BARBELITH underground

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Text Adventure Game Emulator #1


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Regrettable Juvenilia
15:09 / 22.08.05
You get an even better idea: dragging Pete across the room North, you open the window and proceed to push him half out of it.

"I believe I can fly", you growl, in a voice you hardly recognise. "How about you?"
P. Horus Rhacoid
15:31 / 22.08.05
Interrogate bellhop.
P. Horus Rhacoid
15:32 / 22.08.05
Perhaps incorporate some sort of good cop/bad cop routine with yourself.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:32 / 22.08.05
What do you want to ask him?
15:35 / 22.08.05
Say to Bellhop, "Who sent you? Who sent you?"
Goodness Gracious Meme
15:43 / 22.08.05
Add, menancingly, "If you ever want to see Carl again, you'll start talking."
19:48 / 22.08.05
Say, "please".
Alex's Grandma
20:26 / 22.08.05

Teh computer;

R u ok?

Threadrot ends)
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:06 / 22.08.05
Teh computer is functioning perfectly well within its programming. But thank you for your concern.

You are dangling Pete Doherty out of a second-storey window.

Below you, air vents from the kitchen pump out smoke and the strong smell of chicken fat, and below that, chickens cluck and squack and pace around a small yard area.

Older, less well-maintained wings of the Dancing Bear are to the West and East. To the North is the rear of another building, the windows of which have been boarded up. That's good. No sign of any witnesses.

"Who sent you? Who sent you?" you bellow, shaking Doherty violently. His stupid little bellboy hat falls off and spirals down to the yard, where it is set upon by chickens.

"Please..." he begs, "Please, guv, I don't know their names..."

You say "Please? Please?" You dangle him a bit further out of the window and he blubs and shrieks. "Tell me their names, or by God, I swear you'll never see Carl again!"

Your mention of 'Carl' (whoever that is) seems to do the trick. Pete starts talking.

"Mr S and Mr G... I only ever met one of their hired thugs... They was bald... Had a beard... And a tattoo of a monkey on their shoulder... We was supposed to meet the beardy at the pier at 10... They said you knew too much about the -"

Suddenly, the top of Pete Doherty's head explodes, Zapruder-footage style. His body jerks and then goes limp. Aghast, you let go and he slides out of the window and tumbles down into the yard, landing with a sickening thud and a chorus of alarm from the chickens.

You look up and to the North. There is a sniper on the roof of the boarded-up building. You see dark hair, a red jacket, and a rifle - and then they're gone.
22:10 / 22.08.05
take robert's gun and bellhop's knife.

question robert about his motives for the attack on your person.
Regrettable Juvenilia
22:24 / 22.08.05
You turn back into the room. Robert appears to have tried crawling towards where his gun had fallen, but has passed out from the pain of two broken ankles. You roll him over and slap his face a few times, but he cannot be revived.

You take his gun and Pete Doherty's cut-throat razor.

Robert's mobile phone starts to ring again.

doot-doot. beep-beep.
Tryphena Absent
22:25 / 22.08.05
Answer Robert's phone.
22:27 / 22.08.05
This is so exciting!
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:01 / 22.08.05
You pick up the mobile phone and answer the call - but have the sense not to speak first. You hear a voice say:

"Why is Highgraves still alive?"

The voice has been digitally treated so that it can't be recognised, but it sounds vaguely feminine to your ears. But that could be an intentional part of the masking process.
Alex's Grandma
23:34 / 22.08.05
Dial 'return call'

Mumble incoherently for ten or so seconds, inhale sharply up nose, then babble chirpily for a while about Coleridge, Steptoe and Son and Paul Weller. In this way gain the caller's trust. Then subtly pump them for information. In the clever way possible in character as Pete Doherty, because the poor lost boy was a POET after all.
Regrettable Juvenilia
23:38 / 22.08.05
You can't work out how to return the call while you're already on the line to someone. So you launch into your impression of a vacuous mockney crackhead.

The voice on the other end of the line chuckles.

