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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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pointless & uncalled for
08:50 / 03.10.06
Coverage is in proportion of the number of deaths and horror value. Seems like there is an algorythm dictating the air time these things receive. School shooting are commonplace in the public eye these days so warrant less OMFG examination.
pointless & uncalled for
11:06 / 03.10.06
Disco is My Class War
12:29 / 03.10.06
A creepy stalker person posted a picture of me to an email list I'm basically banned from, without asking my permission or telling me he was going to do it. Along with posting the link to the picture (which is on my flickr page) he said some shitty things about the body-bits in the picture. Which are my bodybits, you asshole. I did not give you permission to stand in judgment on them, or the skill of the surgeon who did them.

Makes me all paranoid and angry and shitty and hurt all at once. I don't understand how some transpeople can be so fucking hurtful to other transpeople. Why is it so?

And I'm fucking proud of what my new flat chest looks like. Despite this person's assertions that it looks bad.

(And it makes me paranoid that I'm kidding myself, and that actually it looks crap. Oh, the insecurity.)
Less searchable M0rd4nt
12:31 / 03.10.06
That's fucking horrible, MD. What a jerk.
19:24 / 03.10.06
That is bad.

My college course that was due to start tomorrow has been cancelled due to staffing problems. Apparently they're going to ring me by Friday to let me know what's going on. How fucking annoying of them. I was really excited.
Unconditional Love
01:39 / 04.10.06
since yesterday i have had this undefinable rage growing inside of me that keeps creating reasons to kill certain groups of people for no reason, it just wants to kill and murder things.

Fucking annoying when shopping in asda ive nearly cracked the screen of the self payment scanner with my thumb, which is far too fucking slow, do i want to bag 2 items, piss off. Maybe i should stop competeing with machines.

This is a sure sign that i am once again going to be in need of a punch and kick bag, the therapist said this would come up, again, but i forget how irrational this anger is.

Kill all priests, to kill all hippies? what the fuck, irrational rage, its this feeling that just wants focus, it will choose anything just to get to be felt. It would be really nice to find the guy that abused me at this point in time, although lucky for him the police cant get alead on him, school records dont go back that far, he could be dead by now, part of me wants to desecrate his corpse, another part of me just knows how pointless that would be, the anger is the abuse inflicted upon me without the direction or focus to return it.

So it comes out as a fast walk, a hyper alertness, a suspiscious mind (at worst paranoia) an inability to sleep because of nightmares, so here i am again awake until 8am and awaking at 3-4pm, which pisses me off more and more. Cant sleep cause of the rage, try to contain it and it becomes depression, express it at all the wrong things and if not careful attack all the wrong things.

The depression keeps me curled up in a corner like a child and the anger makes me so aware and alive that all of life is overwhelming.

There has to be a way to transform this anger, this war into something useful, something right and not so disturbing to view in emotion and imagination. A place where anger and rage become force that can be moved in any direction.
02:44 / 04.10.06
MD, can you email the moderators/board owners? You have legal rights to your own image, I would think, and a "cease and desist" order should be within reason if they're not receptive to your concerns.
Disco is My Class War
06:32 / 04.10.06
Oh, id, if only you knew. The creepy stalkery person is the owner/moderator! He runs the biggest Australian ftm organisation! Anyone he decides is a threat gets their emails edited -- words removed, paragraphs deleted -- or sometimes their posts just disappear. I left that email list three years ago after my emails were edited and he started referring to me as 'she'. But it seems the person still has it in for me, keeps track of my weblog, flickr page, and so on.

Community groups = breeding grounds for the bored and disturbed.
pointless & uncalled for
07:20 / 04.10.06
That should then constitute a matter for their host/ISP.
08:34 / 04.10.06
MD, that sucks, definitely hassle them. The idiot sounds bored and malicious, reassure yourself with the thought that they probably live an unhappy and unfulfilling life, and that you don't have to use that list any more.

Just to go back to disingenuous' link up a bit, let me tease out this little quote;

He...said the request to ban "Fahrenheit 451," a book about book burning, during Banned Books Weeks is a coincidence.

Hah! A likely story! The bit that gave me rage was this;

"It's just all kinds of filth," said Alton Verm, adding that he had not read "Fahrenheit 451."
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:17 / 04.10.06
Slack/Sin: Punching and hitting things tends to re-enforce the anger rather than defusing it. It may be that you honestly need to get angry and stay angry for a bit, in which case go for it. Just be aware that you're not going to somehow exhaust the anger that way.

Don't attempt to bottle up the anger, that's just toxic. Try and channel the destructive rage into something produtive, something that's healing and good for you.

Walking or running are great. Take long walks, preferably somewhere quiet and wooded (the fractals will help, fractals are good for your head). I also find swimming an excellent way to focus those feelings into something beneficial.

