This whole programme just makes me want to go to bed and cry.
They're all a bunch of attention seeking idiots.
Michelle, supposedly nice, kind, caring Michelle got a bollocking from BB this evening, but instead of being honest about it and admitting even BB thought she was wrong to throw the flip-flop, she comes out of the diary room and lies about it.
This is the same 'bisexual' girl who stopped her 'boyfriend' from getting involved with the Dan bottom bashing incident by literally pushing him off Dan.
Stuart won't admit to being desperate for a shag because he doesn't want to be the love interest, Shell is only concerned with the fact she got a first (see her conversation with Nadia when they were on sentry duty,) Jason is so fascinated by Dan that he's even bigging up the size of Dan's dick, yet he cannot admit his feelings to himself, Victor is so utterly convinced of his popularity that he's educating Dan on diplomacy. Diplomacy! This from the man who so badly threatened Emma people called the police! If I see Nadia showing off her boobs to the camera one more time I might scream and I am SO bored with her tobacco withdrawal, fucking AHMED, don't get me started, women hating idiot, (but I wish just one person was on his side since even being Ahmed must be a bit difficult in that house) and even Dan who is about the only saving grace in that house is sometimes a bit too good to be true. I mean he must be a bit gutted about being up for nomination.
They're all just proving that people are basically vile and only concerned with themselves, yet we're all having a row amongst ourselves about who here is being racist or not, or homophobic or not, or misogynistic or not, when quite frankly I'd rather speak to anyone on this board here (with the exclusion of Knodge and The Fetch) than spend anytime in that house with any of them.
And quite apart from that...
...the whole programme and this thread makes me feel unutterably thick and a bad judge of character, since at the beginning I felt sorry for Ahmed and up till tonight I quite liked Michelle.
FUCKING HELL. Why am I still watching?
*Reaches for the tissues.*
And I know you're all really good at discussing them and working them out and I'm sorry to just come here and rant like this, but they really, truly do make me feel like giving up and hiding under the duvet. |