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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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Char Aina
10:04 / 23.07.05
see, science had his dreadful side.
he also had a gentle soide that you didnt really see on the main show, but that the liveBB gave us in spades.
i recall seeing him doing his best to make makosi feel better when she went loopy about being booed, for example.
i never saw orlaith doing anything nice.
not really.
she deserved to go more, i reckon.
11:16 / 23.07.05
Haven't watched the footage yet (was at the pub last night, ensuring that the terrrrists hadn't won), but will be relieved to be able to watch Big Brother without one finger on the volume control.

Also relieved it's not Makosi and a houseful of men.
Spatula Clarke
12:09 / 23.07.05
On the topic of Science's homophobia, there was an interesting moment during the eviction show interview. Davina asks him to describe each of the housemates in one word. She comes to Kemal. Audience member shouts "weird!" Science immediately, apparently without having to think about it, turns to the audience and gives them a bit of a telling off for it. "Peoples is peoples, know what I'm saying?" and so on. It seemed like a fairly geniune gut reaction, from where I was sitting.

There's undoubtedly some NIMBY (or NIMBP) homophobia going on with Science, but not anything on the sort of level that others in the house were trying to claim.

Orlaith reckons that she'll now definitely be in the house until the last night. Why? Because everybody keeps forgetting that she even exists? Didn't work for Vanessa, dear. Not going to work for you.
Goodness Gracious Meme
19:21 / 23.07.05
Arghhhh. Eugene(who I am reliably informed is a brother, hailing from my home town, ohgodohgodohgod) and Derek in the jacuzzi:

"D: I can't wait to get out of here.
E: Well, it's only three weeks.

It's not even three weeks. It's twenty days.

And tomorrow it'll be nineteen days.

And then it'll be eighteen days.

[countdown continues interminably]

And by next week it'll only just about be double figures!"

*GGM bangs head on floor repeatedly until blessed unconsciousness arrives*
The Falcon
20:00 / 23.07.05

Craig reckons he's a contender for victory. Vile little man.

I will kick my telly in if this happens.
Fist Fun
22:39 / 23.07.05
"Davina asks him to describe each of the housemates in one word. She comes to Kemal. Audience member shouts "weird!" Science immediately, apparently without having to think about it, turns to the audience and gives them a bit of a telling off for it. "Peoples is peoples, know what I'm saying?" and so on. It seemed like a fairly geniune gut reaction, from where I was sitting."

Science is so hard to pin down. He is so damn annoying and no sane person could go within an exclusion zone of sharing a flat with him...but if you take away his love of arguing and arguing.

He will argue like hell with someone but not take it or mean it personally at all...yet everyone else rightly does. He riles Anthony up and argues with him before going to nominate and *not* nominating Anthony. For Science arguing is not about disliking someone.

He has a huge argument with Makosi about mowing the lawn...then tells the diary room she is the only person he respects....he sticks up for Kemal, who reasonably detests him, after that with the way the other evictees reacted to similar situations (Mary, Moonpig, Saskia, Maxwell).

I dislike Science, but he was interesting. I am happy he has been evicted but I will miss him.
Fist Fun
22:40 / 23.07.05
Whenever anyone points out some awkward thing that Eugene has done I just feel like protecting him from the bullies.
09:09 / 24.07.05
Oh, I've always been in agreement that Science's homophobia is of the 'unexamined' variety rather than any sort of active hatred. I suspect there might be loosely religiose factors in there too, but there's not been a great deal of evidence either way.

Agree also that, were it not for the flaw of his communication style, he'd probably be much more likeable. Problem is, that's such a huge fucking please-just-shut-the-fuck-up flaw that it renders him virtually impossible to engage with and, if the housemates were any guide, ultimately unliveable with. Even his father (I think it was his father) in the video-messages-from-home bit, suggested that Science back off and be a little less shouty. If he'd taken this advice even nominally, he'd probably still be in the House.
Goodness Gracious Meme
10:43 / 24.07.05
Whenever anyone points out some awkward thing that Eugene has done I just feel like protecting him from the bullies.

It's not the awkwardness alone, or even specifically, that causes my head/table interface.

As I and others have pointed about above, just because Eugene is shy/socially awkward doesn't mean he's the fluffiest bunny in the woods.

