They're so partisan it's unbelievable. As within so without, Stupid Straight Men (with, in Jason's case, obvious scare-quotes around "Straight") rule the world...
Would you mind not calling the straights stupid you fucking heterophobe.
Actually, the majority of the alleged 'straight' men (I'm sorry but whenever I write that I think of someone being unfunny, rather than heterosexual) are being intolerably stupid. For example, take the 'straight men' conversation in the garden regarding Michelle and Ahmed's argument:
Victor defends her.
Ahmed tells Victor that he's defending her because he fancies her.
Victor says, "No, it's not that, it's that she didn't choose to be a Sergeant."
Ahmed says, (making weighing up fruit gestures) "No, it's because she walk around with the breast out."
Jason looks longingly at Dan from afar. (Actually, I made that bit up but he might as well have done, given the amount of coupley rows they've had so far.)
Anyway, they are all being completely idiotic, verbally abusive and really rather patronising to the females of the house - with the exception of Stuart who has so far managed a/not to offend anyone, b/remain popular with every fragmented household group and c/attract the attention of both male and female housemates without doing anything in particular to encourage it.
So therefore on balance I have to say that the 'stupid straight men' comment (even when Michael Moore-esqued) is a teensy bit unfair, simply because Stuart is still there.
But when Stuart goes, Whoooo YAY! for any discussion about the inadequacies of alleged alphamaledom. Bring it on. |