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Big Brother 2004


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20:57 / 17.06.04
Jade Goodier. Awesome-o!

Quite edited, nice tray throwing.
20:58 / 17.06.04
Ooh what happened then!
Spatula Clarke
21:03 / 17.06.04
Wait... so it took the production team even longer to decide to get involved than we thought originally? They had to wait until yet another fight had started?

Jesus. Don't anybody ever put these people in a position of responsibility.

21:07 / 17.06.04
Randy, clearly everything was under control.

Jason was just having a conversation with that hard man. Right?

(I could see myself getting quite angry with little gay gollum, prancing as he does everywhere... this would purely be for my own sanity and I'm thankful I'm not in the house. His face haunts my dreams.)
21:08 / 17.06.04

Sorry, Mr. Jungle Cat.
Whisky Priestess
21:08 / 17.06.04
Can't quite believe that they are now showing them tonight's England match as some sort of reward (punishment?)

Can believe, however, that watching people watch football is more interesting than watching football.
21:09 / 17.06.04
Maybe they'll give them loads of beer and incite them to 'ooliganise a little more.
21:12 / 17.06.04
Gawd, all that scary north-of-the-border-flavoured aggression's made me a) nostalgic, and b) foetal. "Dae that again and your fucken' head's comin' off!"

Having actually seen the fight develop, one gets a better idea who's stoking it and who's actually trying to help things. The Stu/Victor chokehold was classic 'if I wisnae bein' held back, you'd be fucken' mince' (see, it's all coming back to me now) exaggerated Saturday Night panto-violence (much of what Victor says and does, whether or not he realises it, is pantomime). Dan was doing a good job of de-escalating, but seemed to have his hands full with Emma (he didn't qui-i-ite have the gall to exclaim, "thick? Nooo!") Nadia was probably the most sympathetic of the Chimps & Gimps; in the interval between screechy food-throwing and screechy Vanessa-bothering, she seemed to be genuinely trying to calm things. A bit.

Marco was a classic 'stoker', winding poor, homosexually-anxious Spambo up, dancing through to the bedroom, then doing the whole 'how daaare he' routine with everyone else, cranking up all sides of the dispute.

No More War!
21:22 / 17.06.04
The last shot was poignant, to be sure.
Mourne Kransky
22:39 / 17.06.04
Hehehe. Forget English fans rioting abroad, we can watch it all kick off right here in our living rooms. Think Dan's done himself a lot of favours re: vote tomorrow. I think he has mad pacifying skills but I still don't like him much.

Emma, "What's reprimand mean?" She is so East Angular.

Victor would be a little more convincing if he directed his righteous fury anywhere but at the smallest woman in the place, annoying as her chipmunk on speed ways are. Poor man has sniffles too. Life is so unfair. Big Brother and the housemates just don't know Who He Is, do you see?

Lingering fondness for Nadia remains. Better fun watching Michelle now too, with her dumbed-down Lucrezia Borgia genes.

Marco I'd have strangled on day one and nothing has changed. Vanessa will go Friday and good riddance, dull.

Jason's homosexual panic and Big Daddy act is, as Ganesh said, making me nostalgic for my former haunts, filled as they were with similar macho boys who said "fuck" a lot and
liked to box themselves into a corner they could then fight themselves out of. I think I may be a forty second cousin of the bright orange buttock champion. Eek.

Stu and Shell will fight out the final between them. Ahmed will still be dozing in the bedroom, unnoticed, after the show's over.
The Falcon
22:43 / 17.06.04
Why do you all watch BB?

Just kidding.

I think I may be Duncan's Diabolistic Dance of Disrespect now. Much as I dislike the asexual squealer.

Is there anyone left to like then? I hate all this snaking around about immigrant issues as much as anyone else here, and am surprised and v. disappointed in the Dan.

"BB will reap what it's sown", eh? What's that; great TV and ratings? Say what you like - it was must-watch.

The little clip of shoving just before security's entry confuses me - I want to apportion some serious blame here, but can't. Yet.
22:53 / 17.06.04
Who was it knocked the table over? It's not very clear from the footage...
22:59 / 17.06.04
Is there anyone left to like then? I hate all this snaking around about immigrant issues as much as anyone else here, and am surprised and v. disappointed in the Dan.

