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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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paranoidwriter waves hello
20:16 / 26.07.06
Yup, seems corruption is all the rage these days...

I've just finished watching The Boys Who Killed Stephen Lawrence on BBC1 , and my anger is fast developing into a psychotic desire to go to Eltham and become a vigilante. Not very helpful or realistic, I admit, but everything about Stephen Lawrence case makes my blood boil.

I feel angry and sick.
05:34 / 29.07.06
This doesn't really belong here, but it doesn't really belong anywhere.

Someone ELSE, whom I just vaguely know— he was a year ahead of me in the school I'm attending currently, and I said hi to him on several occasions and thought "Hmm, he seems cool, I bet he'd be neat to know if I ever struck up a conversation"— just died in a terrible car/motorcycle accident.

Will the Universe please stop killing people I should hang out with more often! I GET THE FUCKING MESSAGE! Jezus.

And what makes me even more angry is that I really SHOULD be angry about Israel and Lebanon. And instead I'm— what's the word— EXASPERATED. Because someone I didn't know well, but wanted to, just died.

I'm sorry, this looks really disrespectful and makes me seem like an insensitive asshat.
15:34 / 02.08.06
id- it really doesn't.

My own hate and anger? Well, I may well never buy anything made in China ever again.

Squads in Mouding, Yunnan province, grabbed pets from their owners while they were out for walks and beat them to death on the spot, the Shanghai Daily reported.

Man's best friend should really start thinking about the company he's keeping.
16:50 / 02.08.06
I can't even process that, Stoatie. Evil doesn't seem like a strong enough word.
I've sent the article to my clan along with the boycott idea. I sure as fuck am not going to buy anything from China.

As far as I know the UK got rid of rabies without using such vile murderous tactics?

By all that's holy I'm going to go cry and pray for those poor dogs and their owners who can only be heartbroken and traumatized. I'd fucking snap and go postal if I was there when it happened.

These are the moments when the good clean genocide of humanity really appeals to me.
23:13 / 02.08.06
Quite. I want to kill the people responsible. I want to kill them slowly. I want to make them suffer.

As I say, this kind of shit makes me wonder why dogs like humans so much. We don't fucking deserve it.
imaginary mice
20:20 / 07.08.06
Not again.

Damn. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Damn. Fuck.


(Don't ask.)
02:42 / 08.08.06
I wonder if that's actually possible. I mean a real boycott of Chinese goods.

Yunnan, by the way, is pretty much the sticks. It's the province that borders Vietnam and Tibet. During the Cultural Revolution, the minorities there ate counterrevolutionaries' livers (according to Ma Jian).

Most goods come out of Guangdong, so it wouldn't have much to do with Yunnan one way or another.

The real problem is that Yunnan is kind of difficult to regulate, and no pet vaccination plan has ever been put into practice, and people were dying of rabies (one of the worst deaths I can imagine for dog or human). I don't know how one could get more animals vaccinated in Yunnan.

What interested me when I read this was that it was being reported in the Shanghai Daily -- if this was a national policy, I don't think you'd see it published in one of the big papers like that. Seems like the journalists were trying to exert some pressure. Would a boycott help? I dunno. I'm not sure it'd be possible.
Evil Scientist
18:14 / 08.08.06
I thought I made a couple of valid points there, just one or two. Then a fucking shouting match starts up. So that's another attempted contribution out the fucking window then. Arse-in-a-mangle!
Jake, Colossus of Clout
18:22 / 08.08.06
Y'know, when I'm in a hurry to buy a bottle of wine and drink it, I don't always read the back of the label. So when I grab a bottle of French red that says "Cabernet Sauvignon" on the label, I expect to drink a fucking French Cab, not a 60% Cab and 40% shit grape fucking blended crap wine. What a waste of money.
Mysterious Transfer Student
18:29 / 08.08.06
Regarding China - my brother has been there for the last six months (of a planned twelve-month trip), teaching English to school-age students in two or three different cities, and has asked all of my family not to worry too much about the possibility of nasty things like these happening to him. Needless to say, we haven't stopped worrying.
19:17 / 08.08.06
I believe the various Animal Humane Societies around the globe have made a decent case that where animals are treated cruelly so to the humans.

