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Big Brother 2006


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20:30 / 07.07.06
I had to go out, what was her exit line?
20:30 / 07.07.06
I'm glad Dickie stayed, but I'm glad that Lea didn't really get booed. I liked Lea, despite the paranoia, and I believe that her reasons for going in the house were not all based on planned fame and fortune. Go Lea for being cool. She was much better than a lot of them.
20:34 / 07.07.06
I had to go out, what was her exit line?

"Let me out then, you cunt". (Then she declared her love for Pete, but that wasn't as funny).
Lama glama
20:50 / 07.07.06
That was an incredibly poor interview. Davina's technique was the same as always, but whenever she tried to push Lea for an answer, she just stared at Davina wordlessly questioning her audacity to ask such a question. Davina seemed grateful at every reprise from the silence. It looked as if she couldn't wait for the next video clip to roll.

Jayne next? Surely she has rubbed a sufficient number of housemates the wrong way:

Spiral will nominate her because of their spat in the bedroom. Aisleyne will surely nominate her for much the same reason that she evicted her from the house next door. Imogen will nominate her, possibly ebecause of loyalty to Aisleyne. Suzie might nominate her. At times, it seems as if they get along, but whenever Jayne makes vomit-precursor burps you can easily see Suzie being pushed over the edge. Mikey's vote is anyone's guess, but I predict a Richard/Jayne pairing from him this week.

While we're waiting for her to go up for eviction, remember to text punch Jayne, to 84444.
Alex's Grandma
22:42 / 07.07.06
Quite apart from anything else (and there's already so, so much), it's hard to see Jayne's handstand this evening being anything other than terminal for her prospects in the BB house. And certainly, it was hard to watch. It was like the final scene in The Dunwich Horror. Such things are not meant for mortal eyes.
22:53 / 07.07.06
Just back and catching up: what was Jayne's "handstand"?
Tryphena Absent
23:01 / 07.07.06
It literally was a handstand. She exposed those legs. The ones that need to be roasted.
23:05 / 07.07.06
It wasn't some sort of Handstand of Disrespect, then?
23:20 / 07.07.06
So it's not all right to do a handstand when you're a bit hefty?

On the other hand...It is Jayne. I feel torn.
Tryphena Absent
23:24 / 07.07.06
She's only physically repulsive because of her personality. Like the Twits... Roald Dahl never laid it down quite as honestly.
Whisky Priestess
23:34 / 07.07.06
Exactly. If I thought she had even the charred remains of a nice person inside her (and not one that she'd eaten in a cannibalistic person sarnie either) I'd probably have found it charming and be campaigning for Jayne as the new face/arse of Dove's Campaign For Real Beauty (As Long As They've Not Got Any Dermal Imperfections).

But I don't, so I won't.
23:40 / 07.07.06
The BBC's newsticker is refering to Lea as being a 'cosmetic sugury fan'
23:41 / 07.07.06
Fellow housemate Susie was described as a "nasty piece of work" but Ms Walker was more upbeat about Pete Bennett, saying: "He's the dog's."
23:49 / 07.07.06
A Dermal Imperfection, yesterday.

Mourne Kransky
23:53 / 07.07.06
Think of the joy on that little boy's face when he sees her again, after some weeks have passed.

Bless little H, born of a Skeksi. He must have enjoyed watching his mum on the box and have been taking a gentle ribbing from his friends the while, eh?
00:05 / 08.07.06
Probably more than watching his mum on the internet taking a savage reaming from an oiled stranger.
Alex's Grandma
00:10 / 08.07.06
They're doing a very good offer on Mum's DVD in The Star these days, also.

It's hard to escape the feeling that somebody, somewhere, hasn't thought all this through.
imaginary mice
09:01 / 08.07.06
Sorry to interrupt but this has been bugging me for weeks:

The pink bicycle - What’s it all about? Where did it come from? What’s it doing in the Big Brother house?
09:04 / 08.07.06
I think it's like the polar bear on Lost.
09:05 / 08.07.06
I think, it originated in the first or second week. There were a number of wrapped presents (the pink bicycle being one, entry into the big brotherhood being another) and housemates had to pick a prize? (Well something along those lines anyway).
13:42 / 08.07.06
Ah well, the end of this year's authentically fucked-up nuclear family.

