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Big Brother: Revenge of the Sixth.


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14:23 / 17.07.05
There's probably a certain amount of legal arse-covering going on. If C4 were to get in trouble for broadcasting racially inflammatory comments, then I'm not sure how well "but the viewing public KNOW he's a dick" would play as a defence, especially as, as Ganesh says, the public are very fickle.

I'd personally be with you on this one, toksik- fuck protecting people making racist comments, let's hear 'em and give 'em enough rope. But then I don't have to worry about the lawyers.
Char Aina
14:52 / 17.07.05
how would they be culpable?
because the contestants employees of endemol for the period of the show and all the press, etc?
the BBC wouldnt get into trouble for filming a racist for the news unless they had bunged hir a fiver to be racist, would they?
18:25 / 17.07.05
No, but I think they'd have to make clear their intentions. I don't really foresee C4 broadcasting a warning beforehand saying "but one of the guys is a racist cock".

I don't know. I'm not really sure how these things work.
19:34 / 17.07.05
Loving Big Gayer's date with Anthony...
Psi-L is working in hell
09:08 / 18.07.05
Very much enjoyed seeing Anthony pull out all his chat up lines on Big Brother (whoever is the voice behind that particular incarnation of BB is genius). That they might work IRL though is questionable methinks.

Did however find the discussion about Anthony's 'questionable sexuality' very annoying. Craig, Science and Anthony's assumptions that camp acting=gay and lager drinking=straight, therefore 'how could anthony be gay when he doesn't do anything camp?' displayed a distinct lack of nuance.
09:53 / 18.07.05
But what’s the evidence for Anthony’s gayness? As far as I can tell, it was Derek who started the rumour in earnest with his observation that he only molests the women when he’s drunk (ie. that he needs to get drunk before he can bring himself to suck on a protuberant nipple). That view has been bolstered by innuendoes about Anthony’s mode of dress, mirror-hogging narcissism and, I guess, his association with Craig. But does anyone here buy any of that? Seems like a perfectly ordinary 21st century hetboy to me, but my gaydar might be underpowered.
Psi-L is working in hell
10:04 / 18.07.05
I agree, I don't think he's gay (was referring to those in the house who are questioning it, not me) I was just a little annoying that their refutation of his 'gayness' rested on attributes that not all gay men share either. More effective and simple would perhaps just to say outright that he's not attracted to men...surely that's evidence enough?
10:12 / 18.07.05
There isn't any evidence that Anthony's gay; that wasn't Psi-Lock's point. It's more the reasons posited by the housemates for his gayness or straightness that irritate. That and the fact that Craig's pretending outrage that anyone might think Anthony's less-than-heterosexual, when he (with Moonpig) was one of the first housemates to speculate.
10:14 / 18.07.05
And yes, Roughly, Anthony's a rather sweet hetboy. I've been saying that since the beginning; my gaydar's evidently better than Derek's...
10:25 / 18.07.05
Yeah, sorry, I understood psi’s point. It’s just that I remain perplexed at housemates’ willingness to entertain such a poorly supported rumour, and about Derek’s reasons for propagating it. Just wondered if I was missing something.
10:29 / 18.07.05
In fact, any male less secure in their sexuality would surely have rebuffed Craig by now, possibly with a sledgehammer. In another Diary Room love-in, the pair come across like Boy George and Jon Moss:

Anthony: "Me and Craig are the only genuine friendship in the House... Craig likes to tell me what to do, but then he does the cooking. He does favours, that's what he likes doing... I'm more into taking. He's more into giving and I'm more into taking but nobody's more dominant - it's just two different personalities."

Craig (comparing himself to Cinderella): "I'm the submissive bitch, I get used and abused but Anthony is my prince."

(Yesss, but Cinderella didn't actually provoke abuse - not from her Prince Charming...)

Anthony: "If I had to pick one person to go on a date with it would be Craig, because he's my mate... I wouldn't pick either of the birds in the House."

Craig: "I'm more of a woman than those two put together."

It's this sort of thing that makes me see Craig as a throwback. He's more than happy to embrace a role both explicitly submissive and explicitly 'feminine', and he has no problems proclaiming his love for Anthony - but his is the love that, literally, dare not speak its name. And we still have no idea why.