D makes a statement about being desperate to get out of the house. E makes a consoling comment... which turns into a monologue that leaves D waiting for a point to re-enter the conversation. And waiting some more as E's flight of fancy/interest in his own thoughts create a kind of ego-vacuum that none can penetrate.
Alex's Grandma
17:23 / 24.07.05
According to today's People, an, admittedly, apparently pretty over-refreshed Science is not homophobic because, and I quote, he has

'Chilled with lesbians.'

So there you go.
Spatula Clarke
19:50 / 24.07.05
Makosi, Orlaith, Kemal = screaming like over-excited children. Please stop.

Craig = honking like a fucking goose. Please stop.
23:45 / 24.07.05
Gripping the crimper firmly by the shoulders Anthony insisted: "I'm going to inject some of my good mood into you." "It's not going in," insisted Craig
10:30 / 26.07.05
Craig's behaviour, on the recent party night (following the rather amusing 'fear' challenge) was wincingly awful. Firstoff, there was the not-entirely-unexpected u-turn from "I one-million-percent do not fancy you" to "I would so fancy you if you were... y'know", following ingestion of perhaps 2ml of alcohol. Despite Anthony's obvious and explicit discomfort with this line of conversation (possibly because he's aware of where it leads), Craig continued pushing pushing pushing until Anthony buggered off and left him sitting.

Then, the music having started, poor Anthony's still clearly feeling self-conscious, dancing on his own, so Craig repulsively tongues Orlaith (all the while peering around for the nearest camera, presumably to ensure his moment of heterosexuality is captured for posterity) before returning to demand 'cuddles' from an increasingly irritated Anthony.

In the Diary Room with Anthony and Makosi, Craig repeatedly gropes Anthony, despite Anthony's (in the circumstances, very polite) rebuffing him, and tries to trick Anthony into kissing him on the lips. When Anthony moves Craig's hand away from his thigh, Craig slaps him. Anthony retaliates, then gets pissed off, and takes solace in the garden. Craig remains in the Diary Room, weeping, and reverting to pity-me victimy type for what seems like hours before heading out. Anthony tries to enter the Diary Room alone, to talk to Big Brother, but Craig pushes in after him, and forces a reconciliation of sorts.

I'm not sure what frustrates me more: Craig's repeated, deeply unfair blaming of a heterosexual male for being heterosexual, or the aforementioned male's apparent inability to properly defend his emotional boundaries from him. Anthony's such a nice guy (and, never having worked in Top Shop, has never known anyone like Craig) that he allows Craig to 'make-up' again and again, even though Craig's idea of 'making up' is to explain why he, Craig, is Anthony's only true friend in the House, and he shouldn't trust those eeevil bearers of the XX chromosome. Or Kemal, 'cause he's almost one.

Part of the reason Craig's behaviour makes me cringe - and one reason I suspect a lot of gay men might, incredibly, identify with him - is that I have sphincter-clenchingly embarrassing alcohol-clouded memories of trying to persuade a heterosexual man that having sex with me would be a Really Good Idea (in my defence, it only happened the once, I felt truly ashamed afterwards, and I apologised fully and unreservedly for my wheedly persistence). Anthony's being almost too gentle with him, I think, which isn't helping. His patience with Craig's unreasonable behaviour, tangibly worse whenever alcohol enters the scene (Anthony must be starting to dread BB parties), allows them both to fall back on the fantasy of being "really good mates", a position the boundaries of which Anthony finds himself increasingly unable to prevent being swamped by Craig's self-centred need...
Jack Vincennes
10:59 / 26.07.05
Anthony's being almost too gentle with him

I'm not sure of the extent to which it's gentleness, or if he just can't articulate it -last night (just the edited highlights) watching Anthony trying to explain to Craig why he wasn't happy with what happened at the party, all I can remember is a gruff kind of, "Us doesn't like it, can't you remember that"?

Craig getting mad at Orlaith hugging Anthony was funny, if excrutiating.
11:42 / 26.07.05
Top critique of the night Ganesh. Fucking awful all round - especially Craig snoggin Orlaith. Bleugh. I can't believe the depths of Anthony's forgiveness - after Craig's been so annoying all night, he still makes up with him. He's really grown on me and I'd like him to win.
haus of fraser
12:27 / 26.07.05
Its gonna be an interesting week with the Nominations twist- will Anthony do the loyal thing and save Craig or will he want rid of the pesky little runt?

