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Big Brother 2004


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09:25 / 06.07.04
Dan's "psychopath" comment on last night's show made me laugh out loud. I'm finding him increasingly likable.
Spatula Clarke
17:49 / 06.07.04
Becki and Ahmed up for eviction.

What do Jason and Victor have do before they go? Shit in the food?
18:42 / 06.07.04
Three votes between the two of 'em. The whole house can go stew in a pile of shit. Idiots.
18:52 / 06.07.04
Yeah, arseholes. And it's not like they've missed the Spambo/Victor double-dealing either; Michelle saw it from the bedsit.

I suspect Ahmed's 'I will have my night' bollocks gave everyone an easy 'out', nomination-wise, as did the New Girl (who's irritating me, but evidently not to the same extent as the others there). It'll be mildly interesting to see whether the public perversely vote to keep Ahmed (in the face of his 'vote me out' pleading a la Edwina Currie) or Becki.

Of course, it may be that the Spamster and Vic the Prick are considerably less annoying in-situ than onscreen...
18:54 / 06.07.04
No love for Becki. She is the new girl, but that was frosty like a winter morning. Is it because she's shown herself as some piss-playing slag monster that the other housemates aren't sensitive to how disappointed she might be feeling?
18:57 / 06.07.04
Michelle did see all from the bedsit but I don't think she could see anything besides Stu and Michelle geddiniton (in her mind).

And Vicson probably is a bit more bareable in the (arse)flesh. Scary.
Tryphena Absent
19:00 / 06.07.04
I have no idea who to vote for, I shall have to go in to deep consultation mode and ask everyone else for the ups and downs. Both Becki and Ahmed annoy me but not to distraction. I suspect that I would dislike Becki more, I hate people touching the soles of my feet and she's gone for Dan's and Jason's... not good.
19:20 / 06.07.04


Put it away love. No-one's impressed...

Well, yeah, the New Girl thing never lasts long, and I wonder whether the almost-immediately-after antipathy is a uniquely female thing (the only late-entry housemate I recall staying more than a couple of weeks was male - Josh).

I agree that Becki's overplayed her hand in terms of 'whooo, let's talk sex' breathy fatuousness, but I think some of that's because, by this stage, any early period of sexually experimental 'fruitiness' has usually gone, with the dynamics of the Big Brother typically settling into dully stable, pseudo-decades-married hetero couplings and platonic friendships. I still maintain that the passing of two of the three 'out' gay people hastened this 'bedding down for the duration' stage.

I wonder whether any airdropped-in female could ever be likeable enough (crucially, in a chaste or sexually-unthreatening way) to avoid rousing the 'look at that slaaag' enmity of housemates and viewers alike? I don't think Becki's done anything particularly heinous; she's simply followed an established Big Brother pattern. Which is, I think, a little sad.
19:22 / 06.07.04
I suspect that I would dislike Becki more, I hate people touching the soles of my feet and she's gone for Dan's and Jason's... not good.

Whereas my dislike of people throwing my crockery at the wall might draw me toward Ahmed. On the other hand, keeping someone in when they obviously want to go can be a laugh.
Jack Vincennes
20:28 / 06.07.04
I was going to say that I was for Becki rather than Ahmed leaving, because she only encourages Victor & Jason, then realised that Ahmed also does that. And I would like to watch V&J continue to argue about whether Becki is straiiiight-talkin' enough to join their wee club.

In terms of pure irritating power, though, Becki's got my vote. I don't think I can define it more than that, there's just something about her that indicates that she's going to be amazingly annoying if she stays...

(Oh, and Dan's just nominated Victor on the basis of 'poor grammer'. Wonderful.)
21:04 / 06.07.04
You know... I was all set to like Dan for the duration and dislike Becki from the outset.

But then Becki did her 'nominating Dan for his comments on female genitalia' thing and now I'm not so sure about either entrenched opinion I have set for myself.

What did he say that made her nominate him for this? Do we know?

I really, really hope he didn't do the women = fish thing. I would never have had him down for that. And conversely, fair play to Becki for nominating him if he did. Even if it does fall straight into the 'talk about sex as much as you can in order to stay in' theory about her which is currently being bandied around.

