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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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Lord Morgue
12:41 / 21.08.05
Dial time service.
(Damn, people, I'd hate to be waiting on a date with any of you!)
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:24 / 21.08.05
[Indeed. With that in mind...]

You lean over the front desk and examine the telephone behind it. It is white and made of plastic. There is a small list of 'Useful numbers' printed on a piece of card, mounted above the keypad. You scan the list and see:

Dial 9 for outside line

And below that:

Speaking clock: 718

You pick up the receiver, press 9 for an outside line, then key in 7, 1, and 8. The phone rings twice, and then you hear a monotonous voice with an American accent say:

"At the third stroke, the time sponsored by NecroTech will be... eleven... fifty-five... pm... and... thirty seconds.."


"...Monster Island Time. Beep. Beep. BEEP."

You hang up. Then you notice something else, lower down on the list of 'Useful numbers'.

Speaking clock (British Standard Time): 616

You life the receiver, press 9 for an outside line, then 6, 1, and 6 again. The phone rings twice, and then you hear a monotonous voice with a British accent say:

"At the third stroke, the time sponsored by GeoComTex will be... seven... fifteen... pm... and... two seconds, British Standard Time. Beep. Beep. BEEEP."

Alex's Grandma
15:03 / 21.08.05
Go to lift. Press call button. Get into lift this time. Ask for second floor.
Alex's Grandma
15:36 / 21.08.05
Ask bellhop if he happens to know anyone who's got some of teh smack. And, with the date in mind, for a couple of tips on impressing teh ladies.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:38 / 21.08.05
You go North-West towards the lift. You press the button to call the lift. Machinery hums into life behind the lift doors as the lift begins to descend.

Time passes.


The lift arrives at the ground floor. The lift doors slide open. There is a bellhop inside the lift.

You enter the lift. The bellhop seems a bit more lucid now.

"Wot floor, guv'nor?"

You ask for the second floor.

"Righty ho! Secon floor coming up!" He presses a button. The lift doors slide shut. You feel the floor begin to rise beneath your feet as the lift moves upwards. "Better than taking the apples and pears, know wot I mean?"
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:46 / 21.08.05
"Smack?" The bellhop's eyes dart guiltily back and forth. "Oh no, sir, I don't use the horse. Not anymore. I've put all that cobblers behind me, know wot I mean? Honest guv. As for the ladies..." His eyes mist over as he reminisces. "I knew a lovely girl once. Kate was her name. We were going to get married. But... Well, no use thinking about the past. My advice to you, guv'nor, is to be a bit rock'n'roll, and a bit of a cheeky chappie. And poetry! Poetry always helps. I'm a bit of a poet myself, you know..."


The lift has arrived at the second floor. The lift doors slide open.
Alex's Grandma
16:11 / 21.08.05
Walk along corridor to room 23 singing a Chas and Dave song, and affecting the manner of someone on enough of 'the brown' to think this is a good idea. Put key in lock, open the door, examine the room.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:11 / 21.08.05
You exit the lift. You find yourself in an area with two corridors leading off either side of you, one to the West, one to the East. There is a sign mounted on the wall, with arrows pointing West and East, respectively.

(- Rooms 1-20 & Roof Garden
Rooms 21-40 -)

You follow the arrow East down a dimly-lit corridor. The walls are panelled with dark wood.

After walking a few metres, you come to a door on your left (North). The number '23' is on the door. You unlock the door with your key, open it and enter the room, shutting the door behind you.

You are in Room 23 at the Dancing Bear Inn, a luxury room. It is very nice.

The wallpaper is a black and white striped pattern. The carpet is a thick orange fur.

In the centre of the room sits a bed frame upholstered in alligator skin, with silk orange sheets, and alligator skin pillows. A small wooden gift basket shaped as a boat sits at end of bed.

On the Western side of the room is a chest of drawers. On top of the chest of drawers is a television, a tray bearing a tea set and kettle, and a leaflet.

On the Eastern side of the room is the door to the bathroom, and large closet set into the wall.

The air conditioning pumps chilled vanilla-flavoured scent into the room. This does not entirely cover up a vague smell of chicken fat, which seems to come from the direction of the large window (complete with mosquito net) to the North.
20:22 / 21.08.05
Pour cup of tea. Sip and exmaine leaflet.
22:55 / 21.08.05
Turn on television.
Whisky Priestess
23:35 / 21.08.05

Enter bathroom.

