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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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16:12 / 19.01.06
Forgive me if this is a stupid or obvious question, but why do they blank the sound at times during the live broadcast? I was watching the Punishment episode and there's frequent sound cuts - are there certain things they can't send out on air?
16:23 / 19.01.06
Yeah, they can't show them saying stuff that would cause legal problems or give away too much information about people outside- that's why they don't talk about their friends much.
16:25 / 19.01.06
It's a mix of things really, anything that might be considered libellous, personal information (family or frinds names) or specific addresses. I think they probably blank out large sections of swearing rather than trying to bleep out the words.

The bird sounds are nice though.
The Falcon
16:27 / 19.01.06
Re: motherfucker, it's apparently the only swear that ranks with 'cunt' these days (I saw a prog on the telly, said); hence, I imagine, the bleepy.
16:33 / 19.01.06
Another strange question is - has Barrymore's speech always been that slurred? It's been a while since I've seen him but I don't recall him sounding like he's perpetually drunk.
16:55 / 19.01.06
He's on medication- apparently they've been giving him it in the Diary Room.
Alex's Grandma
17:35 / 19.01.06
Preston is also on meds, according to today's 'Star.' And, thinking about it, a couple of days ago he did mention something about needing to take his sleeping pill, doled out, I fear, by the sort of work experince, media post grad wanker that finds it oh so teddibly amusing to put people with drug problems on telly.

Although it has been pretty good, so far.
Whisky Priestess
18:17 / 19.01.06
Dahling, if they took everyone with drug problems off telly, we'd be watching the fucking test card ...
Haus of Mystery
18:33 / 19.01.06
Are you telling me taht little girl and her clown weren't on drugs?
19:30 / 19.01.06
And Pete's coat's not gorilla, either.

But if he's gonna go picking on Traci I want him out anyway.
Whisky Priestess
19:54 / 19.01.06
And Traci should stop sucking 'up' to everyone, and start sucking them 'off.' IMVHO.

(Alex posing as WP, needless to say. I'm logging you out now, evil twin.)
06:16 / 20.01.06
A spokeswoman for the force said: "The coat will now be tested."

Policeman #1: Okay, coat, question one: which English king married Eleanor of Aquitane?


Policeman #1: Ah, keeping schtum, are we? Well, here's one...what do you get if you divide the square root of 16 by the average number of Opal Fruits in a standard size packet?


Policeman #2: He's a tough one, sarge.
06:21 / 20.01.06
And some more Dennis worship...

Faria is evicted: 'Hey! They're booing!'


Dennis (to Traci) Why you cryin'?

Traci: I'm just emotional...I don't like goodbyes...

Dennis: You didn't cry when the other one left.

And also, Dennis' brilliant atempt at duping George and Preston into thinking they hadn't been seen by walking across the house in an exaggerated fashion saying 'well, anyway, what I was sayin' was, ah...' and the conversation with Barrymore about 'TV shit' yesterday which was like living confirmation of the theories of Robert Anton Wilson. 'What's all this TV shit?' 'You're talking crap.' etc. Brilliant!
Hattie's Kitchen
06:40 / 20.01.06
I'm wondering if Pete's attack on Tracy was designed to win her viewer sympathy, in order to boost the chances of Rula being voted out, if only because I think Rula has a higher chance of being evicted by the public than Maggot. Pete seems canny enough to do something like that...
David Batty
08:23 / 20.01.06
Or maybe he's just a hard-faced shit who needs a good slap.
Hattie's Kitchen
08:29 / 20.01.06
Yes, that did occur to me. But there's no love lost between Pete and Rula, and this strikes me as just the kind of thing he'd do to increase the chances of Traci staying and Rula going. He's a shit but he's smart enough to know that viewers will be sympathetic to Traci after the savaging he gave her. Plus, he really doesn't give a toss whether the viewers like him or not, so it wouldn't bother him to be seen as a vicious git who needs slapping.

Or it could be I'm just watching waaaay too much of this and can't think properly...
08:35 / 20.01.06
If Burns did launch into an insanely nasty and oddly racist attack on Traci purely to keep her in and Rula out then he is TEH TRUE MACHIAVEL.

Prston regained a little respect for me when he walked out during it.

Galloway lost even more when after his claim that he is "forced" to stand up for people like Dennis and Chantelle when he sees them being "bullied" by people like Rula and Maggot, he sat silently by when Burns repeatedly called Traci a whore and a bitch "as that's your kind's language".

Oooh, I really hate that Pete Burns.
08:50 / 20.01.06
I thought that attack was really pretty savage, and it seemed to come out of nowhere. I was a bit "Where the hell did that come from?" Especially becuase she was up for the nommos, not Pete.

I'm mean, sure, she's a bit... enthusiastic, but I'd rather Traci being happy, engaged and well, cute as a button, than Pete's mean-spirited whining. And the way he came out, proud that he'd attacked her. Grrr... fuck him, I hope something very nasty happens to him when he gets out.

To be honest, all of the old-guard are self-serving, sycophantic has-beens desperately trying to rescue their pointless careers. Hopefully, the great british public have seen what bitter, broken characters they are, and will refuse them their comebacks. Back to limbo, you evil fuckers!
09:19 / 20.01.06
Dahling, if they took everyone with drug problems off telly, we'd be watching the fucking test card ...

