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Urgh! Fuck!: A thread for untamed hate and anger [PICS]


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12:53 / 12.10.06
I see successful people and want to become like them. I understand that I spend most of my time in masturbation and that they don't.

Oh, come on! I bet Jeremy Clarkson does it ALL THE TIME.
pointless & uncalled for
12:55 / 12.10.06
I don't think they're including successful wankers, it's a bit of a foregone conclusion.
16:41 / 12.10.06
I bought Lost Girls off of Amazon two fucking weeks ago and it hasn't even shipped yet. Bugger.
Fuck you for making me want it so badly, Amazon! and Fuck you for making it so goldarn expensive.
16:43 / 12.10.06
And I just saw on Amazon that the delivery estimate is not until... November. Eighth. Of fucking 2047.

Or maybe this year, I'm not sure because I'm mad. Humpf.
17:16 / 12.10.06
Control Your Life , don' t let your sexual organ control you

if my sexual organ(s) controlled me better I would have purchased my copy of Lost Girls when I had a chance rather than scoffing at the high price.
Let this be a lessen to you!
17:26 / 12.10.06
Just so you know, Take The Action, I'm going to double my fap outage from now on. Even if it makes me sterile and dry like a prune, I don't care, because I hate you and your ant-=pleasure propoganda.

Who will join my pro-fap nation? ARE YOU WITH ME!?!?!?!?!??
18:08 / 12.10.06
Bien sure. I´m typing this with just one finger. YAY!
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
18:13 / 12.10.06
Hey matt: want to know something that will send you into a blistering spasm of mindfuckering wrath?!

I HAD mine pre-ordered on Amazon, and CANCELLED it because I really didn't think the art would sustain my interest. And then I LAUGHED AND LAUGHED.
18:48 / 12.10.06
Does anyone have some of the Lost Girls comics? I have one story, where two ladies get to know each other in a hotel, smoke opium, while a couple in the next room is listening. It was in an anthology called Taboo. Are the stories you´ve seen on the same level?
19:13 / 12.10.06
Just so's you know, John Byrne thinks you're all assholes.

And me too, as I intend to snare me a copy of that motherfucker.
Char Aina
20:03 / 12.10.06
i already have a copy.
i don't care if johnny bryne thinks it is disrespectful; i will fill his throat with my expanding caulk if needs be.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:09 / 12.10.06
Anyone else a bit weirded out by the idea that when you "fap" near your pets, they know exactly what you are doing?

20:18 / 12.10.06
Does anyone have some of the Lost Girls comics? I have one story, where two ladies get to know each other in a hotel, smoke opium, while a couple in the next room is listening. It was in an anthology called Taboo. Are the stories you´ve seen on the same level?

Thats the second or third chapter Mist. Loads more after that and all wonderful. (sorry..this is the rage thread not the smug getting hold of a copy of Lost Girls 'n all)
20:53 / 12.10.06
Good to hear. With the price, I won´t buy it just based on this one look I got.

And to stay on topic:
Aaargh! I bought a shirt today, and it was full of needles. And it took at last five minutes to figure out how to get the last needle out! Why get people punished for buying shirts?
18:54 / 13.10.06
My obsessive reading of lefty political blogs this week has finally led to me checking out a link to the (Nazi) Stormfront BB.

It's one thing to hate Nazis in principle. It's another thing to fight them in the streets. But it's quite another thing entirely to listen in on their conversations about, say, Battlestar Galactica (choice quote- "On a sad note, I learned that Athena (Maren Jensen) is actually half-native-Hawaiian on her mothers side. I used to think she was really hot!"). Note- I'm not linking. You want to find these wankers, it's easy enough.

It's easy to dehumanise the enemy. In this case, the reverse has been proven- their humanisation has just intensified my hatred.

Excuse me, I need to go and wash my browser.
07:31 / 17.10.06
People with 'baby on board' or child on board' or fucking 'princess on board' stickers in the back of their cars who drive like utter maniacs in the morning, presumably in order to get to work on time and don't seem to care that they nearly run my child and his bicycle over.

No, everyone else has to be careful of their darling offspring, "Careful on the brakes there, I've got a princess in the back of the car here. Se the car here? It's a nice one, hmm? Out of our way, we are important because we have a car and a sign."

I might start making TLB cycle with a sign around his neck reading:

It is illegal to run children over. Even if they don't have a sign.
pointless & uncalled for
07:35 / 17.10.06
Buy a paintball gun and start tagging bad drivers.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
07:59 / 17.10.06
Nah, that shit is waterbased--comes off too easy. Buy a paint-thinner gun.

Right: People who are still (still!) throwing hissy-fits because the version of Sesame Street made for South Africa got an HIV+ character a few years back. "Oh, our children's innocence is being SHATTERED, torn from them by the evil gaylesbofeminaziPC allience, where will it end, etc. etc."

Fuck you people, fuck all you people. Have you watched US Sesame Street? Is there a HIV+ muppet in it? No, of course there fucking isn't. Because it's only in the South African version, where a metric fuckton of the children watching it are having their fwagile innocence shattered by seeing friends and family dying of fucking AIDS, or by being HIV+ themselves. You ignorant sacks of shit.
14:06 / 17.10.06
(AS an aside, the theory behind baby on board stickers is supposed to be if you have a crash, the rescuers know to look for a baby. However, the theory is a bit shit, as no-one takes them off when there is no baby on board)

Now, I'm not going to be too specific about this but our company has just opened up one of the most audacious security holes I have ever heard of and when I alerted them to the fact, I got fobbed off.
And the horse you rode in on, chaps.
Liger Null
15:23 / 17.10.06
Anyone else a bit weirded out by the idea that when you "fap" near your pets, they know exactly what you are doing?

