Fly: I thought the very end was fine, really - you've got to put some kind of teaser in there for something that's on the way, whether it was Torchwood the series or the next Who season, and I was pleased it was something totally unexpected.
I agree on the point that you probably need to have something at the end to hook people in for the next time around and that that something should be unexpected. My complaints are that the tonal shift was precisely the same as at the end of last series - mucho sadness followed by an unexpected appearance and a goofy joke moment - and that what we got wasn't as good as what my head thought we were going to get. But then, I would say that.
All the way through the last two eps I've been waiting for the reappearance, in some form, of the Timelords, because there's only so long that you can keep on with the "I'm the last of my race" stuff before the audience gets tired of it. Sooner or later, newer viewers are going to want some history, some backstory in there besides the odd nod to the fanboy crowd. Sooner or later, the Time War malarkey is going to have to be expanded on significantly, especially if it keeps on getting referenced - and it will keep on getting referenced as long as the Daleks are making their inevitable appearances.
So I had a feeling that the sphere was going to be related to the Time Lords in some way. I suppose it almost was, in the sense that it housed some of their tech. And then the creepy figure in white that turned out to be the Walking Catchphrase, Matt Lucas' female counterpart. In the two seconds before we saw her face I was so hyped for that to be the spirit of somebody from the Doctor's past, beaming in with an emergency signal of some kind. Because, as I say, I really think that something like that has to happen at some point if the show isn't going to be damned to a limited series run or relegation to a different time-slot and channel when RTD jumps ship. |