Missed last nights but sunday was indeed excruciating- ...but I love him ahhh...

Any thoughts on who will be up - i predict Orlaith, Eugene definitely and possibly Craig? Thoughts people?
Psych Safeling
12:35 / 26.07.05
Brilliant. Only area of disagreement was that I thought Craig was looking around for Antnee, not cameras, when he was poking his tongue into Orlaith's astonishingly receptive mouth. I think Anthony displayed some of the most dignified behaviour I've seen on a reality TV show - he's definitely getting my vote.

Excuse me for being a very sporadic audience member (who needs to watch when you've got Barbelith?), but has Craig's coming out been gradual and implicit or has he exploded with ceremony into his new identity group? The only like episode I've been involved in was a "straight" girl at university getting drunk and becoming non-selectively (so it wasn't flattering) and aggressively lascivious towards the assembled girls. Once we'd packed her off in a taxi and so the immediate imposition was removed, I felt desperately sorry for her. She never spoke to any of us again (it was near/immediately post finals) and always walked past with her head bowed. My interpretation was that this was more because she'd exhibited something that didn't square with her projected/internal perception of her sexual identity, rather than that she was upset at having caused anyone discomfort.

It's no more embarrassing or shaming (aggression factor aside) per se than trying to talk round anyone of manifestly applicable inclination who doesn't want to pull you, is it? Arguably, it's less humiliating, because there's a reason (sexual identity) other than your inherent unpullableness that your target is rebuffing your advances?
14:13 / 26.07.05
I'm not sure of the extent to which it's gentleness, or if he just can't articulate it -last night (just the edited highlights) watching Anthony trying to explain to Craig why he wasn't happy with what happened at the party, all I can remember is a gruff kind of, "Us doesn't like it, can't you remember that"?

I think it may well be d) all of the above. Anthony isn't good at articulating what he doesn't like Craig doing when he's drunk (slapping him, becoming clingy, becoming sulky/passive-aggressive, groping him in a non-'matey' manner, telling him he loves/fancies him in a non-'matey' manner), because he lacks the verbal skills but also partly, I think, because he's uncomfortable having these discussions with Craig, and the dynamic that's inevitably generated (Craig hurt/resentful, Anthony hurt/baffled).

I do think there's gentleness involved, though, in that Anthony doesn't simply resort to non-verbal means of establishing/reinforcing the boundaries of the relationships eg. positioning Craig's head in the Diary Room doorway and repeatedly slamming the door until cerebrospinal leakage ensues.
Tryphena Absent
23:23 / 26.07.05
"In this age of political correctness I think they'll feel obliged to get a woman to the final."

Yeah, thanks for that Derek.
07:48 / 27.07.05
'Chilled with lesbians.'

He totally read that off the back of a wine bottle.
Haus of Mystery
10:55 / 27.07.05
Some of my best friends are wine bottles.
Evil Scientist
12:22 / 27.07.05
Where the hell can I get lesbian chilled wine? That's a missed marketting bonanza there.
13:12 / 27.07.05
Brilliant. Only area of disagreement was that I thought Craig was looking around for Antnee, not cameras, when he was poking his tongue into Orlaith's astonishingly receptive mouth.

You may be right - in which case it's difficult to know whether it was a staggeringly ill-conceived attempt to inflame Anthony's jealousy, Sebastian-from-Little Britain-style, a last-ditch attempt to show he can be one of ver lads and not a gayer like Kemal or an attempt to initiate a game of Snogopoly which would, inevitably, involve Anthony.

Excuse me for being a very sporadic audience member (who needs to watch when you've got Barbelith?), but has Craig's coming out been gradual and implicit or has he exploded with ceremony into his new identity group?

Craig has exploded out of the closet with all the force and majesty of an unpaired sock. It'd be unfair to say he'd made no progress in terms of self-realisation - he no longer erupts with outrage at the suggestion that he might be a tad "camp", and he's disclosed his "secret crush" (Anthony) to Saskia, Maxwell, Derek and Anthony himself (sort of) - but he remains literally unable to say the g-word. Amazingly, he seems, genuinely, to believe he's managed to keep his sexuality a mystifying enigma to his parents and everyone else watching the show. I've no idea why this this transparent figleaf is apparently such an article of faith to Craig when all and sundry (parents, housemates) appear to have quietly assumed and accepted his homosexuality.

