I had a thought last night, and I think Russell Brand is actually some kind of Grunt Monsoon supervillain brought to unnatural life in the world of so-called 'reality'. Think about it...he's Russell Brand, the Living Meme! Sure, at first you just start out copying his jokes in harmless fun, but then you find you can't stop thinking about ballbags and dinkles and Beppe and Walliams and swine, you start thinking maybe you should grow a beard and start wearing a big scarf (apparently it's became all the rage down in that London, tha' knowest), and before you know it he's in your mind! Basically he's like Darkseid, only a little camp Darkseid in women's pants and therefore much, much harder to defeat.
It can be no coincidence, for example, that Japan have moved to rescind the ban on commercial whaling mere weeks after the displays of whale-hate on Brand's 'programme'.