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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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00:16 / 25.01.06
They need to stop giving them booze and start giving them amphetamines. The late-night feeds are getting dull.
05:02 / 25.01.06
Holy shit, that argument was nuclear. I'm still reeling.

I wanted to reach through my screen (and, I suppose, back in time) and flatten George's fat, smug, smirking face. Whether or not "poor me, poor me, pour me a drink" is, as pointed out by Pete in his sickeningly condescending lecture to Preston, a common phrase or not, it was clearly deliberately chosen by George for its effect. I also hate his self-righteous bravado that only exists when he has Pete sitting next to him to back him up.

I think it was the lowest point for Dennis when he made that thinly-veiled threat to Chantelle ("back where I come from, someone would get their face bashed in.") Interesting that they cut to Traci's reaction - which was a sort of uncomfortable familiarity. She's seen him act like this before, no doubt.

I was surprised by Barrymore, I thought he handled himself pretty well and didn't at all seem like the prick he's been in previous arguments - though it may just be because George and Pete have completely overshadowed him in prickishness. I thought his final speech was a bit theatrical but I was definitely on his side, and "coffee anyone?" was class.

Anyone catch the unfortunate bit when he said "Giving me a bashing is not gonna gain any brownie points, anywhere, except those who want a favour from you. And they can go jump in a...(uncomfortable pause)...lake."
06:54 / 25.01.06
'Poor me, poor me, pour me a drink' is a common phrase, is it? Fuck me, I've never heard it. Is it common where George lives - 1973?
07:02 / 25.01.06
I typed it into Google and a lot of pages came up, so it is actually a phrase that existed before it fell out of George's mouth - but it does seem to mainly be used in reference to acoholics, so it was still a low blow.
Mike Modular
07:06 / 25.01.06
Well, it was new to me too, and yes Pete was a condescending cunt when informing Preston of it's huge widespread use... At least it lead to Preston yelling "you fucking wanker!" repeatedly, at George, which I enjoyed very much.

Similar to Michael's stuck-for-a-better-word moment was Preston's post-argument rant about George to Chantelle: "He's about as democratic as a ... a fucking Nazi". Still funny though.
modern maenad
07:50 / 25.01.06
Couldn't believe George laying into Michael and Preston last night - the guy doesn't seem to have any conception of how this may look, aside from all other considerations. Also quite unnerving how convinced he is of his own rightousness - and I can't tell whether Pete's in agreement or just being contrary for the sake of it. Dennis has really sunk in my estimation; before he started getting aggressive he seemed like a decent guy who needed a bit of reconsructing in the sexual politics department, now he's shown his agressive/bullying tendencies the combination of that with the sexually predatory behaviour is leaving a nasty taste. Michael came out of that argument/attack from George well but is tarnished by his own bullying and narcisism. Maggot and Traci both seem fairly nice but ineffectual, though this may be more to do with editing than anything else. Have to say I'm for Chantelle to win - she's massively risen in my estimation after a fairly vacuous start. I was really impressed by how well she handled last night's confrontation, I can't help extrapolating the fact that its the wannabe non-celebrity who's coming out of CBB best - a sort of symobolic inverted critique of the importance of celebrity when its the joanna public housemate that comes across as the most personable, trustworthy and grounded.....
yawn - thing's buddy
08:21 / 25.01.06
barrrymore's 'speech' was hilarious.

and was all about him.

'you can bash me against posts, smash my cock off, chew my balls into string etc."

I don't think he came out of it well at all - it was one of the biggest, most obvious, play for the cameras yet seen.

in fact the only one who did come out of the evening's mess well, IMO, was Chantelle.

for her expert handling of dennis.

george is a strange man, gotta be said.

and strange for another reason, in that he could've shut barrymore up very quickly if he referred to his outrageous bullying of Jodie.

but that must seem like years ago to them, now.
08:34 / 25.01.06
a sort of symobolic inverted critique of the importance of celebrity when its the joanna public housemate that comes across as the most personable, trustworthy and grounded.....