14:52 / 08.07.06
While watching BBBM last night I was suprised at the amount of Richard bile out there. Why is it that people revile him so much? Anyone? He seems like a reasonably normal guy with more good qualities than bad to me. I'm a bit perplexed really.
16:20 / 08.07.06
I am inclined to think it's his accent / manner, in combination with the fact that he doesn't flatter people much.
So, I think that the British feel suspicious of that kind of easy, North American confidence and articulacy. Compare questions and comments from the floor of the Opera Show with the same from the Trisha audience. Brits come across like mumbling, stammering encephalopaths compared with Americans' smooth, assured delivery. It sounds almost rehearsed to our ears. Hence, I think, the perception of fakeness and condescension.

Also, most of the other housemates spend quite a lot of time telling one another how 'amaaaazing' they are. Richard, for all his charm and diplomacy, doesn't actually brown-nose much at all, does he? Which makes his reputation among the plastics for 'arse sucking' even more ironic.
16:59 / 08.07.06
Unlike many on the 'lith, I've actually grown to like Richard (he's one of my faves now, though I hate to admit it having been so vociferous in disliking him earlier in the thread- OK, YOU WERE ALL RIGHT AND I WAS WRONG, OK???), and really didn't take to him at first. But yes, I really don't understand some of the Dickie-hating at all. A lot of it is even out of proportion if looked at through the lens of my original dislike.

The fact that the vote was so close makes me happy for Lea (much as I disliked her, I think she was more "a mess" than "an evil monster"- I just wanted her out, I didn't want her humiliated) but worry for Richard.
17:18 / 08.07.06
I've always liked Dickie, but the extent of the hate and the fact that he only narrowly beat Lea makes me worry that my love is blind. He's currently 66/1 to be outright winner - only Suzie has longer odds (80/1).
19:39 / 08.07.06
While watching BBBM last night I was suprised at the amount of Richard bile out there. Why is it that people revile him so much?

Good question - and we've touched on it a couple of times upthread. I'd agree generally with Smoothly, in that there's a transatlantic dissonance at play, as well as something of an age-related child/adult resentment. I also think some of the bile arises from discomfort/anxiety around the relatively unfamiliar phenomenon of an unapologetically gay male assuming an 'alpha' leadership/parental position.

More on this later.
20:58 / 08.07.06
Although I'm finding Glyn increasingly annoying (ann-noyy-ing), I'm glad he survived Wolverine's attack to the left side of his head.
22:52 / 08.07.06
Anyone else tragic enough to be engrossed in the current situation? In the living room, most of the Housemates are enacting a Jerry Springer Show with Mi-key Mi-key Mi-key as host, Aisleyne as Stripper Mom, Imogen as Boring Self-Righteous Sister, Pete as Shagging Two Women Fiance and Spoiral as Aisleyne's Mooning Punter. All of which is coming across as a sort of bizarre psychodrama.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Nikki seems to be gripped by a crying jag that's going on for ages, about God knows what. Richard's doing his best to hug and soothe her and eat a bowl of cereal at the same time. He's additionally hampered by Jayne - possible the worst conflict-resolver evar!1 - who, in attempting to crowbar herself into the drrrama, is aggravating everything.

Nikki's threatening to leave because of her. Aisleyne? I thought they'd made up...
Mike Modular
22:54 / 08.07.06
Heh, housemates currently acting out their own Jerry Springer-style show (quite amusingly) and it looks like there's been more coiffery. Pete is now actually Stoatie...

23:00 / 08.07.06
That frightens me a little.
Alex's Grandma
23:01 / 08.07.06
No, Pete is now Billy Idol! And I claim my £5!

In the midnight hour
He cried "More! More! More!"
23:02 / 08.07.06
Actually, that frightens me a lot, given that I had a haircut last week.

Mike Modular
23:04 / 08.07.06
Guh, crosspost. Yes, I'm that tragic... This juxtaposition of the 'real' and 'pretend' dramas is great stuff.

Aw, the Mikey show's over. Getting the feeling things are about to start up in the bathroom, very soon... Oh, no, Aisleyne's left. This typing as you watch thing's harder than I thought.
Mike Modular
23:09 / 08.07.06
Wouldn't that be:

In the midnight hour
He cried "Wankers! Wankers! Wankers!"
23:12 / 08.07.06
I shall be relying on a good commentary from you, Barbelith, as I've decided my only hope of finally getting a good night's sleep is to NOT WATCH. Therefore, I shall drink beer and smoke dope while watching a Dario Argento movie. It will have a definite end point, and probably be less disturbing.

So mark my words... when I get up tomorrow (or when I drunkenly check this thread again on my way to bed), I shall expect a good rundown on what I missed. Otherwise it'll be down to the reprobates on Digital Spy, and a lot of them aren't very nice people.

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