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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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12:03 / 06.01.06
Let's not forget, she was Lintilla on the R4 Hitch-Hiker's Guide. Or am I horribly wrong there?
12:09 / 06.01.06
Desperation's really not a good look, but out of basic human empathy I want him to win.

I'm not so sure. Perhaps it's because he's such a... child, but Barrymore strikes me as largely irredeemable because he's got only the most primitive understanding of why he's being hounded - why his behaviour over the Stuart Lubbock thing was wrong. I think he understands 'I'm getting applause/laughter/approval = Good' and 'I'm getting booing/criticism = Bad' but beyond that, adult interactions seem to bewilder him.
12:13 / 06.01.06
Oh, I don't know if he is redeemable in any wider sense of the word... I just really don't like seeing people in pain or discomfort. Not for any length of time, anyway.

I'm watching the wroing programme, aren't I?
12:18 / 06.01.06
Missed this part, but according to someone on Digital Spy Pete Burns was wearing a fur coat and claiming it was gorilla.

Sorry mate, fond '80s memories aside, you can fuck off.
12:21 / 06.01.06
Isn't that the apocryphal story of why he and Morrissey fell out? Over a fur coat?
12:22 / 06.01.06
Yep it is gorilla, he admitted it freely. Fuck pretty shocking.
12:22 / 06.01.06
I don't know... I haven't really been following his career since DOA.
12:23 / 06.01.06
Yep it is gorilla, he admitted it freely

I may actually have to do some voting this time round. What has become of my life?
12:23 / 06.01.06

Plus: "I don't really do reality".

Just reality TV.
12:25 / 06.01.06
I may actually have to do some voting this time round. What has become of my life?

Just relax, dear, relax into it. Imagine yourself opening up like a flower.
12:26 / 06.01.06
Heh. Just read that link. Guessing the GAY show last year didn't really propel him back into the ranks of reality-TV-shunning megastardom as expected, eh?
12:44 / 06.01.06
I think his plastic surgery going tits up drained him financially so he reconsidered his view on reality tv.
12:46 / 06.01.06
Reconsidering my statement that I just really don't like seeing people in pain or discomfort. Not for any length of time, anyway.

I'd like to see Pete Burns being mauled by a gorilla.
12:51 / 06.01.06
Chantelle will be evicted from the house on Sunday evening if her cover story is rumbled.

In other news, Faria grumbles about the "bloody English" and their crappy attitude to extra-marital jiggery-pokery. Cue tabloid fury, 'well don't live here then', 'how do they treat infidelity where you come from', 'political correctness gone maaaad!1!', etc., etc.

Faria Faria, you seem a sensible person, why are you doing this?
13:22 / 06.01.06
It'll be a pity if Chantelle leaves, her situation adds a really interesting dynamic to the house and I'm liking initial sparks of friendship between her and Rodman.
Really they should have provided her with a more passable cover story or at least given her the option of coming up with her own.

And also:
Why are Grover (of The Muppets) and Davina McCall inexorably tied together and totally interchangable in my mind? I fail to see a reason.
13:27 / 06.01.06
Thoughts like if Chantelle does succeed in her task, will she be given the option of revealing her non-celebrity status to the rest of the housemates?
And if she does this how will reaction within the house change towards her, if at all?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:46 / 06.01.06
Why Galloway doing this was a really, really bad idea.
13:50 / 06.01.06
Yes, I've been wondering whether GG has officially taken this as holiday...

...but, you know, he's never been one to let his responsibilities as an MP stand in the way of self-publicity.
14:48 / 06.01.06
Apparently Chantelle's a professional Paris Hilton lookylikey in her 'civilian' life. Perhaps the most depressing occupation evar?!1!

Barrymore stays up late and pokes the Queen in the eye. No, not a euphemism for masturbation or, I suspect, simple attention-craving wackadayness; I suspect he's discovered this year's hidden microcamera.
19:15 / 06.01.06


Ganesh, I realise that was a kind-of-ironic use of the term, and I respect your opinions in these threads hugely, but should you ever use that term again I shall have to find you and kill you. And, following that, I will have to do the same to Andi Peters for coining the term. I haven't got the time right now, so that would be annoying.

Anyway, my problem with Chantelle as a Paris Hilton lookalike is that she hasn't realised she is not allowed to have facial expressions or a vocabulary.

Just noticed that Traci might be a little unsettled that, despite being Af-American, she has a lighter skin tone than almost everyone else in the house. Is that likely to be significant? Actually, from another angle, I see that's not true, but there are a lot of very very brown white people in there.

