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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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Tryphena Absent
20:08 / 13.09.05
Smile in a predatory fashion. Ask to use the bathroom.
Tryphena Absent
20:09 / 13.09.05
But before you use it challenge Michael to find your identity out using his computer, say "are you really that good?" to him.
Regrettable Juvenilia
21:18 / 13.09.05
"Where do you want me to look?", Michael asks.
Tryphena Absent
21:27 / 13.09.05
"Wherever you want to!" Give Michael the come hither eye.
Alex's Grandma
00:34 / 14.09.05
Thank her very much for her kind offer of hospitality. Tell her she has a really cool flat. Fail to drop trousers, pour beer on head and explain, in detail, that her last lover was a loser (eleven!)

Teh computer I am sure that you know the routine.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:13 / 14.09.05
"Wherever you want to!", you tell Michael. He rolls his eyes at your unhelpfulness and turns back to the computer monitor before you can give him "the come hither eye". Also, you don't have any such eyes in your inventory.

"Try the Abraham Facility", says Caroline, who has clearly been paying more attention than you have.

"Oooh, a challenge", says Michael, and immediately starts tapping away furiously at his keyboard. "I've been waiting for an excuse to try getting into their files for a while."

You thank Caroline very much for her kind offer of hospitality, and tell her she has a really cool flat.

"No problem", she says. "Yeah, it's not bad, this place. Nice location. Do you want to listen to some music?"
09:58 / 14.09.05
"Yeah, but not Belgian Gabba if that's OK with Michael. Will you be the DJ and titillate my ears with terrific trance tunes? I think I've got a weakness for early nineties ambient but my memory's not what it once was."
Look at their music collection with an eye for The Orb's Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld
Tryphena Absent
10:04 / 14.09.05
Stop! What were you thinking? You hate the Orb, have you been overtaken by a madman? You start looking for your favourite Status Quo album instead.
10:16 / 14.09.05
No, wait, ask if she's got Purple Rain!
Lord Morgue
10:42 / 14.09.05
Play some Baaaaaarnsie! (BARP)
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:46 / 14.09.05
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:06 / 14.09.05
You say:


"Follow me then", says Caroline. "My music is in here."

She exits through the door to the West. The door has a sign pinned up that says GEFAHR! Hochspannung!

"Off you go", says Michael. "I'll let you know if I find anything interesting, like files about amnesiac missing persons and shit."
11:06 / 14.09.05
No no, look for Echo and the Bunnymen, particularly their hit album "Ballyhoo". Do it!
Disco is My Class War
13:05 / 14.09.05
Examine bedroom.

Say, "So, do you find you can't listen to your own albums after they're released?"

If she says yes, ask if she could put on I Com.

If she says no, ask her to choose the music.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:31 / 14.09.05
You cannot examine Caroline's bedroom unless you follow her into it.

So you do.

The room is small, but more stylishly furnished than what you've seen of the flat so far. The carpet is thick and black. The walls are painted a pleasant shade of dark blue. There is a framed poster of Frank Sinatra on one wall.

The only furniture in the room consists of a bed, and a bedside table on which there is an ashtray, an alarm clock, a small statue of Bast, and a music system.

The bed is upholstered in black silk. There are small metal hoops embedded into the headboard and the bottom of the bed, just the kind of things one could attach ropes or hooks to. The bed is the only place to sit, so you sit down on it, whilst Caroline fiddles with the music system.

There are several piles of books and CDs on the floor by the bed.

You say, "So, do you find you can't listen to your own albums after they're released?"

"Wow", she says, "I haven't really thought about that since I washed up on this island."

You examine the CD copy of I Com that is lying in one pile of CDs. It smells of salt and has a piece of seaweed stuck to the box.

You pass the CD to Caroline and she puts it on. The beginning of 'Professional Distortion' fills the room.

The only exit is to the East, but something tells teh Computer that won't be of any relevance in the immediate future.
P. Horus Rhacoid
20:25 / 14.09.05
Ask Caroline how she came to wash up on the island.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:11 / 15.09.05
"It's a long story", she says, sitting down on the bed next to you, taking off her shoes, and lighting a cigarette. "Are you sure you can be bothered to hear it now?"
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:16 / 15.09.05
Lie back, adopt expression and body language of sensitive listener, and reply 'if you'd like to tell me, of course I would'...
Goodness Gracious Meme
16:17 / 15.09.05
Remove shoes also.
Alex's Grandma
17:56 / 15.09.05
But ask her what else she'd have in mind, if she's too tired for long stories.
8===>Q: alyn
19:50 / 15.09.05
Lord Morgue
09:09 / 16.09.05
Whisky Priestess
11:15 / 16.09.05
Ask her if she or Michael have a mobile phone charger that will fit your phone.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:09 / 16.09.05
Then find a hairbrush and sing the entirety of The Bangles' 'In Your Room' to her, maintaining eye contact throughout.
17:22 / 16.09.05
(How could anyone resist us?)
Alex's Grandma
00:26 / 17.09.05
Also, ask her what she thinks about the relationship between Pete, the bellhop, and his super-model lady love - Is he a bad influence on her, or would she have been going out with him anyway? Pete's officially off the brown, and the white, but is he really?

