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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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Tryphena Absent
17:16 / 15.01.06
That thing Barrymore did yesterday in response to the Quorn incident of freaking out around her like a totally self-important sociopath made me very angry.

What really distubed me was that no one told him to shut up with any authority. I thought Rula Lenska was very weak at that moment, she's the oldest woman in the house, she's not always unreasonable and she was in the room, she should have told him to sit down and zip his lip. It made me quite furious. Watching Big Brother I often wish I was there to tell people where to get off when they're moronic, I don't mind it when people snap for the first time but Barrymore has snapped a lot since he first went for Jodie and no one has tried to reign him in. That's trouble.
Jack Vincennes
17:19 / 15.01.06
I'd be very pleased if someone could just precis the thing for me.

I think the article is worth reading -I found it a bit of a struggle at first, but it picks up. However an extremely brief precis would be: there is significant evidence to suggest that Lubbock's anal injuries occured after the failed attempts to resuscitate him in hospital. Really it's looking at the evidence that his corpse was, for want of a less inappropriate phrase, tampered with after his death.

Thanks for the links Smoothly, the thread was worth reading especially for William Sack / Cash Jackson's "Shamed comedian exploits legal loophole" has different connotations from "unfortunate but well-loved entertainer exercises fundamental legal privelige".
paranoidwriter waves hello
17:38 / 15.01.06
I don't mind it when people snap for the first time but Barrymore has snapped a lot since he first went for Jodie and no one has tried to reign him in. That's trouble.

S'all right, Nina. Jim'll fix him -- does anybody remember that program Louis Theroux did with Jimmy Saville?


(Stoatie, cheers for the "George in the press" info the other night.)
17:46 / 15.01.06
Tampered with after his death? So, what, is there some kind of 'get Barrymore' conspiracy going on here? Hmm. I may actually have to gird my loins and read the thing, then. And yes, that line about the spin on the story is gold.

Nevertheless, though, even though Barrymore may be innocent of murder, he is still directly responsible not only for Strike it Lucky and My Kind of People, but also Kids Say the Funniest Things, all of which are, iirc, banned under an obscure amendment to the Geneva Convention (last used to prosecute Lisa Riley and Jeremy Beadle over You've Been Framed, I believe).

Pete to leave next, surely?
20:46 / 15.01.06
may be innocent of murder

The term you're looking for is "is". The police and a public inquiry found no evidence that he killed someone, intentionally or otherwise. Until you're found guilty in a court of law you are innocent. You may not like that, but that's the way it works. He may be a twat, but he is innocent of murder or manslaughter or even assault by every standard we use.
Char Aina
00:03 / 16.01.06
dude, read the damn article.

it took me all of five or ten minutes, and it will give you the information you ned to discuss it with all of us who have read it.
yo dont have to, but it would be nice if you did before being all 'barrymore fisted someone to death, but maybe he didnt' about it.
i do agree with you that his crimes against television are heinous, but you shouldnt extrapolate guilt in other areas from that.

sorry for the snap, bro.
serious-like, but.
Char Aina
00:10 / 16.01.06
on barrymore getting away with murder in the house, do you think people are being careful around him? do you think his clear lack of togetherness coupled with what they know has been a pretty troubled recent history is making the housemates feel uncomfortable about challenging him?

i know i can be less challenging to idiotic behaviour and comments when i feel that the person spouting them is less than with it, however wrong that is.

being nice to those who are fragile in the mentals and that.

possibly through some kind of instintive fear of the unpredictability of his reaction? or not wanting to be guilty of making the dude cry?

i dunno.
i just woke up, so i am having difficulty finding words.
06:42 / 16.01.06
cube - I think I'm going to stick with 'may', for purely grammatical reasons. I wasn't, to be honest, trying to insinuate that there was any possibility of Barrymore being a cold-blooded killer, but more using it in a kind of 'x may be x, but it's still also y' sense, i.e. 'cube may well have a point, but ze misunderstands my intention in using the word may.