Another thing I do is kind of hoard the glass recycling so that when things get bad I have a nice load of bottles to take down the bank. Smashy smashy.
Tryphena Absent
11:52 / 04.10.06
That should then constitute a matter for their host/ISP.

Or we could start a flame war. Of course that's always my response to this sort of thing and flame wars were more fun in 1995, when the Internet was a smaller and more fragile creature.
11:55 / 04.10.06
Walking or running are great.

I just read that as wanking. I thought, what fabulous advice.

I'm a little disappointed that it doesn't.
Disco is My Class War
12:05 / 04.10.06
Flame wars... DOS attacks... all so 1999, aren't they.

A therapist I once knew dealt with anger by taking three mile runs. On the first lap, he'd focus on running out the full physical force of the anger. On the second lap, he'd focus on how he was feeling underneath the anger, and run that out. On the third lap, he'd begin to think of how he could remedy the situation.

It works, oddly enough. Totally CBT, but therapeutic and useful. Stopping to do push-ups and sit-ups and generally pushing your body quite hard can also work wonders. You ideally need to get sweaty and out of breath, is his philosophy.
12:18 / 04.10.06
The next sentence gets hilarious, if you misread again, Lula: Take long wanks, preferably somewhere quiet and wooded (the fractals will help, fractals are good for your head).

Sorry, I´m a sucker for such stuff!
Char Aina
12:47 / 04.10.06
misted, dude, i am in ignorance of your sutuation, but can relate to feeling opened up to the world in a way that isnt desired or pleasant.
you have my sympathy, and if you distract hir, i'll gladly kneel down behind the fuckwit at the edge of a cliff so you can push hir over.
12:56 / 04.10.06
Seconded - that's apalling behaviour. The way the Internet lets wankers bear a grudge without having to put in too much effort - just a few minutes a day to scan for weaknesses - is a fucker.
13:27 / 04.10.06
You have legal rights to your own image, I would think,

Technically, no. The photographer has ownership of the image (at least in the States and I'm pretty sure the UK, too). You do have a right against defamation/slander/libel and, given the weirdness of the internet, certain uses of an image could proooobably be constituted as assault (I'm not a lawyer, but that seems logical to me). I think the easiest thing, though, legally speaking, is ownership of image.

I'd be up for an invasion, though. Recounting the Night of 1,000 Elois has me all hyped up.
Unconditional Love
15:09 / 04.10.06
Funnily enough Heart i did the smashy smashy thing yesterday, and mist/lula long wanks do help, as do long walks in woods without the wanks and the repetition of pattern. Not one for swimming, but i start chen style tai chi next week which should give me some focus back.
15:19 / 04.10.06
Recounting the Night of 1,000 Elois has me all hyped up.

Night of the Living Daves, anyone?
16:15 / 04.10.06
So, let me get this straight. You are the GD. We are the Board of Directors. We are liable for the funding you receive in the organization's name, and you are making all of the decisions regarding said funding? I don't think so.

The org. has a mandate that you don't follow, by-laws that you don't follow, and protocol that you don'y follow. Money is unaccounted for and you get upset at me when I ask to see monthly financial reports and project budjets to approve the annual financial statement? Where do you get off?

You use this cause to acquire funding and then leave our constituents out to dry with minimal programming and services. All the while you receive a salary, awards and throw parties. You exploit the trust of our constituents, by getting enough funding for your paycheck, but then ignoring our mandate!

Let others shine, like our constituents, and stop thinking only about yourself! I call 'em as I see 'em, and you are really pissing me off.

BTW: The "majority of quorum"?...whatever! Quorum IS the only majority on the Board. You are the GD and you don't know that?

Fucking, Board of Convenience.
14:30 / 05.10.06
The US has warned North Korea that it can have nuclear weapons or it can have a future - "but it cannot have them both", the BBC reports.

You can't have your cake and nuke it too. The little pic on google news was of a mushroom cloud, thanks a lot for ratcheting up the atomic anxiety, America.

Did you know in 1983 Stanislaw Petrov averted nuclear war and saved the world?

Just past midnight, at 00:40 hrs, the bunker's computers indicated that a US missile was heading toward the Soviet Union.[2] Petrov reasoned that a computer error had occurred, since the United States was not likely to launch just one missile if it were attacking the Soviet Union — it would launch many simultaneously. Also, the satellite system's reliability had in the past been questioned,[3] so he dismissed the warning as a false alarm,[2] concluding that no missile had actually been launched by the United States.
A short time later the computers indicated that a second missile had been launched, followed by a third, a fourth and a fifth. Petrov still felt that the computer system was wrong, but there was no other source of information with which to confirm his suspicions. The Soviet Union's land radar was not capable of detecting missiles beyond the horizon, so by the time land radar could positively identify the threat, it would be too late.

'kinhell, that was close then. I was probably watching Knight Rider.

In January 2006 Petrov traveled to the United States where he was honored in a meeting at the United Nations in New York City. There the Association of World Citizens presented Petrov with a second special World Citizen Award.