It's no more embarrassing or shaming (aggression factor aside) per se than trying to talk round anyone of manifestly applicable inclination who doesn't want to pull you, is it?

Depends how long one continues to attempt the talking-round, I guess.
haus of fraser
13:35 / 27.07.05
so Orlaith & Kermal up this week- i assume that Orlaith will go judging by the boos shes been getting. Was fairly disgusted with Makosi choosing Eugene to stay over Kermal or Orlaith- the people she spends all her time with and actually seem to like her?! her G*m*p**n is becoming incredibly transparent.

On the Craig thing I don't remember whether his
"anthony, If I win it would mean that i'm accepted as i am" speech got a mention on the lith? is this his g*m*p**n for the series.
Well if Nadia can get away with it maybe they'll believe that i'm straight for the first half of the series... I can't believe that people want to save him GET HIM OUT!
Tryphena Absent
14:09 / 27.07.05
ergh. He doesn't need acceptance, he needs a good clip round the ear.
14:39 / 27.07.05
i'm a little worried that the 'ah, bless' factor might swoop in and rescue craig, maybe propel him to bb championhood. tv watchers like myself are a stupid fickle lot, and his puchchable mooning around over antnee might i fear pluck some heartstrings into a more forgiving melody.

we've all been there ant we? ees in love innee ee carn elp it!

14:39 / 27.07.05
In the absence of a good clip, a good kicking would suffice.
Alex's Grandma
15:02 / 27.07.05
A kicking, what's more, that's fully accepting of who he really is
20:38 / 27.07.05
Craig doesn't annoy me that much. Just wait till he's out - he'll be shagging like nobody's business and "Antnee" will be a dim and distant memory. Just finding it difficult to cope with Eugene's embarrassing moments eg the story re midnight mass the other night! Eh??? What the fuck's that all about? I just don't get the whole "Eugenius" thing - he just bores the arse off of me. Maybe I'm just being intolerant - after all I'm married to the most enthusiastic man on the planet (or so I thought!) but bloody hell, why can't he just have a normal conversation without turning it into an "interesting" anecdote (Eugene that is not my husband!)
22:08 / 27.07.05
I hope two things:

A/ That when Craig gets out everyone calls him Myra Hindley and turns up at the eviction in wigs and, B/ he realises that it's precisely because he made such a fuss about Anthony saying it it that they're doing it, and not because Anthony said it in the first place.

I hope a third thing actually. I hope fervently that the suggestion that Craig might win because the viewers feel sorry for him is utterly wrong.
Alex's Grandma
22:30 / 27.07.05
Maybe I'm just being intolerant

No, I don't think you are. It seems to me, anyway, that somebody should have hurt Eugene, mid-'annecdote,' really badly by now. Nor would it, ideally, be the kind of injury you can easily walk away from.

A bit surprised that Kemal & Orlaith are up for eviction, though - his sweet prince aside, who else doesn't want to see the back of that loathsome, orange and despicable toad?
Tryphena Absent
01:58 / 28.07.05
Big Brother is punishing us, this is a conspiracy, Big Brother has a g*m*pl*n, I'm sure of it. Craig will be in the final three and I will weep tears of despair.
The Strobe
20:45 / 28.07.05
Oh god this is just getting so fucking JOYCORE because Derek thinks he's Churchill and Anthony is vomming...

and best of all, Craig is undressing Anthony. Anthony was in a wetsuit. Then he wasn't. And then he yakked.

Just when I thought I was out...
The Strobe
20:56 / 28.07.05

Christ, it's obscene. Hands on leg in Diary Room. I love you, Anthony. I'd do anything for you. I feel very ill.


Leave the man ALONE. He is SHITFACED. That is ALL.

Fuck, Eugene is demonstrating more understanding of the situation than Craig, whose overriding desire to manhandle his paramour is becoming smothering.

Jack Vincennes
20:57 / 28.07.05
Note to Craig : You cannnot complain about getting sick on you if you have been PADDLING IN IT.

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