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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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Whisky Priestess
08:45 / 17.08.06
This. Woman. Sounds. Like. A Cunt.

(From an Irish writers' retreat round-robin email. I have never been and never will go on a writer's retreat unless I'm paid to, but I almost won a week there a few years ago - had a lucky escape by the looks of things - and I've been on their mailing list ever since.)

"Join me in October for a workshop that I believe will inspire you to write...and live!"
And I will teach you how to die.

All About Writing! is limited to a maximum of 12 participants on a first-deposit-in basis.
Please form an orderly queue.

Susan DeBow, a writer whose work has appeared in The Chicago Tribune, Family Circle, The Christian Science Monitor, The Cleveland Plain Dealer Sunday Magazine, BBW Magazine, Poets & Writers, The Writer, Science and Spirituality, Notre Dame Magazine, The Baltimore Sun, The Cincinnati Post, Cincinnati Women's Magazine, National Review, Cincinnati Connection Magazine, The Western Star, The Xenia Daily Gazette, Sasee, Magnolia Review, Scrivener's Pen, Electric Acorn, (I believe you are confusing me with someone who gives a fuck about Susan's desperate publication record in small-town local papers) among others, has a degree in Communications from Ohio University and has taught many writing workshops. (I'll just bet.) She is an award-winning writer and poet. (So am I. Where's my fucking teaching job?) Her first novel, Cleaning Closets, will be published by the Vanity Press Summer 2007.

For taste of her writing and workshop style, here's her resume:

- Youngest but tallest of three girls in family
- Grew up in Norwood, Ohio. Could kick a mean kickball.
You're so fucking wacky, aren't you Susan? Such a likable tomboy.
- Could run fast and jump high. Won broad jump championship several years in row
- Head majorette and twirled fire baton. Never burnt others. Only myself.
I thank God I wore my corset, else I fear my sides would split.
- Went to college. Met husband first week. His hair was longer than mine. Is this sort of thing still even worthy of comment? Married him after dating two of his roommates.
- Got married. Saw my baby niece. Thought she was cute. So I told my husband I wanted one of those. Had four. Stayed home. Raised kids. Read a lot.
If only she'd stayed there. But no.
- Sold real estate because people said I would be good at it. Got brokers license. Made decent money. Hated job.
Wrote feature articles and columns for Cincinnati Magazine during 1998 and 1999.
- Published a magazine called the Cincinnati Connection in 1989. Magazine dealt with the people in real estate. Wrote and edited articles. Worked out of my basement. Got sick of working with and by myself.
As others were soon to get sick of working with you ...
- Became Director of Marketing in 1989, the largest real estate office in Ohio. (It's like some sort of Coen Brothers tragedy) Was resident psychologist.(Is this a joke? I genuinely can't tell.) Also took donuts to meetings. Became very popular. Helped run company with the owner. Became more who the owner wanted me to be instead of who I wanted to be. So I left.
- Got another job. Ended up being CEO for a computer software company. Could do it in my sleep. Wanted to fire the owners but thought that might not go over too well. Company failed, presumably.
- In 1997 my mother died of guilt. Responsibilities and focus shifted. Wondered when I was going to do what I thought I was called to do? Write.
Quit business world, entered writing world.
Began writing a column called "Crossroads" for county paper. Worked on finding my voice. GGGAAAHHHHHHHHH
Summer of 1999. Went to writing conference and got validation I am a writer. YOU'RE NOT. Was told I was good enough to move on to bigger and better things. Was lied to.
Visited Ireland in September. By myself. You are a hero to millions. Travelled and went to writer's retreat and learned my voice had gotten stronger. No, just louder.
Changed name of column to "Writing Out Loud" because that is what I felt like I was doing. Developed website.
I live in Maineville, Ohio, and am still raising kids, but fewer of them.
Please, please die.
09:11 / 17.08.06
I am Susan DeBow. *sobs*
09:24 / 17.08.06
No - I'm Susan DeBow.
09:25 / 17.08.06
I'm Susan DeBow, and so's my wife.
09:50 / 17.08.06
I am Susan DeBow´s right hand. Freezing in your fridge. Writing on your brains.
imaginary mice
19:24 / 17.08.06
Squads in Mouding, Yunnan province, grabbed pets from their owners while they were out for walks and beat them to death on the spot, the Shanghai Daily reported.

I've just received an email from PETA about this. You can contact the Chinese government via this website.
19:34 / 17.08.06
hey mice, Stoat posted that same thing one page back.

Not that it doesn't deserve much rage and ass kicking.
imaginary mice
19:39 / 17.08.06
Well, yes, this is a reply to the original message.
Dead Megatron
19:54 / 17.08.06
I am Susan DeBow's most secret wet dream.