Whisper quietly to self 'Pete it's no good...'

Then explain that however bad the injuries by the zombies etc were, one'd never resort to smack, horse, unless coralled, hit hard into into having some.

Then awaken from silent reverie, and ask gain, huskily, about where she gets her hair done, and why it looks so nice.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:35 / 19.09.05
You take off your own shoes, lean back on the bed, and adopt the expression and body language of a sensitive listener.

You say:

"If you'd like to tell me, of course I would.."

"Maybe some other time", says Caroline.

You can see no hairbrush here, and you don't remember the words to The Bangles' 'In Your Room'. You settle for maintaining eye contact as much as possible.

You try to think about Pete Doherty but he does not maintain your attention. You stammer: "Where do you get your hair done, and why does it look so nice?"

"My friend Shane cuts it - she's great!", says Caroline. "But let's not talk about haircuts."

You ask her what else she might have in mind.

"You seem smart enough", she replies, grabbing the lapels of your shirt, ripping it open, and then effortlessly pinning you to the bed by holding your wrists above your head with one hand, while the other unzips your trousers. "I'm sure you'll figure it out."

You decide that you will ask her if she or Michael have a mobile phone charger that will fit your phone some other time.

At this point, teh Computer would like to divert the casual viewers' attention elsewhere, as we pan up across the wall to the Frank Sinatra poster with the sounds of half-hearted struggling, groans, mewls, and such and such in the background. A less polite Computer might quote apposite lyrics from the chorus of the song 'Frank Sinatra', or perhaps something by another of those filthy electro types, like Peaches or Avenue D. Suffice to say, the night continues in memorable fashion, as you are subjected to and subject Caroline to (in a ratio according to personal taste) a wide range of perversions, not all of them familiar, but none of them unpleasant.

And then, finally, sore but satisfied, you sleep.

You are asleep.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:36 / 19.09.05
There follows a short interlude.

(Teh Computer would also like to point out that slashfic about real people is sick and WRONG, and any resemblance between characters in TAGE#1 and real live celebrities is purely coincidental.)
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:12 / 20.09.05
Examine dreams.
Whisky Priestess
07:46 / 20.09.05
Then wake up.

Then ask her if she or Michael have a mobile phone charger that will fit your phone.

I'm not giving up until I have an answer, you know.
10:54 / 20.09.05
Try to make the question sound like a somewhat esoteric suggestion that Michael join us.
Lord Morgue
12:43 / 20.09.05
Serve her breakfast in bed before you start badgering the poor thing with your perverse mobile phone fetishes, you uncouth bastards!
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:07 / 21.09.05
You dream.

Your first dream is unclear. Hazy.

What's that you can see?

Wait, it's gone...
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:11 / 21.09.05
In your second dream, you are strapped down on a cold metal table. Andre Gregory looks down on you wearing a white medical smock, and fiddling with some kind of scalpel. There is someone else here, but you can't make them out.

"Dishonesty is a terrible thing", says Mr Gregory. "Our world is full of people who lie to not only each other, but also themselves, all the time, just because they think it's the accepted thing to do. With that in mind, I'm not going to tell you that this won't hurt."

He leans down towards you, scalpel at the ready.

"In point of fact, it's going to hurt an awful lot."

You scream, and the dream fades away into white blankness.
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:15 / 21.09.05
In your third dream, you are sitting in the back of a bus filled with zombie passengers. They are all muttering some kind of mantra. It's not clear at first, but after a while, you can make out them singing:

"Father Abraham... Had many sons... Many sons had Father Abraham... I am one... And so are you..."

"Hey, let me off!", you cry, but the bus driver doesn't turn round.

You look out of the window, and see a magic horse galloping alongside the bus, throwing up clouds of dust as its hooves pound the dry dirt road.

You stand up and push your way past the zombie passengers, until you're next to the driver.

You say "I said, let me off!", and clamp your hand on the driver's shoulder. The driver turns to face you.

The dream ends.

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