them both saying they weren't bothered about the fame rankings. they (michael and jodi) literally squared right up to each other and said 'read my lips: I"M NO BOTHERED'.....

hilarious stuff.

and another x-statix moment.

and yet more shameful shtuff from barry-cry-some-more in the diary room too.

preston's being a bit of a nob with his 'george and the youngsters' comments. and seems a bit despearate to be in with chantelle. like the rodman says, 'rock starts don't act like that', although he's obviously just trying to bin a rival.

george and rula discussing sadddam too, top notch tele.
11:16 / 11.01.06
Well, while Barrymore's gleaning of counselling techniques from his Priory jaunts might have taken him to the borders of Selfawaria, I doubt he's ever been to its capital city. It's perhaps unsurprising he gets sidetracked by the attractions of a quick dip in Lake Barrymore.
11:17 / 11.01.06
like the rodman says, 'rock starts don't act like that'

He's not a 'rock star', though, is he? More of a prettier-than-average indie kid.
Alex's Grandma
11:38 / 11.01.06
I was a bit unsure about all the talk of 'psychological damage' flying around the place though - Whether or not Jodie Marsh actually *is,* she's no doubt going to be watching all the coverage on tape once she gets home, in fact she may well be going through it with her agent etc, on this showing quite possibly at the end of her career as a media figure, when she probably won't be feeling at her strongest mentally. And wasn't there something a bit, well, distasteful about the sight of two fairly well-built middle aged men effectively ganging up on someone with the physique and mentality of a rather spoiled and silly 18 year old? Maybe it was an accident, but there seemed to be a sense of 'let's get her on her own.' It was tough something certainly, but I doubt it was love. I'd imagine Mike and Pete have racked up about a decade of therapy between them, but I'm not sure if that quailifies either of them to dish it out.

And in other breaking news, according to today's 'Star' la Marsh is now 'on suicide watch', having apparently said that she's 'got nothing left to live for.' After that Byan Harvey business on 'I'm a Celeb...' last year, I suppose the producers do have to take this kind of thing relatively seriously...
12:33 / 11.01.06
Yawn - what was it about Prezzer's behaviour that was un-rocking? I missed the ep, and that sounds quite interesting.

Alex - I think it's a bit obvious by now that Jodie is a rather damaged character, but I'm still conflicted about how I feel about it. One the one hand, yes, she is annoying, she does have a tendancy to slag people off (at least, from what BB will let us hear), and some of her antics are textbook behaviour for adolescent girls after a bottle of lambrini (or a case of WKD, depends on what generation you grew up drinking in)

On the other hand though, she is no longer an adolescent girl, even though she behaves like one. She's either a manipulative, evil woman, using tears to grab sympathy (I doubt it though, not anymore, since it's backfired spectacularly); or she's a really insecure and damaged girl. After all, her role in the media was one where we rarely heard her voice. She was a cartoon sexual object, much like her nemesis Jordan, only slightly more down-market (is that even possible?).

In this case, is it right to take some voyeuristic pleasure in watching a fragile personality cracking up? We do it every year on BB, waiting for the nutter to emerge. What if that were you? Most people have some kind of ego-issue, be it bodily, sexually, or whatever. Would you like to have the whole nation laughing at your shortcomings?

I'm not sure quite where I'm going with this, other than that it sits rather uneasily with me. What if she really is on suicide watch? Surely that's too big a problem for it to be part of our entertainment.

Although, what if this is some carefully crafted PR exercise? Never trust a celebrity!
Tryphena Absent
12:54 / 11.01.06
or she's a really insecure and damaged girl

Actually she's still a woman even if she's insecure and damaged.
yawn - thing's buddy
13:04 / 11.01.06
john exploding: rodman in his nominations wasn't happy with preston.

from digital spy:

Preston: "He’s too shy and not open enough to be involved in the house. He’s always trying to find his place with different groups. He’s too square, too conservative…rock stars don’t act like that."

later too, he (preston) was sniffin round the girls, slagging off george for . . . . nothing. put me off him a bit.

