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Big Brother 2006


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23:12 / 08.07.06
Dickie doing a sterling job with Nikki: trying to get her to say exactly what the problem is (Aisleyne looked at her a bit funny or something, making her feel "intimidated", and she now wants to leave) but making it clear that it's her problem and she needs to speak to Aisleyne. Aisleyne appears, asks what's up with Nikki. Jayne barks, "nothing!" Dickie points out that that would've been an opportunity to clarify things with Aisleyne.

Jayne appears also to be trying to drown Michael in the bath. Michael's bleached his tramlines white. Every day he seems to have less hair - fool!
23:15 / 08.07.06
Butt the fuck out, Jayne!
23:27 / 08.07.06
Oh dear. I can appreciate what Richard's trying to achieve here, but he's going a little far with the Us & Themism - and it's not like Nikki's actually going to appreciate/make use of his advice.

I do think it's sad that the Dickie/Aisleyne closeness has faded. I think it was drifting anyway, as her girlie-bonding with Imogen increased, but the week she was in House v2.0 seems to have made them more distant still.
23:30 / 08.07.06
How long before someone calls Stoatie "Pete" on the street? Bets now please
23:32 / 08.07.06
23:34 / 08.07.06
Stoatie ought to grasp the opportunity to begin collecting women who're not quite sure whether or not they're his girlfriend. And swearing a lot.
23:34 / 08.07.06
He's younger and prettier. Bastard. I'll vote him out just for that if I get a chance.
Mike Modular
23:35 / 08.07.06
Oh dear, Nikki getting it wrong: "The public hate her, that's why they voted her out, but she had the choice to go into the secret house".

Jayne increasingly more irritating by the second.
23:36 / 08.07.06
SHIT. I think my last post just turned me into Lea.
23:36 / 08.07.06
And Dickie risking positioning himself on the wrong side of a potential House divide along Nikki/Aisleyne lines...
23:38 / 08.07.06
I think you should ensure that every post contains a tic-like obscenity from this point on, Stoatie.
01:15 / 09.07.06

Another instance of Richard becoming involved in a House dynamic, managing the situation 90% beautifully but risking damnation on the grounds of the iffy 10%. Already, I can see this coming around to bite him squarely on the arse.

For Stoatie and those whose social lives get in the way of Saturday 3am BB-watching, this is roughly what happened:

All of a sudden, an impressively inebriated Nikki was in the bathroom with Richard, sobbing her eyes out. Richard seemed as baffled as anyone about what, exactly, had sparked this. Aisleyne, certainly, but it didn't seem to have been provoked by much more than Nikki's fearful insecurity that someone she previously felt bullied by is now back in the House and riding high (she was central to this evening's Mikey Springer Show). She clearly felt intimidated, and ownership of this appeared to be extended to Aisleyne ie. Aisleyne was actively intimidating her.

Richard did a lot of hugging and hair-stroking, making soothing "you're a beaudiful person, you don't need to do this to yourself" noises. Jayne and Michael were in the bath at the time; Michael got up and buggered off, but Jayne remained, attempting to crowbar her face between the two, and talking over Richard.

Aisleyne came in to see what was happening. It was evident that something was going on. Jayne answered, "nothing!" in response to the question, Aisleyne asked Nikkie directly, Nikki said she was just tired or thereabouts. Aisleyne left, Richard suggested that Nikki ought to be saying all this to Aisleyne, and had missed an opportunity to clear the air with her.

Richard really should have left it there.

Nikki remained, drunkenly holding forth but going nowhere. Jayne jabbered unhelpfully. Dickie began sympathising with some of what Nikki was saying: still essentially reiterating "it's your problem, you need to speak to Aisleyne" but agreeing that Aisleyne had "lost it" in the days before her 'eviction' and been unpleasant to people, that she was no longer one of his confidantes in the House (this presumably coloured by her association with Imogenital) and "what I have noticed is that she often doesn't like it when you're having fun". Tt. Silly Dickie...