So Ahmed must go, I think. Anyone that can nominate another person for a reason such as Becki's holds enough interest for me that I want them to stay another week. If only to let the mild conflict outplay/fester a little more.
21:06 / 06.07.04
I like Dan a *lot* more after that...
Jack Vincennes
21:34 / 06.07.04
What did he say that made her nominate him for this? Do we know?

I'd assumed it was because of a conversation that they showed last night (I think) on terrestrial, where the smell of female genitalia was the topic of discussion and Dan appeared disappointed to hear that Shell's did not, in her words, 'smell like roses'. It was something along those lines, anyway. So kind of the women = fish thing, although he didn't actually say it as far as I remember.
Tryphena Absent
21:38 / 06.07.04
I confess I didn't think the crockery throwing was odd. I didn't like the 'I hate him' though. I may not vote at all, I may not vote until I can vote for JASON.
21:48 / 06.07.04
I like Dan a *lot* more after that...

Do you really? Can I ask why? Am I just missing some uber-cool gagtastic moment then?
21:53 / 06.07.04
I confess I didn't think the crockery throwing was odd.

I didn't think it was particularly odd either. My point was, if one's voting preferences are likely to be swayed by someone's foot-touching because one doesn't like one's own feet to be touched, then one might as well be swayed by someone's crockery-smashing because one doesn't like one's own crockery to be smashed. Similar logic.

The one possible plus, as I see it, of either Becki or Ahmed being evicted is that both are, for different reasons, incapable of nominating the obvious humanoid piles of shit in their midst. Kicking either one out increases the proportion of Spambo/Victor haterzzz.

Spamboy's warning to Dan: "Don't analyse. Just don't". Because, y'know, the whole atom-thick Alpha Het 'I can have fun and laughter' edifice might collapse under the weight of your nasty, innuendo-laced homo-cynicim.
21:55 / 06.07.04
Am I just missing some uber-cool gagtastic moment then?

I'm guessing Haus is referring to Dan's grammarian reasons for nominating Victor.
Spatula Clarke
23:31 / 06.07.04
I've been wondering when the Currie factor would come into play, too. This week, for sure.
Tryphena Absent
02:27 / 07.07.04
My point was, if one's voting preferences are likely to be swayed by someone's foot-touching because one doesn't like one's own feet to be touched, then one might as well be swayed by someone's crockery-smashing because one doesn't like one's own crockery to be smashed

Well normally I'd agree with you but the foot thing is a really weird thing.

No, no, what I'm really trying to say is that I think Becki oversteps boundaries really badly. The first time she touched someone's foot in the house they asked her why and she replied that people didn't often touch each others feet and she thought it might be nice. The thing about that is that she's ignoring that we all rely on our feet, not only are they quite sensitive but we can't walk without them. She was intruding horribly in to their space so it's partly the fact that she's happy to do that and not consider the first reaction and why it happened. But also because it really, really freaks me out. She's like a foot terrorist.
Tryphena Absent
02:29 / 07.07.04
Oh and all that stuff I just wrote in the middle- that's just me trying to justify my mad foot abuser obsession. I'm really being completely irrational! I just want to influence everyone's vote! She's a foot invader, leave our feet alone!!!!!!
05:28 / 07.07.04
I'm guessing Haus is referring to Dan's grammarian reasons for nominating Victor.

Just so. It was the drawn-out way he said (I think): "it's.....annoying".

No *idea* what Becki was talking about. Did anyone catch Dan's vagina monologue? I'm somewhat unconvinced about the idea...
Jack Vincennes
07:59 / 07.07.04
I did, but I wasn't watching it particularly raptly so my account might be a bit off. The exchange took place in the context of a general discussion of what they called 'lady garden'. (Has anyone else ever heard this term? Is the fact that I haven't the sign of a terribly sheltered upbringing?)

Dan: So what does yours smell like, Shell?
Shell: Roses.
Dan: Roses?
Shell: Yes.
Dan: Really?
Shell: Yes.
Dan: Ah right.
Shell: I'm lying, Dan, it smells like fish fingers.