In the US look to our factory farms for one side and the recent leave no pets behind bill for the other.

I'm personally very headsick over the concept of loving beings (people/animals) being brutalized by those that should be caring for them. I had a conversation last night that reminded me of just how fucked humans can be and I feel like someone took an icecream scoop to my chest cavity.
19:24 / 08.08.06
As I say, this kind of shit makes me wonder why dogs like humans so much.

My explanation:
Mankind has been breeding dogs since before the stoneage. Over thousands of generations, only those dogs were allowed to procreate that were being nice to us.
Evil Scientist
21:02 / 08.08.06
Mankind has been breeding dogs since before the stoneage. Over thousands of generations, only those dogs were allowed to procreate that were being nice to us.

Yeah, who ever heard of attack dogs?



Wait a minute!
22:26 / 08.08.06
But these dogs are still all slobbery for humans when they´re born, they have to be trained to attack people. And even then they unconditionally love their trainers.
00:48 / 09.08.06
It was actually kind of a rhetorical question...
04:33 / 09.08.06
Fucking spyware disguised as anti-spyware. Fucking ebay and fucking fraud. Fucking work and I have a fucking headache. Fucking laptop that overheats and shuts off after half an hour; not long enough to do a spyware removal. GAH.

Laptop, meet wall. Wall, meet laptop. You'll both get along swimmingly.
08:46 / 09.08.06
It was actually kind of a rhetorical question...

I know, Stoat. But I wanted to emphasise your opinion, that dogs are nice to us despite our cruelty, by showing that for ten thousands of years, we did not leave dogs any other choice.
imaginary mice
18:32 / 09.08.06
As I say, this kind of shit makes me wonder why dogs like humans so much.

My explanation:
Mankind has been breeding dogs since before the stoneage. Over thousands of generations, only those dogs were allowed to procreate that were being nice to us.

Oh and I thought it was because they were pack animals. Silly me.
20:46 / 09.08.06
As are wolves. Find someone stupid enough to play fetch with a pack of wolves and tell me if they let him pet them.
paranoidwriter waves hello
04:07 / 10.08.06
I just saw the front page for today's 'The Sun' on BBC News 24 about the convicted killers of Damilola Taylor, and I'm very angry. There was a picture of the two murderers and guess what the headline was? "Lawless thugs"? "Brutal killers"? "Murderers"? No... "Lawless Savages".

"Savages"? Tell me, oh mighty editors of 'The Sun', why did you use that word? What possible connotations are you hoping to trigger with the word "savages", eh? I know, let's have a look at how you descrcibed this case in your shitrag for more pointers, shall we?
Evil Scientist
06:11 / 10.08.06
I know, Stoat. But I wanted to emphasise your opinion, that dogs are nice to us despite our cruelty, by showing that for ten thousands of years, we did not leave dogs any other choice.

We're nice to cats despite their cruelty. What's your point?

Oh wait is this the bit where you say that cats are only following their instincts poorcutefluffycats and the nastyevilhumans are like Satan or something because we can actually think?

One rule for the lower creatures another for the humans yeah?
06:36 / 10.08.06
Dogs are nice to us, because we bred them that way. We are nice to cats because they let us.

Cats are the crown of creation. They know it and act accordingly.

Dogs somehow got screwed out of said crown and now hussle humans to treat them as if.
imaginary mice
07:02 / 10.08.06
Find someone stupid enough to play fetch with a pack of wolves and tell me if they let him pet them.

A wolf will be as loyal to you as a dog if he recognises you as the pack leader (e.g. if you raised him).
imaginary mice
07:27 / 10.08.06
I’m not denying that dogs are more docile than wolves but their affection for humans is certainly not just due to breeding.
Dead Megatron
11:49 / 10.08.06
Cats are the crown of creation.

As far mammalian predators go, let's be clear about it. If I had to choose who would win in a fight between a real live tiger and a real live t-rex, my money is on the terrifying lizard.

and cats are not badgers too
21:41 / 10.08.06
Wuahahaha, DM, you don´t know the real reason dinosaurs got extinct! Well, hint hint, it was no meteor...
22:09 / 10.08.06
We're nice to cats despite their cruelty. What's your point?