Jayne, naturally, poured oil on troubled flames, confirming that yes, Nikki was quite correct about the White Queen "and she nominated me out of the House first" (surefire evidence of eeevil there). In the face of Nikki's apparent fear of confronting Aisleyne, Richard managed to argue himself around from "you need to talk to Aisleyne" to "if she gets to you that much, then stay out of her way".

Aaanyway. The bathroom drrramathon broke up. Aisleyne, still concerned, asked Dickie what was up. Dickie said something along the lines of, "I can't say; don't worry about it, she's sitting on some advice and might talk to you about it tomorrow". Meanwhile Nikki was telling Pete that Aisleyne's A Big Old Meanie Who Gives Me Evils. Pete promptly told Aisleyne, who (very gently and skilfully) manoevred a one-to-one with Nikki. Nikki, weirdly automaton-like, wouldn't look at Aisleyne, and spoke in a monotone about missing Lea, wanting to be home in bed and being tired and drunk - but steadfastly avoided the central issue. Eventually, she got up and went to bed, air uncleared.

Aisleyne, obviously troubled by Pete's assertion that Nikki was "scared" of her, chatted to Imogen and Jayne, the latter assuring her that it was nothing to do with her, but would doubtless be sorted out in the cold light of day. Cue Aisleyne sitting in the toilet alone, staring moodily into the middle distance.

Currently: Nikki in bed with Pete, silent but looking like she's still nursing her paranoia. Aisleyne in bed with Spoiral and Imogen, whispering about what's happened. Phrases like "I've spent the whole day trying to make up with her" and "spoilt brat" audible. Stoa... err, Pete apparently listening intently.

Now read on.
01:30 / 09.07.06
Oh yeah, and needless to say, Nikki's various insecurities around Aisleyne included the vexed issue of Pete - who is, in Nikki's mind, the main reason Aisleyne's gunning for her (Aisleyne supposedly being a man-teef after all). Interestingly, Dickie voiced his own observation that several of those in the House treated Pete like a cute pet or "someone who's going to be here to the end", rather than having much interest in sitting down and having a proper conversation with him. Which is true (IMHO) - but he lumped Aisleyne into the "cute pet" category and Nikki (and himself and Suzie and possibly-Jayne) into "proper conversation". Silly, silly Dickie.

Poatie, erm, Pete is, as we speak, nuzzled up to Nikki in bed, intermittently beatboxing.
01:33 / 09.07.06
I gather Jenny wasn't involved in this at all. Probably sensible to stay out of it, but perhaps a shame because I like what I've seen of her and she seems relatively able with confrontation. She might at least have diverted Jayne.
01:54 / 09.07.06
No, Jennie not involved. I agree with you, though; she's good at confronting where necessary, and sniffing out agendas.
11:43 / 09.07.06
Last night's chain of events is now on the official site, and the snippets there add to the picture of Richard trying to a) be even-handed, and b) avoid being drawn in, but failing:

Nikki's confidantes were not shy of a few less than complimentary words about the newly-returned housemate. Richard labelled her recent behaviour "out of order", commenting on her "slightly menacing look" and "hidden aggression."

This was positively gracious compared to Jayne's view: "F*** her - she's a slag," growled the recruitment consultant.

Moments later the object of discussion entered the bathroom for a tinkle and asked Nikki why she was upset. "I miss Lea," came the reply. Once Aisleyne left, the conversation resumed.

Richard cited the shifting dynamics in the House as a vital factor in the conflict:

"Lea's departure from the House has left a role open and I think Aisleyne is wanting to take that role...which is Queen of the House," he explained, adding, "I think you slightly want to get in there [too]."

The compulsory Pete factor was not to be discounted either:

"The two of you are fighting over Pete... you feel like you've lost control," commented the Canadian, as Jayne advised her on strategies to keep Pete sharing her duvet.