ganesh - rock and indie, pop and disco - no diffrence to dennis, I'd say. And as i earlier noted, this was most likely said as cover for simply wanting a rival male removed.
13:10 / 11.01.06
Let's not be too impressed here. The fact that someone's on "suicide watch" does not, in itself, lend goshwow gravitas to what is, at best, a sincere (if dramatised) expression of misery and, at worst, a cynical and manipulative attempt to emotionally blackmail or 'punish' others. If I genuinely wanted to kill myself, I can think of few places I might be less likely to succeed than amongst ten other people, in a locked house, surrounded by cameras, on national television.
13:19 / 11.01.06
In this case, is it right to take some voyeuristic pleasure in watching a fragile personality cracking up? We do it every year on BB, waiting for the nutter to emerge. What if that were you? Most people have some kind of ego-issue, be it bodily, sexually, or whatever. Would you like to have the whole nation laughing at your shortcomings?

We do the 'look at us, look at ourselves' handwringing thing every year, too. If it were me, I'd be rather surprised to find myself in the BB House, seeing as it's not an avenue along which I'd cart my own "ego-issue" baggage.

Glamour modelling worked well for me for a while, but I knew when to stop.
13:28 / 11.01.06
Ah, those t1tz.
13:34 / 11.01.06
I always knew when not to get my psychological baps out for the lads.
14:22 / 11.01.06
Ganesh - I would agree that the BB house is most definitely not the best place to be parading around your shattered mind.

But then, if the programme didn't have the promise of someone losing their marbles, would we be watching? Personally, I was betting on Barrymore flipping before anyone else.

Nina- sorry if I caused any offence with the use of girl/woman. I use them pretty much interchangeably in my real life, from talking to my girlfriend, to my collegues at work (I'm in an all female office, and I'm at least 20 years younger than everyone else, but I still call them 'girls'), even to my mum, who raised me all on her lonesome in a very feminised household (before I start getting accused of sexism or something). Sorry again.
Alex's Grandma
14:25 / 11.01.06
I can think of few places I'd be less likely to succeed than in amongst ten other people, in a locked house, surrounded by cameras, on national televsion

But imagine if you pulled it off though! It would be like being Jim Morrison x Kurt Cobain x Janis Joplin x Richey Edwards x Eleven. And isn't Jodie about 27 at the moment, that dangerous age?

I'd be surprised if la Marsh is really genuinely interested in ending her life on a day-to day basis, but I wouldn't put a 'cry-for-help' overdose past her if she gets voted out this week, especially if she isn't living with a boyfriend at the moment, or, perhaps more realistically, still with her parents.

It's not too hard to imagine motive, means and opportunity coming together for a couple of hours or so if she's got her own place, and after all, you only have to get it right once.

(Hoping, of course, that this isn't going to happen.)
15:05 / 11.01.06
As far as one could tell from the highlights show, the Marsh/Burns/Barrymore confrontation sprung from a discussion about the Who’s-The-Most-Famous task, and Jodie’s unhappiness with George’s behaviour during it. I’m not sure whether they let her explain exactly what her complaints were, but, from what she said to Preston & Chantelle earlier, she felt that he was both (a) not interested in listening to anyone else’s opinion, and (b) significantly off the mark in his estimation of various housemates fame. And, to my mind, she’s right on both counts.

I’m not a Jodie apologist - I’d agree with most of what, say, Ganesh, has said about her in the thread to date. But I don’t think it reflects well on either of the other two to be so dismissive of her on an occasion when, as it happens, she was making - or at least attempting, between their interruptions, to make - entirely valid points.
Char Aina
16:01 / 11.01.06
well, its how she made them, isnt it? if you strip the points right down to george not listening and george being wrong, then you can see her point.
she didnt, though, did she?

entirely valid seems a bit strong.
19:56 / 11.01.06
It is slightly weird to see a 22-year-old girl comforting a weeping fiftysomething man...
20:00 / 11.01.06
It's slightly nausiating seeing one grown man mollycoddling another like he can't even speak for himself. I half want Michael to say "Shut up, fer chrissakes George!"

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