And I really don't like the Chinese government. I mean, their sole solution for their problems, ranging from rabid dogs to drug addicts, seems to be just to kill everybody!
20:03 / 17.08.06
[Any reply to DM's message involving the words "Tony" or "George" are offically a cheap shot. That is all.]
Dead Megatron
20:11 / 17.08.06
Oh yeah, I don't like them that much either
11:46 / 18.08.06
Jaw meet table:
Tonight I got an ebay email, telling me to pay 10.200 €. I only bought a CD for 2.00 € recently, believe me!

I asked what´s going on, and now wait with baited breath for an explanation.

Good thing: the email was adressed to someone else, still I got it, and I told them I won´t pay.

And of course, it´s difficult to figure out, how to get in touch with ebay...
11:56 / 18.08.06
Cheers for the PETA link, mice.
Tabitha Tickletooth
13:35 / 18.08.06
Sometimes, it's the little things. For some reason, I keep returning to the car crash that is the Guardian online's Comment is Free blog collection. I will start a thread on why I think this is fast descending into utter failure, despite being a brave experiment, but that's not actually what has really pissed me off.

There are many deeply annoying things about this particular piece on Walthamstow, even though I've no doubt the writer is attempting to say something positive. But the bit that really fucked me off, which is I suppose only tangential to what the commentary is about, was this:

Before 9/11 Islam was a great influence on the area and reached out to all communities. East London is an area with problems. Drugs, low wages, poor education, high rates of violent crime and single parenthood have resulted in lost youth across all cultures.

Just run through that list for me again? Drugs, low wages, poor education, high rates of violent crime and SINGLE PARENTHOOD.

Fuck. Off. You. Cunt.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:16 / 18.08.06
Mist: that email sounds like phishing to me. Check the links--do they go where they are supposed to go? By that I mean, do they go to a genuine address ( or a spoof page at a dodgy address? If you've signed in anywhere you might want to change your password NOW, and see what that particular company advises you to do if you think you might have been phished.
15:59 / 18.08.06
Tabitha: I've toyed around with the idea of starting a thread called "Fucking Guardian!" before. Just to express my occasional (?) rage. This thread will have to do, I think, I don't want to unleash the hate that much.

Last provoked by this piece, middle class woman is shocked to find child rearing is not really easy.

Last Friday, for reasons outside my control, I was left in sole charge of my 22-month-old daughter.

What? If I'm not mistaken, there are thousands of women bringing up familes completely on their own. Perhaps several children, without any help whatsoever. One morning without assitance occasioned this article.

I feel the hate coming back.... arrrrgggghhh.
Cat Chant
14:46 / 19.08.06
Giant Haystacks - please! Start the thread! I have rage at the Guardian every time I read it, and it would do me so much good to articulate the rage among my own kind. (I think the remit of the Books forum has now been widened to include periodicals, so it could go in there...)

But actually I came in to share this Livejournal post with you, as a perfect example of making six self-contradictory and incoherent arguments screen the fact that what you really mean is I HATE THOSE FILTHY QUEERS.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:04 / 19.08.06
GH: What the fuck? Please tell me that article is a joke.
18:08 / 19.08.06
It's by Charlotte Raven. What else could you expect?
18:43 / 19.08.06
That's really enraging. You mean she had to care for her own child? Outrageous. It shouldn't be allowed.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
19:17 / 19.08.06
Let's play Charlotte Raven.

Oooh, look at me, I'm Charlotte Raven! I've got shedloads of money! I've got a huge kitchen full of expensive food! I've got one healthy undemanding toddler to take care of, and so much support that it's article-worthy if I have to go it alone for an afternoon! Watch me piss and whine that I'm not the center of the Universe and get paid for it! I'm Charlotte Raven, I need a SWORD THROUGH THE HEAD, who wants to fucking kill me?
Tryphena Absent
19:44 / 19.08.06
That lj post made my blood boil.
miss wonderstarr
19:53 / 19.08.06
They might have an interesting point about fan fiction trends influencing "official" texts like Buffy and Doctor Who, though.
Lurid Archive
21:06 / 19.08.06
I loved Deva's one. There are many, many choice quotes but I liked,

I suppose the pro-"slashers" will claim that once the writers start doing it it makes it canon in some sort of sense...

That'll be the pesky queerers and their slippery definitions. They are all paedophiles, you know, out to sell their wares to children - yes, the infamous "crackfic".
miss wonderstarr
21:10 / 19.08.06
That aside, I think it's true. Some stuff does come from fandom and become canon when it's incorporated in the official version. It'd be great if this LJ person could be excited about that, but nevertheless, I think the dynamic s/he picks up is definitely there.
Unconditional Love
21:41 / 19.08.06
There is an adaptation of internet explorer called Deepnet explorer which has an inbuilt phishing alarm showing you which pages fish info from you.
21:52 / 19.08.06
And once again, this isn't about prudishness (though the "slashers" always try to claim that) its about a sense of appropriateness: I wouldn't mind people writing incest in the context of the sacred mysteries - I'd really love to read some well-written Aradia / Lucifer lyrics that respected the traditions of the strigoi! It's just salaciousness that upsets me so terribly.