It's somewhat frustrating that none of the v1.0 Housemates has yet realised the extent of Jayne's essential vileness. When she clumsily butts in to other people's conversations like this, it's painful to watch. Typically, she zones in when people are crying (Nikki last night, Aisleyne the other night), ignores or fails to see all 'I don't want you here' cues, and thrusts herself into the thick of it, proffering often-quite-brutal-and-frankly-scary 'consolation'. Last night, it was fairly clear that Dickienikki would've been happier on their own.

I'm undecided as yet how I feel about Pete's contribution to the whole sorry mess, but I'll admit I'm heartened that he actually took the initiative to try to actively do something, to be subject rather than object, verb not noun. Since he (apparently) likes both Aisleyne and Nikki, I think he was acting in good faith, too.
12:05 / 09.07.06
The earlier Jennie/Jayne spat in the kitchen is still confusing me. It looked like Jayne blatantly lied about Jennie, with Jennie standing right there in front of her throughout. I can't really understand why she would do that, and wonder whether I'm missing something. At the moment, I'm supposing that Jayne's someone who, when slighted (or even disagreed with, imagines more slights: when Jennie disagreed with her about the likelihood of there being a further BB nomination twist, Jayne mentally spun that into Jayne "not being supportive of Lea and Richard" and said as much to Suzie.
14:25 / 09.07.06
I think that's roughly right. Maybe we weren't shown something at the beginning of that conversation between Jennie and Jayne, but the conflict seemed to become plain near the start:

Jayne: I just don't think they're going. There's something going on. I've said it. Don't you think? I don't know why. That's what I think.
Jennie: Hmm.
Jayne: Don't you think?
Jennie: No, I don't. If I'm honest with you Jayne.
Jayne: But I've said all week to them, umm, Jennie. That, you know, my heart goes out to both of them.
Jennie: Yeah.
Jayne: But it's a game, at the end of the day. Somebody has to go.
Jennie: Yeah.
Jayne. You know what I mean, but I've been there, and cuddled Lea, and been there for Richard, and last night and everything.
Jennie: Yeah.
Jayne: But you're making out I don't give a fuck.
Jennie: Yeah?
Jayne: Why's that?
Jennie: I think you give a fuck!
Jayne: Well, what's the problem then?
Jennie: Why do you think I've got a problem?
Jayne: No, I'm just saying.

And on and on and on, Jayne assuming it's somehow been established that Jennie thinks Jayne hasn't been supportive enough to Lea and Dickie.

I suspect that Jayne's prediction that neither Lea or Richard were going to be evicted (which for all we know she's been going on and on about), was being perceived as unsupportive or unsympathetic to Dickie and Dolly's plight. And well it might - particularly if she'd been off-setting it with 'It's only a game, at the end of the day someone's got to go' etc.
Since this eviction-twist theory is how Jayne is justifying her dismissive behaviour around Lea and Richard, she takes Jennie's criticism of the theory as criticism of that behaviour.

It's interesting that while Jennie is offering Jayne lots of alternative counter-arguments to her supposed unsupportiveness (ie. actual tangible examples of how she *has* been supportive) Jayne continues to cling to her excuse for why she might seem unsympathetic. Maybe because she's too thick to realise that Jennie's line of argument is a much better one, or because Jayne accepts that she *is* unsupportive and is thus fixated on justifying rather than denying.
Mourne Kransky
20:05 / 09.07.06
Everybody else is just a bit player in Jayneworld.
20:14 / 09.07.06
Yeah... I think Jayne's quite narcissistic (as well as psychopathic) and thinks she ought to be occupying a central role in, well, everything. She seems keen to insert herself into House dramas, wherever they occur, but she seems peculiarly inept at actually making contact with other human beings in a meaningful way. She comes across like someone who's read Human Interaction For Dummies and is trying out the practical exercises for the first time.
20:15 / 09.07.06
Jayne: "When I'm quiet, I think people think I'm a know..boring."