The edits of the first meetings are quite interesting tonight. Much more of Rodman looking confused.
19:30 / 06.01.06
Barrymore and Galloway discussing media portrayal of the individual. THAT's something we'd never have seen otherwise, and probably worth the price of admission by itself (only caught the tail-end... must find more of this).
19:49 / 06.01.06
That joke was mega.
19:56 / 06.01.06
I thought it was pretty shit, actually... especially seeing as how I'd been frustrated not to hear it on last night's feed- presumably it was blanked because, until the punchline, the guys on the mics assumed it was a true story.

Maybe the build-up spoiled it.
20:03 / 06.01.06
I think this must be the first time the Daily Mail have advertised on Channel 4. I don't have any recollection of seeing any Mail ads since I stopped watching ITV. Anyway, on to Earl.
20:06 / 06.01.06
I thought the joke was really funny. She seemed to be playing on the whole "dizzy blonde" thing, by presenting a totally pointless and rambling story, but then turned it all around with a punchline that really surprised me, if only because I was just saying "where the hell is this going?"

Other highlights-

Chantelle - "What's a gynacologist?" (<- I know this is probably spelt wrong. I added an 'e' but it looked wrong...)
Chantelle - "what are you?"
Rodman - "I'm black."

Shame to say it, but Chantelle is looking like the star of this show right now. She's like a minnow swimming with sharks, and they don't even know she's there. Can't wait to see how it plays out.

btw, love the flirty hands with her and the Rodman. She is so far out of her league, it's endearing.
20:08 / 06.01.06
Hmm. Was surprisingly warming to GLC guy until he came out with the (Barrymore) "gave ME a few funny looks... you've got to be cautious about people" comment. (Unless I misinterpreted what he said, and he meant Barrymore looked like he wanted to fight him or something... either way, his worry that it might reflect badly on him if he's seen to be friendly to MB... still think Barrymore's a cock, but that's quite an unpleasant attitude, if I'm reading it right).
20:34 / 06.01.06
Other highlights-

Chantelle - "What's a gynacologist?"

For me, that wasn't as funny as the fact that, when she learnt what it meant, she thought Michael Barrymore might be one.

Unless I misinterpreted what he said, and he meant Barrymore looked like he wanted to fight him or something

I think he was more worried that he wanted to bum him or something.

I saw some of the live feed last night and was surprised by the emphasis of tonight's highlights. Rodman did seem more confused last night, and far from being out her league, he was pursuing Chantelle for hours before they went to bed. And in a surprisingly charmless, clumsy way. I inferred that back home he must be used to brassy blondes throwing themselves at his enormous cock at the first opportunity. He appeared to think he just needed to present himself to her. And he practiced the 'So, you say you're a "vegetarian" *nudge nudge fnarr fnarr* are you??!?! ' gambit a few times before the final take used for tonight's show. Both seemed utterly baffled by eachother.
20:39 / 06.01.06
Yeah, to be honest, Rodman's coming across as something of a cock.

(And, wrt my life, did I just sign up for the Digital Spy fora? And did I nearly provoke an argument over whether Maggot's comments about Barrymore were homophobic or not? Yes, yes, I believe I did. Kill me now.)
20:40 / 06.01.06
Well, there's an aura around Barrymore that he's been "disgraced", despite the fact that he's never been found definitively guilty of anything. I'd expect anyone who seems to be as bright as Maggot to want to be a wee bit careful not to be tarred with the same sloppy tabloid brush. Especially when your career and those of all your mates hinges on being sarcastic about other celbs' foibles.
Tits win
21:26 / 06.01.06
Yeah I cringed when I heard what Maggot said - Matter of fact, I cringe within two minutes of trying to watch this every time I put it on.
22:49 / 06.01.06
From Digital Spy's Is Chantelle attractive to men? thread:

She's attractive but I prefer a more natural look...she looks vaguely porn-starish to me.

Must be the Paris Hilton lookalike biz..
22:58 / 06.01.06
Yeah I cringed when I heard what Maggot said - Matter of fact, I cringe within two minutes of trying to watch this every time I put it on.

Why? Because someone's making crass, borderline racist/homophobic/sexist generalisations?

Tryphena Absent
23:16 / 06.01.06
Jodie looks like a dwarf when Dennis stands next to her. A tiny, dwarf-lady.
23:24 / 06.01.06
Jodie really needs to develop topics of conversation other than bullying/persecution. She's wearing out her housemates, one by one.
23:25 / 06.01.06
Citadel Miniatures need a new line: Uruk-Jodi;

and Ent-Rod-Man.

Watch them fight!

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