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Celebrity Big Brother 2006


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20:19 / 05.01.06
E4 is a good half hour behind?
20:19 / 05.01.06
Pete surrounded by his clones was quite funny. The look on Jodi's face... I don't quite know how to place it. Is she thinking "Crikey, they both look like me, only one's prettier, and the other has bigger boobs"?

Chantal will fail. Spectacularly. And then, when this is over, she'll be a celebrity, and be on other reality TV shows or even *shudder* become a pundit on those talking head shows.
20:37 / 05.01.06
Chantelle is taking large gulps of wine after introductions.
20:56 / 05.01.06
At least she's not 'introducing' the bottle.
21:36 / 05.01.06
Over on E4, Georgie seems to be pulling ahead as Stud Duck (although, with the possible exception of Rodman, we're not exactly overflowing with obvious Alpha Males here). He's clearly got the hots for Rula and Faria. Seems like Georgie's going for the aList while the iList are siliconally attracted to Petey Burnsoe.
Mourne Kransky
21:38 / 05.01.06
Preston from WeSupportedPaulWellerBrieflyYouKnow seems to have missed the paddle steamer that's capably captained by Alex Kapranos. He might turn out to have all his parts about him yet though.

Goldie Lookin Chain boy is most unprepossessing.

Where's the eye candy? Lots of pretty girlies but no sex puppies for Xoc.

Perhaps this BB will be all about the INTELLECT. Nah.

Pete Burns looks good, considering the trouble he's had along the way. Better than the one with the weird nose and 11 O Levels. I suspect she's bright enough but not very emotionally intelligent.

I'm a bit of a Rula Lenska fan. I remember her in Rock Follies as a lad, way back in the seventies, along with Charlotte Cornwell and Julie Covington as fellow members of a girl band. It was great, at the time, and featured positively written gay characters. That wasn't just rare, it was utterly unknown then.

I think Chantelle might well manage her task. If only because the rest don't really care about the celeb quotient of other housemates, just their own. None of them has heard of Faria or Maggot either.

Onto E4+1 now and watching fast to catch up. Such fun.
21:52 / 05.01.06
Despite being generally regarded as controversial types in the press alot of them seem quite centred and together. I liked Pete's little talk with Jodie regarding The Press. The more famous ones don't seem to feel the need to perform very much. In latter years lead to excruciating singing, so hopefully less of that.

All I know about The Ordinary Boys is that they took their names from a Mozza track, they played his Meltdown gig & that he's quite fond of them.
Mourne Kransky
21:56 / 05.01.06
Denis Rodman still hiding behind his shades. I think he's unused to being so out of his depth, surrounded by teh English.
22:03 / 05.01.06
With the only other American a scary, silicon-based iGroupie.

(Breathlessly edited to add

And she's his ex! Needless cruelty to Americans, I feel. After last year's Stallonery, this is looking like a running theme...
22:09 / 05.01.06
Watching Pete and his iGroupies (groupers?), I'm reminded of my scuba-diving experiences of yesteryear...

22:15 / 05.01.06
Georgie Boy is, by his own account, "a leader of the anti-war movement in Britain". Uh-huh. He's enjoying a moment with Barrymore in which the pair are discussing honesty. Is schmoozing with a celebrated homosexualist at all likely to harm Galloway's standing with the more fundie elements of his Muslim demographic?
23:09 / 05.01.06

Sorry, just had to release that scream. My passion for life is fading fast. I'm sitting in Sugar Hut office waiting for Sarah to finish work. I'm starving hungry (in fact I'm so weak from lack of food that I can't stand up anymore), my whole body aches from running today (don't even ask!), I'm cold and tired and in need of a normal pissing bloke. I've smoked 100 fags, I wish I was out on my bike right now and I'm on the verge of calling a shag-buddy just to make me feel wanted for half an hour!!! I need help................ I'm losing the will to live right now and the fact that Sneak magazine are saying I look minging again this week has just pushed me over the edge. I feel like going down to their office, dragging the bastard that wrote it out of their chair, pinning them to a wall by their throat before chucking them out of a 5th floor window. While I'm at it, I might go and drag Dimples off his stupid treadmill and give him what for as well. Anybody that messes with me tonight will feel my wrath and Jodie Marsh pissed off is not a good thing. Give me a few hours with Sarah and Lauren and let us win a few darts matches and I'll be smiling again. Blown out I tell you, blown out! Well good luck Dimples..... in finding a girl who can give you as good a blow job as I could have..........

I'm smiling again now


Jodie has an Urgh Fuck Untamed Hate and Anger moment in her Blog.
23:14 / 05.01.06
(Actually about the above; I was almost immediately sorry and promise to never copy and paste large amounts of text from Jodie Marsh's Blog onto Barbelith ever, ever again).