I don't actually think this argument has a point, really. But while we're here, that's not actually a parallel, is it, cos it's not us that cats are cruel to. Except perhaps emotionally.
09:55 / 11.08.06
Again. Always me. Again.

I got paid today. But of the near-£200 I was expecting, I only got £122 past the inland revenue. Which seems a bit steep, tax-wise, seeing as I've only just started working, and do so for £5.05 an hour..

And then, the bank has seen fit to lay on another £70 'commission' for an unpaid withdrawl.

So this week, I see about £30 of my pay (no, I don't understand the maths either).

The anger is turning in on itself to make for a kind of crushing angry pity...

Tryphena Absent
11:49 / 11.08.06
It sounds like you're on emergency tax (code BR on your pay slip). If so then talk to someone at your workplace, you need to fill in a form so you can switch to the right code (it could be a P60 but I could be getting confused with the slip you get at the end of the financial year.)
Disco is My Class War
04:01 / 14.08.06
That asshole with the shaved head in the silver Toyota who overtook me on the way to uni this morning. (Yes, I have turned into the Enemy. The Driver Enemy.) The printer system at this extremely wealthy university which doesn't allow postgraduate students to print unless they SUPPLY THEIR OWN PAPER and has the postgrad printer automatically set to 'draft mode', so you can't print off anything you can actually read, and the English Dept admin assistant who cannot help me print from the proper official printers in my capacity as a research assistant because all the printers in the English Department are completely BORKED. The stupid bank who manage to 'lose' my money for two days when I transfer it between bank accounts because I lost my card and the other bank hasn't gotten round to sending it yet meaning I have no cash and cannot even pay my exorbitant library fine meaning I cannot borrow books. The editor who gave me two hours last night to send him edits of an essay because my computer died and I lost the email outlining the WATERTIGHT DEADLINE and then I went to bed and missed the deadlines anyhow. And the academic who has been riffing off some work of mine in his 'recent research' and neglected to tell me for a year that he was researching this topic and with whom I am late for a meeting right NOW.


(Deadwood is my only consolation.)
04:31 / 14.08.06
Amen brother. Thank the lord for Deadwood.

(and hope your day gets better soon)
Unconditional Love
23:54 / 14.08.06
This year has raised me up and dashed all my hopes so far, i am far too tired and pathetic to be violently angry in any but a most slothish way. Just one piece of day break would be good for me, before i go to sleep again cursing all of humanity wishing so hard for all humanity to be wiped away, along with the planet and then the solar system so this horrible mistake can never happen again, and then every universe cause it could quite possibly manifest in another form else where. No joyous life affirmimng rage and anger just plain old bitterness and jaded exhaustion of this meaningless roundabout called life that shatters me against the rocks of its shoreline everyday.

Just give me some fucking peace! you can all go away and shut the fuck up. Eventually the silence will fill me, when the demented thought of myself subsides.
Unconditional Love
00:03 / 15.08.06
And then just before bedtime i discovered the fools adventures of the little people , yay for the fool.
Unconditional Love
16:21 / 15.08.06
when your a child he tells you no one will believe you.
When your an adult and finally have the courage to speak, they turn and point there fingers calling you a liar.

Its the same isolation you live with day in and day out, no one will trust you, no one will believe you.

eventually you believe the lie and learn to lie about everything and anything, finally when you confront the truth no body believes you.

Its a sad sad sad world, people living in lies, scared of there own truthes, rushing for the next lie to wipe the uncomfortable truth away.
21:58 / 15.08.06
well I came to add my 'Garry Rhodes is a cock gobbler's worth and find things a little too genuinely disturbing to be a suitable context for my petty little fit.

that said, some bloody woman has just come into my ouse at 11pm and when she found the conversation not to her fucking taste (admittedly catching my neighbour up on the health of her plants etc after she was away, with said bloody woman) she rings someone on her bleepmingely mobile and STARTS TALKING LIKE THIS OVER THE, ADMITTEDLY BORING, BUT STILL ONGOING CONVERSATION, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER, I'VE MET HER ONCE. rude twat

Oh! did I type that out loud?

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