Craig's recognition of his own subbiness is, I think, the most honest thing about him. It's interesting also that, despite his youth and apparent inexperience in terms of the emotional intricacies of negotiating an intimate relationship with a heterosexual male (they tend to shag women), he knows "fucking S & M" when he sees it. Interestingly, Big Brother appears to be forcing him, in this task, into a more overtly dominant role...
10:37 / 18.07.05
I remain perplexed at housemates’ willingness to entertain such a poorly supported rumour, and about Derek’s reasons for propagating it.

I don't think you're missing anything specific. The housemates' chatter is part of the hothouse paranoia of Season 6 Big Brother, where everyone's trying to suss out everyone's 'angle', and why they've been put together as a team. I suppose on paper, Anthony could be considered to tick several of the (stereotypical) boxes: hairdresser; dancer; disco tits; overly-groomed; penchant for Vivienne Westwood. It's testament to the rise of the metrosexual that these tick-boxes have become devalued (see Playing It Straight *cough*), even cliched.

Derek, on the other hand, is old enough and sussed enough to know better. With him, I guess there's an element of that old wishful thinking 'everyone's a bit gay' thing.
10:50 / 18.07.05
Thing is, that’s not Derek’s angle, does it. He’s not making a sliding-scale, ‘we’re all some shade of grey’ argument and then positioning Anthony further to the homo than others might have considered. His line is that Anthony is gay primarily because he doesn’t spend enough time with burds, but then forces himself to get drunk and shag a woman periodically to throw everyone of the scent. Derek appeared to be outing him by attributing diversionary tactics and then debunking the same. It’s a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t argument that seems a bit odd for someone with Derek’s political nous.
10:58 / 18.07.05
I'm assuming that Derek's either whipping up that line of argument for the sake of stirring, or it's something he genuinely believes, in which case his gaydar's a bit creaky. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the latter, actually, since Derek's likely spent a lot of time circulating in a milieu in which homosexual individuals probably do process/conceal their sexuality in bizarre ways.
Mourne Kransky
20:10 / 18.07.05
I'm having to venture further and further down into the FTV&T forum to find this thread. Tells us something about its failure to ensnare, currently.
20:13 / 18.07.05

Mm-hm-mm, in-dee-ee-eeeed.
Psi-L is working in hell
20:17 / 18.07.05
I think it's safe to say none of them will be starting a career in music upon leaving the house...
20:32 / 18.07.05

Do-hon't you think so, Psi-Lo-o-o-o-ock?

I-I rather liked Kema-a-aal's
Je-ee-sus Christ Supersta-a-aar harmonising in the Di-i-i-ary Ro-oo-oo-oom.
Psi-L is working in hell
20:39 / 18.07.05
*sings back*

You're right, I take it ba-a-ack Gaaaan-eee-esh.

Kemal gave Sondheim a run for his money there...perhaps a career in vaudeville?

20:39 / 18.07.05
*stops singing*

Apparently Science has taken four potatoes for his evening meal, leaving nine potatoes to be shared among the other housemates. Science being Science, any attempt to suggest that this is unfair is met with shouty-shouty grade 1 shoutiness, making me want to stab my 'phone repeatedly until Shouty McShouty is outy.
20:41 / 18.07.05

I can fee-eed the family for £9.99

Hey, who nee-eeds fucking vit-a-mins?
paranoidwriter waves hello
20:46 / 18.07.05
Sorry for the slightly childish and threadrotty nature of this, but I was just watching BB on Channnel 4 (while Kemal was telling off Orlaith for stirring) and need to have this question answered: was Orlaith flashing her right nipple, or is the weather (etc) getting to me?
20:57 / 18.07.05
Didn't notice, sorry.

Cringeworthy moment watching Kemal and Makosi arguing, when we realised it was exactly like one of our drunken arguments - when we're both too inebriated to communicate, and sniping at each other over something so stupidly, convolutedly petty we barely remember what it actually is.
08:20 / 19.07.05
Finding it very hard to bother to watch this year, as I can’t see anyone actively likable in it. Caught a few minutes of it last night, and what with Makosi’s referring to herself in the third person, Eugene’s airport restaurant non-story, and Science’s shouting, I lost interest quickly. Where, I cry, are the Dans, the Annas or even the Brians ?
It’s like a houseful of jungle cats, without the contrasting other folks.
Shame, I was looking forward to getting my money’s worth out of the TV licence for 10 weeks. Pah!
09:38 / 19.07.05
Eugene is a Jungle Cat?
10:16 / 19.07.05
Hah ! Good point !
I’m very wrong indeed there.