Should you want to peruse it yourself, here's the Link. I'm sure there's a few gems in there but really she seems utterly, utterly normal.
23:55 / 05.01.06
She's talking about her blog with the Petester. Seems terribly thin-skinned, ol' Jodie.
Alex's Grandma
01:00 / 06.01.06
Caught a bit of this an hour so or ago - In the kitchen there was Maggot, check, Dennis Rodman, I'm guessing, but who was teh blonde? It wasn't Jodie Marsh, was it? And if it was, what on earth's happened to the poor dear's nose? It seemed to be twice the size of the pixie button thing she was last seen sporting on... one of the television programmes that I've occasionally *actioned* as a telewest broadband consumer, late at night, on my own.

I'm guessing Maggot to win - People in bands, unless they're the singer, lead guitarist or whatever, would seem to be pretty much ideally suited to holding themslves together in strange, dark and claustrophobic situations such as this, when, well I forget the Kipling quote exactly, and don't have it to hand, but guys, you know the one I mean!
01:12 / 06.01.06
Teh blonde would be Chantelle. Do keep up.
06:33 / 06.01.06
I reckon Georgie will be doing a Germainey and ducking out after a week or so. There's no way he'll be able to keep his cool in that house.

Maggot might well be the surprise of the show, though. I reckon he's not as green as he's cabbaged-looking.

This might possibly be my Big Brother Swan Song, though. I spent most of the show wondering "who the fuck are you again?". I fear I need to start watching BBC4.

Still, hopefull The Rod will be able to use his Extra-Large Condoms. Possibly on Barrymore while the Ordinary Boy secretly watches from a wardrobe.
06:56 / 06.01.06
I reckon Dennis should use his condoms in the time honoured putting-them-over-your-head-and-blowing-them-up stylee. He'd win then, hands down. It's the English way.
yawn - thing's buddy
08:34 / 06.01.06
i find chantelle mesmerising, actually.

absurdity of maggot, chantelle and dennis rodman sitting round a tiny pool, sweating together, is right up my street.

rodman, referring to pete burns: "gotta lotta friends like that back home".

s'like an X-STATIX comic innit.
09:41 / 06.01.06
Rodman assures Chantelle that he's "straight as fuck". So that's that, then.

I'm also finding Chantelle - and her predicament - oddy compelling. It's like she's been cobbled together from off-cuts of Paris Hilton. I'm wondering if her obliviousness of the music industry is apparent to anyone in the House or if it's just cringeworthy to us because we know her cover story.
yawn - thing's buddy
10:04 / 06.01.06
yeah - i watched all that last night. couldn't tear myself away from the rodman and chantelle.

just bizarre.

loved it when barrymore walked in and chantelle said: "hey, here's barrymore!' (rather than michael)
10:32 / 06.01.06
Chantelle has been found out, I think. Ordinary Boy, George & Faria discussing whether she is a red herring or not in the garden. Too bad.
10:34 / 06.01.06
yaaaaargh! big brother!!!! i love big brother so fucking much! it is the all-tits!


barrymore: just a fantastic coup, the sickliest walk-to-the-house imaginable. i'd forgotten how massively, annoyingly popular he was not all that long ago, and have this horrid feeling the more itv elements of today's telly-watchers will see this as his total 'vindication' (of what? don't know really. he never killed that guy in the pool did he? is his crime just being too touchy thereafter?). i don't know if anyone ever caught an episode of 'my kind of usic', but barrymore was quietly doing car crash tv long before it was hip. plus, they have an indoor jacuzzi.

dennis - who's gotta be like a trillionaire, surely the richest motherfucker ever to walk through the doors of the big brother house. and he's shagged traci, who was the bridesmaid at his wedding to hokey-cokey carmen electra? there's a story there i reckon.

pete burns - best 'bad surgery' photos i'd seen in ages. the man responsible for the best no1 single evar, and a real looker these days. it's just brilliant to have that voice coming out of that face.

rula - don't really know much about her, though i'm sure she must have been a baddie in some doctor whos or something - seems nice though, and has that batty elder thing...

jodie - well, a bit on the dappy side obvs, but i like any celebrity who just admits they hate being called a twat whenever they step outside. i expect she's probably not all that bad, though i imagine she will go to great lengths to hide that fact while she's in-house.

maggott - i like goldie lookin chain, always excellent value when they appear on telly, but it's a shame they didn't pick the funny main one. i hope he does a good line in ugly tracky tops while he's in there.

traci - shagged dennis, and a baywatch star kinda unknown to me, as i believe i had moved-on to real pornography by the time she joined the show. just seems out of her depth really, more so than

chantell - u-go-girl. will any of the slebs be rude enough to disbelieve whatever story she comes up with? how are they going to know she's not a porn star/ gossip mag editor/ whatever? hope she does the distance, it's just a shame we don't have a 50-50 sleb/nobody mix like i've been advocating for years.

