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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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21:44 / 28.08.06
The superfluous "The Satan Pit"

Superfluous? Are you MAD???
Lama glama
21:55 / 28.08.06
No! It really is amazing. When watched with the preceeding episode, it's an experience that ranks up with there with such television greats as the final series of Six Feet Under and Buffy at its best.

Time to trawl through this thread and see what you made of it.
Whisky Priestess
09:03 / 29.08.06
Think you are confusing superfluous with superlative, Llama. They are not exactly opposites, but in this context they almost are, hence Stoatie's confusion.

From wordnet:

- otiose: serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being; "otiose lines in a play"; "advice is wasted words"
- excess: more than is needed, desired, or required; "trying to lose excess weight"; "found some extra change lying on the dresser"; "yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant"; "skills made redundant by technological advance"; "sleeping in the spare room"; "supernumerary ornamentation"; "it was supererogatory of her to gloat"; "delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words"; "extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts"; "surplus cheese distributed to the needy"

- an exaggerated expression (usually of praise); "the critics lavished superlatives on it"
- acme: the highest level or degree attainable; the highest stage of development; "his landscapes were deemed the acme of beauty"; "the artist's gifts are at their acme"; "at the height of her career"; "the peak of perfection"; "summer was at its peak"; "...catapulted Einstein to the pinnacle of fame"; "the summit of his ambition"; "so many highest superlatives achieved by man"; "at the top of his profession"
- greatest: highest in quality
the superlative form of an adjective; "`best' is the superlative form of `good'"
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:11 / 29.08.06
I have to say my least favorite episode this season was "Fear Her." I mean, there were a few funny bits--I especially like the Doctor's dislike of cats--but for the most part, it wasn't a very good episode. I won't go into the Paperhouse comparison as that has already been done, but I agree with it.

The only episodes I haven't seen are as follows: "Age of Steel," "The Satan Pit," "Army of Ghosts/Doomsday."
Mister Six, whom all the girls
14:37 / 29.08.06
The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel two-parter is probably the best those monsters have been since the 60's or in the 80's with Earthshock at least. Still... that ain't saying much. Cybermen get some pretty crap stories. This time they get an on-screen origin, some solid direction from Graham Harper, good music... Best shot at a classic Cybermen story since Tomb. No spoilers from me.

Impossible Planet/Satan Pit is perhaps the best of the season aside from Girl in the Fireplace. I won't go into why to spare you spoilers but it's got atmosphere and the guest actors are top notch.

The finale... well... I might be the only person on this board that hated it so I'll just say that the chances are you'll love it to bits.

Fear Her had really great Doctor moments and perhaps the most restrained and competent performance from David all season.

To Classic Series fans, Fear Her had a 'Survival' feel to it from the unusual domestic setting which is a pleasant change of pace. But the ending is possibly the worst ever. The inclusion of the Olympics felt forced and annoying as Hell.

Season 2 starts on Sci-Fi soon, doesn't it?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:07 / 29.08.06
It starts September 29th.

I saw the Impossible Planet and was mad when I couldn't download the second part.

I've seen the end of Doomsday already and I cried like a girl.
18:04 / 29.08.06
Impossible planet/satan pit was probably my favourite from this season probably because it was both a gripping story and the closest to oldskool who that we've yet seen, with earth finally being left behind...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:13 / 29.08.06
Believe me, sleaze, I would really really like to see the second part.
20:10 / 29.08.06
I cried like a girl


1. You are a girl
2. There's nothing wrong with crying.
3. Girls do it no more or less than 'boys' and to suggest so is perpetuating an already outdated myth and stereotype.
20:23 / 29.08.06
Most of the episodes in Season Two made me cry like, well, a baby.

A baby GIRL.

Whisky- aha. Yes, if "superlative" was the intended word, then I'm in total agreement with Llama. I think I was either too drunk or too at work to second-guess, though. Impossible Planet/Satan Pit was some of the best Who I've ever seen. Ever.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:34 / 29.08.06
When I say cry like a girl, I'm not denigrating our gender, olulabelle.

And I think my favorite Who episode this season is School Reunion, if only for the sheer nostalgia of it.
20:57 / 29.08.06
Impossible Planet/Satan Pit was some of the best Who I've ever seen. Ever.

Yes, Stoatie. Yes it was.

Believe me, sleaze, I would really really like to see the second part.

Yes, Kali. Yes you would.

Hrmmmmm..... you're putting me in the mood to watch some Who for the first time since the season was over. Even hunched in front of this tiny monitor in a room full of boxes and mattresses.

Might go for Girl in the Fireplace, or the IP/SP two-fister, but then again...... I might likes me some Eccleston, and I don't think I've watched any of that since Tennant came on the scene........

Lama glama
21:26 / 29.08.06
Er, yeah..superlative. My stupid.

Unfortunately, I missed Fear Her tonight. Does anybody that did catch the re-run think it holds up, or does it all fall apart into the over-lit heap of tedium that I fear it might be?
21:30 / 29.08.06
It definitely has good bits.

It definitely has bad bits too.

Worth it for the scribble monster and The Doctor's family revelation.
21:36 / 29.08.06
Still not seeing why that's a revelation. It was mentioned in the first part of 'Doctor Who and Are You My Mummy?' and, natch, the original series. And not just by Hartnell...
21:37 / 29.08.06
I think it's one of those episodes that really divides. Personally I liked it because I like the concept of drawing your 'victims' and like iamus I adored the scribble monster.

