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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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10:08 / 19.10.06
Sorry about the food theft, WP. I had a thought:

There is no third way between taking this lying down and leaving a note on the fridge asking what the hell is going on.

You may not be feeling at all charitable, but I reckon a twee and unconfrontational note on the food itself might still get the arses to lay off your food.

Eg. 'Don't nick me! My owner gets hungry and tetchy with no dinner.'

I know it's dire, and I'd rather suggest a rampage in many ways. But I also hate note leavers (I remember seeing one at a chum's house - 'Will the person responsible for the ENCRUSTED FILTH in the microwave please RECTIFY.') This way, the other office people may think it's cute, and will probably only see it if they're actually nicking your food. Whereas a note on the fridge saying 'I HAVE SEEN YOUR SOUL AND I WILL REND YOU' will be seen by all.
pointless & uncalled for
10:25 / 19.10.06
Notewise, you could always combine offensiveness with anonymity. People may feel very uncomfortable if the threat level is escalated but can't determine who is responsible.

Personally I like acts of retribution on food theivery. Nothing satisfies like the habernero sabotage. Gives you the opportunity to upbraid someone for stealing your food whilst they are screaming in pain.
11:32 / 19.10.06
Yeah, make a chilli that will dissolve glass and leave it temptingly lying around. That'll larn'em.
Why are you people reading the stormfront BB? You'll just get ulcers and broken knuckles.
12:55 / 19.10.06
It's times like this where I'm almost happy the office has Websense installed

My strange fascination with the right wing nutjob car crash that is is unhealthy enough as it is.

I just hope my resolve holds when I get home
16:04 / 19.10.06
If it's any consolation, WP, your pasta was delicious.
Char Aina
16:49 / 19.10.06
for the habanerotage, i would suggest getting a 'collector's edition' sauce.
they are the ones that are not for eating, but purely for collectors to have, just to know they have the hottest.
some of these would cause serious injury if ingested, but some are only seriously painful.

this one is kinda edible, if ridiculously hardcore.
it's a 357,000 on the scoville scale.
check that, then check out the shit you could buy, if you were insane.

it's a 16,000,000 on the scoville.

that shit would melt your face, indiana jones style.
17:12 / 19.10.06
Wow, you can get high from that stuff:

"The "capsaicin high" is a euphoric sensation caused by the consumption of large quantities of capsaicin from capsaicin-laden foods. It is theorised that the pain induced by capsaicin causes the human body to release endorphins. Eventually, enough are released to create a sensation that is frequently compared to "runner's high"."

I like the parts, where it says It is theorised and Eventually.
17:19 / 19.10.06
Personally, I think it'd be more fun to surreptitiously introduce something like magic mushrooms. That way, the effects would only kick in an hour or so after ingestion -- guaranteeing a full dose, rather than a single stunning mouthful. A lengthy experience.

Although I suppose you could get a similarly nasty surprise attack by doing something decorative with a scotch bonnet pepper (available at most Jamaican groceries). Slices of it placed as a garnish in one corner of a lasagna, perhaps. Or grated over a salad (use gloves and wash everything thoroughly).

That said, I once thought my lunch had been stolen and et only to discover it'd been tossed because (overzealous) cleaning staff thought it'd been in the fridge for too long, and that the toasted cornmeal on top was actually mold.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:26 / 19.10.06
In the "assume good faith" column, WP, the problem might be somebody being over-vigilant about food being left in the fridge and spoiling, rather than thieving for eating. Even in our small office, we occasionally get somebody who brings in food and then goes out to lunch and forgets it; three weeks later "what's that smell?" and the tuna casserole at the back of the fridge is demanding the right to vote.

If there are a few spoiled-yogurt types in your office, some shlub might be trying to do everyone a favour by jettisoning food that's been there for a couple of days, as you said yours was.

