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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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lord nuneaton savage
08:53 / 23.08.06
Fucking bollocks to this foul fucking mood I'm in. Fucking bollocks to the lot of it. And fucking bollocks to you to.

And fucking bollocks to how the intro to Dusty Springfield's "Look me over" made me feel better, made me feel that something, from out of nowhere, was going to patch the hole in my soul, only for it to reveal itself to be a rinky-dinky fucking instrumental fucking version. Fucking bollocks to that, friend. Fucking bollocks to it.
Tryphena Absent
20:12 / 23.08.06
Hello everyone. This is how Shadowsax still makes me feel:

It's the year 2006, feminism started to change society on a big scale over 100 years ago. I'm beyond pissed off that I can be insulted inadvertently (and without recognition from the person dishing out the insults) because I was born a girl. I'm not taking that here. I'm not fucking taking it here

You stop and you think about the mental pressure that's heaped on to women, you think about a girl's childhood, you think about George and Ann from Famous Five, the women's section of the Observer magazine, every year the articles on girls doing better than boys in GCSEs as if it's a failure on the boys part, not hard work on the part of the girls, constant sexualisation of the female body everywhere and TELL ME I have to put up with this shit here about those bad female lawyers who lie lie lie. Go on. Do it. Because in this society it's abnormal for a woman to have fucking FACIAL HAIR. It's ABNORMAL. Hey men, you get to grow a fucking beard but girls RIP OUT YOUR TINY LITTLE MOUSTACHES. When you got to the beach make sure you get a bikini wax and don't forget women steal children from the menfolk EVERYDAY in court.

I'm sorry were we talking about psychosis, HAVE YOU LOOKED AT WHAT SOCIETY IS EXPECTING FEMALES TO CONFORM TO? I am angry that we are still talking about someone who was so fucking nasty to HALF OF THE POPULATION (approximately).

11:45 / 24.08.06
Despite the "talking about psychosis" bit (which seems to relate to my 'mental illness' thread), I'm assuming you're not actually directing that to me, Nina, or asking me specific questions. If I'm wrong in that assumption, let me know.
All Acting Regiment
13:14 / 24.08.06
Ticket man
Ticket man
You're such a dick, man
I tried to give you my ticket
But you just looked at it
On the platform you said I'd tried to
Wing it
And fuck with your system
You idiot

And other things. Very rarely has bad public service moved me to bad poetry (indeed I rarely require pushing), but I'm paritcularly stressed out today.
21:49 / 26.08.06
I like your bad poetry.

I've come to rant about a big liar on freecycle.

I've been freecycling things for ages and usually people are lovely, but the other day I offered a pair of child's walking boots and a woman said she wanted them. So we arranged a time and I waited in and she didn't come. She called me and rearranged and I waited in and she didn't come. So I called her and we rearranged again and I waited in today and she didn't come again. Then she sent me an email saying she came at 6.45 and she rang my bell three times and I didn't answer.

This is an outrageous lie.

Fact one: I was in.
Fact two: I have a barky dog with excellent hearing.
Fact three: I was sitting in a room next to the door.

Freecycle lady, DON'T LIE TO ME. I don't care if you changed your mind, just say so. Don't fob me off with lies about me not being in when I know I was, don't make it my fault and here's some advice for the future: if you're going to lie at least make it a good one.
12:26 / 27.08.06

FUCK YOU for being another one of the FUCKING WHINERS who pretend to be counterculturerevolutionaryfuckshitupfreethinkers but actually just moan about how things were different, easier, better before you you FUCKING born!

You really think the world cared for the hippies or for the punks?!

You really think we're going to fall for your fatalistic, petty excuse of 'being born too late'?!

You think you can get away with the LOL quirky album name 'Smile, it confuses people'?!

You think we're going to fall for it? That we're going to think 'oh, that Sandi Thom is soo different! She really manages to encapsulate the counter-cultural aims of a generation in a witty and avant-garde way!'?


You know what you are, Sandi Thom?! You're a FUCKING WHINER! You got too scared to actually try to make a positive change in this world, so instead you stuck yourself firmly into the mire with all the other FUCKING WHINERS who BITCH AND MOAN all day about how things will be/were amazing in the future/past and how the now is JUST SHIT! AND YOUR LIFE IS CRAP! AND IT'S EVERYBODY ELSE'S FAULT BUT YOUR OWN! and then pretend that you're actually an 'edgy' and 'intelligent' 'individual' to form some frail kind of defence and self-justification.


and stop making SHIT FUCKING SONGS that feature all the above faults and are SO FUCKING CATCHY THAT THEY END UP STUCK IN MY HEAD FO TWO FUCKING DAYS!

punk rocker with flowers indeed...
13:03 / 27.08.06
Oh man in the supermarket
Capitalism is bad
But not entirely the fault of the teenage till assistant
At whom you shouted abuse
When he wouldn't give you 50p change from a voucher.

