"You're like a bear with a sore arse..."
I don't want to bang on about their rubbishness too much, but Jason and Victor's response to the introduction of the new housemate was a shocking indicator of how withdrawn from the rest of the group they've become, not to mention either deluded or entirely uncaring as to how they're perceived (by the rest of the house or public). Staying back and pacing around with barely contained suspicion, resentment and hostility while the rest of the house crowded round Beckie excitedly, as you would...
One of Victor and Jason later said "the Harem are trying to claim her as their own", which indicates that either they're unaware that Dan and Shell have basically integrated with the rest of the house until the 'Harem' (not really an appropriate name anymore) = everyone but Jay & Victor; or they just don't care and are quite happy existing as an army of two, in more-or-less constant opposition to everyone else. I don't know why the psychologists were doing the whole "ooh, which group will Becki join?" thing last night - she can either join in with the majority of the house, or two wildly misogynistic, isolated whiney-arsed gits, one of whom is certain to be evicted on Friday.
Anyway, Becki. She seems reasonably intelligent and entertaining so far - I suspect she will either end up being one of my favourites or annoying the holy hell out of me. Whether she's been 'told' to go in a flirt up a storm, or they've just picked someone who's naturally inclined to, the effect is the same. What I like most about this so far is that she does give the impression of being a fan of a show so far who now has the chance to interact with her favourite characters: like a 'Mary-Sue' in fan fiction. She certainly knows how to get Jason onside: appeal to his shocking narcissism by treating the "the producers have put Becki in as a gift to Jason" idea as anything other than absurd. But her best line so far was to The Real Michelle and Disco Stu: "They say sex between a man and a woman can be great. You just need to find the right man and woman to get between." |