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Big Brother 2006


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Tryphena Absent
23:09 / 05.07.06
If that had happened to any of the housemates and they had been that upset I would have felt sympathetic. The amount of disassociation people apply to others sometimes really disturbs me.
23:10 / 05.07.06
Maybe if enough of us text PUNCH JAYNE to 84444, they'd oblige.
Tryphena Absent
23:10 / 05.07.06
Stoatie, you need to ring BBBM. Now.
23:13 / 05.07.06
The amount of disassociation people apply to others sometimes really disturbs me.

Big Brother: Home of the Fundamental Attribution Error.
23:15 / 05.07.06
Nikki and Lea both *yawn* threatening/promising to walk.
Tryphena Absent
23:20 / 05.07.06
Ah Richard was listening to me and left the room as advised.

Okay, I have been inspired.
Text LEA to 84444
Call 09011 32 33 07
23:27 / 05.07.06
Aww. Aisleyne forgives Pete for nominating her, while acknowledging that she was hurt by it. "Don't get your head in knots about it". She did that so graciously.
23:31 / 05.07.06
And, of course, people on DS are saying "whoah, she recovered from that pretty quickly". Fuck 'em. That was a couple of hours.

Obviously, on the highlights show, it's going to be difficult to communicate that - but I reeeally hope the editors don't do a HoochGate on tonight's footage...
23:35 / 05.07.06
I reeeally hope the editors don't do a HoochGate on tonight's footage.

They will, though, won't they? Because this time they're not trying to make housemates out to look less cunty, they'll be trying to make the show itself look less cunty.
00:58 / 06.07.06
Having just watched a recording of tonight's show, and then read this thread watching the live feed, it sounds like the person who stands to benefit the most from the edit of tomorrow's show is Jayne. Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but was there any evidence of her psychopathic lack of compassion described above in the highlights show? Were you getting all that from the live feed directly afterwards?
06:11 / 06.07.06
The eviction and aftermath was all done in a live, Davina-fronted show, so there was no editing done (other than moving camera views). Most of the Jayne-hate was after the event on the live feeds, however.
Jawsus-son Starship
06:42 / 06.07.06
Davina is scary. And talking utter shit. Can she fuck off now?
Evil Scientist
06:51 / 06.07.06
Umm...what does the BB site mean by this?

But before Aisleyne could spend to long in her moment of introspection, guess who came lumbering out of the bedroom for a cigarette and a chat. Yep, Jayne...

"I don't know why I keep saying this," she said with a steely glint in her eye. "And I know it must do you in, but I've just got a funny feeling Jonathan's coming back."

Struggling hard to hide her feelings of utter disbelief that Jayne was still hounding her, Aisleyne managed a few words: "Okay, let's hope so. But he's been evicted babes. I keep thinking what I've done to his life. He kept on saying 'I'm alright me. I can take anything.'"

Everything's gonna be just fine Aisleyne. You wait and see...

Hinting that Jonathon's coming back in? It's getting like an M. Night Shamalyan film in there.

Or are they going to force her to nominate yet more people to their face? Whilst giving her electric shocks no doubt.

Actually, giving her the option to get rid of a newbie and replace them with Jonathon would be mildly acceptable.

Regrettable Juvenilia
07:26 / 06.07.06
I hope they're referring to Aisleyne being immune from nominations next week, which is what she deserves after that ordeal. But we shall see.

Lea, I see, took even less time to turn on her than I had predicted. Get the skeksi out. KAAAAW!
07:53 / 06.07.06
Please explain 'Skeksi'. It's doing my head in.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you all stayed up and watched the live footage. You've just made my breakfast really interesting. Thank you very much! I'm looking forward to seeing tonight's show now to see how they slant things.

Jayne is extremely evil and said quite a lot of whispery bad things during the live feed eviction because I saw them and I didn't watch any of the live feed after the main show. I hope people realise how vile she is. Flyboy, please don't take her out from the rooftops, that's far too easy. Maybe just a small wound to make her suffer?
08:14 / 06.07.06
I’m so pleased fellow Barbelith people saw Aisleyne was genuinely upset – I couldn’t believe it when the people on BBBM thought she was faking. Poor Ash – I can’t remember seeing anything like that on TV before.

I thought the funniest thing about the show last night was when Ash and Spoiral came in and made for the bedroom loo with the other housemates crowding around and Suzy said something like “tsk! I was just about to go to the loo!”

How do you think Nikki will cope with having Jenny in there now? She has lost her place as baby of the group. I know that Glyn is younger as well, but everyone seems to have come to terms with that – but Jenny being new and younger seems to have ruffled Nikki’s feathers a little, especially because she seems so damn cool.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:30 / 06.07.06
Please explain 'Skeksi'. It's doing my head in.

