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Big Brother 2004


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20:50 / 29.06.04
The Judas kiss... but, sadly, they didn't go for the whole Mel Gibson scourgin', nailin' crucifest. Michelle would look good with palm piercings.

And Jason's doing the whole "bisexual? moi?" bollocks, now a sexy laydeee's in the house and he needs to big up da hetness, Victor-style. Looks like he's made an enemy of Dan now - which may just bring about the shredding of the last little bit of his popularity, in and out of the house. I was kinda hanging on, waiting for his earlier Dan-bonding to redeem his utter boorishness, but I just want the Spambot out now...
21:12 / 29.06.04
If the public don't vote out Becky, the housemates will surely see her refusal to nominate any of them as a tactic to keep herself in and popular and will therefore hate her, ergo will nominate her next week, and she'll be out then.

It's a short shelf life being the add-on housemate.
21:47 / 29.06.04
Er. What the Sam Hill is a 'derry' nomination?

Second derry = Secondary. Or was this a joke that's gone over my head?

If the public don't vote out Becky, the housemates will surely see her refusal to nominate any of them as a tactic to keeps herself in and popular and will therefore hate her, ergo will nominate her next week, and she'll be out then.

Eh? Becky isn't up for nomination so she's in the house next week no matter what. And what's that got to do with her 'refusing to nominate' anyway when she quite clearly did (it was her one vote that got Michelle up for the public vote)? I think my poor brain may be broken from trying to understand that post.
05:26 / 30.06.04
Bamba, don't be confused! Lula - Becki did nominate Michelle! Did the whole kissing her on both checks thing a la Mr Iscariot.

Becki's sly and I like it. When she came out of the diary room cleary hating about the 15 mins time frame etc, you could see those cogs in motion. She went up to Ahmed and talked to him, and I thought she was going to kiss him and then I realised what she must have. Ahmed is out sooner or later, far better to nominate someone who might conceivably be a threat, but not so popular that the public love her (I'm thinking, Dan, Stuart and possibly Shell here).

And egad, Shell didn't nominate Ahmed. Wonders never cease.

Tbf, I'm surprised by the vaguely pro-Nadia-and-Marco feeling in this thread. I think spambot's a wally as much as the next person but that does not equal supposrt for the Nadia and Marco camp. They are both VERY irritating too.

I thought it was hilarious how Dan handled spambot. He was clearly gutted by the Scot's surge of chest beating testosterone in the presence of Becki, but he handled it beautifully. And really! that whole thing with "I'm not bi - I didn't say that!" Jason's such an annoyance.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:55 / 30.06.04
Don't let the cheek-kissing mislead you, the real Judas here is Chicken Stu.

Okay, I'm mostly kidding, but he was the swing voter...
09:15 / 30.06.04
would have been strong of her i reckon to let herself go up for eviction - i'd be interested to see how far a bit of moral backbone carries you with the viewers.

(not far spec)
12:14 / 30.06.04

The nasssty fat hobbitssess want Fffagol out! WAAAAAAH!!
12:16 / 30.06.04
I too was confused by Belle's, post.

I don't think Becky's going to get nominated next week - she's seems to have won the trust of most of the housemates. And she's got two important allies - Nadia and Jason.

Also, I suspect that that there are other more pressing issues to contend with - I mean, there's so much animosity between pre-established housemates, who's gonna bother with the new girl?
17:23 / 30.06.04
Ooooh. That must have happened when I went to the loo! Becki kissed Michelle and therefore nominated her? Sorry for creating confusion everyone, I am clearly still dopey from the painkillers.

The true version (as opposed to the dim Olulabelle one) is much more exciting!
17:29 / 30.06.04
Second derry = Secondary. Or was this a joke that's gone over my head?

Yes. A bad one. Sorry. *Hangs head.*
17:52 / 30.06.04
"Have you tried not being a 'vestite?"

Actually quite liked 'Barley Heritage Bicycle of Love'.
18:32 / 30.06.04
"Please come to the party as a boy," begged Michelle, bending over him to offer a full view of her cleavage.

Jaysus, it's getting more like slash fiction everyday...
Tryphena Absent
18:38 / 30.06.04
I hate Becki. I hate her, I hate her, I hate her. Why didn't she nominate Jason? If I ever see her on the street I'm going to moo in her face.
18:48 / 30.06.04
Why didn't she nominate Jason?

Because she finds him "fanciable"? Oh, Sp'amour!
18:55 / 30.06.04

Haggard! There's something I find quite funny looking about Becki. I think I might say she looks "interesting". Although, if it makes sense, I think she looks more like someone real (I think I mean "a little blotchy").

Michelle isn't controlling at all!