They probably pity us our inability to "clean" ourselves.
15:55 / 17.10.06
the theory behind baby on board stickers is supposed to be if you have a crash, the rescuers know to look for a baby.

Righty ho. And the Princesses?
16:01 / 17.10.06
Drive a beemer.
Char Aina
16:14 / 17.10.06
i once heard a lancastrian poet say something like 'baby on board stickers are thin end of the wedge, of which "12 english holiday makers were killed in the accident" is the middle, and the end of which is the idea that some kinds of human suffering are better or worse than others.'

i felt he had a point.

it would seem, from your experience of road-hog fuckwits who care only about their own offspring, that the sliding scale of human suffering is in full effect.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:50 / 17.10.06
People with 'baby on board' or child on board' or fucking 'princess on board' stickers in the back of their cars who drive like utter maniacs in the morning


20% of drivers should not be on the goddamn road. That's generous.
16:59 / 17.10.06
I'm tempted to make a sign:

Feel free to crash at any time
18:04 / 17.10.06
My obsessive reading of lefty political blogs this week has finally led to me checking out a link to the (Nazi) Stormfront BB.

I used to lurk there when it was a dialup BBS.

Interesting. Dismal.
Whisky Priestess
09:00 / 19.10.06
I can guess what it is from context, but what does "fap" actually stand for, if anything?

Anyway, back to the ANGER!!


I've just been to the office fridge and some FUCKWAD has taken my food. And I don't mean taken a little bit of it, like a splash of milk for tea or a slice of bread for toast. I mean that two chilled and fairly expensive (and much-anticipated) pasta meals have just vanished.

I put them in there two days ago, was in a brain-crushingly dull meeting away from the office all day Wednesday, came in today and thought I'd have a bit of the lovely vegetable pasta for breakfast and the rest for lunch.

But it's gone. Some MOTHERFUCKER has just stolen the bag with MY FOOD in it. What's worse is that
a) this isn't the first time
b) it only seems to happen to me (which is completely ridiculous as I don't label things so there's no way the FOOD THIEVING CUNT could know it was mine). So I feel angry and AND paranoid (and hungry) and I'm starting to wonder if I'm actually going mad, because people, even those in offices, rarely nick a whole meal, let alone two. But I KNOW they were in there. How dare this anonymous twat make me doubt my own sanity?
c) There is no third way between taking this lying down and leaving a note on the fridge asking what the hell is going on. I HATE people who leave notes in the kitchen (although usually it's the prissy washing-up notes that annoy me rather than the missing posters for kidnapped lunches). But now this FUCKER has turned me into one of them.
d) My reaction to the whole thing makes me feel so petty. Not only am I clogging up this thread with my world's-tiniest-violin whining, but I completely revert to Neanderthal behaviour when food's involved. I was the meekest, mildest geekchild at school but when a girl sitting opposite me at breakfast reached over and took a bite of my toast without asking I practically took her face off. What is it about people messing with my food that absolutely sends me off the deep end? I'd be quite willing to perpetrate violence on the little wankstain if I could find him/her.

I'm very slowly calming down now. But I wish kitchens had CCTV.
pointless & uncalled for
09:15 / 19.10.06
The kitchens may not have CCTV, but the pharmacies have ExLax.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:22 / 19.10.06
'Fap' is onomatopoeia. (An onomatopoeia? Onomatopoeiac? Darn it.)
pointless & uncalled for
09:26 / 19.10.06
If it isn't onomatopoeia, consult your doctor.
Whisky Priestess
09:43 / 19.10.06
The kitchens may not have CCTV, but the pharmacies have ExLax.

I am seriously considering this.
09:45 / 19.10.06
Whisky, you are not being petty, it is little things like stealing food from the hungry that lead to the sorry state of the world today. Kill the motherfucker.
I too have become a note-leaver. Our company doesn't provide cups for tea and coffee (yeah, I know) so we have to bring in our own. Going to make a cuppa the other day I found someone had nicked my cup and there were none available, and further all my plain chocolate digestive biscuits had gone in a day. So I couldn't have tea despite specifically bringing in the teabags, cup and biscuits, just when I really needed one, GRRRR! I had to leave a note, but to emphasise the point I bought some cups for the common good so that the fuckers who couldn't remember to get a cup wouldn't steal mine. My note went like this;

TO ALL STAFF: why not bring in a mug? They are not provided, and cost just 20p from a charity shop or three for a quid from poundland! Bargain! Then there will be enough mugs.

I wanted to add 'Not rocket science, is it?' but thought that was a step too far. But honestly, why do I need to enforce a basic social conscience on adult professionals?

So WP, I feel your pain and I wholeheartedly endorse the note leaving. Probably someone hungry nicked one meal, then later someone else nicked the other, so you might need to kick two people, but don't hold back or it will just keep happening. It might seem petty, but not as petty as stealing pasta and not owning up, leave a note of screaming rage that shows how much you don't like it.
In our place the food issue got so bad the management stuck up a memo recently reminding people it was theft (yes, even butter) and a grounds for instant dismissal.
Whisky Priestess
09:46 / 19.10.06
*mental soundtrack*

fap-fap-fap-fap ...


But what about female fapping? not the same sound, shurely?
09:49 / 19.10.06
Being curious after Stoaties post and spending the last half hour browsing the SotrmFront BB.. Quite incredible...I'm sure i don't have to go into details... I just need to go off and punch things for the rest of the day...Hard
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:01 / 19.10.06
After Stoatie and Ghadis with the punching.

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