But that's beside the point, really - Spoil can call himself whatever he want.
And if we think he's being silly, we can take the piss out of him for it. Free speech in action!
As to the thing about Aisleyne trying to be black, I can confirm that Russ began BBBM in not great form by saying Aisleyne 'seems to 'ave a problem with 'er identity' one the grounds that 'one minute she's from the ghetto, the next minute she's Irish' and showed some footage of Aisleyne teling Spooooooooooooiral a story about her Irish grandfather (in a voice uncannily like Tamsin Grieg impersonating Dylan Moran); this then cut to Russ laying the laweth down thus: 'Aisleyne, you're not black, you're not Irish' before then dipping into a ha-ha-larious grab bag of ethnic stereotypes she could also portray, including Aggressive Drunken Scotsman, German Nazi Interrogator, and, Christ help us all, Frank Spencer.
Aside from the sneering caucasonormativeness of this comment - white people shouldn't act black, you see - this 'you're not Irish' is patently absurd on the grounds that (a) Aisleyne is an Irish name and (b) it was her grandad she was on about! Honestly. There are times when I fear for this culture. |