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Big Brother 2004


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Spatula Clarke
15:38 / 14.07.04
The keyword in my statement was "his". I was talking about one person, not a faith.

Yeah, and where you went wrong was when you took the two facts that you know about somebody and presumed, based on nothing, that the one must follow from the other. The assumption was that his religion is the basis for his views on women and homosexuality, which would have been fine if he was on record as having said "I'm a self-confessed homophobe and that stems from my Muslim upbringing." But that's not what we've got.

I'm not calling you racist, dude. Just suggesting you might want to think more carefully about how you reach conclusions.
15:40 / 14.07.04
Again I'd like to re-iterate the point that I'm not here to argue semantics over religion. Possibly the worst topic of debate ever.
You can carry on without me.

I'll continue to hate Victor beacuse he's black.

15:45 / 14.07.04
Facetiousness doesn't invalidate E Randy's point, Rawkusboi, and neither does saying 'that's a crap discussion'. Refusal to self-examine makes you look like a (slightly) more sophisticated version of Ahmed...
Spatula Clarke
15:46 / 14.07.04
I'm not calling you racist, dude. Just suggesting you might want to think more carefully about how you reach conclusions.

Alternatively, you could just stomp off in a huff. Either way works for me.
15:47 / 14.07.04
Also, "semantics" is not actually Hebrew for "Mum! They're not playing fair! They're using WORDS and everything!"
15:50 / 14.07.04
Ok, please quote what I SAY as opposed to what you'd like me to say to incite this conversation.

I don't want to be drawn into a discussion on religion for millions of reasons. The main one being that NO-ONE has the right answer. I avoid religion at all costs because of this.

I'm not refusing to "self-examine" I'm refusing to be cross-examined by everyone for a throwaway comment that someone else took out of context and has blown out of proportion.

Back to Big Bro:
Nice to see the Jungle Cats are finally catching on.
15:53 / 14.07.04
You might want to be careful with the throwaway comments, then. At least avoid prefacing them with "like it or not", which tends to give the impression that you're making a firm, if unwelcome, assertion that you might be prepared to, y'know, substantiate in some way.
15:53 / 14.07.04
And now Michelle is the favourite to win with Ahmed being the "most likely to go housemate ever".

Victor is spared again.
16:14 / 14.07.04
But Ahmed's temper appears to have worked against him, and the 44-year-old is now the most likely housemate to be evicted in Big Brother history.

Aaaahhahahahha!! Wait, even more likely than Vanessa? Or Becki?
Jack Vincennes
19:35 / 14.07.04
That's what's interesting about this year's BB -as soon as one irritating person is kicked off, the hitherto second most irritating becomes the most annoying person on the TV, ever. The suspense isn't so much 'who is going to leave next' as, 'who am I going to want to leave next'...
20:00 / 14.07.04

Nice to see the Jungle Cats are finally catching on.

I don't know if that is them catching on or it's just another manifestation of their paranoia and seeing enemies where there isn't any. If Victor can actually be a decent chap and get on with the other hopusemates then I don't see why they would vote to evict him. Jason on the other hand can be a bit of a moody git and arguments with Nadia won't help his cause.
20:24 / 14.07.04

Go, Michelle! He is, too.

I really feel quite sorry for her. She looked incredibly stressed as the task results came out - and she's been the most consistently conflicted by having been given the Sergeant role. She apologised for the shoutiness too, which was cool.

She's really grown on me.
20:35 / 14.07.04
"I don't think launching a flip-flop is ever a good idea."

The nearest Shell gets to confrontation.

Greatest respect for Dan here, in managing to articulate reason with deeply unreasonable people. If only he were a little more "straight-talking" (or just straight), he might be co-opted into the Jungle Twats. Then again, close interaction with a poof might make it harder for the Panto-Males to maintain that crucial distance between subjective and objective perception of one's masculinity (see also self-descriptions). And Spamboy might actually die of homosexual anxiety.
20:41 / 14.07.04
God, Arsehead just won't fucking quit with the self justification/pity.


It's in the dictionary, look it up you fucking pillock.
20:43 / 14.07.04
I'm having a bout of headsick and rage.
20:56 / 14.07.04
Also a tad headsick. Overdose of another's 100% insight-free self-pity always makes me nauseous.

In the paranoid through-the-looking-glass world of the BB Stupid Straight Men, shouting people down = "straight-talking" (Good), social skills = "fence-sitting" (Bad) and bitching about people behind their backs = "two-faced" when other people do it (Bad) and "strategy" when you do it (Good).

