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Big Brother 2004


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Regrettable Juvenilia
20:13 / 19.06.04
Have we been shown any of Emma's conversations with Big Brother, other than the snippet of them giving her a warning and telling her she was to stay in the bedsit for now? It occurs to me that maybe she's said things that made it clear that she'll give Victor a slap next time she sees him and won't be dissuaded.

A much simpler explanation, however, is that Endemol are twarts.
20:19 / 19.06.04
Well, the footage where she was begging to talk to someone, even Victor, to clear the air suggests not...

What an unfair decision. They should have kicked Victor out as well, or neither of them...
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:16 / 19.06.04
Ganesh, it looks like Jason is taking your advice: Dan is cutting and dyeing his hair for him, and the flirting is back on.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:25 / 19.06.04
Heh. was just about to report on the same occurrence:

The White Knight Returns....
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:44 / 19.06.04
Guess who doesn't like "the rillyrilly annoying overly camp guy on 'The Salon'?"

oh yes, MARCO.
22:45 / 19.06.04
Sometimes, I feel like we're all watching this together... I prefer to think that in a warm, snug way rather than the "sad" way some people might think, it being a Saturday (whey!) night and all.

I'm going to come back through this thread one day and write notes because so many character types and their motivations have been nailed so accurately. Let's all write comics where Jason is a tragic superhero! Or not.
Goodness Gracious Meme
22:53 / 19.06.04
well, I'm DSScum, so 'Saturday' has no meaning to me.

Anyway, I don't have any friends outside The House.

23:00 / 19.06.04
Maybe we're all just tragic superheroes. I'm going to find some attractive women so I can brood with my back to them, for a little while.
Goodness Gracious Meme
23:18 / 19.06.04
how about if we brood with our backs to each other. and bleach our hair?

Marco - PUT SOME BLOODY CLOTHES ON. Sitting in that semicircular chair wrapped in that horribly-flesh-coloured duvet makes me picture him as a newly-born-man-baby.

Tryphena Absent
00:37 / 20.06.04
Dear Tragic Superhero,
Despite liking you considerably more when in the company of Dan I have decided to turn away from my more fickle tendencies and stick to the urge to dismember you. My intolerance outweighs any good feeling that you inspire plus I disapprove of the amount of exercise you do. I am certain that Peter Wimsey would agree with me and frankly that's all the reassurance I desire.

Love from Anna de Logardiere.
Spatula Clarke
19:35 / 20.06.04
Is Vicor and Jason's discussion of voting allowed? It wouldn't have been in previous years, and I can't help feeling that if they'd pulled them up for it before, the trouble on Wednesday wouldn't have been half as bad as it was and Emma wouldn't have needed to be kicked.

And yet it continues.
21:03 / 20.06.04
As a totally separate issue from all of your slash fantasies with Dan/Jason/Victor, does anyone else feel uncomfortable watching the footage of Jason 'wooing' Vanessa, usually by manhandling her into a confined space? She seems to laugh it off but he seems too persistent and a little bit too physically controlling for comfort.

Nadia is queen of conciliation. I love her at the moment. She outNobels Dan, any time.
Spatula Clarke
22:18 / 20.06.04
That's what yawn and Boboss (or Runce?) were saying previously - the friendly rapist. Spot on.
09:01 / 21.06.04
That's a bit strong isn't it? Okay kinda creepy, but different strokes for different folks.

As for Emma, - I'm pleased she's gone. It's a bit unfair yes, but frankly, she demonstrated a remarkable degree of whipping up shit without controlling it, like a teenager who'd had too much to drink at a party full of bigger boys and girls.

Look at the comparison with Michelle, who they also talked about when the pair were in the bed sit. She's getting along famously with them (well, Stu in particular!)

Flyboy, I hear what you're saying about them editing it to make it look more like Emma's fault... but at the same time, wouldn't they be privy to things you aren't? I mean to say, they would have been watching more than you, no? The decision to remove her for example would have been based on things they didn't show.

