Kovacs, you seem like such an apologist!
I think it's Barbelith itself that lends me this humble tone... a culture of conflict avoidance 
Emily Triplets is correct - this book is trying to be the hub for this vast storyline that does not actually tie together in any kind of graceful way. Having key bits of other storylines pop up for a page in this miniseries only confuses the other storylines and makes this issue incoherent. It would have been been better to leave the the Power Girl/Ye Olde Superman storyline unique to this miniseries, and let the other storylines exist in the other ongoing series.
I agree it's not graceful, but I dig the sense that so much is going on, and all we can do is dip into it. It's giving me a really old-skool sense of a busy, vibrant, messy fictional universe... the feeling I get when I read a wikipedia entry on Supergirl or drop in on one of this forum's trivia threads and realise there's so much history and arcana I didn't know. I don't care if it's messy! I think that's fun! I think it's hilarious that Power Girl's bust size is canonical and in-continuity, that she was retconned as an Atlantean (!? the fuck ?!), that she's called something so outrageously lame as Power Girl but that we're so used to it we don't much notice.
This is what makes the DCU such stupid fun to me; the mixed-up mythology, the pseudo-science, the half-assed attempts to make things make sense when they never will (rules about how susceptible "Superman" is to "magic" ... the very idea of rationalising two fairytale concepts is appealingly doomed). I love the way team members refer to each other by their stupid codenames in conversation, and in capital letters. I like seeing all the third-stringers and Z-listers coming out of the woodwork, being zipped off to some cosmic splash page and picked off as cannon fodder, with a tearjerking farewell if they're lucky. When Joker pops up for a page, that feels like some melodramatic old big-shot like Pacino suddenly appearing for a cameo: hey, it's the fucking Joker! He's been around since 1940 and here he is killing off all that gang made up of playing cards, and I guess they're all out of continuity forever now!
I don't know, man... maybe I've just got the "Eyes of a Child" and you've left that way behind! But this is what the DCU is all about to me... daft, huge-cast, world-shattering, cornball bad science fiction taking itself dead seriously and being crazy fun as a result.
As it is, it's incomprehensible to people who do not read/know about every other thing in the DC Universe, and it's just amazingly crass, designed solely for the purpose of encouraging other purchases.
You can't really say this reading is "correct" when I've enjoyed it and understood it, but not bought any of the spin-offs and clearly exhibit a great deal of ignorance about the surrounding lore and logic of the DCU. |