It's only 11 O'clock on a Sunday morning
How angry will you be by lunchtime?
And I'm not sure how it would help
Were I to 'stick it up [my] hole'.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:19 / 30.08.06
All Acting Regiment
20:07 / 01.09.06
Young people writing "poems" about how they'd like to wipe out "the scallies". I explain.

I hate this country. One thing in particular is the way that it's pretty much accepted, in a jocular, "oh, young people, lol" sort of way, that everyone who is a teenager or student gets pissed and takes drugs and shags around as long as they are middle-class. It's laughed about in the Times and on the BBC. Oh the memories etc.

Anything lower, mind, and you're scum if you so much as try and smoke a ciggy for a laugh. And now I have to deal with a bunch of supposedly lefty, or at least vaguely intelligent, students recycling this crappy ideology and they're supposed to be my workmates and I find myself falling out with them.

I try to explain it in terms like this:

Isn't it obviously wrong? Toby and Veronica get "sexual awakening" and an experience of "the wider world", whereas Baz and Shaz are "a threat" to our "society". Yet, they're all doing the same sodding thing. One rule for the rulers and another for the ruled.

And they don't listen. Oh man, the chavs, man, oh man, they get pregnant and stuff. Oh! OH! AND ONCE THEY BEAT ME UP! I WAS TRAUMATISED!

Me: Maybe if you're brought up with a violent dad, violence is the only language you learn? And hating on these guys isn't going to stop them beating you up, surely?


And when I get apoplectic about this it's all "Hey, man, chill out, man, like Jack Kerouac, man. Let's not fight." Which they say, WHILST CARRYING VIEWS THAT ARE PART AND PARCEL OF AN INHERENTLY VIOLENT SYSTEM BASED AROUND DIVISIONS AND FENCES AND BOUNDARIES.

Because let's not forget: if they're arguing for something, it's a reasonable debate. If someone else is arguing against them, that person is causing trouble.


Oh and also let's not forget mister The Fake Anime Buddhist. "Why get pissed off about Lebanon or police brutality? It's all a drop in the ocean dooyousee? Because history moves in an Endless Waltz." Ah, right. I'm sure you'd be saying that if it was your family. Stop watching right-wing cartoons and read something. No, not Lord of the sodding Rings...Hey, I know, it'll be easier to just put your head in this washing machine. Yeah mate, total trip, that. There we go. Nice and spinny. (Click, hum hum hum hum)Wee! There's your Endless Waltz right there, dickface!

Another guy said, of this new law to make it illegal to view violent porn, that they would see all literature banned if it saved just one life. Whatever you think about the law- how the HELL could you think that BANNING BOOKS might lead to SAVING A LIFE?
Dead Megatron
20:29 / 01.09.06
Lega, although I mostly agree with you, there two points I want to make:


Me: Maybe if you're brought up with a violent dad, violence is the only language you learn? And hating on these guys isn't going to stop them beating you up, surely?

It seems here that you're implying that lower-class citizens ("chavs") are necessarily the product of violent homesteads. Isn't this, in itself, prejudice? And, in case they were indeed brought up with a violent dad (why not mom?), is being a victim is an undebatable excuse for being a victimizer? I mean, we do not learn of the world from one source alone, do we.

Plus, in the "hating on these guys isn't going to stop them beating you up, surely?" line, you seem to be mistaking cause for effect.

And second, as a fan, I kinda resent the fact you associate reading Lord of the Rings with being politically and socially unaware. What does one have to do with the other? Isn't it your own prejudice towards fantasy writing?

Other than that, I'm with you. Just be careful that you righteous anger doesn't become equal to the "righteous anger" of the people you're righteously angry with...
23:42 / 01.09.06

DM, this is a thread for untamed hate and anger. Stop trying to tame. Start a new thread about why the Lord of the Rings is not racist if you have to.

Goodness Gracious Meme
00:15 / 02.09.06

I am scared as much as I am angry, but the angry is much more fun to play with.

