Gah. Meant to write more there.
In the case of Ahmed, I think the situation is complicated by the fact that his background is culturally distinct from everyone else's ie. he hasn't been lucky enough to grow up in a rich, Western country. The "asylum seeker" elements are a little fuzzy, and (other than some rather glossed-over stuff to Jason a few weeks back) we don't have much idea what he's actually experienced in Somalia. There's also his religious faith, although I suspect there's a slight danger of exaggerating that ('they're not like us', etc., etc.)
When he got all stroppy about having to wear a blindfold as part of the task, I thought, 'oh no, torture experience, how insensitive of Endemol', but from later comments, it sounded as if it was all about some fucking party game when he was ten. Certainly, he seemed happy enough to poke the Spamster with a cattle-prod (and the exchange of roles was a rare example of Jason being gracious and accommodating).
I'm not really sure what to make of his queeny outbursts, and 'I will have my night, Davina' stuff. It seems to me that, having sold himself as an outspoken 'straight-talker', he was initially cowed by the number of other socially confident individuals claiming the same dubious virtues (and I think it is dubious that, in the Big Brother setting, boorishness is frequently eulogised as a strength, while considerate individuals are seen as weak or necessarily two-faced). He certainly appears to process stress/anger by brooding for days, then running screamily amok; I don't thi-i-ink it's purely attention-seeking but, to Western sensibilities, it certainly stands out.
My main beef with Ahmed is that he seems incapable of seeing how he's being played as a stooge by the the house's other two psychologically inadequate males. Why did he promise never to nominate either of them? Twat. |