Stuart escapes the SSM scourging partly because, as the shrinks have pointed out, he's inoffensively childlike Calvin-as-a-cowboy - but also because he's the only male that's managed to attract and sustain any sort of halfway-intimate relationship with a female housemate, making him, by definition, the only true Alpha Male. The Stupid Straight Men therefore simultanously respect, but are not threatened by, his masculinity. If they had any sort of insight, they might wonder why he's pulled a baps-oot stunna, and their gorgous panoply of assorted manhood has failed to stir anyone (other than Dan). I'm beginning to wonder if any of the unholy trinity have ever had sex with a naked lady...
21:04 / 14.07.04
I think Fuck Off Frankie's very musculine.
21:06 / 14.07.04
I think Fuck Off Frankie's very musculine.

He'd like to think so too. He'd really like to think so.
21:14 / 14.07.04

This whole programme just makes me want to go to bed and cry.

They're all a bunch of attention seeking idiots.

Michelle, supposedly nice, kind, caring Michelle got a bollocking from BB this evening, but instead of being honest about it and admitting even BB thought she was wrong to throw the flip-flop, she comes out of the diary room and lies about it.

This is the same 'bisexual' girl who stopped her 'boyfriend' from getting involved with the Dan bottom bashing incident by literally pushing him off Dan.

Stuart won't admit to being desperate for a shag because he doesn't want to be the love interest, Shell is only concerned with the fact she got a first (see her conversation with Nadia when they were on sentry duty,) Jason is so fascinated by Dan that he's even bigging up the size of Dan's dick, yet he cannot admit his feelings to himself, Victor is so utterly convinced of his popularity that he's educating Dan on diplomacy. Diplomacy! This from the man who so badly threatened Emma people called the police! If I see Nadia showing off her boobs to the camera one more time I might scream and I am SO bored with her tobacco withdrawal, fucking AHMED, don't get me started, women hating idiot, (but I wish just one person was on his side since even being Ahmed must be a bit difficult in that house) and even Dan who is about the only saving grace in that house is sometimes a bit too good to be true. I mean he must be a bit gutted about being up for nomination.

They're all just proving that people are basically vile and only concerned with themselves, yet we're all having a row amongst ourselves about who here is being racist or not, or homophobic or not, or misogynistic or not, when quite frankly I'd rather speak to anyone on this board here (with the exclusion of Knodge and The Fetch) than spend anytime in that house with any of them.

And quite apart from that...


...the whole programme and this thread makes me feel unutterably thick and a bad judge of character, since at the beginning I felt sorry for Ahmed and up till tonight I quite liked Michelle.

FUCKING HELL. Why am I still watching?

*Reaches for the tissues.*

And I know you're all really good at discussing them and working them out and I'm sorry to just come here and rant like this, but they really, truly do make me feel like giving up and hiding under the duvet.
21:17 / 14.07.04
Great that you're always so objective, Ganesh.

It's important to be objective.

Objectivity is so important.

21:19 / 14.07.04
Aaaand breathe...

I don't think they're all vile - but they are all irritating, in their separate ways. As are humans, really. We're just arguing here about who's more irritating than whom, and in what way. I'm sure if the Barbelith memberlist were confined in a house for howevermany weeks, the result would be infinitely more vile - especially if booze/cigarettes/books/comics/television were restricted.

I don't think you're necessarily a bad judge of character, either, for changing your view of someone when you see the worst side of them.

You are not thick, Olulabelle. Now, put that flip-flop down...
21:23 / 14.07.04
Great that you're always so objective, Ganesh.

It's important to be objective.

Objectivity is so important.

About one's masculinity. It's particularly important to be objective about one's mega-manhood when one is a straight-talkin', bitch-shaggin', badass Alpha Jungle Tomcat like what I am. They call me the Milkpsychiatrist, y'know, because I, erm, deliver milk.
21:25 / 14.07.04
TBH, Lu, I think you're being a tad reductive. Sadly my keyboard is fucked - so I can't elaborate. Maybe tomorrow...

...I'll wanna settle down. Until tomorrow I'll just keep moving on...

Jack Vincennes
21:31 / 14.07.04
If I see Nadia showing off her boobs to the camera one more time I might scream

The subtitles normally cover up a lot of them. 888 is your friend...

As for judging character -it's really difficult to get any kind of idea of what people are like when you're basically watching edited highlights of their behaviour. I only know from the BB site that they tried not speaking for the day -it was mentioned that they were going to try it on the edited show but we never saw any of that. (as far as I know, anyway...) So there's still a lot of room for Ch4 to put forward their own interpretation of things, and it's hard to sort out what you'd actually think about people.

Except that they'd probably drive you up the wall.
21:34 / 14.07.04
This is the same 'bisexual' girl who stopped her 'boyfriend' from getting involved with the Dan bottom bashing incident by literally pushing him off Dan.