Having seen his reaction to Ahmed's reported "I don't thank you; I thank your mother for teaching you so well" comment - which itself embodies rather patronising/sexist assumptions (particularly given Shell's previous training as a chef) - I've a little more idea why Dan subsequently came out with the "it's his culture" comment. Not excusing it, but I can kinda see the thinking behind it.
Spatula Clarke
00:18 / 18.06.04
Nadia, I think. They showed if from a different camera angle earlier. Jason was facing Marco at the time, so it could only have been Nadia or Emma.

Jason has a nudity clause in his contract.
Guy Parsons
01:51 / 18.06.04
Hang on, everyone's gone to bed except Victor - and now he's been in the Diary Room for 20 minutes plus. Without the splendor of 24-hour live coverage I can't make a comparison, but it does seem an unusually long time considering there's little else to his schtick than "You Don't Know Me, Except I Have A Plan, Alright?" Has he gone off to the bedsit or what?

A DECISION MUST BE MADE ON EMMA. TONIGHT. So said the BB shrink, according to Dan.

Elsewhere's tonight, minutes of silence (contract talk, I think) are interrupted by Dan: "I can't believe Jason has a nudity clause in his contract. I want one!" and then back to silence... the work of jaded yet mischevious graveyard-shift editors, methinks.

And Victor: "Yeah, I'm ambitious... it's like, y'know, the Shakespearean 'fatal flaw' innit... MacBeth, yeah man." Next up, Emma likens each housemate to characters from Greek tragedy.

And so, back to the revision...
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:28 / 18.06.04
Victor on Emma: "Somehow she just brings out all these things in me that I've really tried to get rid of..."

Poignant. But I still don't understand how they can justify keeping Emma in solitary whilst the Jungle Twarts get to roam free.

Dan gets extra points for his conversation with Victor last night: he managed to steer the conversation round from "why is Emma so angry?" to "why are angry people so angry?" with the pretty glaring subtext "why are you so angry, Victor?".

And yes, the 'gameplan' idea is irritating: one of Channel 4's questions for people to text in answers to last night was "Is Jason and Victor's gameplan falling apart?" Er... it's gone a little beyond that, wouldn't you say?
yawn - thing's buddy
08:15 / 18.06.04
Ahmed’s mother comment:

There may also be another explanation. Remember, he’s a older man and this kind of comment is very much a generation thang – it’s also a very ‘middle eastern’ (apologies for sweeping generalisations, but expression of sentiment in that region is often tinged with references to parents, grandparents, families etc. – ‘their culture’ (arabic muslim) really is more family based.) It could be construed as ‘fatherly’ if one was to be generous.

Also, it’s hardly offensive. It’s a workaday kinda thing to say – and if it’s not, if it is genuinely intended as insulting, then it’s low-level and perhaps a response to Shel’s patronising attitude to Ahmed.

The way I read it is this: Shel is basically, extremely selfish – she has always got what she wanted and perhaps never been reprimanded outside of the family home. She has also managed to project an image of reasonableness and friendliness. Ahmed. however, represents ‘a thing’ which unsettles her for a variety of reasons; perhaps he IS pestering her, but she, in her undergrad way is also repulsed by his ‘culture’, his age and his strong points of view) – To her, then, Ahmed is the virus which disupts her system – he exposes her lack of tolerance and his presence allows her unpleasant side to flourish. And like a toddler, she cannot really contemplate functioning ‘properly’, unless he is removed – entirely – from her filed of view. The obsessive ranting to others is one of the most aggressive acts currently being deployed.

I personally found Dan’s eye roll to Shel’s ‘mother’ comment utterly laughable.

I too, however, thoroughly enjoyed J.’s patter during the build-up: so, so familiar - but ultimately so sad. He’ll end up crying.

Glaswegians always do.
08:30 / 18.06.04
Poignant. But I still don't understand how they can justify keeping Emma in solitary whilst the Jungle Twarts get to roam free.

I only saw the C4 program, and not all the E4 goodness, but it seemed to me as if Emma was the main instigator of trouble. She was brimming with vile wathching the housemates before her and Michelle's re-entry into the house. Even after Michelle's "keep it schtum" tack, she went off and began taunting the idiot men-children. With Nadia "whaaa-aaaaat?" and Marco and his dancing, I think it was all a bit too much and then the inevitable over-reaction.