Either way, good riddance to bad rubbish!
yawn - thing's buddy
13:14 / 21.06.04
Emma’s interview with Davina (sans audience) was downright creepy.
Emma seemed drugged or undergoing remote control - she said nothing, expressed nothing and was apparently not that bothered at the state of affairs. It was really, really odd.
Davina was strange, kinda like she’d been hollowed out and used as a mouthpiece for a higher, even more cynical, power. (which she was (and yes, o’kors all presenters of tv shows are)– it was just painfully evident this time)
The interview also revealed the full extent of Endemol’s unprofessionalism regarding emma’s treatment – removal to the bedsit for a couple of days now seems like a very peculiar kind of torture – or some kind of pressurised chamber to combat the media version of ‘the bends’.

Anyhoo, according to the News of the World – Victor has declared he’s a drug dealer (coke n hash), bashes punters who dinnae pay up and another thing……

BB footage apparently shows him threatening Emma with a knife.

Most freaky of all tho:

Apparently he’s 6’2’’ – I was sure he was a shortarse.

Being both tall and black , I’d have expected a more tolerant character to be honest.

(Hey, by the way – my (infamous) tall comment has origins in real prejudice: while back, in the 5 min slot post chan 4 news, there was a 5 day run of:
‘Don’t hate me because………..’
and a different characteristic was highlighted every day.
On the Tuesday it was: ‘Don’t hate me because I’m….TALL.’
It was about this really tall guy who’s life was hell cos he was so fuckin tall.
Thing is tho: he was perhaps the most beautiful man I’d ever seen – incredibly handsome, very athletic etc.
Poor cunt couldnae go thru the day without some kinda abuse mind you.
Yknow, like: ‘Ho you ya basketball playing cunty-bawed fanny jaw"
That kinda thing.
Spatula Clarke
13:27 / 21.06.04
On the knife thing, he was supposedly buttering some bread when the Marco/Jason argument was in full flow and simply didn't put the knife down when he went to try and break it up. Then Emma came at him while he still had it in his hands. It'd gone by the time she chucked the tray at him.
13:53 / 21.06.04
Dude, 6'2 *is* shortarsed.
13:54 / 21.06.04
Yeah, that interview with Emma was weird, wasn't it.
But beyond just seeming pretty addled, with something of the nodding dog about her, she appeared to be an entirely empty vessel into which Davina could plant pretty much any answer to any question. But with the lobotomised Emmaroid came a new kind of unpredictability: After agreeing enthusiastically with Davina's suggestion that Nadia and Marco were clearly her closest friends in the house, asked who - if she had to choose between them - she'd like to win, said 'Shell'. And when Davina expressed surprise that she hadn't gone for either Marco or Nadia, she reacted as if she'd forgotten all about them. Very strange.

Given this performance, the weekend's stories about her £30 per day dope habit, and her repeated assertion that being in the BB house was 'like tripping', I can see her potential as the next 'Just Say No' poster-girl.
yawn - thing's buddy
14:28 / 21.06.04
Dude, 6'2 *is* shortarsed.

Haus - the difference between Scotland and England, nailed.
14:45 / 21.06.04
no she said being in the bedsit was like tripping:
everyone knows that bad wallpaper has hallucinogenic qualities. and she smokes a quarter a day? damn you go gurl
15:54 / 21.06.04
Dan, when asked what he's learned from the recent situation: "I think I've learnt tolerance. But then I'm a pretty tolerant person anyway". I defy anyone to tell me that Dan is not a tedious, pompous motherfucker!

And Victor to Stu: "Thing is, Emma needs to learn to take responsibility for her actions. I take responsibility for my actions, and that's all I can do". Hahahahaha! Yes, Victor, I'm sure you could teach us all a thing or two about self-control!

