"Erm... Man, I don't know. Someone slipped me a roofie..."
You recount the traumas of the day in a self-pitying fashion to Agent Highgraves, at one point bursting into tears and asking for some alcohol.
Highgraves, now only bothering to point one of his guns at you, looks distinctly unimpressed, bordering on disgusted.
Changing tack, you pull out some of your money and offer to buy him a drink, in exchange for him filling you in on what the hell's going on around here.
"Much as I'd love to", he says, voice dripping with sarcasm, "I've got a job to do. Now get the hell out of my way."
You stand aside, but not in time to stop him shoving you aside quite hard as he walks South towards the rear of the restaurant. He turns back momentarily to address Maya:
"I can't believe this is who you wanted to come dancing with us."
You try to pull yourself together a bit, and turn to Maya, putting on your best I'm-really-not-a-fuckwit expression, and smiling winningly as if you didn't just lose it. You say:
"Please forgive my addled state, goth disguise - which is a disguise, by the way - and general complete stupidity. Can I buy you a drink?"
She sighs, and looks at you with something approaching pity.
"Look, I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea... But John, he's my -"
From the back of the restaurant, you hear Highgraves shout "Gregory, you SICK FUCK!" - and then a deafening burst of gunfire. |