Dan compared Marco to Gollum when he nominated him - in terms of having a pleasant, affable side, and an eeevil side. Although I suspect Marco's less fond of the taste of fish...
Victor Victor Victor. Cunt Cunt Cunt. Every word he comes out with in the Diary Room is so pigshittingly, twatheadedly, self-aggrandisingly infuriating, he makes me want to attack the television set with bratwurst. With nails in it.
Although I wanted Marco to go, and still kiiinda do, I'm starting to have my doubts. As an individual, he pisses me off, but I suspect his absence would make Dan the token homo, and swing the house even further in the direction of heteronormative blandness - because, let's face it, the snoozesome supposed bisexuals hardly rock the boat, and Nadia's past isn't widely or conclusively known. The Jungle Twats are essentially a straight wannabe-Alpha Male mafia (albeit a pathetic one), setting themselves against the camp, sexually 'other' Eunuch's Harem, with the likes of Dan neutral. I think Spamboy, with his fluctuating self-identification, is a reasonably reliable indicator of the house's 'straightness': when he starts denying he ever claimed to be bisexual, the balance has swung, IMHO, too far toward Het. We need more ambiguity, less rigidity.
So... unfair as it might be, I want Michelle to go. |