Stuart must've been counting his lucky stars that the worst he had to contend with was a needy girl! Haha!

yawn, bang the money with Shell and Ahmed. She's trying hard to make out like he's some freaky selfish person when really that's her all over! Bless. Ahmed is a bit of a prick though, to be fair.

Overall last night's veiwing was shocking - showed them all to be fairly childish. Excellent program.
08:49 / 18.06.04
There may also be another explanation. Remember, he’s a older man and this kind of comment is very much a generation thang

Up to a point. He's what, 44? I'm not sure generation alone would account for it; it's the sort of thing my parents' generation (sixtysomethings) or, more even likely, their parents (eighty/ninety/deadsomethings) might've said.

it’s also a very ‘middle eastern’ (apologies for sweeping generalisations, but expression of sentiment in that region is often tinged with references to parents, grandparents, families etc. – ‘their culture’ (arabic muslim) really is more family based.) It could be construed as ‘fatherly’ if one was to be generous.

Well, quite. I don't think it's meant as patronising, but it does come across as anachronistic in terms of generation as well as culturally 'other' - hence Dan's subsequent comment about Ahmed's culture.

Also, it’s hardly offensive. It’s a workaday kinda thing to say – and if it’s not, if it is genuinely intended as insulting, then it’s low-level and perhaps a response to Shel’s patronising attitude to Ahmed.

Equally, I think that, in this particular context, Dan's subsequent "it's his culture" wasn't intended as insulting.

I agree that Shell's personality is really quite rigid, obsessional and controlling: we first had hints of that when she got all weird about Kitten painting 'swear words' on the mirrors (she can cope with people swearing but not in writing - riiight). I suspect she harbours some cleanliness/contamination fears (I think Dan does too, as evidenced by his love of cleaning products), and she's Othered Ahmed as culturally 'dirty'.

She's also terrified of outright conflict, hence one face for Ahmed, another for other people - and her dribbly collapse when everyone else in the house was being actively aggressive.

I don't think she's a nice girl at all...

I too, however, thoroughly enjoyed J.’s patter during the build-up: so, so familiar - but ultimately so sad. He’ll end up crying.

Glaswegians always do.

Well, Glaswegian wannabe-hardmen who process their sexual ambiguity by way of the Irving Welsh School of Outwardly-Projected Self-Loathing usually do. He's quite a tragic figure. I was hoping Dan could help him, but I think his homo-anxiety (pawing Vanessa and being rejected; allying himself with the other pantomine Alpha) is now too far gone for that.
yawn - thing's buddy
09:19 / 18.06.04
j took a fair battering that day - dan told him his appearance was all wrong, false etc. that 'Stuart was athletic in body, not him. This was in front of most of the house - he took it well.

Then vanessa's outright rejection, both verbally and physically, could be construed as harsh considering her complicity in the initial flesh-tangle.

Then he was danced in front of.

There was something so Glaswegian, so Billy Connelly even, about J.’s patter,

"Don’t you ever dance like that in front of me again!!!" – I was close to pishin masel during the episode.

it was almost:

‘You’ll be smiling on the other side of your face in a minute.’

And I’d agree with above posters who thought J.’s obsessive swearing and violent posturing was what helped tip Victor over the edge – to be honest I think he did not that much at all and reacted fairly typically to persistent abuse from Emma.

If he was as smart as he thinks he is he’d quash her threat by simply calling her:



Goody-two shoes

Or something similar. It would destroy her BB persona (and utterly shatter her sense of self) in an instant and the boys would be able to giggle insanely whenever they said it.

Swhat I’d do.

I suppose in a strange, confrontational way, and because I identify more with J and Victor’s behaviour (I’m a bloke, I occasionally chose to buy into ‘violence’ as a mode of expressing masculinity) than with Emma’s, I’d like them to ‘triumph’ (in whatever way is necessary) over her gang. (which I’d say was her and Marco and that’s it).

Nadia came across well all in.

