No, don't worry, Bamba; I don't think you're being dense. I suspect mutual enthusiasm is causing overlap...
No, the contestants always seem to think having an agenda is bad (except Nasty Nick I suppose) but surely you as a viewer realise this is nonsense?
Of course I do; "deadly sins" is intended to be tongue-in-cheek. I don't think the 'gameplan = baaad' sentiment is limited to housemates, though; I think it bleeds over into the attitudes of at least some of Big Brother's voting demographic (and, for that matter, the accompanying meedja hoopla).
I'm making the pragmatic case that, while claiming bisexuality (if one is straight) may initially bolster one's kerrraaazy exoticism, it's not necessarily a popularity-winning strategem in the long-run, either with those inside or outside the house. I reckon it lays one open to accusations of 'fakery' which, while not logically-consistent, are probably heartfelt, and do have consequences.
It's an aspect of BB I've always found ridiculous that talk of people having a 'gameplan' is always conducted in hushed shcked whispers.
I agree. 'Being oneself' is a ridiculously overrated farce.
Yes, I can see this but I don't think I'd neccesarily blame the contestants for that (at least not entirely).
I don't know that I am blaming them for this, mainly because I'm not convinced that, in the cases of Emma, Michelle, Shell, Jason and Becki, it was invariably a conscious 'excite the producers' tactic. I still find that a questionably catch-all explanation, and tend instead to believe that they have more individual reasons for identifying as bisexual. It's still frustrating, however, that in every case, they clearly found it easier to conform to opposite-sex attraction.
if these ones didn't we'd just have a different set of heteros-in-bi-clothing in the house right now. That doesn't really make it any better though does it?
Well, no. Is it really the case that everyone who presents him/herself as bisexual on Big Brother is most likely a hetero-in-bi-clothing? If that's the case, then I'm not so much angered as depressed...
The fact that I don't believe these particular people are bisexual wouldn't cause me to doubt someone elses word.
Maybe not you, but I think that, for many, the likes of Big Brother is their primary exposure to non-fictional, non-neutered alternate sexualities. Even my mother - who, for fuck's sake, has an openly gay son - gleans much of her knowledge of the wilder shores of sexuality from the programme (she's never quite forgiven me for not being Brian Dowling...). If bisexuals on Big Brother are uniformly heterosexual people lying to make themselves seem interesting, then it's not unreasonable to venture that those unacquainted with bi people might assume that all bisexuals are heterosexuals trying to make themselves seem more interesting.
Even less so because I can see why the housemates might lie about it (i.e. they've got something to gain from it) but if I met someone today who said that they were bi and I couldn't see any possible motive for lying then I'd believe them. They'd be in a different situation from the housemates so my reason for doubting the housemates sexualities wouldn't come into play in a real life situation.
Good for you. I don't think everyone makes that logical leap. And 'to make themselves seem more interesting' is a secondary gain motive whether one is purportedly bi inside or outside the Big Brother house. |