cube - I think I'm going to stick with 'may', for purely grammatical reasons. I wasn't, to be honest, trying to insinuate that there was any possibility of Barrymore being a cold-blooded killer, but more using it in a kind of 'x may be x, but it's still also y' sense, i.e. 'cube may well have a point, but ze misunderstands my intention in using the word may.
toksik - I have read the article, now, had read it within five minutes of posting my last comment (and therefore probably before you posted telling me to read the article, actually), and it's certainly something of an eye-opener. What worries me particularly about this is that I tend to regard myself as fairly well-informed and I was totally unaware of this stuff for quite a long while, to the point, in fact, of making ill-thought-out innuendos based on the version of the story which has entered the popular unconscious. That, and the story about the broadsheet guy who refused to actually write a story outlining all the flaws because Barrymore is 'low-life.' So what? It's a story, and actually quite an interesting one, and it deserves more coverage. I mean all joking aside about Barrymore's dismal record in television, if a man's being pilloried because of fake evidence then shouldn't the fourth estate do something about that? This is why I could never be a journalist...
On that note, is there a link to this on the BB website?Because it occurs to me that if I can make the 'Barrymore is a murderer' mistake then there must be other people out there making it too and...it would be nice if BB gave some more people the opportunity of finding out the truth (both about Barrymore and how shit the media are).
On balance, then, while I still think Barrymore is a complete cock (and always will - even before he came out I remember being disturbed by the way he was always touching and getting physical with contestants on his shows - it always seemed to me like using touch to establish dominance, basically bullying people but seeming friendly and jolly while doing so - but then I'm a fairly touch-averse person anyway, so), but I don't think he's a murderer. I think he could admit more responsibility for Lubbock's death, which is where I and the author of that article disagree - I do think Barrymore is 'morally responsible' in that he invited the guy to his party, gave him access to an environment where there were drugs a-plenty and hazards like a pool, and didn't supervise his guests well enough to prevent what happened - and I would have more respect for the man were he to make that admission. But that's the extent of his 'guilt' in the matter - negligence at most. I think on this basis it's probably unfair to be accusing him of murrrrderrrr, and to be honest, if the papers want a nice juicy mystery involving anal violation to investigate, then they should try and find out who actually did inflict the injuries on Lubbock after his death (my own suspicion would be that it would be the very people who can't quite account for how wel his body was guarded during that time...).
In summary - I was wrrrrrrrraaaaaaaauuuunnnnnnngggg! But thanks for pointing that out so politely, anyway. |