My fave person (rather than character – difficult to separate I know) tho, is by far, Michelle. I think she operates beautifully.
09:27 / 18.06.04

Also, it’s hardly offensive. It’s a workaday kinda thing to say – and if it’s not, if it is genuinely intended as insulting, then it’s low-level and perhaps a response to Shel’s patronising attitude to Ahmed.

You seem to be suggesting that Shell had no right to be offended - if she wasn't so busy othering Ahmed all the time she would see his comments for what they are, the product of either age or cultural difference, or both.
Er, surely that would mean I should take no offense at disenfranchised young white men screaming race hate at the local BNP rally - 'cause I understand the causes, like.

The thing is, I know plenty of intelligent, unselfish women, who would have taken huge offensive at Ahmed's comment.

Sorry, I think I might be misunderstanding you.

Not sure what "workaday" is intended to mean either.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:28 / 18.06.04
I only saw the C4 program, and not all the E4 goodness, but it seemed to me as if Emma was the main instigator of trouble.

Interestingly, on the I Love Everything thread I linked to earlier, several people are contending that the 10pm Channel 4 recap show presented a version of events in which Emma came off badly and the extent of Victor and Jason's scary aggressiveness was played down - possibly to justify the fact that Emma is still stuck in the bedsit, possibly to help make the night's events seem less 'serious' in retrospect and justify the show carrying on more or less as normal. I'll say again that watching the live feed, there is no doubt in my mind that it is Jason who is most at fault (after Endemol) - I'm actually really creeped out by the fact that I've read people basically saying that the Dance of Disrespect was "asking for it", 'it' being a battering - followed by Victor.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:32 / 18.06.04
Oh, and Emma did get compared to "Jade Goodier" at some point - I think it was Victor who said it, too.
09:42 / 18.06.04
Agree with Ganesh's pantomine comment re Victor.

Anyone else think that Victor's rage wasn't anything we haven't seen before, a few days earlier? I'm not sure, but I suspect my strong initial reaction to his behaviour on battle-night was amplified by the war-like context. I mean, he let Stu "remove him" with minimal resistance - hardly the reaction of a man intent on the kill. 'Snot to say he wasn't rather cross, just perhaps that he wasn't quite as dangerously cross as some have suggesed.
Jay, on the other hand, he does worry me.
yawn - thing's buddy
09:43 / 18.06.04

what I'm saying is:– it’s low-level sniping - perhaps to issue a degree of control over Ahmed – she has a patronising attitude towards him that he doesn’t want to confront in the same manner he did with Marco. (because in his sexist way, that’d be unfair, ungentlemanly)

Boboss – a mild patronising comment (‘I shall thank your mother’ etc.) is not on a par with race-hate at a public rally – but I take your point. I do think she is entitled to be offended by it – I just think she maginfies her ‘hurt’ in order to exert group control.

Re: your sensitive female friends: really? Maybe if they were in the BB fishbowl I’d understand but most women I know, I suspect, would be able to brush off such a comment at the very least, or perhaps question it if it was directed their way. In fact, questioning it, is probably what they would indeed do, now I think about it some more.

Perhaps Shel should have done the same instead of attempting to further alienate a character who’s rapidly turning into the least offensive housemate in the show.
09:44 / 18.06.04
j took a fair battering that day - dan told him his appearance was all wrong, false etc. that 'Stuart was athletic in body, not him. This was in front of most of the house - he took it well.

In the footage I saw, Dan followed up the 'you don't need to be so pumped up' stuff with "you're absolutely stunning", so it wasn't entirely ego-destructive.

Then vanessa's outright rejection, both verbally and physically, could be construed as harsh considering her complicity in the initial flesh-tangle.

Then he was danced in front of.

Yeah. I think both of these (and, to a certain extent, Dan's criticism and compliment about his body) were blows to the way he's constructed his masculinity (powerful body, attractive to women, commands respect). When he made the comment, post-rejection by Vanessa, about falling apart, he might've been talking about his ego-defences (if he talked about such things...).

There was something so Glaswegian, so Billy Connelly even, about J.’s patter

Almost Rab C Nesbitt at times, in terms of impotent, fist-shaking fury.