My sympathy for her being up for eviction is nearly lost... I bet she'd make other people's kids pray before they went to bed.
19:27 / 30.06.04
I'm going to moo in her face

I don't know what that means, exactly, but I have a wonderful image of you going up to her and repeatedly shouting "MOO!" at her 'til she runs away...
20:14 / 30.06.04
Did Nadia just say Marco aspires to be Gollum? Yay!
20:38 / 30.06.04
So Victor's causing trouble again. Big fucking surprise.
Did I mention that I hate him?

"Just be a man and bring it!"
What the fuck does that mean?
20:43 / 30.06.04
Dan compared Marco to Gollum when he nominated him - in terms of having a pleasant, affable side, and an eeevil side. Although I suspect Marco's less fond of the taste of fish...

Victor Victor Victor. Cunt Cunt Cunt. Every word he comes out with in the Diary Room is so pigshittingly, twatheadedly, self-aggrandisingly infuriating, he makes me want to attack the television set with bratwurst. With nails in it.

Although I wanted Marco to go, and still kiiinda do, I'm starting to have my doubts. As an individual, he pisses me off, but I suspect his absence would make Dan the token homo, and swing the house even further in the direction of heteronormative blandness - because, let's face it, the snoozesome supposed bisexuals hardly rock the boat, and Nadia's past isn't widely or conclusively known. The Jungle Twats are essentially a straight wannabe-Alpha Male mafia (albeit a pathetic one), setting themselves against the camp, sexually 'other' Eunuch's Harem, with the likes of Dan neutral. I think Spamboy, with his fluctuating self-identification, is a reasonably reliable indicator of the house's 'straightness': when he starts denying he ever claimed to be bisexual, the balance has swung, IMHO, too far toward Het. We need more ambiguity, less rigidity.

So... unfair as it might be, I want Michelle to go.
20:43 / 30.06.04
To be honest I thought Victor had a valid point, although he didn't quite express it as well as I might have liked. I don't mind seeing Marco get shouted at a little, as much as I dislike Victor sometimes.

I mean, some of these people seem to have a real difficulty understanding that it is a game, and that being "fake" is the only real way for so many different people to (try to) get along. I still never understand why being "two faced" is the worst possible crime in the house, although I expect it has something to do with the coming together of so many fragile egos in such a tight environment, and that anything against them is a personal insult that needs to be defended.
20:47 / 30.06.04
I do think, though, that Stuart might be playing one of the "best" games - purely by way of making friends with everyone, as well as endearing himself to both groups with his little quirks...

Oooooh, they're all so dislikeable right now!
20:47 / 30.06.04
I think Victor did have a valid point when he shouted at Marco. It's his fucking pantswinging bullshit in the Diary Room and to Spamosexual which presses my 'Hit With Naily Bratwurst' button.

Having said which, I'll be interested to see how he and Spambo react when they're nominated...
20:53 / 30.06.04
ooooh, me too! I'm all ready to see Jason crumble, and I think this building him up a bit (the gameplan is working! What plan? Voting the people you don't like out? Sneaky!) will make it all the more entertaining.

I was a bit slow off the mark with the Victor thing, and was replying to the post just before yours, 'Nesh. I totally agree on his diary room antics, although I also think they're hilariously entertaining.

George Bush of the house indeed.
21:03 / 30.06.04
There's just something sooo hilarious about Marco weeping...

Victor and Spamlet's folie a deux needs to be broken up. Their stupid, stupid, puffed-up 'gameplan' shittery - complete with spurious Diary Room self-embiggening - is one of the crappest elements for me. I'm not sure which one I want to leave first: I'm still tending toward wanting Prictor to leave and the Spamster to stay, because I think the latter has more potential to develop into something interesting, with the right guidance/influence (and I reckon that, although he'd undoubtedly fasten on to Ahmed, Ahmed wouldn't provide the requisite dick-in-hand Panto Male back-up). Vic the Pric will, however, continue to indulge his laughable superiority complex, no matter who's around him.

Oooooh! In his bathrobe, Dan = Grim Reaper. Seeing him comforting a weepsome Fagbangle gave me a Death/Chubby moment...
21:09 / 30.06.04
(the gameplan is working! What plan? Voting the people you don't like out? Sneaky!)

Sad to say, that actually think that is a gameplan, as opposed to being the game itself. Twarts.
21:12 / 30.06.04
I second the hatred of Becki. All that false weeping and moping and the "Oh no, I'm all right!" thing in a high obviously-not-all-right-ask-me-about-it-now-pleeeease! put on voice, after nominations were announced.

Did you see Dan's little comedy look to camera whlst wearing the Grim Reaper dressing gown and hugging Marco? Nice.

