Over on BBLB, we're shown this interaction, in which Richard (like pretty much everyone else in the House) takes time to attempt to console/reassure Lea:
Once more, it was fellow nominee Richard who tried to reassure her today, arguing that the housemates could have no idea how far they would be well-received by the nation's viewers. He added that Lea has several qualities which might endear her to the public.
Richard advised that the best policy would be to expect the worst, explaining that it would then be easier to accept eviction should it occur. "Get your head around the fact you will be going this Friday," he told her. "It eases it. Think about mundane things, like paying your bills[or] your trip to Las Vegas. Think about that...and you [might not even be going]."
Naturally, this is edited to show only the latter part, to give the suggestion that Richard is straightforwardly agreeing with Lea that yes, she'll be out this week and here's how to prepare yourself for that, Lea. Dermot bolsters this suggestion by exclaiming, "un-be-lievable!" afterwards. The audacity of Dickie!
So. Richard's an arrogant fucker who assumes he's staying - just like Sezer! To hammer the point home, we're shown a few seconds of today's knot-untying task where Glyn (who's either pissing about or, more probably, falling over accidentally) looks like he's worsening the rope tangle, and Dickie says sharply, "Glyn out!" or something similar. Cut back to Dermot, repeating "Glyn out - Richard not having a good day".
So he's a bossy arrogant fucker who assumes he's staying. We hate those, don't we?
I'm loath to get all DS about this - and I don't reeeally think there's a conspiracy here - but I genuinely do think Richard is consistently being shown in a negative light. To me, this is particularly noticeable with Dermot, who's usually fine with a) teh gays, and b) musclemen (he's a bit of a gym-bunny himself, so tends to be appreciative of pumped physiques). This year, Dermot's been pretty silent on Dickie, except to push the 'smooth-talking, two-faced manipulator' meme, and express surprise when a guest says they like Dickie. I'm starting to wonder whether it's a minor case of Lowri Turner Syndrome: loving gayers; not-so-much loving gayers in a leadership role.
(Side-issue: Dermot was also a bit dunderheaded over the Michael/Spoiral "have you ever slept with a woman?" thing, insisting that it was a perfectly innocuous question even when Michelle 'The Mollusc' Bass, for fuck's sake, explained to him why it wasn't. Bit like opening conversation with a straight man one's just met, with, "have ever slept with a man?" Dermot's just not getting nowaday's gays...) |