Yeah, I noticed that. What the fuck was that about? She really can't bear him having any kind of contact with other people. (See: Her freaking out in the bedsit.)
21:35 / 14.07.04
Christ, to begin with I actually thought that Arsehead might be... you know... alright.
21:35 / 14.07.04
Victor: And in perhaps the most unsubtle lonely hearts ever, Mr Slick told all the ladies out there that he makes the decisions and that a "big fat a***" was an essential attribute in his ideal woman. His hobbies include "women" and "banging women" and they must be up for the acronym "MBA2HALDFDB", which, loosely translated, means he'd like them to readily adopt a certain sexual position. "No intelligence needed. I'll do the thinking for both of us," he finished.

Soooo, Vic's ideal partner is...Vic. With tits.
21:36 / 14.07.04
I think the 'pushing Stu off Dan' episode is less to do with Michelle's maybisexuality than her verging-on-pathological jealousy. If Stu has any sense, when he leaves the house he'll get fingerprint, retina and face-grafts, a new passport, and move to Venezuela. Even then, she'll find him - and cut his hamstrings.
21:38 / 14.07.04
Always thought he was a social oaf, however.
21:40 / 14.07.04
I meant Ahmed.

Agree on the Stu thing.
22:20 / 14.07.04
Hmmm. As well as the general unpopularity of Victor, Spamlet and (naturally) Ahmed, there seems (on the anecdotal evidence of my chatroom-surfing) to be a growing swell of hostility toward Shell. Which is interesting.

As far as I can tell, her determined "niceness" is attracting criticism, because she's commonly perceived to be conflict-avoidant to the point of farce. I'd certainly noticed her tendency to say "you're completely right, Ahmed" in situations where she's clearly the wronged party - and it's unclear whether she's being facetious, passive-aggressive or genuinely (misguidedly) apologetic.
23:15 / 14.07.04
And, in another bulletin from the twilight (parallel) world of the patheterosexual, there's much sneering at the bendy-talkingness of the other housemates:

All the other housemates, they say, are just "a*** licking" each other at the moment. This seems to be based on the fact that Dan was recently overheard complimenting Nadia on her appearance. "One hundred miles an hour compliments galore mutual arse licking society," concluded Vic.

I reckon Dan should get himself one of those 'I Can't Even Talk Straight' t-shirts - since his flattery indicates he's so far off the much-vaunted straight-acting. Interesting (if unsurprising), psychologically-speaking, that such sorry specimens of panto-masculinity should prize 'straightness' so highly.

There's also talk of who has and hasn't "done stuff" in the house - "done stuff" apparently being a synonym for "acted like a boorish shithead":

"We're the f****** main characters here. The show is made up of you, me, Ahmed and Nadia," reckoned Vic.

Pricktor's probably right to suppose that, following Ahmed's eviction, he and Spamlet will be next up for eviction - probably against one another. Expect much male-bonding of the 'if I'm out this Friday, stay here and fuck Nadia's chances of winning' variety.

Bit of a shite gameplan, then? Or am I being presumptious?
Spatula Clarke
23:16 / 14.07.04
Through normal eyes:

In Shellworld:

Through normal eyes:

In Shellworld:

23:19 / 14.07.04
*Considers flip-flop in hand. Puts it down for a minute.*

Shell is a case in point really. It's just not in any normal person's nature to want to go on a TV show where you have every spot squeezing, tearful moment broadcast to an audience of over 10 million random people.

Before she was chosen to go into the house, Shell's 30 second 'sell' to camera included the line, "I just think you need someone really, really nice in there, and that person is me."

Why? Why do they need someone nice?

Now either she's horribly naive and truly believes that her 'niceness' can solve problems and help people and this will truly affect the dynamics of the house, (but what kind of reason to go into the house is that, and why would she care anyway?) or, far more probably, she's horribly narcissistic and is completely sure that the public will delight in her obvious sweetness and keep her in, therein giving her the (temporary) fame she obviously desires, or the (possible) fortune such an encounter brings.

I don't see any other reason for going into that house other than those two.

Only the contestants of the first series could cite the social experimentation of the project as their reason for contributing to the programme, all other contestants have seen it, watched it (avidly, I bet) decided that they wanna chat with DaviNAAAA too, and at no point in that badly constructed reasoning for wanting to be on the telly does 'being nice' come anywhere into anything.

Er. Yes.

*Picks up flip-flop again and aims it.*
Alex's Grandma
23:31 / 14.07.04
Well by this point I'm not really bothered about anything else on this show, except seeing the permanent back of Nadia. I mean that voice, for god's sake, especially when raised to it's current levels - If anything, Big Brother should be forcing her to smoke as much as humanly possible, just so she loses, oh I don't know, maybe eighty per cent lung capacity in the next few days. Otherwise, honestly, I'm going to have to stop watching. It's really that bad.

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