Well, I’m not sure that the fact that celebrities are less personable, trustworthy and grounded than average is going to be breaking news to anyone, but I agree that she handled herself amazing well. I didn’t really understand why Dennis got involved, but I was shocked by what he said. For all of Pete and George’s viciousness, they’re never properly threatening, but Dennis’s tendency to explode without warning would be genuinely frightening, I think.

I’ve missed quite a bit of BB in the last week, so can anyone tell me where George’s hostility to Preston came from? Weren’t they pretty close before GG got busted for discussing nominations (and that wasn’t Preston’s fault, was it?).

Still, it looks like Michael has clawed back some social capital and Chantelle and Preston can only have benefited from it all.

So, it’ll be George and Dennis out tonight, leaving Pete totally isolated. He’ll spend the rest of the series in diary room, nursing his victim-complex and making yawnsome threats to walk, no doubt.
Fist Fun
09:02 / 25.01.06
Worrying things about GG is that is he is so easily led by the obviously vile bully Pete. He's quick to see conspiracy when there is none. He is hopelessly ungrounded. He takes a dodgy position and sticks with it obstinately refusing to be reasoned with and lashing out at others. He is really vicious on the attack. Maybe the 'pour me' coment wasn't meant in that way but to bring up Micheal's addicitions is just mean.

I hope most MPs aren't like him.
09:21 / 25.01.06
The fact that the ‘poor me, poor me, pour me a drink’ line came on the heels of his others comments about Michael’s addictions suggests to me that he knew exactly what he was doing (and I think Pete knew this too). But to an extent I don’t think it matters. He repeated it three times, so if he didn’t see the implication, he’s an idiot. If he did, he’s a cunt. Take your pick.

He does seem almost delusional about how he expects this to be playing to the outside world. Can he honestly believe that he's coming off better than Preston?
Tryphena Absent
10:03 / 25.01.06
What did Dennis do? I must have switched on just afterwards.
yawn - thing's buddy
10:10 / 25.01.06
preston's just a lying wee plutocrat tho, inty.
10:56 / 25.01.06
He does seem almost delusional about how he expects this to be playing to the outside world. Can he honestly believe that he's coming off better than Preston?

he will certainly claim so, won't he? GG is brilliant as a BB contestant because he contradicts himself constantly but because he's got a better grasp of the English language than most, no-one can really pick him up on it.

what did Dennis do?
He got all mardy because GG was having a pop at preston about his right's being violated and preston pointing out that GG had cheated and that's why he couldn't vote. Dennis took umbrage because as far as he was concerned Preston and Chantelle have an alliance where they won't vote for each other which is as bad (for him and others). . . that, and he's a bit jealous of Preston for getting Chantelle's lurve!!
modern maenad
10:58 / 25.01.06
Nina - this isn't verbatim due to me having a bit of a seive head but things escalated after the main group revealed the banking task double bluff to Chantelle and Preston. Pete and George kept on and on about them being sneaky liars, all very po faced and attacking. Then for no apparent reason Dennis waded in, siding with George and Pete, that they were lairs etc. He was standing and pacing, taking up a lot of physical space, and looking and sounding v. aggressive. He seemed to be directly challenging Preston at one point, and I think it was during the same exchange he threw a sideways threat to Chantelle, that 'girls (sic) like her would get their faces slapt/head kicked in (words to that effect) where he's from'....He repeated it several times and when challenged by Maggot/Preston tried to back down, but the damage was/is done.....then the real reveal took place, with George displaying a few more of his true colours....
Tryphena Absent
11:48 / 25.01.06
Sounds like Dennis was just being a bit of a nit because he was angry. The problem is that his size means that he's more intimidating when he does it.

Instinctively I feel that Chantelle can't win this. Am I wrong? I tend to get the winner pinned in the last week- clearly need to watch it closely tonight.
Haus of Mystery
12:08 / 25.01.06
No Nina, he wasn't being a 'nit'. He called Chantelle a bitch twice, vaguely threatened the whole room with physical violence, and squared up to Preston with the words 'Shut the fuck up'. It was nasty. The whole scene was really unpleasant, with George and Pete revelling in their 'righteousness'. Later, Galloway referred to Barrymore and Maggot crying and asked 'What kind of men are they?' Wanker.
David Batty
12:11 / 25.01.06
Galloway's frustration seems mostly to stem from his fellow housemates having confounded his limited expectations of them. He's pissed off because they haven't slotted into the little boxes he put them in. How narcissistic & self-delusional must he be to think that the younger housemates would be in awe of his supposed worldy-wisdom.