toksik - I have read the article, now, had read it within five minutes of posting my last comment (and therefore probably before you posted telling me to read the article, actually), and it's certainly something of an eye-opener. What worries me particularly about this is that I tend to regard myself as fairly well-informed and I was totally unaware of this stuff for quite a long while, to the point, in fact, of making ill-thought-out innuendos based on the version of the story which has entered the popular unconscious. That, and the story about the broadsheet guy who refused to actually write a story outlining all the flaws because Barrymore is 'low-life.' So what? It's a story, and actually quite an interesting one, and it deserves more coverage. I mean all joking aside about Barrymore's dismal record in television, if a man's being pilloried because of fake evidence then shouldn't the fourth estate do something about that? This is why I could never be a journalist...

On that note, is there a link to this on the BB website?Because it occurs to me that if I can make the 'Barrymore is a murderer' mistake then there must be other people out there making it too would be nice if BB gave some more people the opportunity of finding out the truth (both about Barrymore and how shit the media are).

On balance, then, while I still think Barrymore is a complete cock (and always will - even before he came out I remember being disturbed by the way he was always touching and getting physical with contestants on his shows - it always seemed to me like using touch to establish dominance, basically bullying people but seeming friendly and jolly while doing so - but then I'm a fairly touch-averse person anyway, so), but I don't think he's a murderer. I think he could admit more responsibility for Lubbock's death, which is where I and the author of that article disagree - I do think Barrymore is 'morally responsible' in that he invited the guy to his party, gave him access to an environment where there were drugs a-plenty and hazards like a pool, and didn't supervise his guests well enough to prevent what happened - and I would have more respect for the man were he to make that admission. But that's the extent of his 'guilt' in the matter - negligence at most. I think on this basis it's probably unfair to be accusing him of murrrrderrrr, and to be honest, if the papers want a nice juicy mystery involving anal violation to investigate, then they should try and find out who actually did inflict the injuries on Lubbock after his death (my own suspicion would be that it would be the very people who can't quite account for how wel his body was guarded during that time...).

In summary - I was wrrrrrrrraaaaaaaauuuunnnnnnngggg! But thanks for pointing that out so politely, anyway.
10:31 / 16.01.06
On that note, is there a link to this on the BB website?Because it occurs to me that if I can make the 'Barrymore is a murderer' mistake then there must be other people out there making it too would be nice if BB gave some more people the opportunity of finding out the truth (both about Barrymore and how shit the media are).

Several DigitalSpy posters, myself included, have been linking to the Simpson article. In the polarised world of DS, that tends to mark one out as a Barrymore fan - which is as far off the mark as one can get. I could never see the point of Barrymore's 'comedy' and remain puzzled by the likes of Galloway, Saville, etc. holding him up as some kind of misunderstood genius who's been temporarily dethroned. I think he's a weird child-man who parrots Priory counselling-speak but is still, fundamentally, unable to navigate the complexities of adult emotional life without resorting to childlike responses (cry, run away).

All of which doesn't make him a rapist or murderer.
Tryphena Absent
10:46 / 16.01.06
I think Barrymore made a big mistake coming back here. see here.
11:57 / 16.01.06
Wow, drrrama!

The drug-related stuff I can imagine possibly sticking. The 'assault' charge, if the Simpson article's anything to go by, less so.
13:56 / 16.01.06
Just about to say the same thing myself.

The trial might be a good thing in that it could finally lay to rest the 'fisting to death' canard put about by sickening denizens of the gutter press like, er, myself earlier, but if he's found guilty of even the most minor of the drugs charges, watch the Daily Wail lead with Barrymore Guilty the very next day...
13:57 / 16.01.06
And will he be tried in the same court as Pete 'monkey coat, Burns?
18:27 / 16.01.06
I'm starting to really like Traci, who I expected to hate. She has much the same appeal as Chantelle, really- it's that infectious enthusiasm and refusal to get drawn into the hideous psychodrama that's being played out.