Which is not to say you shouldn't leave a note, just that the thief may have good intentions.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
17:27 / 19.10.06
Crosspost with grant, who had a much better story. Sorry!
17:43 / 19.10.06
yes I have found in big offices leaving a note on my food that says:

"I have special food requirements and this is emergency food left on 'date'.
Please consult with me before removing."

really stops this sort of thing. I discovered my food was being chucked out by the 'fridge police because it was just too weird for them to understand much like grant's. far as racist fatheads it just makes me sad that you can watch a show like BSG and not get the idea that maybe racial hatred will lead to bad things. Obviously this is why we need reruns of classic Trek for the denser folk who need to watch "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" several hundred times until the lesson sinks in.
19:26 / 19.10.06
WP, what about sticking post-it notes to your food containers and then shoving the containers into a bag? That way the note is hidden from everyone but the culprit.

Out of interest, do you work in a big office, or is this the kind of problem that you could rectify by mentioning it in the weekly staff meeting? If people were nicking my shit, I'd bloody well want to tell them it wasn't on face to face.
20:07 / 19.10.06
Then stuff magic mushrooms down their throats.
20:17 / 19.10.06
Does any one else have murderous thoughts?
23:53 / 19.10.06
Put magic mushrooms in your food.
electric monk
15:51 / 20.10.06
Yes, I saved over the file. I admitted it to you, I took responsibility for it, and I apologized. I checked the backup system for you after you started whining that you didn't know how. I didn't either but after two minutes of someone showing me how, I did. And it wasn't there. And I apologized again.

Yes, I understand you have a lot of work to do today. I do too, but I offered to rebuild the file for you so you could work on other things. My responsibility. I broke it. I feel I should be the one to make the fix. You said no. Fine.

But when you KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT and KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT when you know damn well I can hear you and I OFFERED TO FIX MY MISTAKE... Well, what am I supposed to do? I'm |-this-| close to telling you to drop it, but I know what kind of storm that's going to cause. You are an impossible, self-centered drama queen and if you want to call me a fucking idiot, just do it already. Please.

Ladies and gents, this is the whipped-vomit icing on the seven-layer shit-cake of my day.

I thank you.
Lama glama
18:07 / 20.10.06
Finally got around to checking out that horrific Stormfront BB. I really didn't want to look at it, but it really is like watching some grotesque circus of imbeciles. I want to look away, but for some reason I need to read the idiocy spouted by these people.

Aside from the content, which has already been noted up-thread, the two most alarming things about the board are the huge number of contributers which dwarfs some other massive message boards and the young age of some of the posters. I know bigotry doesn't have a lower age limit, but reading that some of the contributers are as young as 16 really does make me despair.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
18:17 / 21.10.06
I have a headache from lack of sleep due my neighboor's fucking party that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Fucking bitch blasted her music till 2:00 a.m. in the fucking morning. Fuck the cops, whom I had to call three fucking times before they dragged themselves away from the donut shop to finally come around the apt to reprimand the bitches.

Fuck the other neighboors for being such wimps and NOT complaining. Fuck the janitor and the landlady for putting up with such behavior.

Feh. It's time to move.
19:04 / 21.10.06
Fucking bitch

Pooky I feel for you with the sleep but that phrase is horrible and sexist.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
19:15 / 21.10.06
Forgive me. I am still enraged. Due to the sleeplessness, I woke up with a pounding headache, drank 2 coffees, a cranberry drink, a glass of water and ate nothing because my stomach was one hard knot (when I don't sleep well and am emotionally discombulated, my body clock is thrown for a loop and eating is out of the question). It is now 4:07 p.m. my time, and I've only now just forced down a handful of dry cereal. I've been up since near dawn, because the neighbor, once again, woke me up from sound sleep because she decided to start cleaning her apt! At dawn! I have come to throughly despise her.
19:24 / 21.10.06
Even if the parties aren't a regular thing, a good neighbour would give you adequate forewarning.
19:25 / 21.10.06
Pooky, that is awful! You want me to come over and talk to her? I'll turn down her volume, I promise today...!

*shakes fist*
Lama glama
19:52 / 21.10.06
I have a headache from lack of sleep due my neighboor's fucking party that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Fucking bitch blasted her music till 2:00 a.m.

Sure you're not sore just because you weren't invited?

Bad neighbours/housemates can be tiresome, admittedly, especially if the loud music isn't particularly to your taste.

Last year I lived with seven other people. I got on fairly well with them all and we had a lot of fun, but the antics of two soured the mood for everybody else.

The pair in the room beside me were a couple and often liked to keep the rest of the house up with their sex-lympics. I had it the worst as their headboard was on the other side of the wall to my own and every night there was the obligatory pounding on the wall followed by obnoxious wailing.