I hate my country too. I hate, furthermore, the Western World, which seems be slowly reverting to thinking that finding 'dusky foreigners' suspicious is not only tolerable, but entirely understanable/the status quo, even if said suspicious foreigners are born in the uk

This anger is part of a very personal political timeline that involved being brought up by parents who were convinced that by making their homes here, and thus dealing with alot of 'you don't belong here' and outright racist abuse/agression/discriminiation, they were establishing a place whereby their children could be part of the 'establishment'

Thus, they'd traded off their 'establishment' and very safe middle-class identities back home for a future in which their children would be safe and secure here in ways they never imagined for themselves (my dad lived in London during the 'Rivers of Blood' days, for eg)

And, brought up primarily by my dad, who was liberal-hippy-'champagne'-socialist to the hilt, witnessing his horrible disillusionment (more awful because he really believed, as many 1st generation immigrants did, that he was doing the right thing for his wife and children) with the project that made so much sense in the early 70s is only a part of my anger.

They thought they were giving us a 'better life'


(and yes, when I'm less angry and scared and crazed, I will unpack the whole load of assumptions herein and the ways in which I may well have that better life, and I expect to be called on them, but right now, this is pure, scared, furious, disillusioned, anguished/angry-on-behalf-of-a-family-I-don't-even-like-that-much-anyway untamed ANGER)
00:38 / 02.09.06
Fuck you, me! Why do you have to fritter away so much time gawking at blogs? You know that you could be creating so much, you could be massively more productive on the job and wouldn't have to flinch internally when the boss walks by, you could have a richer and denser life. But no! Everything's gotta be "oh, I'll just refresh Ask Metafilter one more time" or "I'll just alt-tab over to Bloglines for a minute", even right in the middle of composing email. And it's not even the vaguely important stuff like design blogs - it's all metafluff and novelty, links to some dude's Lego gramophone and such. And then you get depressed about developing ADD habits and failing to live up to your potential and comparing yourself to others AND THEN you refresh the LJ Friends page again for some more slackjawed distraction.

For fuck's sake, me! What's it gonna take?!
11:25 / 02.09.06
DM, there is a difference between prejudice(!1!one&c) and association of ideas. This can often be detected by reading what people have written or said. Also, there are different sorts of prejudice, and some are more significant than others. In a list of prejudices which contains "prejudice against people who read fantasy novels" and "prejudice against people of less advantaged socioeconomic backgrounds than yourself" can YOU see the one that is likely to cause misery and perpetrate inequality and the one that is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT?
I personally would associate reading Lord of the Rings with being politically and socially unaware in the context to which Legba refers to it because it is, in many ways, a reactionary and conservative work stuffed to the brim with unpleasant and unaddressed racist and classist resonances. Moreover, it is a work that tends to act as a synechdoche for the rest of literature for a lot of people, who will, for example, prefer to reread LOTR than attempt another, unread book. In fact, I would go so far as to claim that i would be justified in describing it as a shittily written, white-supremacist, sexually repressed abortion of a book.
It honestly looks like you're either picking a childish fight here, or so irredeemably thick that you can't tell the difference between prejudice and not liking something.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:10 / 02.09.06
If you don't know him by now...
All Acting Regiment
20:41 / 02.09.06
Well, DM, on the violent dad point- I wasn't saying that all the "problem" kids have violent fathers, or that all owrking-class kids have violent fathers, or that there's no such thing as a violent mother/other relative.

I was just using a violent father-figure as an example of something other than the kid's own internal self that might explain their troublesome behaviour, something that the middle-class student in question isn't considering but probably would consider if the problem kid was like them: "Leave Tristran alone- he only gets drunk and hits his girlfriend because his dad's a dickhead".

As for LotR- I went through a sad stage in my childhood when all I wanted to do was play with toy soldiers and read/draw crappy books about people killing eachother in mock-archaic language. I have, to some extent, grown out of this, though I still have an anoying habit of associating death imagery with importance. Some people don't seem to grow out of it at all, and this makes me angry, especially when, as was said by the feller above, they mistake LotR for literature.
13:21 / 04.09.06
Steve Irwin just got killed by a stingray, a barb through the heart. This really makes me sad for many reasons which I am sure you can guess.

