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Big Brother 2006


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Tryphena Absent
21:15 / 05.07.06
Yay Aisleyne's dad defends his daughter on BBBM!
21:16 / 05.07.06
Yeah, Aisleyne's father on BBBM was sooopurb.
21:17 / 05.07.06
I'm a little wary of suggesting that a given person may not be genuine, because that seems to feed into the common House sentiment that individuals, in their entirety are "fake" (replicants? pod people?) I know it's linguistic pedantry on my part, but perhaps we need to be more specific about the hows and circumstances of Housemates appearing inauthentic (since, presumably, we don't believe anyone is inauthentic at all times and in all situations).

Okay, fair enough. What I meant was that I'm occasionally dubious as to whether his "caring" side (his sterling work trying to smooth the waters between Lea and Ais last week, for example) is actually a "g*m*pl*n" side. In this case, I don't think it matters- Aisleyne just needs some reassuring. Even if it's not "real", it just needs to be convincing. (Lea of a few weeks ago would have also been useful- unfortunately she's fucked off to be replaced by a slavering monster of paranoia and lust).
21:22 / 05.07.06
Because from where I was sitting he was throwing a bit of a petulant silent strop while doing the dishes, Spiral explaining to him that actually, dude, if you wanted to go in there and you knew that was what was going to happen to the two people being 'evicted', you should probably have said something at the time instead of moaning about it after the fact.

I think "petulant silent strop" might be overstating it somewhat. As far as I could see, Jonathan said something along the lines of "I don't agree with Aisleyne's decision, but..." and that was pretty much it. From that, it's difficult to know exactly what he was disagreeing with; the fact that Spoiral was "explaining" a particular angle to him doesn't necessarily mean that was the gist of his disagreement, Spoiral having a tendency to talk whether or not there's actual dialogue.

The fact that Spooiral was shaken by Aisleyne's treatment by BB, and stayed with her rather than gambolling with the other Housemates impresses me, though.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:22 / 05.07.06
I am so fucked off right now. I've been of the opinion that Aisleyne has had a rough deal from 'Endemol' anyway - as Richard is to Ganesh, perhaps, so she is to me, except I tend to agree about Richard as well and G may well agree with me - for example, on BBLB today they had some woman going on about how she talks "ghetto", that tired, inaccurate, classist, crypto-racist nonsense AGAIN, and this was followed by a montage designed to show how Aisleyne has apparently "turned nasty" (because she did two things long overdue, i.e. called Lea out on her victim mentality and called Nikki's "we were just... experimenting" reminiscences out as boring). Now they've just totally put her through the emotional wringer, showing no regard at all for what she was going through, just needing to keep pushing it further, keep to their schedule.

Davina, who has been bugging me for a while now (and yes, I'm sorry I ever defended her), looked slightly uncomfortable but nowhere near as fucking uncomfortable as she should have been. Well done Jonathan for sticking up for Aisleyne and backing her to win, well done Spiral for his genuine anger, and a big FUCK YOU I WILL COME AND KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP to the people in Big Mouth audience I just heard STILL claiming the woman is fake (have they never seen a genuinely distraught person in their lives? - well, there's still time, and I have a mirror), and the same to Jayne unless her "I don't want her in here!" comment was replaced by some measure of human sympathy on seeing the state Aisleyne was in.

I'm pleased that Lea at least was comforting her, annoyed it has to be her and not Jayne or Nikki we vote out, although I imagine Lea would have turned on her again in time.

Aisleyne TO WIN - it's the only defensible result.
21:27 / 05.07.06
What I meant was that I'm occasionally dubious as to whether his "caring" side (his sterling work trying to smooth the waters between Lea and Ais last week, for example) is actually a "g*m*pl*n" side.

I don't think it's always that easy to draw a distinction between 'genuinely caring' and g*m*pl*n - just as altruism and self-interest aren't always distinct entities. I suspect it's simply the way Richard gets through life: being troubled-water-smoothing makes him feel good and, more often than not, it probably makes others feel good too. I tend not to think it's part of a conscious routine exclusively for the folks back home.
21:29 / 05.07.06
a big FUCK YOU I WILL COME AND KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP to the people in Big Mouth audience I just heard STILL claiming the woman is fake (have they never seen a genuinely distraught person in their lives? - well, there's still time, and I have a mirror)

Fly, whatever you do, don't go on DS right now. Well, unless you're armed and know where these people live.

And yes, people's "oh, she's a bitch really" volte-face does seem largely based on her "bridge-burning" attack on Lea and Nikki- which, as far as I could tell, contained not a single untruth. In Lea's case, especially, if someone had said that to her right at the beginning she may not have become the insufferable mess she is now.