Oh. My best friend also thinks Victor aka Dubbyah is a c**t because 'he behaved like an animal towards Emma in The Fight.' But I missed The Fight. What did he do to Emma to warrant this dubious title? (In as short an explanation as possible in order not to bore anyone else miles after the event... Or point me in the direction of a blow by blow account. I need details...)
21:16 / 30.06.04
I don't think Becki's done anything innately hateful as yet. Give her time...
21:22 / 30.06.04
Oooooh, but she has. She claims not to have watched any of BB, yet has instantly tried to cast herself in Shell's 'kind to everyone, just want to make you feel good' role. And Shell's not even gone! But unfortunately, she's too nice to see she's having her firm grounding as token super-nice person dug out from beneath her rather rapidly.

Also, I tend to have a rather unfair but strong disliking for people who use massage as a tool for making friends. 'Come here and let me rub your hands whilst I give you pap psychology answers on why you feel bad. Then we'll be best friends and then you won't nominate me next week. If you're still here. Bwhahahahaha...'
21:26 / 30.06.04
Well, I'm not sure she's claimed to know nothing about Big Brother: she's presumably been forbidden from talking about meedja coverage, and may have been instructed to say she knows nooothing about the programme generally.

And I'm not aware that Shell's copyrighted being nice to people any more than Jason's patented being a grumpy cunt. Surely being pleasant to people is a reasonable strategy for anyone introduced to a new situation? She's been there less than a week, after all...

The massage thing? I'm not sure: I haven't yet decided whether she feels a genuine empathy for Nadia or is seeking allies. Whichever, it's still some way of "hateful", hmm?
21:39 / 30.06.04



You are too fair Ganesh! Tits. I liked hating her and now I feel compelled to give her the benefit of the doubt. Random snap judgement making is far easier!
21:44 / 30.06.04
Well, I think my instant hatred is suspended, nomination-stylee, for the first week. Then I'll be with ya.

It's probably just that there are, for me, so so much more to hate already in the house. Becki's small fry.
Linus Dunce
22:07 / 30.06.04
Indeed, they are all tossers. Dan and Nadia are alright I suppose, and I found Emma quite funny. Though sometimes, like when she said she hadn't guessed about Nadia, I suspect even she plays to the crowd.

I want Becki to shag Stu on the sly the night before Michelle's eviction just so the mardy knacker can have something to pout about. Yes! Please make it happen! Then I can work on my plans for Becki's humiliation.
06:56 / 01.07.04
"Just be a man and bring it!"
What the fuck does that mean?

It just means: bring it on, but more abruptly. Much loved by MCs for a rhyme to "sing it" - btw! Thinking now of "country grammar" by Nelly, but I digress.

Frankly, I think the whole jungle/harem split is rubbishly wrong. A bit like trying to make a rivalry out of Oasis and Blur. Just not happening.

As Ganesh (I think) has pointed out Victor limits his "superiority complex" (another great phrase!) to the diary room. That's fair enough. That's what it's there for - all of the contestants chat shit in there.

I like Victor. I think he's quite funny. Wally, but funny. Last night when he had a go at Marco was fair enough - Marco's been bitching and whining and making snide little comments and relying on NAdia and others to take over in his arguments while he has alittle think and then launches a counter attack.

Victor's oaffish, but likeable. He's nice to everyone in his own way, and rather than Shell who is civil but reserves herself for those she feels truly worthy, or Stuart who is merely feckless, Victor retains his strength of character while interacting with a various others on a level playing field. It's a shame that the editors/whatever, decide to just show him interacting with Spambot most of the time and their shared interest is being a twat!

On a side note: What is the game they are playing? Two of them sit in the orange chairs using one of the big cushions as a board. I've seen Victor playing it with both Marco and Ahmed.
08:54 / 01.07.04
Although I wanted Marco to go, and still kiiinda do, I'm starting to have my doubts. As an individual, he pisses me off, but I suspect his absence would make Dan the token homo, and swing the house even further in the direction of heteronormative blandness

I dunno about this. As has been mentioned many times previously, there's nothing sexual about Marco at all. His only real addition to the house is his rampantly cliched limp-wristed squealing with a side order of vicious bitchery, do you honestly want that tipping any kind of balance? I put it to you that his departure wouldn't change the 'sexuality' of the house as a whole because he's not currently adding anything to it.
10:17 / 01.07.04
On the "game plan".

Victor and Spambot's team of two seems like a great way to get evicted out. You don't win BB by divorcing yourself from the rest of the housemates - bloody obvious, innit.

Although I'm worried that Becki's meat lust could swing eviction away from Jason next week.

Jason ain't gonna vote for himself
Victor ain't gonna vote for him
Ahmed ain't gonna vote for him
Becki ain't gonna vote for him
Shell and Stuart are wild cards
And one of the Harem's for the boot

That leaves only three guaranteed Spambot-haters.

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