Assuming my memory of events is correct, it occurred to me that Kamal could legitimately have said to Makosi that he voted to evict her because when the ‘you must now choose’ thing came up on Friday, she said ‘me, evict me’ … I think. So he should have said that. I would have done, but then again I have a *a****a*…
10:48 / 19.07.05
I’ve missed a few days of BB here and there recently, so feel there are perhaps gaping chasms in my understanding. Can someone tell me, what makes Kemal so confident that Makosi is some kind of mole? The way he was talking to her yesterday, including his incredulity that she would continue their conversation in the presence of Science, suggests that Makosi has at some point told Kemal that she is a s*cr*t *g*nt (whatever the point of that would be). And moreover that Kemal was sworn to secrecy about this. Is that right? I recall some conversation between the two in the tree-house a couple of weeks ago, in which she mentioned being the unlucky 13th housemate in the first week – but did she go on to weave a larger fib around that?
Why does Kemal think that Makosi isn’t a regular housemate, and what exactly did he hope to prove last week by nominating her? At the moment I can’t even work out how Kemal sees last Friday’s events sitting with his theory.
Evil Scientist
10:54 / 19.07.05
These are the moments I wait for, when the game is starting to near the end and the cliques fall apart, and the whole lot of them start to turn on one another like starving dogs that have been locked in a cellar. This is where the indies start to shine. Science may well be up for eviction this week, but he'll dodge the bullet again. Especially if he's against Orlaith.

Eugene's going to be surviving until the end, bless his geeky soul. He may not make for interesting viewing, but his social inadequacies are like some kind of shield against nomination. With all the backstabbing and bitching going on in there he walks through like some kind of amateur radio messiah placidly smiling and dropping parables that go nowhere and mean nothing.

His great moment, which seemed to slip by the others last night, was musing on how it would actually be quite handy if Science and Craig came to blows. Everyone's been thinking it since the start. Silently wishing for Maxwell or the like to throw a fist so one more's knocked off.

I chuckle when they're in the diary room complaining about how the others "Just want to win and don't care about anything else."
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:06 / 19.07.05
Can someone tell me, what makes Kemal so confident that Makosi is some kind of mole?

Kemal's conclusion for this is based on a couple of simple facts: i) he has gone doolally, totally tonto, and ii) that's it.
11:11 / 19.07.05
yes. the paranoia snowball choked the poor feller last night. 'TWO moles!!' I think he said at one point, at which even derek seemed seemed to think 'hang on...'.

evil spirits, 'she's so like me it must be a ploy' (buddy, she and it ain't), twitching like a wifeswapper's neighbour's curtains that un.
11:23 / 19.07.05
{slight threadrot}
So who's responsible for the headline on the front of today's Star* then?

Honestly I'm disappointed that we've sunk to their levels. What happened to the cunning plans of old
{/end of slight threadrot}

*someone's phoned through a death threat to Craig's home apparently. Family worried about his safety. Not sure if the two are connected...
11:30 / 19.07.05
Police say "We have now narrowed the field of our investigations to include anyone that has met Craig in real life, watched Big Brother, or heard about him through another form of media or communication".
12:21 / 19.07.05
No, Kemal hasn't gone "doolally". It's relatively easy to see why he's become paranoid about Makosi being an Endemol employee, when one looks back at the way Makosi has 'explained' the various secret missions in which she's been involved, the two biggies being the 'try to get nominated' thing in the first week and the business with the Secret Garden. Makosi being an enthusiastic dissembler and embroiderer of the truth, she's had a tendency to take Kemal aside and intimate that there's other opaquely g*m*pl*nny stuff going on that she can't reveal but, when the show's finished and he's able to see the footage, he'll understand why she's behaved the way she has.

Given the fervent mix of truth, half-truth, exaggerated truth, obfuscation and downright fibbery he's been fed for weeks now, it's not particularly surprising Kemal's now convinced Makosi is touched by the hand of Endemol.
12:25 / 19.07.05
... suggests that Makosi has at some point told Kemal that she is a s*cr*t *g*nt (whatever the point of that would be). And moreover that Kemal was sworn to secrecy about this. Is that right?

Essentially, yes. Makosi has relished the secret missions she's been given, and has taken the ball and run with it. It's not so much outright "I'm a secret agent" as more nebulous (yet still dramatic) "if I told you, I'd have to kill you".
12:38 / 19.07.05
Thanks. And Kemal's reason for nominating Makosi?

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