Examine own face in mirror.

Face inventory.
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:22 / 22.08.05
In order to be able to pour a cup of tea, you would need to plug in the kettle, switch it on, wait for it to boil, put a teabag in a cup, and so on.

So you do all this. Then out of some half-remembered impulse, you add milk and one lump of sugar. While you wait for your tea to cool, you sit down on the bed and peruse the leaflet. It consists of four pages including the cover.

The cover says:

The Dancing Bear Welcomes You!

And there is a picture:

You sip your tea and open the leaflet. On the inside, the following is written in a flowery font on the right-hand side of the page:

It is a truth universally acknowledged that the Dancing Bear Inn (established 1905) is the finest place to stay in the village of Bastard, and the second finest place to stay on Monster Island as a whole. It is a port of call, a home away from home for artists, musicians, hired assassins, diplomats, hustlers, entrepreneurs, and wanderers. Whether you're here on business, as part of some kind of baroque amnesiac revenge quest, or just sight-seeing, we hope you enjoy your stay! Our staff are always keen to help. If there's anything you need, just pick up the phone and dial 7!


The Management

You notice that there is a phone on a small table next to the bed, which you had previously failed to notice for some reason.

The left-hand side of the page lists a couple of the hotel's special features:

The Bar
Have a drink with some of the unique bohemian characters who frequent the Dancing Bear Inn! Take in one of the regular shows, which range from piano-playing troubadors to poets and burlesque magicians - and, of course, our famous Dancing Bear himself! Feel free to engage our bar staff in conversation - they're generally very attractive and full of stories!

The Roof Garden
Our wonderful roof garden provides a great view of the village and the surrounding jungle. Some people even claim to have seen strange, inconceivable sights from there, including flying horses, zombie gorillas and the mythical Monster Island monster!

The back cover consists of the menu for the restaurant downstairs, which you have already read.

You finish your tea, and turn on the television.

"While Miranda was dating an ass, Samantha was taking it up the ass..."

The preset channel is currently showing an episode of Sex In The City.

"Later that week, I found myself wondering... Can a rich woman and a poor man ever be happy?"

You shudder and turn off the television.

Suddenly, you hear a sound.

doot-doot. beep-beep.

It sounds like a mobile phone ringtone.
Regrettable Juvenilia
00:29 / 22.08.05
It sounds as if the ringtone noise is coming from the East. You enter the bathroom. While you're there, you look in the mirror. You're not bad-looking, really. Not a trustworthy face, but an intriguing one. You have:

- a nose
- two eyes
- a mouth
- two ears
- short dark hair

On second thoughts, that sound isn't coming from the bathroom.
Eloi Tsabaoth
08:26 / 22.08.05
w. Search for hidden mobile phone.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:30 / 22.08.05
There's a mystery going on, and you're going to solve it. After looking behind the door and pulling back the shower curtain in the bathroom, you walk back into the room. You check under the bed, then under the dresser. There's no sign of any mobile phone.

Is there anywhere else you'd like to look?
09:18 / 22.08.05
Look under carpet for phone.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:58 / 22.08.05
The carpet has been well-fitted. You won't be able to look under it without using some kind of tool to take it up, and incurring several hundred dollah worth of damage.

Besides, the ringing sound doesn't sound like it's coming from the floor. It sounds like it's coming from the East.

doot-doot. beep-beep.
Eloi Tsabaoth
10:00 / 22.08.05
open closet. enter closet.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:09 / 22.08.05
You look at the closet.
You walk up to the closet.
You're close up to the closet.
Now you're at the closet.
Now you're opening the closet.

There's a man in the closet.
10:10 / 22.08.05
Exam man.

Say to man, "Hello."
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:20 / 22.08.05
Well now he's staring at you like as if he was staring in the mirror. You stare back.

He is a tall man, apparently of Afro-Caribbean descent, with tightly braided hair. He is wearing a black suit over a purple shirt, which is undone to reveal a grey vest. He has a long face, in both senses. He has a tiny, very modern mobile phone in one hand, and a gun in the other - but he isn't pointing the gun at you. Yet.