But what makes me fucking really angry are the bunch of fucking idiot losers who went out in a boat and slaugheted 60 seals last week. Have a read of this story and also the comments section and then tell me you don't feel like grabbing your own stingray barb and cutting loose on these degenerates.
All Acting Regiment
15:29 / 04.09.06
You know what makes me angry about the Steve Irwin death? The fact that he loved those animals, loved them for their danger and their sheer alive-ness, and it's that very alive-ness that caused the innocent stingray (which of course just assumed it was being attacked by ap redator) to lash out. Steve was trying to make people love animals and now one has killed him, and now people will think that animals are evil and must be avoided. This is just really affecting me for some reason.
18:10 / 04.09.06
Steve was trying to make people love animals and now one has killed him

Given the bizarreness of his having been stung in the chest (as far as I'm aware, stingrays only really sting if they're stood on), I'm wondering whether Irwin was trying this a little too literally...
Alex's Grandma
18:20 / 04.09.06
'It's not tragic to die doing something you love' - Patrick Swayze, in Point Break.
Haus of Mystery
18:50 / 04.09.06
As sad as I am about ol' Steve Irwin, I think that this
Steve was trying to make people love animals and now one has killed him, and now people will think that animals are evil and must be avoided is a little much. I'm not sure that 'people' will now avoid animals any more than before. And not recognising an animal's inherant ferocity is probably as foolish as believing that they are 'evil'.
All Acting Regiment
18:53 / 04.09.06
Yes, I know, but still...
18:53 / 04.09.06
No, Legba's right. We've drowned our cats now, on the grounds that they were looking at us a bit evil.
All Acting Regiment
19:07 / 04.09.06
I was talking globally. Possibly globbaldy-gook.
19:41 / 04.09.06
Globally, we've drowned some vampire polar bears. They definitely were evil.
Haus of Mystery
20:17 / 04.09.06
So Steve Irwin's death is going to have a negative effect on the relationship between animals and humans globally?

Dead Megatron
20:41 / 04.09.06
It's a sad thing, nonetheless. I liked the guy, his histrionics, his "I'mtoohighoncaffeinetospeakanuyslowerthanthis" way of talking.

The irony of him dying doing his job, and by animal arguably less dangerous than the one he's become known for (crocs) doesn't go completely lost on me, but i have to say it's not very funny at all - more of a "hmm, that's a surprise twist" irony.

I loved the way guy said "Wow, what a beatiful snake, I wish people could see it like I do", while the angry little venomous predator in case was trying to bite his hand off.

Well, he lived a life of adventure, and the problem with a life of adventure is that it's kind of dangerous. at least he died during what he loved and all that.

And what about those vampire polar bears,huh? who knew we could take them down? they had such a huge headstart on the sun, most of the time. thank god for global warming and the thawing of ice coffins.
total bummer
20:55 / 04.09.06
I loved the way guy said "Wow, what a beatiful snake, I wish people could see it like I do", while the angry little venomous predator in case was trying to bite his hand off.

I think, more often than not, it was trying to bite his hand off because he'd picked it up and was waving it around excitedly...
Dead Megatron
21:26 / 04.09.06
Oh, yeah, I wasn't questioning the snake's motivations, or implying it was trying to bite him not because of the picking-up and the waving, but because it did not like what he was saying.

But, we have to wonder, maybe the snake ony wants to arrive at the airport on time and catch the plane.
Tryphena Absent
22:03 / 04.09.06
If threads about the negative aspects of Barbelith attract
the most attention then what can make of Barbelith anymore?
There seems to be nothing pleasant about this, there is nothing, there is no conceding, no concession to anger, no camaraderie, it's all appalling. You know what I often see, I see a load of people basically dressing their shouting up in fancy language.

I am viciously appalled by what Barbelith has become. It is a space that no one can get a handle on at all. Does anyone feel that they own this space, that it's there's to engage with at will? Does anyone primarily get joy from it? Can you please raise your hand if you do. Barbelith taught me a few things but nowadays I often get the sense that it's damaging me, rocking a lot of my idealism and I'm worried and a little angry about that.
Haus of Mystery
22:15 / 04.09.06
Barbelith is a space where a fair amount of people come to hang out for various reasons. Not all of them conform to your ideas of what this place should be. And yelling at people is the best way to stop them listening to you. Turning up in the middle of a thread to chastise everyone, apropos of nothing, is unhelpful and somewhat irritating.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:27 / 04.09.06
It's a thread for untamed hate and anger, MacReady. I don't think N.K. was shouting at the people in the thread.
Tryphena Absent
22:33 / 04.09.06
What Flyboy said!
03:03 / 05.09.06
Fucking shoot people to death in MY neighborhood, will you, you fucking fucks. Fuck you all. Fuck. That could have been someone I knew. It still might be.

I know who's doing the house security check tonight.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:29 / 05.09.06
Macready- If you're not with us, you're with the evil fascist Stingrays and Komodo Dragons.

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