Just watched the whole season over the last three or so days, and my absolute favourite moment was watching Daleks and Cybermen talk trash at each other. Awesome!
And I really, really, really like Tennant as the Doctor. I couldn't stand him in The Christmas Invasion -- I thought he was trying wayyyyy to hard -- but boy, did he grow on me. I wish he could perhaps dial down the "brain dance" whenever he gets an idea, but that's a small thing -- he can sell both the manic "look-at-meeee!" energy and the deep loneliness that's obviously becoming a big series thing.
I know that people picked up on "I'm so sorry" earlier in this thread (and forgive me for not knowing where exactly, but HEY 37 PAGES) but the other thing I noticed -- perhaps more obvious when you watch the whole thing in relatively quick succession -- is that the other big Season Two thing for the Doctor to do was to abandon people, saying "there's nothing I can do!" and running in the other direction. I can't recall all the examples but it happens at least four times: definitely in New Earth and Tooth and Claw, and also in one of the Cybermen eps and I think in one of the "hey, Satan's in this asteroid" episodes.
Hated "Love & Monsters." Was meh on "Fear the Child" and the "Satan Duology." Loved the Cybermen episodes (especially the actor playing Lumic chewing on the scenery like a fiend) and surprised myself by loving the Queen Victoria episode.
Daleks still give me a little fear-tingle, which is pretty cool.
Now looking for Torchwood... |