But I think I might be more of a tin foil and latex type Who fan and this just didn't have enough of that.
21:55 / 29.08.06
I liked Fear Her because of the scribble monster and all the stuff nicked from Paper House (Who is at its best when stealing stuff and using it properly, imho). I disliked it because of the Olympics stuff, the London Olympics being a peronal hatred of mine.

Overall I liked it, but... I wish it hadn't had the Olympics stuff.
01:39 / 30.08.06
It might not be a revelation then, but the scene and the way it's delivered is great.
Mister Six, whom all the girls
12:52 / 30.08.06
"But personally I think I might be more of a tin foil and latex type Who fan and this just didn't have enough of that."

Used to be on that usenet group... what was your 'handle'?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
12:58 / 30.08.06
In "Fear Her," I have to admit though the Olympics stuff was crap, I still liked the shit-eating, pleased-as-punch grin on Tennant's face as he carried the torch. Amused the hell out of me.
13:58 / 30.08.06
Kali, it's proven at this point you'd like Tennant if he was skull-fucking the remains of a horse.

If Dave's hair was nice.

Fear Her doesn't tend to divide people, it divides individuals. Liked the creepy hell house, the scribbloid, Bad Daddy (bit Silent Hill 3 that) and D&R's initial investigations but the Olympic stuff was shit. The director could've done with someone with a slappy hand going "NO!" there.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:30 / 30.08.06
Kali, it's proven at this point you'd like Tennant if he was skull-fucking the remains of a horse.

Wow. Apparently, I managed to piss off Triplets without even realizing it. New superpower, me.
16:13 / 30.08.06
Wow. Apparently, I managed to piss off Triplets without even realizing it.

He's allergic to other people's enthusiasm.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:48 / 30.08.06
And yet I find the comment so funny that I'm going to use it as my new quote on my Myspace page.
20:21 / 30.08.06
Kali, it's proven at this point you'd like Tennant if he was skull-fucking the remains of a horse.

Coincidentally, that's going to be the crux of a major two-parter next season.
20:30 / 30.08.06
The director could've done with someone with a slappy hand going "NO!" there.

Kindly take this to the "What we'd really like Jo Frost to do to us" thread. Me, I'm with Kali. I loathed Fear Her and Idiot's Lantern, but Doctor Dave was still great in them.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
20:48 / 30.08.06
Thanks for the back-up.

Tennant skull-fucking a horse carcass in a Series Three two-parter?

Set your TIVOs to stunned. ;p
01:20 / 31.08.06
It's probably worth noting that we're talking about an EVIL horse.
06:18 / 31.08.06
"Dead horses! What are you like? You're brilliant, aren't you? Three thousand years of being domesticated by humans has made you push the boundaries, eat so much hay! Then die! I love you guys."
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
12:55 / 31.08.06
I read cube's post first thing this morning as I get into work and I cannot stop's so very Tennant's voice.

Excuse me while I curl up and giggle until I may die....
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
10:19 / 11.11.06
Just watched the whole season over the last three or so days, and my absolute favourite moment was watching Daleks and Cybermen talk trash at each other. Awesome!

And I really, really, really like Tennant as the Doctor. I couldn't stand him in The Christmas Invasion -- I thought he was trying wayyyyy to hard -- but boy, did he grow on me. I wish he could perhaps dial down the "brain dance" whenever he gets an idea, but that's a small thing -- he can sell both the manic "look-at-meeee!" energy and the deep loneliness that's obviously becoming a big series thing.

I know that people picked up on "I'm so sorry" earlier in this thread (and forgive me for not knowing where exactly, but HEY 37 PAGES) but the other thing I noticed -- perhaps more obvious when you watch the whole thing in relatively quick succession -- is that the other big Season Two thing for the Doctor to do was to abandon people, saying "there's nothing I can do!" and running in the other direction. I can't recall all the examples but it happens at least four times: definitely in New Earth and Tooth and Claw, and also in one of the Cybermen eps and I think in one of the "hey, Satan's in this asteroid" episodes.

Hated "Love & Monsters." Was meh on "Fear the Child" and the "Satan Duology." Loved the Cybermen episodes (especially the actor playing Lumic chewing on the scenery like a fiend) and surprised myself by loving the Queen Victoria episode.

Daleks still give me a little fear-tingle, which is pretty cool.

Now looking for Torchwood...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
13:17 / 11.11.06
Shepherd, where have you been? You're so behind but thanks for joining.

Speaking of Torchwood, I need to catch up.

Tennant's twee-ness totally infects you.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
13:58 / 11.11.06
Oh -- having watched the first ep of Torchwood and all of Season 2 -- Doctor Who Music Person, the "quick run up the strings" yeeeeEEEEEEEEEENNNK!!!! effect was getting old back when the X-Files was using it. Having it three or four times a show and on every "dramatic! zoom!" really doesn't help.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:13 / 11.11.06
But "Song for Ten" is sweet.

I don't really pay that much attention to the music unless it was in "The Parting of the Ways" and "Doomsday."

I winced at all the ELO in "Love & Monsters." (Which I liked better than "Fear Her.")
Lama glama
16:32 / 11.11.06
I think Murray Gold gets a hard time of it. I was pretty nasty about some of his compositions in season 1, when it was mostly stuff created using a lot of synth sounds, but I think he has improved vastly. A lot of his musical themes are incredibly catchy, exciting and moving when necessary. I love the "Downloading" theme that's in School Reunion. Now that he has almost full use of an orchestra I can't find much fault with his composing.

I'll be getting the soundtrack on the third of December, and of course, I'll be picking up the season 2 boxed-set (with sneak preview of The Runaway Bride, I hope) on November 20th.

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