It's weird- it's almost like watching two different programmes simultaneously. Traci and Chantelle (and Faria, though I'm still not sure about her) are appearing on a game show and having a great time, while everyone else appears to be reenacting the Stanford Prison Experiment.

I mean, look at the box task- GG comes up with his (admittedly quite clever) ruse, but is taking everything dead seriously... Traci's quite bemused by this, as they've been given a game to play and figures they may as well play it, while Chantelle "think(s) it's funny 'cos we're all in boxes". I thought that was quite sweet, really.

Although I did have a soft spot for Preston just before Jimmy Saville turned up- the look on his face when he recognised the Jim'll Fix It music was like a kid at Christmas. Little did he know the horrors that were in store...
19:38 / 16.01.06
What was GG's ruse, then? I'm clearly not watching enough of this...
19:50 / 16.01.06
That they could "beat the system" by deciding among them who was going to be last in the boxes (they had to stay in boxes while BB tried to tempt them out with coffee and cake and stuff, and the last one out of their box would win, erm, some pants), then they could all get out straight away. Once they'd decided Rula could win, they all got up and had cake. (Apart from Pete and Preston, who had bailed and were eating cake already).
Char Aina
20:22 / 16.01.06
thanks for pointing that out so politely, anyway.

no problem.
21:19 / 16.01.06
[Teenage girl voice]So, how dumped is Preston then?[/Teenage girl voice]

I was watching this with my girlfriend (soap fan/gossip monger extraordinaire and target BB audience), and she was chortling away.

*Stop presses* Crikey, just saw on newsnight (lol, exclusive) that "Chantelle Beds Preston", look for it in tommorows Star.

So, how dumped is Preston then?
21:45 / 16.01.06
06:35 / 17.01.06
A clever ruse indeed.

Saw the diary room show on E4 last night so am acquainted with Rula's pants of power - didn't know quite how she'd come by them though.

best bit, tho', was watching Saville come into the diary room and begin talking to Big Bruv by actually saying 'Now, then, Big Bro-tha.' Almost as good as Dennis going 'Yo, big mutha-f...I mean, brother.'

Y'know what they should have done to Dennis when Jimmy came in, though? Pretended they couldn't see him. Saville, I mean. Convince Dennis that he's having some weird acid flashback of a strange old pixie-man in a tracksuit. That would have been amusing...
Psych Safeling
08:43 / 17.01.06
I crush you, v for velvetvandal, for that post.
08:50 / 17.01.06
Indeed. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to Barbequotes I go.
18:47 / 17.01.06
Apparently Craig (yes, scary Craig) is going to be on Big Mouth tonight.
19:12 / 17.01.06
Is it just me, or is this the most entertaining BB yet? As soon as Jodie left it's been fun all the way.
19:34 / 17.01.06
Anyone see the "race row" this afternoon? Be interesting to see how they edit it, as it could put pretty much anyone in a bad light depending what they show. I think Traci's still pretty upset, and blaming herself for the whole thing, when as far as I can tell it was all Rula's fault for making a big deal out of comments made by Faria.
Tryphena Absent
19:59 / 17.01.06
Celebrity lust, wahey!
20:07 / 17.01.06
Tee hee... someone on Big Mouth just described Dennis as a "potential sex pest"... "that's what makes him good to watch", says Titboy- indeed.
20:24 / 17.01.06
I'd actually forgotten that, above and beyond his scariness, Craig's also a complete penis.
21:00 / 17.01.06
v for velvetvandal- you may be amused to know that Pete just said he thought he was going insane when Saville turned up because he thought he was dead!
21:35 / 17.01.06
[off topic]
...he thought [Savile] he was dead...

