There is no disco here to hit.
"Could I have a beer?", you ask, slumping onto the sofa.
"Sure", says Caroline, and exits through a door to the North that leads to a kitchen area. You take in your surroundings some more, and see that there is also a door to a bedroom to the South, one to the West, and a door to a bathroom to the South-West.
You search down the back of the sofa for a zombie-killing shilellagh, and find nothing. Nothing, that is, except for the remote control for the television, and a large brass coin. Michael looks at the coin in your hand, and shrugs.
"Must predate either of us living here", he says, "And that's not local currency. Keep it." You put the coin in your pocket.
"Hello Michael", you say. "What are you doing with all that hi tech gadgetry and gizmos?"
"I'm making an unscheduled withdrawal from the First Bank of the Mainland", he says, turning back to tap away at a keypad. "Their security software isn't bad really, but you'd think they would have upgraded after the last time I burned 'em."
Caroline returns with two cans of Heidegger beer, opens them and offers you one. You take the beer and have a sip, thus taking more drugs, since alcohol is a drug.
You ask if there's any chance you could crash out here, as you're feeling very tired.
"As long as you don't mind sleeping on the floor in my room", says Caroline. "Michael will be up all night in here and at some point he'll start listening to Belgian gabba loud enough to keep you awake if you stay in this room." |