Do you like my clown?
10:11 / 20.01.06
Duncan: Re: motherfucker, it's apparently the only swear that ranks with 'cunt' these days (I saw a prog on the telly, said); hence, I imagine, the bleepy.

Yes, I saw/heard something similar- the best bit being that they kept going on about "the Oedipal noun", because they couldn't actually say it on the show in question.

Mind you, I'm pretty sure someone said "shit" on the Archers yesterday. What is the world coming to?
10:25 / 20.01.06
I hope HK’s suspicion is correct, and that Pete will explain that to Traci after the eviction. I was pretty shocked by his tirade, as it seemed to come out of nowhere and be designed purely to hurt her feelings and rock her already faltering confidence. Traci handled herself well though, I thought, given the provocation. Pete’s ‘You know I’m cleverer than you, right?’ (Traci: ‘Yes, you probably are a bit cleverer than me. You’re a very witty man…’) ‘No, I’m not a bit cleverer than you, I’m a lot cleverer than you’, spiel was jaw-dropping stuff. And the ‘Bitch’ thing that Harhoo mentions was pretty sickening, I thought. And although Preston removed himself from the scene because it made him ‘uncomfortable’, I’d have had more respect for him if he’d actually objected. Although he did better than George, lying impassively next to Pete throughout the whole thing. Not only *is* he a cock, he increasingly *looks* like one, I think. His glans-like head peeping out of a shell-suit foreskin.
10:56 / 20.01.06
HK- I'll admit it's a possibility, and if it is indeed the case, I'll be fucking impressed. Going just on what we saw, though, it was utterly horrid.

Although at this point I'd do anything to get Rula out and keep Traci in- well, anything except that, really.
10:59 / 20.01.06

Stand by for fireworks...
13:14 / 20.01.06
Not at all agreeing with Pete's actions or opinions on dear old Trace but Hallmark should start a line of cards with "Everything you aspire to be is repugnant to me" as the inside sentiment. You know, for those "special" occassions.

The thought did occur to me that he was trying to elicit some sympathy for Traci too. Although considering what he said and the fact that he entered into his diatribe without her prior knowledge of the plan doesn't lessen how reprehensible an act it was, does it?
13:20 / 20.01.06
Either way I'm thinking along the lines of David Batty:
Or maybe he's just a hard-faced shit who needs a good slap.
13:46 / 20.01.06
Indeed. I sometimes disagree with his assessments on the Antiques Roadshow, but he's bang on the money here, IMO.
15:30 / 20.01.06
So it appears that the coat was colobus monkey afterall. I wonder if, considering his particular passion of gorilla fur, Pete will now ask for his money back.
19:57 / 20.01.06
Yay! Rula's out, and Traci lives to fight (or, more likely, be fought) another day!

Strangely I found Rula much more likeable in her eviction interview than when she was in the house.
modern maenad
07:55 / 21.01.06
why wouldn't pete join in anything last night/evening? Was he sulking 'cos they took his corpse-coat away? Also, agree with Stoatie that Rula came across really well in eviction interview, and though sorry to see her go - would be good to see an older woman win BB - am sooo pleased Traci's still in.
The Falcon
16:39 / 21.01.06
I dunno about that, but popbitch has some salacious, if informative info about Burnsy today:

Pete Burns claims that his remarkable lips
are made from foetus penises. "It's a thing
called Alloderm, which is the foreskins
off unborn babies," he told Bent magazine.

Mystery solved? Not quite. Popbitch's medical
expert says Alloderm is a filler made from
cadaver skin or skin taken from another
site on the patient's body, usually used on
burns victims. Dr Dawny says "It is impossible
for Pete's lips to be made of harvested
foreskins as they would be rejected by his
immune system."

A friend of Burns tells us that the tissue
used in the lips was in fact taken from
Pete's stomach...
Tom Coates
18:57 / 21.01.06
My suspicion is that Pete's decided to ramp up the vitriol to get himself evicted, and go out like a monstrous diva rather than look vulnerable. Alternatively, he might be under false ideas of his own coolness by the fact that he's been up for nomination twice and hasn't gone yet.
The Falcon
20:20 / 21.01.06
We'll see. I'd very much like to see Barrymore ousted next. Again, in part for his own sake.
20:40 / 21.01.06
I think Tom's got a damn good point. Pete clearly doesn't like being in there, but no way is he gona get kicked out just by default- he'd rather be hated than boring. If he doesn't get booed, he's gonna be a very disappointed man, I reckon.
22:07 / 21.01.06
Yeah he does seem to thrive under an atmosphere of animosity, he definitely generates enough. I feel a bit bleak about the housemate's reaction to his antics though. They're cowed by him and fawn over him at intervals but no-one really tells him to shut the fuck up, which at times they really should.

(Oh and I just saw the George Cat thing for the first time last night in Rulah's highlights (arf)!)
paranoidwriter waves hello
22:48 / 21.01.06
Anyone watching this on Ch4 right now? Is Tracy losing it?

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