What the show has exposed is how he instinctively allies himself with the biggest bully in the room - whether it's Saddam or Pete "third degree" Burns.
Tryphena Absent
12:12 / 25.01.06
MacReady, have you read this thread?
modern maenad
12:16 / 25.01.06
Galloway's frustration seems mostly to stem from his fellow housemates having confounded his limited expectations of them. He's pissed off because they haven't slotted into the little boxes he put them in.

Batty - reckon you're on the money. I suspect when arranging to go on CBB he arrogantly thought it was going to be a piece of piss, platform for his grandiose posturings etc. I just love how its falling apart around him, and he's been left in the mire of his own making......
Haus of Mystery
12:20 / 25.01.06
Nina, I simply think 'nit' is a bit of a soft term to describe Dennis' behaviour in this instant. I would say 'aggressive wanker' might be more appropriate.
12:37 / 25.01.06
Agh. Still in no-broadband hell.

Anyway, yes. Enthralling stuff, perhaps the final coffin-nail in my initially warm fuzzy feelings about Pete Burns. Pete's instinctive, relentless singling out and haranguing of other housemates seems partly related to his own approach to truth, tact and brutal, brutal honesty. He's completely up-front about his own self-centredness, and appears to have only a limited comprehension of and patience for Preston and Chantelle's explanation that they were 'lying for the good of everyone'. Pete seems never to lie, particularly for reasons of tact or for the common good, and has no tolerance for those who do. He actually pushed the two 'directors' on specific points ("have you been drinking?"), forcing them to elaborate on their lie, then excoriated them for lying 'more than was necessary'.
12:40 / 25.01.06
(Posted before finished. Sodding work computer.)

I suspect at least some of Burns' ire about lying was a conscious rationalisation of his more instinctive dislike of 'authoritary' Preston in his pinstriped power-suit. He talked three or four times about wanting to hit or slap Preston because of the way he was dressed, and I got the distinct impression there was some heavy-duty transference going on there.
The Falcon
12:47 / 25.01.06
Regardless, though, I did enjoy Chantelle's insistence the other night that "I ain't gonna be called a liar," all the while intermittently telling some more lies. Preston seems reasonably sharp and perhaps ought have pointed this contradiction out.

Chantelle will win; it's like the public voting for 'themselves' - we've got £20 on from week one when she was about 5/2 at betfair, and the odds have only shortened since.

Galloway's eardrums will literally bleed tonight from the invective he's about tae face.
12:56 / 25.01.06
Galloway, on the other hand, was clearly still seething about being 'deprived of my rights' re: manipulating nominations. I agree with David Batty that, while best-known for playing the solo pugilist taking a principled stand against corrupt (western) power structures, he's also quite comfortable allying himself with the scariest aggressor in the room.

So long as that aggressor is male. While there's always the whiff of misogyny about Big Brother, this year's celebrity offering seems even more so than usual - and, for me, Galloway embodies this more than anyone. It's notable that, while obviously attracted to some females (Rula, Faria), he's happy to sacrifice those friendships at the flick of a moustachio. He's consistently commented negatively on the (by implication, sexual) 'morality' of female housemates - most notably with Jody, early on - but has rarely been critical of, say, Rodman's '2000 women' claims.

While a petty, two-faced back-stabber generally (turning on Barrymore, Preston), Galloway's more enduring alliances in the House have been with the more alphaey males (Rodman and, weirdly, Pete Burns). On occasion he's 'defended' individuals who, on the face of it, don't need a great deal of defending, and he's usually on the side of the poor beleaguered male (Dennis) and against the eeevil shrew-like harridan (Rula, Faria, Chantelle) who might seek to lash him with her 'unfairly' articulate tongue.

I think he's vile. What little Respect I had for Georgie is pretty much gone.
12:59 / 25.01.06
Chantelle will win

I really hope you’re right, Duncan. But if I were going to lay a bet, I'd put it on Preston.
13:03 / 25.01.06
Regardless, though, I did enjoy Chantelle's insistence the other night that "I ain't gonna be called a liar," all the while intermittently telling some more lies.