Bird-like monsters from The Dark Crystal.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:35 / 06.07.06

09:28 / 06.07.06
Ah, thank you.

Still on the subject of Jayne, I heard her tell Dickie (I think) that she was brought in "in a big car, cheering and everything." Is that true? I didn't see the new housemates come in.
09:53 / 06.07.06
i kind of missed it all last night - could someone please do a potted recap of the major events? aisleyne lost it a bit, poor gel?

if someone is so kind as to do so, i'll Text LEA to 84444
11:15 / 06.07.06
Big Brother told Aisleyne to come to the diary room in order to choose one of the two remaining house-next-doormates for proper eviction. She was extremely upset but eventually chose Jonathan on the basis that he had previously said he could cope.

All the housemates in both houses watched this live and Nicki and Jayne were very vocal about their unhappiness at the possibility of Aisleyne coming back into the main house.

Aisleyne went back into the house next door and had a big cuddle with Jonathan and was still very upset.

Jonathan was evicted to silence, although he did get his interview with Davina.

Big Brother made Aisleyne and Spoiral go back into the main house even though Aisleyne was frankly in no fit state to go anywhere except maybe to have a nice cup of tea and a sit down with her Mum.

Spoiral told Big Brother off for the way they had gone about things.

Aisleyne went into the main house and hid in the bathroom for A LONG TIME and I think Spoiral stayed with her for quite a while.

I think that's right. I went to bed after that.
11:41 / 06.07.06
Yep - good summary. Re:

Still on the subject of Jayne, I heard her tell Dickie (I think) that she was brought in "in a big car, cheering and everything." Is that true? I didn't see the new housemates come in.

yeah - it's true. Last Friday, when the BB housemates thought Aisleyne was being evicted and the baying crowds were gathered outside - the new housemates came in. Ash was evicted as per normal, and said goodbye and went up the stairs to face the music, but the doors didn't open, and a stage hand shhhd her and tols her to come back down, and led her into the house next door. The new 5 housemates had a proper BB entrance except for the fact that they did not enter the main BB house - which each of them thought they would - rather, the house next door.
11:53 / 06.07.06
Ta! seeyer lea.
16:12 / 06.07.06
Good summary. Main stressor for Aisleyne, I think, was having to take responsibility for evicting one of two people she really liked and then go back to face them. And then return to a House containing several people she really didn't want to see again.
16:42 / 06.07.06
Just watched the repeat of last night's, and it was every bit as uncomfortable viewing second time round. I'd been thinking maybe I was just drunk and tired, but no. It was really, really horrible.
17:08 / 06.07.06
i'll second the thanks for the people who summarize the live feeds. last night was one of those nights i really wanted to see what was going on in the house but, being across the pond makes that kind of hard.

i think Big Brother was going to play whomever went into that house. Unfortunately for Aisleyne it was her. BB put Jayne in there to be evicted first and put four other very engaging likable people for here to torment herself over evicting.

i'm curious if part of her breakdown last night was realizing she could have had Jonathon in the BB house if she would have realized earlier what BB was up doing.
17:15 / 06.07.06
BB put Jayne in there to be evicted first and put four other very engaging likable people for here to torment herself over evicting.

I don't think Big Brother has that much of a g*m*pl*n. We may find Jayne vile, but several of the v1.0 Housemates think she's engaging and likeable. She wasn't necessarily in there as ballast (although it's something she'd be good at).
17:49 / 06.07.06
Anyone else watching Dermot Cuntwipe O'Leary on BBLB right now? The partisan treatment of Richard, the day before an eviction, is quite incredible.
17:50 / 06.07.06
I don't think Big Brother has that much of a g*m*pl*n. We may find Jayne vile, but several of the v1.0 Housemates think she's engaging and likeable.

she's a new puppy to the old housemates. if she'd have gone in with all the other at the same time, i doubt she'd have the bonds that she was now. compared to the rest of them, she was the odd duck.

i just wouldn't put it past anyone in the planning to have thought out a senario to make it as tough as possible on the housemate doing the evicting.
18:02 / 06.07.06
she's a new puppy to the old housemates. if she'd have gone in with all the other at the same time, i doubt she'd have the bonds that she was now. compared to the rest of them, she was the odd duck.

Not necessarily. She's bonded with Nikki and Lea, and I don't think she's generated much aminosity yet (I think Michael's slightly ahead of her there). I agree that, given time, she'll probably wear people down faster than will the others.