Bitching session ends.
Jack Vincennes
16:34 / 21.06.04
Emma being asked what she'd learned was great, by contrast... she didn't even claim that she didn't know, just said 'oooh... nowt'. Her and Davina yelling at each other was odd, as mentioned earlier -they were interacting like people who are a bit drunk and kind of scared that the other is going to lamp them if they make the wrong move.
17:13 / 21.06.04
Dan is not a tedious pompous motherfucker.
19:07 / 21.06.04
You're not his mum, are you?
20:53 / 21.06.04
Just noticed something which quite freaks me. There is not a scrap of reading matter in the house. In previous years, novels were in evidence (I recall seeing a Marian Keyes in year 1).
Now, I'm not saying anything about the level of intelligence in the house, but would it not fuck your brain sideways to be unable to see the written word on a daily basis? Is it part of the rules or did they not think it was important?
20:57 / 21.06.04
Part of the rules, now.
"See me for what I am, OK?"
21:16 / 21.06.04
The stuff with Jason and Ness is uber-creepy. Tonight's show, when he jumped on her in her bed, and then came and lay down and spooned with her when she was clearly uncomfortable? That deserves a kick in the unmentionables.

On another issue, the task-setters have a wicked sense of humour. Nadia's magic make two red balls disappear! Classic. Also, she was this close (Erm...really close) to admitting her secret, with the whole "I can't have children" thing. Poor dear; she needs to just tell them.
21:57 / 21.06.04
Finally, the much vaunted BB 'psychologists' speak. Where was the character analysis on GayJay and the so-called Jungle Cats "Ah'm not a fucken so-called fucken domestic feline" (listen to me boys aren't I big and strong ooh chase me chase me).

Too little, too late. There should have at least been a couple of minutes on each of the housemates and how they are interrelating.

It is also blatantly obvious that C4 are steering the public vote Vanessa's way with the psychologist's emphasis on Dan's peacekeeping efforts and the Vic'n'Jay soundbite regarding the interchangeable blondes. Running scared of losing the broker of detente from the pack.
Spatula Clarke
22:16 / 21.06.04
I think they'd have struggled to paint Vanessa in any kind of flattering light if they'd focussed on her actions for any amount of time.

But yeah, the psych show is and always has been utter pump, an exercise in stating the bleeding obvious.

Elsewhere, the photo of Jason sitting on Dan's lap and urging him to squeeze his arse has cleared up the flirting thing for me, as I previously thought everybody was imagining it (me not having watched an enormous amount of week one).
"See me for what I am, OK?"
23:53 / 21.06.04
Add the stuff from tonight's show with Jason dancing with his veil-things, flirting as heavily with Dan as with Ness and also his over-the-top macho poseur image, and you have...

Jason the closet Queen.

On another note, I think I might actually know Jason's father...
09:41 / 22.06.04
Kinda assumed Jason's father was distant/absent and his mother overbearing (in a homosexual-crocheting kinda way)...
"See me for what I am, OK?"
12:16 / 22.06.04
It's possible his dad was a teacher at my old high school. The name, age and location are, I think, right, but I couldn't really say with any surety.
12:49 / 22.06.04
Although not officially "outed" as a transexual the truth about Nadia may seem to be common knowledge following a recent task.

Androgyny Rules OK
Part-y Time
But Is It Art?

I think this is a rather cruel joke on the part of Victor and Jason, the cunts. I've have been warming to Nadia over the last few days and this is going to make her even more insecure about revealing the truth.
13:05 / 22.06.04
I think this is a rather cruel joke on the part of Victor and Jason, the cunts.

I agree - but it's also probably Jason's idealised partner...

I really feel for Nadia. At the beginning, it sounded as if she was genuinely unsure about whether/how to disclose her "secret" (and the 'will she or won't she' element was clearly being hyped up). On the one hand, people ki-i-inda know already - whether consciously or unconsciously - as evidenced by the fact that transsexualism (or "sex change") keeps coming up as a conversation topic; if she were to 'admit' to being born male, however, it's likely that other housemates would a) ask a slew of stupid questions, and b) start treating her like a 'transsexual' instead of a woman (for a while, anyway).

Poor Nadia.
15:29 / 22.06.04
I agree - but it's also probably Jason's idealised partner...

Poor confused Jason.
His sexual insecurity has turned him into a semi-rapist and to mock that which he subconsciously desires.

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