I suspect she wouldn't see this as a contradiction because she didn't see herself as a habitual liar - as opposed to someone who lies in the wholly contrived context of a gameshow, in order to (as they perceive it) obtain reward for the whole group, in the full knowledge that her lies will be a) temporary, and b) captured on national television for all to see.

Like Chantelle, I'd draw a distinction between being put in the position of having to spin temporary, tactical lies to a communally advantageous end and being "a liar".
13:10 / 25.01.06
Well, yes. They were playing the game. I habitually log on to World of Warcraft and let people believe I am a fucking elf. But that's how you play the game. I wouldn't say it made me a liar.

It's all the other stuff I do that does that.
13:15 / 25.01.06
Sounds like Dennis was just being a bit of a nit because he was angry.

"Nit" doesn't convey the degree of aggression - even threat - in what he said and how he said it.
13:16 / 25.01.06
Yes, Dennis was being a boorish, aggressive, threatening cock. Which I found depressing, cos I'd been starting to really like him up until then.

Preston and Maggot are now singing "You're The One For Me, Fatty". 'nesh? Are you getting this?
13:20 / 25.01.06
Not at work, no.
13:24 / 25.01.06
AND they were singing "Big Bottom" AND "Sex Farm Woman".

Bet this won't make it to the highlights. The really important stuff never does.
The Falcon
13:26 / 25.01.06
Thinking about it, Ordinary Boy Preston is probably my favourite now, after Dennis ruined his good streak by being a giant cock last night and Chantelle's become a bitty dull and smug. But I'd rather have 50 note than him win.

Whether or not the lies were told of necessity, and I totally accept they were; and BB encouraged further from the diary room prior to the combustion of GG, they remain barefaced untruths - not like being a pretendy elf. I just found the juxtaposition of the enormously spun out 'what we did in the diary room' story with 'I ain't no liar, and I won't be called one' amusing; s'not a moral judgment or anything.
modern maenad
13:26 / 25.01.06
damn you for making me break the no 1 rule of working from home - No TV. Ha, but then got to hear Mag and Pres discuss 'Getting a Haircut, Celebrity Style', which evidently invovles head massage. Poor old Maggot, still looks like he hacked at it with nail clippers. Love Prestons' doggy shirt though - pink terriers, whatever next....
13:30 / 25.01.06
barrrymore's 'speech' was hilarious.

and was all about him.

'you can bash me against posts, smash my cock off, chew my balls into string etc."

I don't think he came out of it well at all - it was one of the biggest, most obvious, play for the cameras yet seen.

Nahhh, I think that's overstating things. I agree that it became melodramatically All About Me latterly, but I don't think it was aimed exclusively at the cameras. I think a large part of it was firing back a supposedly-dignified response at a male of equivalent age who'd smirkingly brought up Barrymore's past 'sins'.

After a few seconds, I did think, "for fuck's sake, stop talking now while you're ahead". Thankfully he wound up relatively soon, and "coffee, anyone?" wasn't a bad way to draw a line under it all.

I thought he came out of the whole thing reasonably well - but then, I probably had low expectations to start with.
Char Aina
13:39 / 25.01.06
i never understood the anger at people doing secret tasks, hey.
last time round the housemates(often makosi) seemed to hound the truth out of people, ruining everyon's chances of freebies and fun.

even if somone came out of the diary room painted blue and wearing gold speedos i wouldnt say shit until they said something to me in the hopes that their secret task would net me extra booze/fags/food/entertainment. fuck, why wouldnt you? you'd have to really care about being percieved as a sherlock to shit in your own paddling pool like that.

and yeah.
galloway has always seemed like a bit of a wanker to me, but his manner on the show has cemented my opinion of him as a Pure Total Wank.
apart from chazza and her indie-chile they all seem pretty fucking irritating by now, but i guess that's par for the course.

i would have a pint with thae two and maybe traci.
i'd possibly agree to one with george, but only if we met in a Republican ale house somewhere DC and i can throw my drink over his head. shit, i might even buy two to have something to do while he sputters and tries to say something clever.

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