She seems keen to insert herself into House dramas, wherever they occur, but she seems peculiarly inept at actually making contact with other human beings in a meaningful way. She comes across like someone who's read Human Interaction For Dummies and is trying out the practical exercises for the first time.
Indeed. She's got all the emotional intelligence of a bar of soap, but that doesn't seem to stop her from displaying it whenever possible, pretty much entirely regardless of the consequences.
Her big mistake seems to be acting like she's known the version 01 housemates for weeks - it may feel that way to her, if she's been watching the show with all the fervour of a full-blown addict(nothing wrong with that, after all,) but seeing as they don't know her from Adam, she can't help but seem like a crazy person.
Guessing she's been the head of the office she's in for some time, and so is completely unused to dealing with other people on an equal footing. Wherever she works though, I imagine her colleagues will be spending large sums of cash on texting, frantically, to keep her in the house for as long as possible. Certainly, if I was on her team, I'd be thinking seriously about cutbacks I could make in my monthly expenditure. |