My point was, if Nikki or Lea or one of the others had gone into House v2.0 in place of Aisleyne and been faced with the same selection of Housemates, they may not have nominated Jayne out first. She's no more 'obvious' ballast than is Spiral or Jennie or Michael or Jonathan.

i just wouldn't put it past anyone in the planning to have thought out a senario to make it as tough as possible on the housemate doing the evicting.

I don't think it's possible to predict the dynamics of human interaction with that degree of accuracy. Naturally, dilemmas were constructed to be agonising, but I doubt planning got as specific as "let's put in Housemate X because she'll automatically get evicted first because e-e-everyone will find her horrible".
18:25 / 06.07.06
I don't know - I kind of think anyone would have evicted Jayne first on the grounds that the job required them to be quiet, and Jayne instead decided to pootle about shouting and then jump up and down on the bed and break it because she's mad, she is. She's maaaaaaaaaaaad! Let's all drink tequila slammers and call the office junior a poof! YEEEEEAH!

Behaving in a way that's contrary to the task is a surefire way to get evicted - though I'm not sure this necessarily means BB predicted Jayne would act this way - that would require them to be evil geniuses, rather than headfucked psychopathic cretins.
18:27 / 06.07.06
Over on BBLB, we're shown this interaction, in which Richard (like pretty much everyone else in the House) takes time to attempt to console/reassure Lea:

Once more, it was fellow nominee Richard who tried to reassure her today, arguing that the housemates could have no idea how far they would be well-received by the nation's viewers. He added that Lea has several qualities which might endear her to the public.

Richard advised that the best policy would be to expect the worst, explaining that it would then be easier to accept eviction should it occur. "Get your head around the fact you will be going this Friday," he told her. "It eases it. Think about mundane things, like paying your bills[or] your trip to Las Vegas. Think about that...and you [might not even be going]."

Naturally, this is edited to show only the latter part, to give the suggestion that Richard is straightforwardly agreeing with Lea that yes, she'll be out this week and here's how to prepare yourself for that, Lea. Dermot bolsters this suggestion by exclaiming, "un-be-lievable!" afterwards. The audacity of Dickie!

So. Richard's an arrogant fucker who assumes he's staying - just like Sezer! To hammer the point home, we're shown a few seconds of today's knot-untying task where Glyn (who's either pissing about or, more probably, falling over accidentally) looks like he's worsening the rope tangle, and Dickie says sharply, "Glyn out!" or something similar. Cut back to Dermot, repeating "Glyn out - Richard not having a good day".

So he's a bossy arrogant fucker who assumes he's staying. We hate those, don't we?

I'm loath to get all DS about this - and I don't reeeally think there's a conspiracy here - but I genuinely do think Richard is consistently being shown in a negative light. To me, this is particularly noticeable with Dermot, who's usually fine with a) teh gays, and b) musclemen (he's a bit of a gym-bunny himself, so tends to be appreciative of pumped physiques). This year, Dermot's been pretty silent on Dickie, except to push the 'smooth-talking, two-faced manipulator' meme, and express surprise when a guest says they like Dickie. I'm starting to wonder whether it's a minor case of Lowri Turner Syndrome: loving gayers; not-so-much loving gayers in a leadership role.

(Side-issue: Dermot was also a bit dunderheaded over the Michael/Spoiral "have you ever slept with a woman?" thing, insisting that it was a perfectly innocuous question even when Michelle 'The Mollusc' Bass, for fuck's sake, explained to him why it wasn't. Bit like opening conversation with a straight man one's just met, with, "have ever slept with a man?" Dermot's just not getting nowaday's gays...)
18:29 / 06.07.06
I don't know - I kind of think anyone would have evicted Jayne first on the grounds that the job required them to be quiet, and Jayne instead decided to pootle about shouting and then jump up and down on the bed and break it because she's mad, she is. She's maaaaaaaaaaaad! Let's all drink tequila slammers and call the office junior a poof! YEEEEEAH!

I don't think Nikki would necessarily have been that sensible, or Lea. Or even Richard: he'd have chucked Spoiral.
18:35 / 06.07.06
Is the Dermot-ologist's behaviour not obvious wishful thinking, though? Richard has stated on more than one occassion that he would like to sexxx Dermot up, so Dermot is doing his level best to get Richard out so he can get some lovin'. It's obvious. You watch - when Richard eventually does get evicted Dermot'll be all over him like hair on Russell's face!
18:42 / 06.07.06
Nah, it's yer common-or-garden homosexual anxiety - or, perhaps, unease. It miiight be linked to Dermot-lovin' in the sense that alpha (top) gayers evoke in him the old backs-against-the-wall scaryspectre of straight botty-desecration. The traditional giggly, sexless telehomo (eg. Marco the Weeping Fagbangle) is more squarely within Dermee's comfort zone.

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