"Nice try, Highgraves. But I just shot Pete Doherty in the head myself. I wouldn't stay in that Inn very much longer if I were you."
03:56 / 23.08.05
inspect phone display for identifying clues as to caller or other contacts.

quickly search robert's pockets and clothing for useful clues or objects.
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:32 / 23.08.05
On Robert's person you find the following takeable items:

- a watch
- a money clip containing 40 dollah
- a small bag of white powder
- a set of keys
- a Library card

You take them all.

You check the current display of Robert's phone. It says 'BOSS HJOB'. You cannot check anything else on the phone without ending this call.

"Can you hear sirens yet?", asks the caller.
07:32 / 23.08.05
Wake Robert and trap his head in reverse FACE BAR. Ease up the pressure quite quickly otherwise you may dislocate his jaw.

07:41 / 23.08.05
Scrap last instruction.

Look around for escape routes.
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:13 / 23.08.05
The room's only viable exit is South.
08:15 / 23.08.05

Describe area.

Listen for sounds (what can we hear? if sirens, how long til they arrive?)
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:25 / 23.08.05
You leave the room via the door, heading South.

You are in a dimly-lit corridor. The walls are panelled with dark wood.

The corridor runs East and West. There is a sign mounted on the wall, with arrows pointing East and West, respectively.

(- Fire Exit via Stairs
Lift, Rooms 21-40 & Roof Garden -)

You listen. You can't hear any sirens, but you can hear what sounds like more than one person running up some stairs, coming from the East.
08:34 / 23.08.05

(can you get to roof garden this way?)
Regrettable Juvenilia
08:44 / 23.08.05
You go West. You find yourself in the area by the lift, which is to the South. The corridor continues West. There is a sign mounted on the wall, with arrows pointing West and East, respectively.

(- Rooms 1-20 & Roof Garden
Rooms 21-40 -)


The lift doors open. The little man from the front desk is in the lift. He beckons to you frantically.

"Quick!", he says, "Get in!"
09:04 / 23.08.05
Enter ELEVATOR, prepare to use tiny man as a human shield if need be
09:04 / 23.08.05
A tiny human shield
09:05 / 23.08.05
ASK "why are you helping me?"
09:41 / 23.08.05
Go UP to roof garden, with small fella.

(Jerry Cornelius loves a roof garden and so should you).
09:45 / 23.08.05
(Agreed. Then we can have a rooftop gun battle admist doves and flying horses. Waa-chaa!)

Hoist peewee under one arm, gun in the other.
Regrettable Juvenilia
09:52 / 23.08.05
You enter the lift. The man jabs at the ground floor button furiously with one podgy finger. There is another 'PING!' and the doors slide shut. The lift begins to descend.

"Don't worry about the mess upstairs... And in the yard", says the homunculus. "I'll make sure it's cleaned up, and I'll answer any questions anyone wants to ask. It should be safe for you to come back here in a few hours."

"Why are you helping me?", you ask.

"Let's just say that I take care of the people who stay in my Inn", he says. He smiles and his eyes twinkle. "I always have done!"
09:54 / 23.08.05
Ask the tiny fella what kind of reality-based martial arts training he's had (what are his strategies for close-in grappling, what are his views on the old palm heel vs. closed fist striking debate, that kind of thing) to assess his combat usefulness.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:01 / 23.08.05
(Sorry, too late.)

You go to lift up the little man, but he holds up his hands and backs away, laughing and tells you:

"No no, you need me to go back up there and make sure the finger of suspicion doesn't point at you!"

You can't help but agree.

"Now, I sent them round the back way, told them to surprise you, and said I'd watch the front door." He shows you a gun he has tucked into the belt of his trousers. "Ho ho, they think I'm on their side, you see... They always do! They're covering the entrance to the yard in that street that leads North-East, so go out the front door, and follow the street heading North-West."


The lift doors slide open, revealing an empty reception area.

"Go!", says the little man, gesturing with both hands.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:05 / 23.08.05
You ask him what kind of reality-based martial arts training he's had.

"Oh, nothing formal! But let's just say I have my little ways!"

Then he pushes you bodily out of lift, jabs a button, and the doors slide shut.
10:29 / 23.08.05
Ready gun but keep it concealed underneath your jacket. Go out the front door and head North-West.

Hum the Mission Impossible theme tune.

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