It looked more like D&S were just trying to entertain everyone else, rather than actually engaging in a serious discourse about genitalia / expressing genuine surprise and disgust. Then again I only have terrestrial so for all I know they cut the bits where Dan dances around the kitchen singing a song of his own creation, temporarily named 'Vaginas Are Icky'. Or the conversation took a turn for the worse. Whichever.
08:22 / 07.07.04
Perhaps Becki's just a little peeved, then, that genitalk was going on without her invaluable 'I'm bisexual, me, which means I love sex twice as much' guidance?
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:53 / 07.07.04
Apart from anything else, Beckie's reason for nominating Dan is annoying because I can't help but feel that the straight men in the house are probably just as if not more squicked by the idea of other men's tackle...

I think on watching Marco's eviction show, it was abundantly clear that most of the hostility to Beckie stems specifically from the "Judas kiss" incident. Now she's denied it again (three times would be the charm), I don't see her staying past Friday.

But HOW GOOD was it the sight of Stu, alone in the garden, looking up to see that tell-tale plane? Awesome television. Just awesome.
09:58 / 07.07.04
In previous years, I’ve felt the attempts to interfere by the tabloids have been rather off – people spend their money voting etc, and then the papers try to mess with things. Rude, at the least. But this time…

Well, the plane with the banner was interesting, insofar as Becki’s reaction was a bit odd, though I may be saying that because we know she nominated Michelle. She was, as a result, forced to outright deny having nominated (read: lie). Then she seemed in an unseemly rush to go into the diary room, where she did a bit of justification (like the way she said she HAD to nominate someone, or she’d be up for eviction: I would have thought that not nominating would have gone over quite well with the public, but that’s just me). So she’s up for nomination in her first week – as is often the case with mid-way-through-brought-ins – and I’d imagine she’ll be out as a result of the attempted deception, amongst other things.

So the Sun’s interference has actually been interesting, as it created a parallel plotline which only the viewers (and Becki) are aware of. And which, as I say, I reckon will see her out on Friday. Which would almost be a shame for Ahmed, though watching his recent behaviour does, I’m amashed to admit, keep me amused.

Jason and Victor’s reactions to not being allowed to vote were pretty much as you might expect: Jason went truculent, whereas Victor said he wasn’t going to bleat and then proceeded to bleat.

Childish aside: I hope that when Jason leaves, Davina talks about his relationship with Victor and they show a misty-edged montage of them walking in the garden and lying a-bed, with ‘The Look of Love’ playing over it.
10:07 / 07.07.04
I can't help but feel that the straight men in the house are probably just as if not more squicked by the idea of other men's tackle...

Yep, particularly Victor, who regularly does the whole 'ewww, willies!' posturing thang.

And yes, I'm sure they'll do some sort of jokey-montage of Spamlet and Victor's moments together, when the former leaves. One just knows, though, that that'll be missing the point (his all-Alphas-together camaraderie with Victor was queer, sure, but not as honestly queer as his early - and later denied - (arse)soul-baring conversations with Dan), and that the truly pertinent questions will neither be asked nor answered.
10:25 / 07.07.04
Why did it take me so long to realise that Victor is Walter Sobchak.

Victor and Jason discuss their nomination ban

'Dude, that totally fucks up our plan'.
12:52 / 07.07.04
Unfortunately, the questions asked of evictees by Davina are rarely the ones we might wish for; 'Kitten, were you really a prostitute ?' might have been a good start this year.
Then again, the interviewing on the stage thing tends to mean Davina asks, crowd responds, ecivtee looks at crowd reaction, reframes their answer if necessary, and then the cycle begins again (which is why I rarely bother with watching that show, or if I do it's on tape, so I can FFWD most of it).
13:34 / 07.07.04
I'm warming to Becki & I think the producers have unfairly set her up for a sharp exit.

She was given an unpalatable choice: Nominate and keep it a secret, or find herself up for eviction. Having been in the house only a couple of days, it's hardly fair to blame her for taking the first option - she is reasonably intelligent and would have realised that had she had been up for eviction that soon after she joined, she would never have had a chance to either build any relationships with the housemates, or more importantly, any following with the viewing public. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that she would have been shown the door.

She has since asked in the Diary Room a couple of times whether she can come clean about the nominations and has been refused both times. Therefore, in response to direct questions from pretty much everyone following the fly-by, she has been forced to lie to them again. I think calling her two-faced is unjustified.