To top that off, they had to flaunt their sex-lives in front of everybody else. They often left their sex-toy de jour on the kitchen table on the day of purchase, in some attempt to shock the other housemates they believed were prudish, I suppose.

We're not prudes, darlings, we just don't like going into our living room and watching you screw over the coffee table.

At 4pm. When our land-lady is due.

Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:05 / 21.10.06
I love Diwali and I love Bonfire Night but I wish Guy Fawkes had tried to blow up the House of Commons a fortnight earlier so we could get both out of the way at the same time. I really dislike the fact that over the next three weeks whenever I'm walking around in the dark I'll have to keep an eye out for teenagers who's idea of fun is setting off fireworks along the fucking road.
pointless & uncalled for
09:59 / 23.10.06
the MPAA partnered with the Los Angeles Area Boy Scouts to develop the "Respect Copyrights" patch, a merit badge that Scouts can earn after reading some propaganda information on what you are not supposed to do with
copyrighted works

Please tell me that I'm not the only one that finds this just a little enraging.
All Acting Regiment
10:28 / 23.10.06
Absolutely, it's horrible...I mean, I just find everything to do with boy scouts dodgy...the songs, the tents...
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:47 / 23.10.06
Why? Why did I have to click that link? Why why why WHY!? Now I'm going to have that arrogant person's drivel rattling around in my head all bloody afternoon.

Oh well, that's any lingering discomfort I might have had over that particular ban well and truly quashed...
11:07 / 23.10.06
All Acting Regiment
11:10 / 23.10.06
11:49 / 23.10.06
Who shall remain nameless but who is insisting on educating the people foolish enough to go and look with his oh-so-helpful links and books to read and ideas for foodstuffs that might help whist all the while there is an undercurrent of pretty nasty feeling from him.

But oh no, he is only being helpful, so helpful, helpful and sincere.


11:54 / 23.10.06
Oh well, that's any lingering discomfort I might have had over that particular ban well and truly quashed...

Right there with ya.
11:57 / 23.10.06
And of course the really sad thing is a lot of us are probably going to make less effort with people next time as a result.
Pooky Is Just My Pornstar Name
14:31 / 23.10.06
Even if the parties aren't a regular thing, a good neighbour would give you adequate forewarning

Actually, she did give me a warning. However, she was rather rude and snide about it, suggesting that if I couldn't handle the noise level, I could always just move. In the interest of trying to keep the peace, I just let her snide comment go and didn't call her on it. I pay rent just like her and I'm entitled to enjoy my apt and not be "asked to leave" just because she's holding a party. Moreover, party or not, common sense and courtsey dictates that the music be lowered around 11ish.

Pooky, that is awful! You want me to come over and talk to her? I'll turn down her volume, I promise today...!

Thanks, Strix, but that won't be necessary. I've complained about her to my landlady in the past. If this continues, there's laws in the regie de logement that may work in my favor - if the noise level keeps up, my landlord is legally bound to do something about it, either by slapping the twit down, or by reducing my rent. Personally, I rather just pay my rent and enjoy some slience.

Sure you're not sore just because you weren't invited?

Absolutely not sore about not being invited. There's been bad blood between this neighbor and I for months now. I've complained about her noise both to her face and to the landlady. She will go through cyles in which she's pretty good; then things flare up and it all goes to shit again.
Whisky Priestess
14:58 / 23.10.06
Foodtheft update:

1) The food had only been in the fridge for two days and was quite obviously fresh and tasty. Oh, how I miss it.

2) I checked with the cleaners and they DO NOT chuck food or milk out, to the extent that there's some quite old and manky stuff in the fridge.

Like the note/poison/hallucinogen idea. Think I will combine as follows:

Food in Tupperware. Tupperware in bag. Note on Tupperware:


If that doesn't work:

LSD in food. Food in Tupperware. Tupperware in bag. Note on Tupperware:

15:02 / 23.10.06
Pooky, I had the same problem with the tenants downstairs. I live above some sweet, but loud and rough young men. Sooo, we went out and bought some sub-woofers and blasted them one morning after one of their parties, (hungover, no doubt).

They took the hint.

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