Thank you, comrade Petrov.
19:48 / 05.10.06
Fucking shitting advice to "get on with weaning"!

"Don't hold back, give him eggs and chicken, and...."

Fuck off you stupid fucking cunt.

Turns out No-one else we know has been given this advice - they're all still on the purees exclusively - and their babies aren't suffering from horrible stomach aches and screaming.

22:00 / 05.10.06
Picture in today's Daily Star accompanying an article about the recommencement of filming on Top Gear.

SEVEN fucking ambulances lined up.

Think of that next time you have to wait fucking ages for one to turn up after something that didn't happen due to your consciously taking stupid risks.
23:16 / 05.10.06
Fucking hell Boboss. Better health to Boson soon.
00:56 / 06.10.06
Tried Gripewater?

I think it works, Nonchalant Spouse believes it's hooey.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
16:36 / 06.10.06

Fuck you, the Standard, you repulsive supperating pus-filled fistula on the anus of the gutter press. I hope your entire staff contracts a hideous debilitating medical condition.
17:49 / 06.10.06
That really is totally beyond the pale, even for a shit-rag like the fucking Standard.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:16 / 07.10.06
I went to their website so I could get an email address to tell them to fuck off with, and came across a lovely headline about how immigrants are taking jobs away from disabled people. Words fucking fail me.
09:26 / 07.10.06
Oh, this one is pure class:
Children Eat Mints shock!
All Acting Regiment
09:48 / 07.10.06
I thought disabled people were stopping US from working by building THEIR ramps all over Buckingham Palace?
11:22 / 07.10.06
But, Legba, surely the world would be so much better without them (but while they're here we should cherish and pity their speshulness - as long as they don't team up with those awful politically correct people)?
All Acting Regiment
11:31 / 07.10.06
So long as it's a War Wound, got whilst Fighting For Their Country, that wheel-chaired them. Not shell-shock, mind. And certainly not if it's Sisyphus caught from a sexy party, or Porgy and Bess, which of course is really lame and commercial compared to the old-school opera.
All Acting Regiment
12:10 / 07.10.06
Now this.

Every time I'm listening to Goldfrapp or the Velvets or Funkadelic or Kelis or Shostakovich and you come in and say, in a friendly, affable fashion, "Hey, why don't you listen to some decent music for a change?" and then go on to say "I know you're not really into music as much as we are, but see, you want to listen to someone like Steve Vai, he's just an amazing guitarist"...

A little bit of the magic dies. Like this: *paf*

To expand on that: I studied music for 10 years, as in, half my life, and play four instruments. And you know what? While it makes me no better than anyone else, it does make me superior in this instant to white dreadlocked idiots who've been playing guitar for about three years and think there's no skill in rap.

Just saying, like.

And, can we now take down those St Patrick's day flags you've got hanging up everywhere? Because you know what? You know what...I am a little bit Irish, about a quarter, and as the only genuine vaguely Irish person in this house I find the whole St Paddy Guiness Hurray thing, not so much offensive, but just really, really boring and like, the opposite of fun...forced fun, like Top Gear or a group of middle-management men called Keith going out paintballing.

And I really couldn't care less about your cousins in Australia or what they fucking think about the immigrants and aborigines, because get this: just because your cousins live there doesn't make them fucking unarguable founts of knowledge. They are in fact white middle class surf-dicks like you are trying to be. I know this; it is known.

And, you know when you always ask what I've made for my tea, and then when I say, "Oh just pasta" or "Oh I'm just getting a pizza in" you wrinkle up and look all smug? Because you're a fucking precocious foodie? It doesn't fit with the image you're trying to make. Just saying. Sitting there with your "wild" "ethnic" hairstyle whilst milching on about "great food", "great wine" etc etc.

And the Iranian and Polish guys sitting outside the cornershop, you know, the guys who work damn hard and have to learn a horrible mixed up language, and have to learn it to perfection or risk getting no know what? They're not "layabouts", sir sits-on-arse-in-boxer-shorts-snogging-a-bong-all-day. If anything, that's you.

And when we went to see Pirates of the Carribbean, yeah, it was a good night and everything but you know what? My mind fucking fails me as to why you had to hiss "scallies" at the kids sat behind us, who had done nothing wrong all film, just because one of the girl's phones went off. She didn't even fucking answer it turning it off straight away but maybe if someone has a Britney ringtone they just need to be gassed (maybe that's why you started a fucking scene and got spat on).

Yeah, right on. Maybe you read that in your fucking little book of Buddhism that you're always refferring smugly to, you oaf of toads, you poetaster, you of the shite-chipped-ballocks.

Not that I dislike you. All these occurence happen at intervals of about a week, so I'm not pissed off and actually think you're a nice person underneath all the bullshit. I'm just letting off steam. Like this: *paf*
12:24 / 07.10.06
You're very funny when you're pissed off, Legba.

You also need to get out of your house more.

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