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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:58 / 13.09.06
A Crane in your house? That is fucking crazy...
Kit-Cat Club
21:42 / 13.09.06
Ha, that would be crazy (esp. considering 'house' is a small two-room flat). But I meant as in daddy-long-legs. I absolutely loathe them. I am terrified they will get in my hair.
21:49 / 13.09.06
True not nice, I felt a tickle on my temple the other day, and reached up to remove a huge dun and white spider. It's still hanging around my bathroom in the roof corner (as long as it doesn't crawl over my toothbrush or find its way back into my hair things should be cool!).
21:59 / 13.09.06
I am terrified they will get in my hair.

That is EXACTLY why I hate them. And moths. I've pretty much overcome my fear of arachnids, but BUGS THAT CAN GET IN YOUR HAIR are the children of Satan.

They make my skin crawl. And can really fuck off.
00:00 / 14.09.06
BH: I almost hate to suggest this, but, well, swords and lawyers aside -- they made you an offer to appear on TV, yes? So you probably have some names and contact information.

Things you could share.

I'm sure someone could come up with ideas....
01:06 / 14.09.06
"How dare you do this to me?!"

"But it's for an internet forum!"
pointless & uncalled for
06:41 / 14.09.06
My loathing for people was renewed this morning when I had a blow out due to a large piece of glass in the road this morning. Oh how I love a four mile walk to work and missing out on my daily circuit of hyde park. Not to mention the twenty or so quid that it will cost to replace the tire.

I hear Ian Wright is being paid to bully lazy and obese kids. Personally I would like to soundly thrash anyone who considers any form of litter acceptable with a thick belt. I'd do it for free.
Blake Head
09:02 / 14.09.06
Thanks for the advice all. My flatmate's actually a lawyer, I don't know if he owns any swords - but I might ask. Part of the problem is that when the presumable member of the production team came in right afterwards I was too out of sorts to take down any details of who they were or what organisation they belonged to, other than to register that they told me quickly they were doing a show, they insisted without prompting that they didn't know what the guy had just said, and that I didn't want to them to use anything in which I was in without needing to look at the clipboard she was vaguely waving around. So no paperwork. I was still processing the very alien seeming idea that what had just happened wasn't "real". And really a lot of this is me being rather angry with myself for being caught off balance and neither dismissing them with devastating wit or even just asking some basic questions like "who are you and who gave you the right?" - but that's probably a typical reaction I suppose. I think I caught the name of the channel they were making the show for, but my powers of recollection are sufficiently jarred that I'm not sure I want to make accusations publicly, which might seem absurd, but then, well, there's a whole lot about this which seems absurd... I'm going to send off some e-mails and try to confirm some basic details, then take it from there, and I will let you know if lawyers with bladed weapons are required. Aaaarrgh I'm annoyed!
pointless & uncalled for
09:09 / 14.09.06
Bookshops, or indeed any retail area, do not constitute public domain and therefore the production company is legally obliged to seek filming permission from the business owners ahead of time. My advice is ask your employer for more information.
Alex's Grandma
11:57 / 15.09.06
If for whatever reason anyone's feeling the cold a bit this afternoon, might I suggest that they check out the interview with James 'A Million Little Pieces' Frey in today's 'Guardian' supplement? In which the fucking moron, frankly, compares himself to Celine, Jack Kerouac and Charles Bukowski. 'Those guys' he surmises, with breathtaking ... well it's not even arrogance, I don't suppose, so much as sheer, unthinking, blind stupidity 'would be writing memoirs nowadays.' This of course forgetting, again, the fact that Frey's inane Boy's_Own *jacked-off-in-his-underpants* adventures in rehab were considered not fit for publication when presented as fiction.

It's been a couple of hours since I put the article down - the red mist has faded a little, and I don't think I'm going to have a heart attack any more, but on the other hand, the blood's still simmering nicely, at a dangerously high degree.
13:32 / 15.09.06
Yes, I read that. What a dick. I was, in fact, gonna PM you to see if you'd read it- I know your feelings on Mr Frey are a little strong.
14:32 / 15.09.06

You and your fear of the internet, how corrupting the internet is and how fucking innocent the children are. Won't somebody please think of the children?

You use scare tactics to say that teenagers in high school on the internet will have sex, will post sexy pics, and will sexy language, and then you cut to a commercial and show Desperate Housewives, a show in which sexy women have sexy sex. Gah! Make up your fucking mind!

And of course, it's all about the girls, Primetime. No, the boys couldn't be responsible for this at all, could they? No, it's the Queen Bees and the terrible tricks the girls play. Because boys never do anything like that.

Primetime, don't tell me that girls are "vicious" and "horrible" and "mean". Don't tell me that. It's not like boys have ever committed rape or anything.

Fucking Victorian nightmare this is.

Primetime... do not fucking blame the internet for their behaviour. Nobody forces people to go onto the internet. Nobody put a gun to a kid's head and said, "Go on the internet and post sexy pics of yourself. Be exploited or die!"
And of course, the sexy pics (that girls choose to post) are the exact same with no degree of difference to exploitation and child abuse. There's no slight difference, Primetime? Not even slightly?

14:37 / 15.09.06
And you know what?

Fuck you to whoever goes into a school and shoots people. That's fucking despicable. I don't even have words for it.

I do have hateful words for CTV, CBC, CityTV and Global. You fucking channels choose to show your regular American imported sitcoms with no quality and the reality TV shows while all the while, Montreal has been practically shut down. I had to go onto the Internet for information on the shooting. Fucking CBC Newsworld had Avi Lewis and the Big Picture on. AVI LEWIS? We definitely need him in a time of crisis! Gah!