Aisleyne's been my clear favourite for a while now... after tonight she's gone further ahead in my estimation.
21:32 / 05.07.06
and I do think they've put Asylene through a bit much - she was nominated, thought she was going to be evicted, then thought she WASN'T, then found out there were other housemates, then found out she had to evict them, then found out oh wait you don't have to they're going next door, then found out oh wait you do have to get rid of one really, and as soon as that's done and you're a quivering human wreck, time to go face all the people that 'evicted' you.

As far as I know, it's a tried and tested interrogation/brainwashing technique (I'm thinking cops and cults here), the highs and the lows in quick succession- purely because it works. It breaks people.
The Falcon
21:32 / 05.07.06
Yeah, I felt a kind of immediate hate toward the BBBMers (it really is Kilroy) who levelled their various bullshit condemnations at Aisleyne, and - yes - want her to win. Do like Richard, but I think there's pretty much no chance, bit worried about this week truth be told.
21:33 / 05.07.06
I've been of the opinion that Aisleyne has had a rough deal from 'Endemol' anyway - as Richard is to Ganesh, perhaps, so she is to me, except I tend to agree about Richard as well and G may well agree with me

Yes, I think we're natural allies here, Flyboy; I'd be happy to see Aisleyne win. The BBBM audience seems, at time, to have been hand-picked by Digital Spy: one suspects that if someone were actually physically pulped by their fellow Housemates, they'd slow-handclap them for their great 'acting'.
21:35 / 05.07.06
Do like Richard, but I think there's pretty much no chance, bit worried about this week truth be told.

I think there is. There's a lot of Dickie-hate out there. Keep voting.
21:36 / 05.07.06
It breaks people.

Which is disturbing in and of itself watching Aisylene cry uncontrollably.
21:38 / 05.07.06
Silent shots of empty garden - presumably because the fallout's still happening. Creepy.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:38 / 05.07.06
I just called it: the live feed is a shot of an empty garden, because God knows what's happening in there now. Aisleyne getting counselling and being begged/bribed not to walk (would Spiral go with her?), would not be implausible. Stupid, stupid fuckers. You'd think they'd have learnt something from the LAST time they put housemates who'd been "evicted" back in...
Mourne Kransky
21:39 / 05.07.06
Pictures of the gleaming blue swimming pool on the live feed. Guess Aisleyne's still sobbing uncontrollably.
21:42 / 05.07.06
To me the creepiest thing of this whole affair was Davina calling to the HND and when she said "This is Davina.." no one even looked up because they were so busy crying/comforting each other etc. Followed by Jonathon going up the stairs to face a completely silent space - no cheers no jeers - nothing. While Aisylene sobbed and Spoiral held his head in his hands down below.
21:43 / 05.07.06
Where's Aisleyne? Being counselled?
Spatula Clarke
21:44 / 05.07.06
Hardly the first time that they've overstepped the line and fucked somebody up to the point where things spiralled out of control though, is it?

G: As far as I could see, Jonathan said something along the lines of "I don't agree with Aisleyne's decision, but..." and that was pretty much it. From that, it's difficult to know exactly what he was disagreeing with; the fact that Spoiral was "explaining" a particular angle to him doesn't necessarily mean that was the gist of his disagreement, Spoiral having a tendency to talk whether or not there's actual dialogue.

I'm not sure. What I took away from that exchange - and I don't know if this is from things that were actually said in teh footage or just and impression I got from it - was Jonathon saying that Michale and Jenny shouldn't have been chosen because they effectively demanded it, put Aisleyne in a position where she no longer had any choice in the matter. Which is a fair point, of course, but possibly not the best way to tell somebody that you wish they'd selected you instead. Like Spiral said, what else *could* she have done there? But Jonathon didn't seem to get it - he just repeated the "I'm just saying I disagree, let's leave it at that" in an unconvincing way and left it to fester.
Mourne Kransky
21:44 / 05.07.06
Jayne and Pete doing silly faces and voices and trying to cheer up the other, fairly shocked-looking housemates. I hope somebody punches one or both soon.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:48 / 05.07.06
Jayne's not trying to cheer anyone up - she's getting her digs in, doing fucking IMPRESSIONS of Aisleyne crying, and as yet nobody is telling her to fuck off. Although Richard to his credit did make a "she's dolally!" sign behind her back. She is such a spiteful little shit, and she's going to hold that grudge for as long as she's in the house. Quite the vilest creature ever to be on this show - get her out, and put her head in a blender, pronto.
21:52 / 05.07.06
Hardly the first time that they've overstepped the line and fucked somebody up to the point where things spiralled out of control though, is it?

No, but there's different varieties of "out of control". That felt viscerally different, in that BB wasn't intervening, but dispassionately turning the screw while a group of people sobbed and one bloke left to silence. It's the fact that it all happened at once, I think, and one person was put in the position of taking on (at least notional) responsibility for all the distress. Even Makosi wasn't put in Aisleyne's position.