And I’d agree with above posters who thought J.’s obsessive swearing and violent posturing was what helped tip Victor over the edge

I think the two of them fucken' wound each other fucken' up with the fucken' hardman fucken' routine. Antes were upped, generally, and authority needed to be established. When the two of them descended into the chimp enclosure, I was reminded also of a rather ineffectual The Management.

I suppose in a strange, confrontational way, and because I identify more with J and Victor’s behaviour (I’m a bloke, I occasionally chose to buy into ‘violence’ as a mode of expressing masculinity) than with Emma’s, I’d like them to ‘triumph’ (in whatever way is necessary) over her gang. (which I’d say was her and Marco and that’s it).

I want the beSpammed one to triumph, certainly, rather than bloody Marco, not because I identify particularly with the panto violence (although I recognise it very clearly indeed) but because Jason cuts such an essentially tragic figure (adopted, rootless, insecure in terms of self and sexuality, coping mechanisms breaking down) and, like (I think) Dan, I feel quite maternal towards him. A week or two ago, he seemed to be making headway in Selfawaria; this week, he's ducked down a blind alley (Hardman Street) with the laughable Victor, and we all know that way's gonna end in tears.

Nadia came across well all in.

I agree. Not so much in the table-turning itself, but she didn't stoke too much, and she was quick to apologise and attempt bridge-building, rather than trying to squeeze additional drama out of the night's events. She also seemed to do the bulk of cleaning up, in contrast to Fagbangle's 'supervising'.

My fave person (rather than character – difficult to separate I know) tho, is by far, Michelle. I think she operates beautifully.

She's not my favourite, but I like her a lot more after her five-day Purgatorial exile with Emma. Confidence suits her, making her less of a needy rabbit-roaster - and all the 'you missed me lots, didn't you Chicken, not that I'm putting words in your mouth or anything, lean over and feel me baps' stuff with Stuart somehow seems more charming than desperate. And, for all I know, he might really like playing a passive, Beckhamesque role.
yawn - thing's buddy
09:51 / 18.06.04
I was unaware that Victor called Emma, ‘Jade’.

I thought it was J. who had said earlier (and was observed doing so by Emma) that "We’d seen it all before" regarding Emma.

She was the one who then haunted herself with the Jade Ghost.
Whisky Priestess
09:58 / 18.06.04
Re: your sensitive female friends: really? Maybe if they were in the BB fishbowl I’d understand but most women I know, I suspect, would be able to brush off such a comment at the very least, or perhaps question it if it was directed their way. In fact, questioning it, is probably what they would indeed do, now I think about it some more.

No, sorry, but Ahmed's comment, for a man who has had a chance to hone his social tact by dealing with British women (who are not all chained to the sink or taught the womanly arts at their mother's knee) for over 10 years, was exceptionally dumb. It *could* have been a malicious wind-up, or it *could* be Ahmed stretching out and feeling comfortable in his chauvinism, but either way Shell had a right to protest.

I agree that the best way to protest would have been to confront him with his faux pas, but it's fucking hard to get nice middle-class girls to start or even be complicit in a confrontation, so she let off steam by bitching.

I don't know a single woman in Shell's situation who wouldn't have been pissed off at Ahmed's remark, although they might have dealt with it better.
10:03 / 18.06.04
I'm really enjoying reading about BB on here and another site the differences are huge.. Most people on the other board love Victor and Jason and someone has said that they'll be voted out as soon as their up as the only people who vote are "Woman and gays"...

Barbelith rules.
yawn - thing's buddy
10:04 / 18.06.04
but thats true, it is just slags and poof that vote on this show.
10:08 / 18.06.04
Interestingly, on the I Love Everything thread I linked to earlier, several people are contending that the 10pm Channel 4 recap show presented a version of events in which Emma came off badly and the extent of Victor and Jason's scary aggressiveness was played down - possibly to justify the fact that Emma is still stuck in the bedsit, possibly to help make the night's events seem less 'serious' in retrospect and justify the show carrying on more or less as normal.

Well, having watched several framings of events, it seems that Spamboy and Vic the Prick repaired to the Pamper Shed (or, perhaps more appropriately under the circumstances, the Pampers Shed) to indulge in the sort of tragi-comic hardman double-act that would've had Morrissey pissing himself laughing - but yes, I agree, that whole brooding fucken' violence about to fucken' explode thing can be pretty scary, however pantomimed.

