Re: Eccleston vs. Tennant;
While Eccleston is probably a better actor (Hell if I know, I've only seen him in Who and 28 Days Later) and did have a better backstory, I guess (though Who is Who is Who, ain't he?), the stories weren't as good as the ones in season two. Frankly, I think Tennant's fine, I like the girning (yes, it's spelled with an 'i') and the exaggeratory nature of the character.
So far, though, I've only seen two and a half pre-Eccleston Who stories (I'm an American, you see, and no one over here has heard of Dr. Who), and they're all Tom Baker (and they're not that great, really). And while he's okay, he plays the character too understated for my liking. I'd rather see the Doctor as a larger than life figure...
Anyway. Impossible Planet & Satan Pit were great, my favorites since School Reunion and Girl in the Fireplace. Aside from a few mediocre episodes, this season's been excellent, and I have nothing to base this opinion on other than the show's own merits. Perhaps it's more engaging for new viewers and fans, who don't know anything about the mythology aside from what Wikipedia tells them. |