preston - since mid 2004 preston's kinda been that guy - y'know, the one flirting with the shop assistant and causing an unnecessary queue? that noisy pissed guy while i'm trying to have a quiet drink in the pub? that guy who you go, 'wow, that's a nice coat' then he turns round and it's like 'oh that cunt again'? him. but he looks like a squillion new english pounds, is an unashamed big bro fan and was the only one i think who went 'awight' to barrymore. and he's probably going to win, so good on the local boy.

george galloway - see, i just don't trust him. this is obviously only sensible as he is a politician and therefore afflicted with some degree of megalomania, but i just reckon one day some shit's going to stick to him, so i always hedge my bets when it comes to saying nice things about him. loved the way no-one knew who he was. interested to see how this plays with his core voter-base. just interested, really. i've no vested interest though - some of you must've voted Respect, what do youse make of it?

faria - big mistake love, seriously. first to go i expect.

three weeks of joy ahead, and dermot's show starts just as i'm usually pushing the plunger on the toaster. no more guilt about flunking my new years resolutions either, because i now have something else constructive to do with my evenings.
10:35 / 06.01.06
ah poo, shame about chantelle.
10:45 / 06.01.06
She gone, has she?
10:49 / 06.01.06
On her way.
10:52 / 06.01.06
Is her leaving the result of a public vote (I'm not watching the show, but I am watching Barbelith)? If so, that's a shame, but pretty understandable.
10:54 / 06.01.06
She failed her task by arousing suspicion as to her celebrity status (or lack thereof). Thus will be booted out. Tonight?
11:04 / 06.01.06
I expect Big Brother will inform the Housemates that there's a 'civilian' in their midst and they'll all finger Chantelle. Rodman especially.
11:25 / 06.01.06
barrymore: just a fantastic coup, the sickliest walk-to-the-house imaginable. i'd forgotten how massively, annoyingly popular he was not all that long ago, and have this horrid feeling the more itv elements of today's telly-watchers will see this as his total 'vindication' (of what? don't know really. he never killed that guy in the pool did he? is his crime just being too touchy thereafter?). i don't know if anyone ever caught an episode of 'my kind of usic', but barrymore was quietly doing car crash tv long before it was hip. plus, they have an indoor jacuzzi.

It took him an astonishing amount of time to recognise/be frank about 'his kind of people' but, despite his slightly soiled reputation in the gay community, I can't really blame him for those years of closetedness. He's deeply, deeply flawed, a near-pathologically immature fuck-up who was, for years, utterly dependent on his wife-manager. I think his self-image is so contingent upon the approval of others that he'll say and do pretty much anything to a) obtain approval, and b) avoid criticism. He's also unselfawarian and almost wholly self-centred, as was demonstrated by his refusal/inability to take the most basic responsibility for what happened at his pool party (again, check out my link to the Mark Simpson interview for details).

That said, I think he was treated pretty badly by some of the press, particularly the tabloids - and, as a creature of the tabloids himself, that must've stung Barrymore most of all. I suspect he climbed out of the car expecting total booing and, when this didn't happen, manically milked his entrance (oo-er, etc.) for response. He's the child that can't live without constant approving attention.

But yes, the 'ho ho, don't let Barrymore near the pool' gags will doubtless run and run.
11:39 / 06.01.06
Meanwhile Intellectually Extraordinary Boy Preston causes "a stir" by using the word 'exponential'.

According to the official site, the same thing's happening as happens at the start of every Big Brother: males and females separate, congregating around their respective Alphas. I'm not sure whether to be depressed or heartened by the fact that this is just as true for celebs as 'nonentities' (copyright D McCall, 2006). The Alphas would appear to be Georgie Boy (his cigar has wowed the lesser apes into bottom-presenting submission) and Petey Burnsoe (whose labially-lipped visage is clearly marking him out as an honorary female for the purposes of group bonding).

Rodman and Chantelle are out there on the periphery, taking outsider comfort in each other. Aw.
11:46 / 06.01.06
Oh yeah, and by all accounts, Barrymore's a bit of a cunt to restaurant and bar staff. Which is, generally speaking, unforgivable.
11:58 / 06.01.06
DigitalSpy's taken an interesting (if, one suspects, moderation-intensive) line on discussion of aforementioned Barrymore poolfoolery...

(Step away from the keyboard, Ganesh. Be strong.)
12:00 / 06.01.06
I'm feeling horrible amounts of sympathy towards Barrymore on the strength of last night's feed. (Let me make it clear- I've ALWAYS thought the guy was a dick).

He looked so horribly uncomfortable, so intensely aware that this, tawdry though it is, is almost certainly his last chance to get his career back, and to undo some of the damage caused by the tabs.

Desperation's really not a good look, but out of basic human empathy I want him to win.
12:01 / 06.01.06
rula - don't really know much about her, though i'm sure she must have been a baddie in some doctor whos or something
Well spotted. I think it was one of the Dalek ones. Resurrection?

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