I guess that, like Yawn, I'm pretty familiar with the Scottish Hardman routine (and Jason, let's face it, is a bit of a soft-as-shite example of the breed) so it struck me as risible rather than dangerous - but I'm sure Jason's sheer physical bulk and bellowed threats were pretty intimidating to those concerned.

I do think Emma carries some degree of responsibility, though, simply because she doesn't appear to possess any sort of Edit button. Her repeated intrusions into Moonbase Alpha Fuckwit (accompanied by laughing spermatozoa-in-a-sailor-suit, Marco), with increasingly obvious mocking wind-ups significantly cranked up the overall paranoia/antagonism - and, later, whenever it seemed things were dying down, she popped up to fan the flames again.

I'll say again that watching the live feed, there is no doubt in my mind that it is Jason who is most at fault (after Endemol) - I'm actually really creeped out by the fact that I've read people basically saying that the Dance of Disrespect was "asking for it", 'it' being a battering - followed by Victor.

So you're creeped out. I guess I'm not because I don't think a battering would ever have ensued. The Spam-posturing was sound and fury, pretty empty stuff, IMHO. There's no doubt that he was utterly at fault for threatening as much - but Marco's (repeated) calculated insolence did play a part in stoking the situation.

I liked Dan's line in attempting to defuse things via sideways compliment: "How would that be a fair match?" ie. you're a Cave Troll made of Spam, and Marco is fagjangly Pumpkin Jack.
10:10 / 18.06.04
Clearly it’s my childish mind, but the whole Dance of Disrespect thing makes me think of Cook/Moore’s Derek and Clive ‘Non-stop Dancer’ sketch.
Really don’t know what Jason’s problem was with the dancing, must have been the other stuff building up or something.

Emma did rather seem keen on goading people with her not-well-hidden-secret-insights, spilling the beans to Marco and Nadia with astonishing speed as well as shouting stuff at Victor which suggested she’d heard what he’d said. Then again, those two are well-established as not getting on anyway. Love the way they stand so close and shout at each other, it’s … well, to echo Ganesh’s comments about violence, it’s like a pantomime idea of what an argument should be like. All very good TV, obviously.

Victor and Jason’s conversations always leave me a bit baffled; they talk as if they’re colluding in ousting other people (because that’s working SO well so far, isn’t it ? Hence, I guess, their general miffedness in recent days), but that’s utterly flawed as even if their ‘plan’ works, they’ll then be against each other. And there’s little evidence of any planstuff actually being done, aside from Victor in the diary room and Jason in the bedroom, both talking about their plan and getting people out, and then… um… well, there’s … uh…
10:10 / 18.06.04
but thats true, it is just slags and poof that vote on this show.

Hey, don't forget slaggy poofs!
10:20 / 18.06.04
Perhaps Shel should have done the same instead of attempting to further alienate a character who’s rapidly turning into the least offensive housemate in the show.

In an ideal world, yes, Shell would be more able to honestly confront people. She clearly shies away from such encounters, however, tending instead to express her resentments in more underhand fashion, by slyly scapegoating Ahmed (it's well and good to ponce around with one's arse-cheeks hanging out of an apron, but God forbid an old person should look at one), who was alienated/Othered from the start - partly through his own apparent inability to raise his game among a large group of shrilly opinionated kidults (and especially the fact that he doesn't drink, and is therefore inherently Untrustworthy).

I agree that he's pretty much the least offensive housemate, possible because he's the least visible/interactive - which is a real shame. I also think he's probably the most psychologically honest person there.
yawn - thing's buddy
10:21 / 18.06.04
All in all tho, I'd say it was some of the best fiction I've witnessed on tv.

Artfully crafted and presented - compelling.

Interestingly, Endemol presented two versions of the same day as well. Last night, we saw another version of Wednesday, having initially witnessed a version of said Wednesday on Wednesday night's show.

I'm intrigued now, to know how storylines etc ARE crafted.

Are there 'watchers' ascribed to an individual or a grouping? How are segments defined? How is a a certain thread identified and collated?

The final zoom in on to Kitten's 'No More War' was hilarious too.

(as was her appearance on channel 4 news explaining the mess to Jon Snow)

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