I'm not sure. What I took away from that exchange - and I don't know if this is from things that were actually said in teh footage or just and impression I got from it - was Jonathon saying that Michale and Jenny shouldn't have been chosen because they effectively demanded it, put Aisleyne in a position where she no longer had any choice in the matter. Which is a fair point, of course, but possibly not the best way to tell somebody that you wish they'd selected you instead.

Also possibly not what Jonathan was 'telling' Spoiral. Self-interest may well have played a part, but there are other reasons to disagree with a decision based on acceding to the demands of others.

Like Spiral said, what else *could* she have done there? But Jonathon didn't seem to get it - he just repeated the "I'm just saying I disagree, let's leave it at that" in an unconvincing way and left it to fester.

"Unconvincing" and "fester" being the moveable comestibles here. I didn't read Jonathan as 'repeating' the point, except to state that he didn't want to discuss it further. The fact that Spoiral did doesn't, for me, necessarily put Jonathan in a negative light.
Tryphena Absent
21:52 / 05.07.06
Completely unconcerned isn't she?

Fits the model for most of the recruitment consultants I've met.
21:54 / 05.07.06
Jayne's not trying to cheer anyone up - she's getting her digs in, doing fucking IMPRESSIONS of Aisleyne crying, and as yet nobody is telling her to fuck off.

Was Jayne definitely imitating Aisleyne there? In the snippet I saw, the sound was off and I couldn't tell whether the fingers-down-eyes thing was a direct dig.
Tryphena Absent
21:55 / 05.07.06
(I used to work at a recruitment agency. Looking at Jayne now I understand why I often used to cry during lunch hour)
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:57 / 05.07.06
Well, not definitely, but it fits the tone - "Why's everyone so upset?" she keeps saying, and then dragging it back to her, always to her. And presumably BB dare not show us what's happening in the bathroom, so we have to hear this bile.

I have to go to bed at some point soon, but then again, I could stay up until I knew Aisleyne was going to be... okay.
22:03 / 05.07.06
Irritating as the endless shots of Jayne are, I'm kinda glad the v1.0 Housemates are giving Aisleyne space, wherever she is. We've now glimpsed Jennie and Spoiral but no sign of the White Queen. This feels a bit like her equivalent of Dickie's HoochGate, but a) times ten, and b) with Big Brother pumping up the stress rather than stepping in to de-escalate.

But obviously both tonight and HoochGate are as nothing compared to Jayne's pain.
Tryphena Absent
22:04 / 05.07.06
Doesn't she know that Jayne is a man's name. The name of the hero of Canton... aaanndd back to reality.
22:05 / 05.07.06
"Why's everyone so upset?"

Because, whatever their many flaws, they are not actual psychopaths.
Mourne Kransky
22:05 / 05.07.06
Would somebody please take Jayne's fucking batteries out and give everybody some peace. Or hire Flyboy to take her out from a nearby rooftop.
22:05 / 05.07.06
Didn't Jayne hate Aisleyne even before she "evicted" her? I seem to remember something (probably in the tabs) that she'd met her during auditions and they really hadn't got on.

I want Spiral to stop being reasonable. He's really making my preconceptions look WRONG. And I don't like being wrong.

A little concerned that since 11 o'clock, I've taken the dog for a walk AND been to the shops to buy beer and there's still no sign of Aisleyne...
Mysterious Transfer Student
22:06 / 05.07.06
Jayne's not trying to cheer anyone up - she's getting her digs in, doing fucking IMPRESSIONS of Aisleyne crying, and as yet nobody is telling her to fuck off.

Holy fug. Is that what she's doing?

If so, my girlfriend would like me to post the following re Jayne: Fuck her in the ear and spit in her face!
22:08 / 05.07.06
as yet nobody is telling her to fuck off

Oh, I am. Unfortunately, she can't hear me. DAMN THIS PRIMITIVE 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY!
Mysterious Transfer Student
22:09 / 05.07.06
I want Spiral to stop being reasonable. He's really making my preconceptions look WRONG. And I don't like being wrong.

Irritatingly, he seems to have ended his practice of looking at Aisleyne the way a dog looks at a piece of steak in favour of his seemingly genuine "I got your back, girl!" compassionate stance. The swine.
22:09 / 05.07.06
Holy fug. Is that what she's doing?

Like Flyboy says, we can't be sure. What she definitely is doing is demonstrating an utter failure to comprehend the squelchy-squelchy salt-water that runs from the eyes of these man-things - and a narcissistic pique that, somehow, it's displaced her (and her suffering) from the centre of attention.
22:11 / 05.07.06
I want Spiral to stop being reasonable. He's really making my preconceptions look WRONG. And I don't like being wrong.

Me neither. I'm hoping tomorrow he'll compose a bad rap about it all, and put me back on track.

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