And, talking of closing ranks, the Stupid Straight Men have set up an exemplary old boys' network in the context of the military task, bending over backwards to accommodate fucking pathetic crappochondriac Ahmed - one of their own - yet constantly needling Nadia, who they perceive as The Enemy. Nadia, as far as I can see, has yet to generate a task failure, despite being in frank nicotine withdrawal and openly loathing the army theme (possibly because her femininity derives partly from what she wears, and here she's forced to wear masculine/androgynous clothing - which must rankle). If she'd attempted a quarter of the shite excuses Ahmed's been whining, both Jason and Victor would be down on her like a ton of pricks, bellowing in her face.
They're so partisan it's unbelievable. As within so without, Stupid Straight Men (with, in Jason's case, obvious scare-quotes around "Straight") rule the world... |