You unselfishly clamber up to ride in the back of the pick-up with the motorcycle. Ludacris and Caroline retake their seats, and Luda throws the truck into reverse and executes a three-point turn, throwing you about in the back and almost hitting a tree. Before long, he's got the truck pointed in the right direction and you're headed South.
After a while, you reach a crossroads. The truck makes a hard left - again bouncing you around between hard bits of metal - and takes the path that heads North-East. This path was not indended for vehicles of this nature, but your driver handles the terrain with aplomb. Sadly neither the truck's suspension nor your own can be said to do the same.
As the path curves East, you eventually settle for lying on your back jammed between the bike and a pile of rope, with your satchel as a headrest. From here you can see the path speeding away behind you, and the canopy of the trees towering up on either side.
You also have an excellent view when something enormous, shaped like a dinosaur and made of metal stomps across the path just behind the truck, crossing from one side of the jungle to the other, knocking down several small trees in the process. Ludacris drives on regardless, leading you to conclude that either a) this is a regular occurence around here, b) he didn't see it in his rear-view, or c) you are hallucinating.
After ten minutes or so, the truck comes to a stop. Luda and Caroline disembark and, after checking for any broken bones, so do you.
You are standing in a clearing in the jungle. It's not very clear, though, as there is a Party going on. Flaming torches on poles illuminate the area. To the North and to the South are rows of hastily-assembled wooden shacks, three on each side. The ones on the North side seem to be bars, serving liquid of various kinds. The ones of the South are huts, serving as-yet unknown purposes.
To the East, immediately in front of you are about thirty to forty people standing around sipping drinks and talking or, further East, dancing. Further East still is a makeshift DJ booth and, beyond that, you can see a path leading down to the Beach. To the West, the path you just arrived on leads back into the jungle.
"Take notes of the brand new dance", says Ludacris, indicating the crowd. |