Tom Baker? Understated performance?
There's something you don't hear everyday.
Do you remember which episodes they were?
Don't want to produce too much threadrot, but... "Pyramids of Mars," "Robots of Death," and "City of Death." Lots of "of Death" back then, I guess. The Doctor seems like he's a fairly passive guy who will occasionally jump into the action somewhat.
I thought "Pyramids" was silly because of the evil android mummies and their deadly uniboobs. "City" had some good dialogue (Douglas Adams, o' course) but dragged on too much, there. "Robots" was pretty fun and actually tense. But, really; Tom Baker = sleepy Doctor.
He (Tennant) even does a mime of the monster toward the end! WTF!!
I loved that bit, myself, but Tennant's completely sold me, by now. I really don't mind the "girning" -- I call that acting. The Doctor, in my mind, is not a granite-faced scholar, but an exaggeratory explorer.
The production schedule for season 3 of Who and season 1 of Torchwood are likely to overlap,
Really? Isn't Torchwood supposed to start in October? I'd imagine they'd have done quite a bit of production by then. I'm thinking they'll bring Jack in to ease a transition to a new companion. If they go that route. |