Jonathon just didn't want it badly enough. Scratch that, he was too damn polite.
Was there something that was shown on the live footage that we didn't get here, then? Because from where I was sitting he was throwing a bit of a petulant silent strop while doing the dishes, Spiral explaining to him that actually, dude, if you wanted to go in there and you knew that was what was going to happen to the two people being 'evicted', you should probably have said something at the time instead of moaning about it after the fact.
ANd Spiral seemed geniunely pleased for Jenny and Michael when he realised that they'd made it into the main house. Jonathon, not so much. Based purely on tonight's show, I'd have to say that Aisleyne made the right choice.
Still an utterly fucked piece of television, though, and more than likely to generate a fair amount of bad press and complaints. |