Yeah, the wacky broad act is all a complete put-on for insecurity and feelings of self-doubt.

You have a lot to be insecure about, Jayne.
Mourne Kransky
20:40 / 09.07.06
I could go off Nikki, you know...
20:46 / 09.07.06
I'm liking the Stoatie DA on Pete. Coolness abounds.
20:49 / 09.07.06
I've already gone off Nikki. But I'm sure it's about to get worse.
Alex's Grandma
20:52 / 09.07.06
Glyn, in 'blackface' as 'Captain Ungo-bongo,' or however he's now choosing to portray himeslf, has quite openly outed himself as a racist.

Being a welsh clown is no excuse for his behaviour - the second he's up for nomiation ... well I'm torn. Does one spend x amount on phone calls to have the thing removed, or does one go the full mile and pay somebody £100 to deal with the problem permanently?

I don't say this lightly, but I think ... I think that I wish more ill on Glyn than I do on Jayne.

He hair is 'O-range!'

I just wish Richey from the MSP's was still around, so he could write an initially sympathetic, but ultimately quite condemnatory song about Glyn, and his erections.

Here's hoping that when he gets back home, he feels a-lien-ated, and mis-un-der-stood.
20:57 / 09.07.06
I thought for a while the edit was anti-Aisleyne tonight, but it seems to be swinging back around to the side of the angels.
Peach Pie
20:58 / 09.07.06
ooo - this ties in to a topic I've been meaning to raise fow awhile.

before the programme kicked off, one mag predicted George would only last five minutes in the house b4 rubbing all up the wrong way. his reference to ordinary people as commoners, and his hatred of anti-royalists, "immigrant spongers and camp gay men" was supposedly going to inspire resentment against him.

in the end, he fitted in perfectly. what, if anything, do you think this says about the house's politics?
Mourne Kransky
21:01 / 09.07.06
Could be the editing's at fault here (would not surprise me!) but I thought Glyn, in charcoal, was calling himself Gertrude and claiming to be an alien. He was on the highlights show anyway. Was the Ungo-Bongo on the live feed then?
21:14 / 09.07.06
nah, you're right, Xoc.
21:22 / 09.07.06
Lea on BBLB, on being asked by Dermatoma whether Richard, as alpha gayer, would look after Nikki and Pete in her absence:

"Dickie doesn't have any fight in him... if people are being bullied or picked on, Dickie won't stick up for them while I would have."





Where were you during HoochGate, Lea?
21:23 / 09.07.06
Irving could learn a thing or two from the professional revisionists that have passed through that house.
Alex's Grandma
21:32 / 09.07.06
I was watching Glyn's performance through a red mist, admittedly, Mr X - I've no doubt you're right, but I still don't trust him.
Mourne Kransky
21:36 / 09.07.06
Indeed. I think it's safe to assume that, when Lea's friends and family went to the capital of Self Awaria for a weekend City Break, Lea missed the coach and hid in her bathroom with a bottle of Tesco's vodka.

Watching the recording of BBLB. I was hoping she might come over more endearingly in Dermot's mammary-friendly hands but she seems as tunnel-visioned as ever. Dermot had so changed during the fifty minutes' duration of the show, apparently.

Her mother's Dot Cotton!
Whisky Priestess
21:42 / 09.07.06
Ha! Seconded!

Re: Glyn's alarming appearance in the diary room covered in charcoal, Alex's Grandma was indeed seeing and hearing the whole thing through a haze of sweet sherry - Glyn, far from essaying some sort of heeeelaaaarious black & white minstrel/jungle cannibal character was in fact, claiming to be an alien chimney sweep called Gertrude. (Well, indeed.)

I suspect that had he coloured himself blue or green or red or yellow, his game/roleplay would have come across less, er, unnerving, however.

It was still quite, quite terrifying to watch.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:35 / 10.07.06
From this and other news stories, it sounds as if last night was "eventfull"...

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