Teh computer is functioning perfectly well within its programming. But thank you for your concern.
You are dangling Pete Doherty out of a second-storey window.
Below you, air vents from the kitchen pump out smoke and the strong smell of chicken fat, and below that, chickens cluck and squack and pace around a small yard area.
Older, less well-maintained wings of the Dancing Bear are to the West and East. To the North is the rear of another building, the windows of which have been boarded up. That's good. No sign of any witnesses.
"Who sent you? Who sent you?" you bellow, shaking Doherty violently. His stupid little bellboy hat falls off and spirals down to the yard, where it is set upon by chickens.
"Please..." he begs, "Please, guv, I don't know their names..."
You say "Please? Please?" You dangle him a bit further out of the window and he blubs and shrieks. "Tell me their names, or by God, I swear you'll never see Carl again!"
Your mention of 'Carl' (whoever that is) seems to do the trick. Pete starts talking.
"Mr S and Mr G... I only ever met one of their hired thugs... They was bald... Had a beard... And a tattoo of a monkey on their shoulder... We was supposed to meet the beardy at the pier at 10... They said you knew too much about the -"
Suddenly, the top of Pete Doherty's head explodes, Zapruder-footage style. His body jerks and then goes limp. Aghast, you let go and he slides out of the window and tumbles down into the yard, landing with a sickening thud and a chorus of alarm from the chickens.
You look up and to the North. There is a sniper on the roof of the boarded-up building. You see dark hair, a red jacket, and a rifle - and then they're gone. |