"Hello", you say.

He says "Mister, we can work this out. There's a reason I'm in this closet."
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:49 / 22.08.05
Whistle, and then say to man "Why are you in the closet"
Goodness Gracious Meme
11:21 / 22.08.05
(whistling of course, 'In The Closet' by Michael Jackson)
11:22 / 22.08.05
Phone Chuck.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:46 / 22.08.05
You do not know anyone called Chuck.

You put your lips together and blow, whistling a little tune. Then you ask him why he's in the closet. He says:

"I want you to see this. I gotta get out this hotel, but not 'til I reveal this secret"

Then he takes his phone and calls someone up himself.




Somebody says "Lord luv a duck, I'm downstairs."

He says "I'm on the 2nd floor in room 23, hurry take the apples and pears."

You wonder, who is this mystery person that he's talking to? He says:

"In time you will know the shocking truth. This is something I’ve been wanting to get off my chest for a long, long time."

There is a knock at the door.
Jack Vincennes
11:50 / 22.08.05
South. Answer door.
Regrettable Juvenilia
12:01 / 22.08.05
Warily, you turn your back on the man in the closet and walk over to the door of your room. You open the door.

The bellhop is standing there.

"Excuse me, please", he says, "but I think I can explain what's going on in here. My name is Pete and I been working with Robert about a year."

You notice that he has a knife.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:22 / 22.08.05
Disarm him with some kick-ass kung-fu stylings.
13:24 / 22.08.05
Then ask him to explain.
14:11 / 22.08.05
Take a 45 degree stance, raising both hands in a "fence". Engage him in deceptive dialogue, and then pre-emptively strike his jaw, with a right cross using the "double hip technique" to ensure concussive power. Then stamp on both his ankles repeatedly, until broken, to prevent him from rising.
Goodness Gracious Meme
14:31 / 22.08.05
Then ask him to explain.
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:32 / 22.08.05
"Sorry mate", says Pete as he advances on you, cut-throat razor in hand, "Nuffink personal. It's just that I've tried being a rent boy, a rock'n'roll star and a bellhop, and none of it pays enough to feed my little... habits. Being a hired goon, on the other hand, well, that pays very nicely. And the people who want you of the picture, guv'nor..." He winks, horribly. "They pay very, very nicely indeed. I can make a nice bit of bunce from this."

"Just shut up and stab him, Pete", says Robert, who is now pointing his gun at your head.

"Don't give me no fackin' orders!" snaps Pete, and for a moment he turns to face his partner-in-crime, gesticulating with his blade. You take the opportunity to kick the knife out of his hand.

"Freeze, asshole!"

There is a loud bang and you lose all hearing in your right ear as Robert fires his gun at your head and misses. The bullet smashes into the wall about 30 cm away from your head.

"Oh, bollocks", says Pete.
14:37 / 22.08.05
Pick up lamp to use as weapon. Perform Escrima Kata with it to intimidate and bedazzle your attackers. Attempt to disarm Robert.
Tryphena Absent
15:01 / 22.08.05
Sing the R Kelly song "I believe I can fly" with heartfelt emotion.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:07 / 22.08.05
There is no lamp to pick up (they're, uh, all wall-mounted or something).

You take a 45 degree stance, raising both hands in a "fence". You engage Robert in deceptive dialogue:

"Why can't we handle this Christian-like?", you ask.

"What the fuck?", says Robert.

"What's he bladdy on abaht?" asks Pete.

"Man, I don't know!"

While they're distracted, you successfully swat the gun out of Robert's hand. Right ear still ringing, you pre-emptively strike his jaw, with a right cross using the "double hip technique" to ensure concussive power.

God knows how you know all this stuff, but it's all coming back to you now.

SWEEP THE LEG, says a strange voice in your head. You sweep the leg. Robert goes down like a sack of bricks. You stamp on both his ankles repeatedly, until broken, to prevent him from rising. Pete, up until this point frozen in horror and disbelief, is jerked out of his stupor by the sound of Robert's screams. He tries to make a run for it.

You grab him by the lapels of his stupid fucking mock-Victorian bellhop jacket, and through him against a wall. He has the manner of a man who is ready to answer any questions you might ask him.

Robert lies on the floor, writhing, sobbing and screaming.

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