In Sept 11, you couldn't touch a tv channel without information on it. That's in 2006, my friends. In 2006, almost every channel had a special to something that happened five years ago, but when a school in Montreal is being shut down and people are running shitscared in the streets, you don't feel like you can pre-empt fucking RockStar:Supernova for half a fucking hour just to tell me if my fellow countrymen and citizens of Montreal are fucknig dying?

14:37 / 15.09.06
I'm so mad right now, I'm shaking. I hate people.
19:44 / 15.09.06
I think we should be hating the inspiration for this.

We should be hating the vampires.

The vampires with guns.
19:46 / 15.09.06
16:32 / 17.09.06
Hey! You people who can't fucking take your drugs responsibly! You let somebody die in your own house, which unfortunately is part of the same organization as my house, and so now it's going to affect me and the people I'm responsible for. How fucking dare you pieces of shit. Can't you get your shit together enough to notice when your own friends are passed out choking on their own vomit? Do you not have enough sense to think that massive amounts of alcohol combined with massive amounts of cocaine might have some bad affects? Was the fiasco just last week over the overdosed pot cookies NOT ENOUGH WARNING FOR YOU that people are paying attention to your fuckups? People are leaving your house because they want to be somewhere with LESS drugs. That says something to me. It says take less fucking drugs. Don't give drugs to people who can't handle that shit. Don't let guests in your house and then pay no attention while they fucking die on your floor. How do you get this far in your lives without developing the rudimentary beginnings of intelligence to understand these simple things?

Now we will probably close down your house and all 149 of you will have to move somewhere else— hopefully not here. The organization will suffer and our rents will go up. The University may terminate relations with us, or force us to close other houses. More importantly, someone you invited into your home will never see another sunrise. Here's to you, Cloyne Court Hotel. Your house just died of a drug overdose.
05:39 / 18.09.06
Oh, and now I have MORE things to be pissed off about. And they have nothing to do with Barbelith. Amazing.

Love to you all. You're more stable than some of my relatives.
Saint Keggers
17:04 / 19.09.06
So a reprocusion of the shooting in Montreal (besides the obvious) is that a local comedy group has decided to change the name of their upcomming gig. The poster that I designed will not be used. And whats worse it they just replaced it with something one of them threw togther in 5 minutes. I can understand them not using it right now so Im not mad at them. Im enraged towards the dickeadian prick who shot up the school.
And lets face it... Im not too pleased with him shooting up the school in the first place.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
06:58 / 20.09.06
HP Cameras, now with new 'stop you looking like a fat bastard, yes you you fat fuck, god you're disgusting' feature.

They say cameras add ten pounds, but HP digital cameras can help reverse that effect. The slimming feature, available on select HP digital camera models, is a subtle effect that can instantly trim off pounds from the subjects in your photos!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:20 / 20.09.06
Oh sweet holy fuck, that's revolting.
10:01 / 20.09.06
Oh for fucks sake. What kind of bullshit world are we living in?
10:06 / 20.09.06
I have no words to describe how fucking grotesque and damaging that idea is. I mean, what if someone used it on /you/? Can you think of anything more offensive than someone looking at you one the screen and deciding that your too fat for their personal aesthetic and then cutting you down. Its like they've managed to cram several hundred years of fat phobia and body dismorphia into a single push button. Eurgh. Just eurgh.
miss wonderstarr
10:14 / 20.09.06
That web page really is like something from The Onion. I can't believe the kind of things I'm actually seeing these days that aren't satire.
pointless & uncalled for
10:32 / 20.09.06
Words cannot seem to easily express how many wrongs and social ills that this is trying to get people to buy into.

So pissed off with that.
19:24 / 20.09.06
HP, you just bought yourself a lifelong enemy. Fuck you and your nasty little toys.
Liger Null
23:21 / 20.09.06
Note the subject they use to advertise this "slimming feature" is a perfectly normal, slender woman.

Funny, if they were using Rush Limbaugh I wouldn't be nearly as offended.
23:23 / 20.09.06
It reminds me of the thread Lula linked before where celebrities had an entire mid section sliced.
00:18 / 21.09.06
Um. Is there any way to get some sort of petition, protest, or general 'FUCK YOU!' done up and sent to HP - preferably with a flaming turd attatched to it?
08:03 / 21.09.06
Yes there is, you start one. Get all pro-active.

I'll sign it.
13:31 / 21.09.06
Pro-.. what now?

Okay. So i'll get on with the petition if someone else can deliver the turd...
17:29 / 21.09.06
As I work in a call centre the issue of off-shoring such work is troublesome. I am more than willing to discuss the problems involved with such actions, and to complain about the multi-nationals who are the villains of the piece.
What I won't do is allow you to use the issue as an excuse to spout your snidely racist comments, and my dismay at your attempts to do so isn't "PC gone mad", or an attempt to squash debate about the issue.
Excuse me while I go all marxist for a minute, but those at the top must be so pleased at how easy it is to turn the workers against one another while they get fat off the proceeds.
23:00 / 21.09.06
All those offenced by HP's Bullemia-Button: Come to the affirmative action thread!
ibis the being
21:42 / 22.09.06
Can I have one job, just one, one measly job, that is not overrun with who has the bigger penis contests? That would be really fucking great.
00:24 / 23.09.06
Assumptions and stereotyping. Yes, truly I am t3h Borg.

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