Well, when you put it like that, it seems to make perfect sense.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
23:13 / 19.08.06
I think you're all horrid. I really feel for hir--especially the part about how the Craft is misrepresented in Buffy *snff*. It must be so difficult to be surrounded by people who want to PERVERT EVERYTHING GOOD AND PURE.

I actually had to re-read that post a few times to make sure ze wasn't just an all-around prude making the elementry mistake of slash = any fic with sexings in, but no! Ze really did mean teh ghey.
08:40 / 20.08.06
Wouldn't it be great, Southwest Trains, if you stopped running an entire service on Saturdays after 9pm even though you say the last trains run until just before 10 on your website?

It's not like anyone needs to get between Big Town A and Big Town B, now, is it? Granted, I can understand why you close the route to Big Town B's little station, I really can, because only it has one stop en route and it's a tiny, unmanned station in an industrial estate / area, but stopping running trains from Town A to Town B's Main Station even though that's the suggested route makes no real sense, now, does it?

What is especially unhelpful is when your staff then suggest either (I) waiting for a train in the other direction to Big Town C which then takes another twenty minutes to get there from Big Town A, then waiting for a train back to Big Town B if they're on time, and this takes you to the wrong station at Big Town A anyways, making what is a twenty-minute journey into roughly an hour (dependent on timetables);

or (II) "Well, you'd be better off getting the bus - the route's only 10 miles, but I don't know which number it is." That's great. So...?

My apologies. I know the train network is a cheap shot, and that this isn't exactly a world-shattering whinge, but when you've been travelling for two hours already and almost expect a connecting train to have your hopes cruelly dashed, it can inspire a man to (relative) madness. Anyway... I feel vaguely better for that.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:01 / 21.08.06

Passengers A & B get on plane.

Passengers R(acist), F(ucking), N(obheads) get on plane.

Passengers R, F, N refuse to fly with passengers A and B because they are suspicious of them due to 'scruffiness', 'beards','speaking Arabic'.

Children decide A & B are terrorists.

Monarch Airlines remove A & B from plane. But it's not racist, just reasonable fear.
Bed Head
13:32 / 21.08.06
Well, I jolly well hope there’s legal action to follow. I kinda feel that A & B should end up owning that airline by the time they’re finished. What’s not explained in the Guardian article is why, if a number of passengers had left the plane and were refusing to fly, why they didn’t just take off without them? Why the delay leading to the ultimate removal of A and B? That Monarch Airlines spokesman doesn’t seem to want to say anything much, but I do hope they turn out to be nail-able for this.
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:38 / 21.08.06
My understanding is that Monarch decided that there was a potential security risk and that removing the 'suspects'*, who had, let us not forget passed all security checks on the say-so of some of the passengers, was the correct action to take.

*also known as 'possibly Asian men, possibly speaking Arabic and definitely wearing scruffy jumpers and checking their watches'**

**I'll be checking my watch 20x a minute if/when I next fly, wondering if the flight's going to be delayed/I'm about to be kicked off etc etc.
Alex's Grandma
13:41 / 21.08.06
Let's play Charlotte Raven.

If this is the same Charlotte Raven who used to go out with Julie Burchill, then ... well I sympathise. Imagine having to erm, 'sexually pleasure' Julie Burchill every single night of the week, after listening to the white witch of bollox 'put the world to rights' over ten or so lagers, and a mutton vindaloo. And this for a couple of years. I have done a small stain on the clothes just thinking about it.

La Raven's views may well be objectionable, but no one's ever quite the same after the Julie Burchill experience (see also; Tony Parsons, Cosmo Landesman - Toby Young and Emma Forrest would have liked to go out with her, I guess, but she didn't want them - I can't imagine what that must feel like) and whatever else she does from now on, there's always going to be the crippling awareness that she was 'had' by the Horror of Hove, and that everybody who's interested in the genuinely macabre, or who works in the media, is aware of that fact.

Really, when Charlotte Raven dies she should go to heaven, because God only knows, she has served her time in hell ...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:11 / 21.08.06
Deva, you must have pissed knityourowndalek off because that entry's gone all private.
Jake, Colossus of Clout
20:22 / 22.08.06
Fuck you, Boston Red Sox. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

Might as well call the rest of the season off at this point. If you're going to go into a five-game series with your closest competitor (which also happens to be your hated enemy in the biggest rivalry in American sports, if not the world) with absolutely no fire, no guts and no goddamn gumption, of course you're going to lose. And lose you did, you fucking bums. Every game. Brutally.

I wasn't around for the Boston Massacre of 1978, but that was the single most disgusting, lazy, phone-it-in baseball performance I have ever seen in my life.

2006 Boston Red Sox: You're dead to me.

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