Yes, her face in hands response to Michelle's nomination reaction may have been a bit overblown and tragicomedic. Yes, she can be a bit vulgar. So what?

What is this British determination to make sure that the people who win these sorts of programmes 'deserve' it the most having gone through a complete endurance test, rather than merely being the most likeable or entertaining? It seems to be an assumption that the stand-in who comes in late to the show 'should' not win as they haven't slogged as hard for it/have insider information re public reaction/yadda yadda yadda.

OK the examples of stand-ins in the past BBs have not helped. It still seems to me like the dice have been loaded against Becki from the start.

Not that I want her to win. Dan all the way, baby.
Tryphena Absent
14:50 / 07.07.04
Yep, particularly Victor, who regularly does the whole 'ewww, willies!' posturing thang

Yeah but at least it's aimed at his own as well.
14:50 / 07.07.04
If Becki had refused to nominate, she might well have been kicked out after one week, sure, but putting herself in that situation rather than nominating someone else would probably have gone over fairly well with the voting audience, though granted not necessarily against Marco and/or Nadia.
On the other hand, when she was up for eviction, she could have told the housemates the situation, so they knew the rules had been changed (and thus they’d appreciate her ‘sacrifice’) – what’s the worst that could happen? She gets kicked out for being honest ? It’d be a first, I guess, and would make the programme-makers look almost malicious.

If Becki – as many people seem to think – has watched the show a lot, she could probably have concluded that keeping secrets from the housemates (a la Federico last year) combined with the almost-always-out-straight-away nature of coming into the show a few weeks in, would not play well for her with the audience (in the case of the former) and the others in the house (in the case of the latter). Which, accumulated, is why I’m guessing she’ll be out this week, almost regardless of actual personality stuff.

Dunno if it’s a British thing, but the show is kind of an endurance thing, so people who get dropped in part-way through kind of have an advantage – especially if they’ve been watching the show. Which, as it is a competition (for ‘housemates’ read ‘contestants’ etc), is probably part of the reason those who are in there move to kick ‘em out as soon as possible. As well as the not-fitting-in to an established group.

Or maybe it’s their chest-related issues (Claire/Josh/Tim/Lisa/Becki, I sense a pattern).
Tryphena Absent
15:03 / 07.07.04
Yeah but Becki's pretty flaky so she probably just dissolved in a mush of her own fear and uncertainty instead of telling the truth and explaining the situation, getting her just desserts and apologising profusely for having to lie. I mean, she wasn't allowed to tell anyone, it's not her bloody fault but she was too obsessed with her own guilt to just come out with it.
17:43 / 07.07.04
Yeah but at least it's aimed at his own as well.

Well, yes, that's true. Never wanked, apparently. Not with his penis, anyway.

Like I said before the cards are unbelievably stacked against individuals coming into the house late, particularly females - and I can never quite decide if this is solely a housemate/viewer phenomenon (the rather circular idea that someone must 'deserve' to be in the house by paying their dues ie. staying there since the beginning) or whether it's exacerbated by the type of individual the Big Brother producers select for late entry. In Becki's case, she was effectively shafted even sooner by being presented with the Judas Kiss. The only way she'd have survived with any sort of viewer credibility intact would've been if she'd picked one of the bugbears, specifically Jason - and the fact that she had to kiss the chosen person on both cheeks doubtless influenced her decision. The majority of straight men in the house would've taken that as a come-on; in the Spambot's case, she risked being manhandled into a corner and forcibly, physically 'flirted' with, such is the power of his unequivocal(ly desperate need to prove his) heterosexuality.
20:38 / 07.07.04
Jason: What's your second name again Becki?
Becki: Sediki
Jason: It sounds familiar. Your whole name.
Becki: It's gonna be big.

Olulabelle: switches off the TV and goes and does something less boring instead.*

*This is not actually true. I have come to post this during the advert break. When the adverts finish I will be back watching because I quite like the look of Michelle in chaps but mainly, and far more importantly, I want to shout some more abuse at Becki for being SUCH A FUCKING WANNABE.
21:17 / 07.07.04
Your vagina-related support of Becki was fairly short-lived, then?

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