I recognise that feeling, because I thought the same thing about Rolf Harris. Most Australians thought he died in the 80's. So I was disappointed when I moved to the UK to discover he was alive... and living here... and ubiquitous. Initially I thought I was watching very old repeats.
[/off topic]
22:04 / 17.01.06
I do think Barrymore is 'morally responsible' in that he invited the guy to his party, gave him access to an environment where there were drugs a-plenty and hazards like a pool, and didn't supervise his guests well enough to prevent what happened

Could I have a show of hands? Could anyone who has ever invited a friend of theirs to a party where drugs might be available please raise their right hands? Cheers. How about everyone who has ever been sufficiently out of it or distracted at a party they threw not to know what is happening in another room (or, if you have one, the pool)? Cheers also.

Which is to say that the relationship between the relationship of the host and in loco parentis is a bit complex, and it's possible that, to a degree, everyone who has a oarty in a reasonably spacious area is riding their luck. As such, best to hope that if the worst happens that you are Art Malik and not Michael Barrymore.
Tryphena Absent
22:15 / 17.01.06
I suppose the question for velvetvandal is, if you were in this position, having held a party in a large building, would you accept the responsibility for someone's death to the point of potentially going to prison for it, simply because it was your party?
22:28 / 17.01.06
It all depends on how responsible you think you ought to be towards your guests' welfare.
I think v has done a good job of apologising for the tone of his earlier comments yet holds a higher moral standard than most of us would find practicable. That's hir choice.
Should it be the case (and I doubt it was the case here, but we're dealing with hypotheticals) that the host gives uncontrolled access to powerful drugs then I would probably hold them responsible to some degree, yes.

Could anyone who has ever invited a friend of theirs to a party where drugs might be available please raise their right hands.

Guilty as charged.

How about everyone who has ever been sufficiently out of it or distracted at a party they threw not to know what is happening in another room

No, never. It's part of being a good host that you look after your guests.
22:51 / 17.01.06
I'll raise my hands to both. I've always trusted my guests with my house and ready access to all my stuff, and that of the people I live with; by the same token I'll trust them with their own bodies.

To be honest, back when I used to have a house I could host parties in (and they were fairly fucking legendary parties) I was rarely in a state to know what was going on in the room I was in, let alone any others.

Anyway. Celebrity Big Brother. I'm feeling horribly sorry for Traci at the moment. She's utterly convinced that the whole "race" argument this afternoon was her fault, and from the live feed, it really wasn't. A couple of minor misunderstandings, and a bunch of people eager to score points off each other led to total chaos. She seemed to be the only one willing to admit to her own mistakes, and to try to calm the waters. Nobody else seemed to be up for "calming", though. Or "admitting", either. Except Faria, who then used it as a jumping-off point for "pity me for I have been nominated" showboating. She went to bed really early tonight, as well. I think she just wants today to be over. And she was having such fun up until now, as well.

(BTW- new puppy was fascinated by CBB this afternoon. But only went up to investigate the TV whenever Traci was on. Puppi likes Traci. Therefore Traci must be alright).
23:00 / 17.01.06

It's part of being a good host that you look after your guests.

I think there could be a good Convo thread about this. Whenever I hosted parties me being the "host" was rarely an issue- I always thought of it as more an erasing of borders- for that night, my house was everyone's house- there was never really any "host"/"guest" division, it was just a whole bunch of people consuming immense amounts of chemicals. Whenever there was any trouble (and we only had one OD in several years, and that was one of the guys who lived there who, love him to bits, would have had that happen at some stage anyway. And for the record, he's apparently doing alright now, although part of his rehab involved cutting himself of from the rest of us, which hurts, but was probably the best idea, really), people would generally rally round and help sort it out for the good of the party (as it were. Oh, I remember a great night involving some stolen food and a can of Mace... vaguely!). All I did was provide a roof and walls. Oh, and some of the chemicals.

(This did go horribly wrong sometimes, I'll admit. But I doubt I'd do it any different were I to be in the same position now).

(Of course, either TangoMango, Punji Steak or Malarki, all of whom I lived with during the "party years", may well disagree. But they don't watch CBB, so it's unlikely they'll read this post).

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